Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 9, 2016 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I received a gift for on 12/26/15, but encountered issues accessing the website. My daughter managed to extend the expiration date by 30 days to July 26, [redacted], with the help of Supervisor Andrew. Kindly update your records to reflect this updated expiration date. Additionally, I would like to cancel the subscription I recently signed up for. I was under the impression that the cost would be $99.00 for six months, not $[redacted].00.
Reported by GetHuman-neanie on Khamis, 9 Jun 2016 pukul 01.37
Dear, I have already reached out multiple times regarding the ongoing issues with your system, making it difficult to enjoy the service I am paying for. Numerous problems persist within the Hints system and the search algorithm, leading to frustration with having to constantly refresh pages. The smart filter fails to function properly, failing to display saved records. Every time I add a record, it generates duplicates that require merging, prolonging the process. Additionally, the Census records sometimes do not allow the addition of all listed family members. There are also instances where the system fails to show available record hints. These persistent issues are significantly delaying my progress, prompting me to consider seeking services from another genealogy provider unless the problems are promptly addressed or compensated. Despite my long-standing account with your platform for almost fifteen years, the current challenges are unprecedented and seemingly unresolved. I hope for a swift resolution to these concerns. Regards, L.L. Harvey
Reported by GetHuman-lorilemh on Rabu, 9 Mei 2018 pukul 18.29
My daughter signed up my husband for, and we both took DNA tests on our shared computer. The report I received was limited, showing only one first cousin followed by 3rd & 4th cousins with email identifications. However, my husband hasn't been able to access his report despite receiving a notification about its availability. When I tried to retrieve more details, it inaccurately suggested that my mother was my step-grandmother without further explanation. We were unaware we needed to join a family tree before taking the DNA test, and now the report prompts me to subscribe to for additional information. This seems like deceptive marketing, pressuring for more payments. As retirees, purchasing the DNA tests was already a stretch financially. A cousin's report hints at me possibly having a half-brother, urging me to seek clarity, especially given his Alzheimer's condition. - Julianne K Powers
Reported by GetHuman-powersti on Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018 pukul 12.23
I have held an LDS member account since it was established, but every time I log in, I am consistently prompted to upgrade to a paid Ancestry account, preventing me from accessing my account for over two years despite repeated attempts. Last year, I had to change my email address due to hacking, and while I updated it with Ancestry, it remains disconnected from my old email. After switching to We're Related, changing my email caused me to lose all previous connections, and support inquiries have gone unanswered even though they promise responses within 3 days. The lack of customer support from Ancestry, especially for free LDS members, has left me extremely frustrated. I mentioned this on Facebook to highlight this issue. Additionally, after receiving a DNA test as a gift in [redacted], I could only access it once and have not been able to since. I require assistance via phone as I believe these issues can only be resolved in this manner.
Reported by GetHuman-laruesew on Khamis, 31 Mei 2018 pukul 23.39
I have been experiencing ongoing issues with Ancestry for several months now. Unfortunately, the problem seems to be worsening rather than improving. Today, I encountered a new problem where I am unable to save information or when I do, it gets saved under the wrong person. Despite reaching out to customer service a few days ago, the problem persists. I understand that your engineers are working on it, but considering I rely on this program daily, it is quite frustrating. I believe that customers like myself who are paying for this service should receive a refund for the months that it has not been functioning properly. I have been a loyal user of Ancestry for many years and never faced such difficulties before. Although customer service advised me to change my login details, this has not resolved the issue. As a paying customer, I would appreciate speaking with someone in a position of authority who can assist me with this ongoing problem. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman740728 on Jumaat, 1 Jun 2018 pukul 23.09
Good morning, I am reaching out for assistance regarding an issue with accessing my DNA test information. I was adopted, and my birth name is Elijah Meador, which I later attempted to use for DNA testing. However, I am now facing difficulties accessing the Elijah Meador information after speaking with a helpful representative. I am looking to consolidate all my information under my adopted name, J. Michael Blair. I can be reached at [redacted], [redacted], or [redacted] I inadvertently opened up multiple accounts in an effort to connect with potential Meador relatives, unbeknownst to the complications it would cause. I seek to either merge my accounts or start fresh with a new DNA test to further explore my family connections. I have discovered several unknown siblings and cousins through the DNA website. I can be contacted at [redacted] in Vancouver, Washington, if further explanation is needed. My intention was never to deceive but to connect with relatives and potentially uncover information about being abandoned as a child. Thank you for your assistance. J. Michael Blair
Reported by GetHuman-bwandjm on Ahad, 10 Jun 2018 pukul 18.06
Hello, I recently submitted a complaint through your website and am still awaiting a response. I will recount the issue once more. After trying the free subscription and realizing it didn't provide much assistance due to the inability to access Ancestry's information, I cancelled within a day. Yet, I discovered a month's subscription charge on my bank statement recently. Upon contacting your office, I was informed there was no record of my cancellation. Despite this, I decided to utilize the remaining subscription time, only to face the same access issues. I often encountered a roadblock when trying to open search results, leading me to the subscription page multiple times before gaining access to the information, and at times, I still couldn't reach it. Although I was considering re-subscribing due to the valuable information on your platform, the constant logging in and out became frustrating, especially when some data remained inaccessible. In my last email, I requested assistance in resolving this matter promptly so I can utilize the remaining subscription effectively. Best regards, Duncan Mitchell
Reported by GetHuman787106 on Jumaat, 15 Jun 2018 pukul 13.22
I had included [redacted] people on my family tree under Cynthia Balfour. However, after adding my ex-husband, the tree got erased but the profiles were still in the index. I tried to re-establish the tree starting with me as the owner, but I couldn't connect it to my ancestors. I am seeking assistance on how to retrieve my original tree without the need to re-enter the data. The guidance offered on the website about finding missing links was not helpful, and now I can't access the tree at all. Furthermore, when I initially started, I created a Balfour family tree and later began the Cynthia Balfour tree. The latter is the one linked to my ancestors, and I wish to permanently remove the Balfour tree from my account.
Reported by GetHuman-cindytod on Isnin, 18 Jun 2018 pukul 13.01
Yesterday, on 06/17/[redacted], I requested assistance to activate the DNA kit for my husband through Ancestry. Despite having my own account, I am encountering difficulties as it is suggesting he already has one. I am unable to set up a new account for him using our shared computer and email address. I am reaching out for guidance since I am unable to text. Anyone willing to help can contact me via phone or email. My name is Ilona C. Crisp, and my email is [redacted] My husband, Tommie J. Crisp, also uses this email. If needed, you can reach us at 1-[redacted]. Thank you for any assistance you can offer. Tommie J. Crisp, born on 11/23/[redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-lonniecr on Isnin, 18 Jun 2018 pukul 22.15
I am attempting to renew my subscription but I encountered an issue as I forgot my password. Additionally, I mistakenly used my married name, Elaine Bernardi, instead of my maiden name, Elaine Boyle. I have been struggling to seek assistance and cannot find a contact number for support. Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman801920 on Rabu, 20 Jun 2018 pukul 01.03
My name is Connie B. Phone number: [redacted] Address: [redacted] SC Highway [redacted], Prosperity, SC [redacted] Email: [redacted] I believe I entered a trial period without my knowledge through "Been Verified," leading to a charge of $34.99 on 6/21/[redacted]. I object to this practice and expect a refund. As a member of the L.D.S. church, I have access to Genealogy Services and do not require your service. I do not wish for any future charges from your company on my debit account.
Reported by GetHuman821479 on Selasa, 26 Jun 2018 pukul 09.41
Regarding I recently discovered that many of my relatives with names starting with Æ, Ø, or Å cannot be found through the search function on the website. This is particularly troublesome for me, as the majority of my ancestry is traced back to Scandinavia. Strangely, names with these special characters in the middle, like my mother's name Sørbøe, can be located using the search feature. I kindly request that updates the search functionality to include the ability to search for names starting with these specific Scandinavian letters. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-leiflind on Isnin, 2 Julai 2018 pukul 00.35
July 6, [redacted] To the DNA Support Team, Regarding my order # [redacted]24 placed online on 4/27/18, I have received three kits with the following details: - Kit # H4S-6H2B-5N4L-7G9Y: returned to Ancestry on 6/12 - Kits # H9J-4X5E-8N5M-4X5K and # H8Q-5X5T-2X7Y-4D8H: just mailed on 7/5 I am extremely worried about the mishap with the delivery of the DNA kits. Instead of being sent to my address at P.O. Box [redacted], Marietta, GA [redacted], the kits were delivered to a family member's home in another city where I occasionally visit. The package was left outside unattended on their front porch. I have several concerns regarding the exposure of the kits to heat during delivery and storage, potentially affecting the integrity of our DNA samples. Despite this, my son, daughter, and I have submitted our samples and activated the kits as instructed. We have already sent two kits to the post office yesterday and one was mailed around June 12. I urgently seek your assistance in evaluating whether these kits are still viable for testing. I kindly request a prompt response via my personal email for an update on the status of our samples. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Stella Bond McMickle
Reported by GetHuman-stellabo on Sabtu, 7 Julai 2018 pukul 00.24
When trying to add new people to my family tree on Ancestry, I encounter a frustrating issue. After entering information from the source box, it disappears when I attempt to add the name, making me redo the process. To add a person, I have to remove a checkmark first and then retype the information, which feels like doing everything twice. This glitch is exasperating and seems to be the worst one I have faced in a software program. I notice sudden problems, like missing info, unreadable pages, and shuffled names, especially when the IT department is active, causing inconvenience. Despite being advised to clear the cache and switch browsers, I expect Ancestry to be compatible with Safari since I pay a significant monthly fee. It's been years, so the focus should be on making Ancestry work seamlessly with Safari. I also note issues like incorrect citations and lack of credit for submitted materials, which should be addressed. Ancestry's multiple frustrations and inconsistencies make it time-consuming for users like myself.
Reported by GetHuman880689 on Sabtu, 14 Julai 2018 pukul 16.42
Dear Sir/Madam, I purchased an AncestryDNA kit (Order # [redacted]65; Order Date 6/5/[redacted]) and I am still waiting for its delivery. Despite providing my German address, the kit was delivered to Vienna, Austria. Upon attempting to collect it in Vienna, I was informed that it had been sent back to Germany. Unfortunately, the German authorities were unable to assist me in locating the package. The package was dispatched with USPS Tracking # UM[redacted]55US. I kindly request assistance in tracking down the current location of my package. If tracing it is not feasible, would it be possible to have another AncestryDNA kit sent to either an American or Vienna address? Thank you for your assistance! Best regards, Karin Bergerstock
Reported by GetHuman-kbergers on Ahad, 15 Julai 2018 pukul 11.28
I have been dealing with chronic kidney disease and have faced numerous hospitalizations and surgeries. Recently, I located the DNA kit I ordered for $[redacted], which went missing after being delivered when I was hospitalized. Surprisingly, it was found slipped under my lazy boy. The activation number is H9U-5P7D-2S3M-7Q7S, but I am unsure if it was ever activated. The kit was never completed or returned as there is a barcode to do so on the shipping box. Can this still be processed even though it was not sent back? My name is Charles Lee Hurst, Jr., born in Portsmouth, VA on May 29, [redacted], at Maryview Hospital. You can reach me at my mother's phone number [redacted]. Kindly contact me first on my cell at [redacted], which I always have, and my mother Mary can assist if I am unavailable due to surgery. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman895548 on Khamis, 19 Julai 2018 pukul 02.54
Hello, I signed up for Ancestry for my elderly mom who got an Ancestry DNA kit as a gift. Unfortunately, I can't remember if I used my email or hers since it's been a while since I logged in. However, I've been receiving bills through my Bank of America account for Diane Macys, account ending in [redacted]. My mom is Adele Ploplis Macys. I'd like to help her access her account to see if she's received any information. I believe we used [redacted], but she can't use it now. My old email during an Ancestry trial was [redacted], but I can't access it anymore. My current email is [redacted] It would be great to get help as my nieces are here this weekend and want to explore our family genealogy. Thanks, Diane Macys
Reported by GetHuman-demacys on Sabtu, 4 Ogos 2018 pukul 12.10
I am currently working with a friend on a family tree project and she brought to my attention an error on my brother's obituary listed on The obituary erroneously states that my brother was married to Paul V. Shields, which is incorrect. His actual spouse was Darlene (Strelow) Lohrentz, whom he was married to for many years. They did divorce, but he was never in any relationship with a Paul V. Shields. I kindly request that the incorrect obituary be removed from all records and a corrected version be published. I eagerly await your prompt response in resolving this matter. Thank you, Betty (Lohrentz) Heling
Reported by GetHuman-bjheling on Isnin, 6 Ogos 2018 pukul 03.37
I am having trouble logging in to register my DNA. I had successfully registered my wife's DNA before. However, when I try to log in with the same email address, the system keeps assuming I am registering for my child's DNA test. It prompts me to send details to my child. Even logging in as my child leads to the same issue, creating a loop. I attempted to register as a non-member to bypass the problem, but as soon as it detects my email address, it reverts to assuming I'm registering for my child. I can't seem to register for my own test separately. I would appreciate any assistance in how I can successfully register for my own DNA test. Can I provide you with the sample number for you to assist me in the process? Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman956888 on Isnin, 6 Ogos 2018 pukul 13.50
I had an old account under the email [redacted], which I hadn't used in years. When attempting to log in recently for genealogy research, I realized the email was incorrect. My [redacted] account was hacked and had to be abandoned a few years back. Ancestry displayed three options, leading me to sign up for a monthly membership with the original "prmireland" account. While working on my family tree around [redacted], I had extensive information on both the Roche and Moran family trees. However, upon accessing the account today, only the Roche tree was available, missing the newer data I collected from 2[redacted]. I suspect the additional information may be stored under a second password. Can you please check and consolidate all my account information into one place?
Reported by GetHuman1002056 on Khamis, 16 Ogos 2018 pukul 23.12

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