Capital One Auto Finance Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Capital One Auto Finance customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 22, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Subject: Follow-up on Release of Lien Request Around two weeks ago, I contacted the title department regarding a release of lien for a previous loan through Onyx Acceptance Corp. The VIN# is 1FTNF21LX2EB30088, and the title # is 166G[redacted] D. I was informed that the release of lien would be sent to the address listed on the title, which I had faxed a copy of. However, as of today, I have not received the release of lien. I have a buyer waiting but cannot finalize the sale without the clear title. The title should have been mailed to: Harold Louis Johnson [redacted] Chatham Court Clinton Township, MI [redacted] I relocated, hence the different address. Kindly confirm if this information was processed, provide the mailing date of the release, and specify the address it was sent to. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-dcumper on Friday, June 22, 2018 3:39 PM
Hello, I'm Brant Koepke from McRee Ford in Dickinson, TX. A vehicle was left at our facility by a tow truck driver, but we can't reach the registered owner because the contact information is not active. We checked the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles report, which shows that the owner had a loan through Capital One Auto Finance. We need to contact the owner to discuss necessary repairs. The VIN is 1ZVBP8AMXE[redacted], and it's registered to Jason Randall Davis. We are looking for ways to have Mr. Davis reach out to us. His mailing address is [redacted] El Dorado Blvd, Apt [redacted], Houston, TX [redacted]. Unfortunately, the phone numbers we have (cell - [redacted] & biz - [redacted]) are incorrect or disconnected.
Reported by GetHuman-bkoepke on Friday, June 22, 2018 9:00 PM
My husband secured a car loan through Capital One for a new [redacted] car in January [redacted] after facing denials from around 10 other lenders. I discovered this information in March [redacted] after my husband revealed he was struggling with drug addiction. Subsequently, he entered a 30-day drug detox and rehab program. We decided to keep the car due to financial constraints, despite it impacting our budget significantly. While we managed to make most payments on time, our credit suffered due to the inconsistencies caused by this loan. Unfortunately, the car was recently totaled, and we now find ourselves in need of a replacement vehicle. Following discussions with Capital One, we were advised to submit a prequalification application. However, our application was denied, further exacerbating our situation. I am seeking clarification on Capital One's approval process for loans and guidance on our next steps given our current predicament resulting from the initial loan approval. Your assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman829580 on Thursday, June 28, 2018 5:26 PM
Hello, I have been attempting to reach your customer service team for three hours without success. Despite leaving two messages with a staff member, I have been unable to speak with anyone. My daughter’s father, who is currently in drug rehabilitation, intended for her to take over car payments, but the insurance costs were too high. As he is unable to communicate with you, I am contacting you on his behalf from Oregon. We are arranging for his Nissan to be voluntarily repossessed, and I need to coordinate this with your company. However, I have been unable to reach a live representative despite trying multiple phone numbers found online. Please contact me at [redacted]. Thank you, Tyree.
Reported by GetHuman-tyreedun on Monday, July 9, 2018 8:35 PM
I had two car loans with your company. The second loan began in [redacted] for 60 months. I made payments from 6/08-9/[redacted] and completed the loan by paying two deferred payments and additional interest at the end. My records show that I paid until 9/[redacted], not 5/[redacted] as listed. Please update my account to reflect that the loan was paid in good standing. I also request a copy of the original loan agreement, all statements, payment history, and any modifications. This mistake is negatively impacting my credit score, and I need it corrected urgently. Additionally, the first loan from [redacted] that was recently removed from my credit report should be reinstated as paid and closed to demonstrate a positive credit history. Addressing these errors promptly is crucial as they have caused credit denials. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman915325 on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 2:00 PM
I was unable to receive my payment from my employer because they were out of town. I have been attempting to make a payment for three days, both by phone and online, but have not been successful in reaching a human representative. It is frustrating to experience communication issues while trying to make payments. I need to make one payment now and another one tomorrow to resolve this matter. I have tried multiple times to contact Capital One but have been unable to reach Brittany, the person responsible for my calls. Despite their operating hours being from 8am to 9pm, I have struggled to connect with her. I hope to make my payments promptly without any further rejections.
Reported by GetHuman-buckbuch on Thursday, August 2, 2018 10:57 PM
I am currently receiving SSDI due to mental and anxiety issues. While speaking to one of your employees, I mistakenly mentioned that I could use the vehicle for business, which I cannot do. This statement led to my loan application being denied. I am requesting for you to remove that statement and reconsider my loan application as the vehicle I wish to purchase is for personal use only. My children and I really need this vehicle, and I assure you that I will always make the payments on time through automatic deductions from my Social Security payments. Circumstances have led me to need a new vehicle as the one I was using has transmission issues. I was in the process of improving my credit before applying for this loan. I was planning on doing business with Capital One for this purchase, but unfortunately, my comment caused concern. I am ready to proceed with purchasing a Prius Prime and hope you will approve my loan application upon reevaluation. I am committed to making the payments and providing for my family. Your understanding and assistance are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Curt M Bonde I, Curt M Bonde II, and Emmalee M Bonde. Reference number: [redacted]84.
Reported by GetHuman-bondecu on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 6:27 PM
I am seeking assistance with my overdue payments due to my son's challenges with Cerebral palsy. Balancing between hospital visits and work, I aim to address my outstanding balance, particularly on my Impala, by making a $[redacted] payment on August 31st via debit card. Despite encountering difficulties scheduling this payment for after the 20th online, I wish to ensure I have the necessary funds before committing to a specific date. Following this, I plan to contribute $[redacted] monthly to catch up on payments. I prefer communication via email to confirm the receipt of this message. I have been a loyal customer for years and sincerely apologize for this situation while I strive to rectify it diligently. Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Tricia M., Account #[redacted][redacted].
Reported by GetHuman1009600 on Saturday, August 18, 2018 11:24 PM
Subject: Regarding Unauthorized Credit Inquiry on my Experian Report Dear Creditor, I recently obtained a copy of my Experian credit report and was surprised to see a credit inquiry from your company that I have no recollection of authorizing. I believe that any inquiries should only be made with my consent, so I kindly request that you remove this unauthorized inquiry from my credit file. It is currently causing difficulties for me to obtain credit. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with documentation confirming the removal of this unauthorized inquiry. However, if it turns out that there was a misunderstanding and you did have my authorization, please send me evidence of this. Thank you for your assistance, Holly A.
Reported by GetHuman1015375 on Monday, August 20, 2018 6:48 PM
We returned a vehicle due to transmission issues that we never test drove before purchasing. The car was sold at auction, and Capital One asked for repayment of around $4,[redacted] to $4,[redacted] that was still owed. After receiving a cancellation of debt notice in February and including the amount on our taxes, we thought the matter was settled. However, we are puzzled as to why this is still affecting both mine and my husband's credit reports. We have no remaining debt and have not faced any other negative consequences. Please assist in removing this from both of our credit reports.
Reported by GetHuman1464776 on Thursday, November 1, 2018 4:22 PM
I received a refund for a payment that was mistakenly taken a day earlier than expected. I was instructed to call back to authorize the payment once it was refunded so my bank could reverse the overdraft charge. However, before I could make the call, the money was withdrawn again, which I have proof of. Due to being back in the hospital, I couldn't send a fax as requested. I would like to provide the proof of the bank transaction via email, as I cannot see the payment being retaken in your records. This situation has resulted in an incorrect extra month behind on payments, which is a violation of our agreement. Please consider allowing me to email the proof directly from my Bank of America account as a pdf. This will help clarify the issue and prevent further complications with my account until I can send the fax as requested. Thank you for looking into this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-usamanda on Friday, November 2, 2018 8:25 PM
Hello, My name is Andy Bassett, and I represent Northstate Check Exchange in Redding, CA. As an agent for Western Union, we processed a payment on September 5, [redacted], for Jaimi Riveira under Account #[redacted][redacted]. Unfortunately, the amount sent was incorrect at $[redacted].00 instead of the intended $[redacted]. We quickly rectified the mistake by sending the correct amount. Since then, we have been diligently working with Western Union to facilitate a refund for the overpayment but have encountered delays as Capital One Auto Finance has not responded to the refund request. We, as Northstate Check Exchange, kindly seek prompt assistance in resolving this matter and obtaining the refund at the earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Andy Bassett
Reported by GetHuman-nscxc on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 10:01 PM
I completed the payment for my Capital One auto loan back in February [redacted]. However, despite this, Capital One has not sent me the title and other necessary documents for my fully paid vehicle. I do not have the account number as Capital One closed it without providing me the essential paperwork. I urge Capital One to locate my account details, process my car title promptly, and deliver it to me without any further delay. Failure to do so may lead me to take legal action. Name: Eva M. Caserta Email: [redacted] I expect a prompt response within 24 hours.
Reported by GetHuman1735117 on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 11:47 AM
I am inquiring about a missed payment I recently scheduled. As a disabled veteran transitioning between jobs, I had to move from a two-bedroom house to a studio apartment over the weekend. I suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and severe PTSD, impacting my memory and speech. The sudden move and job loss left me short for today's payment. With upcoming work at Lyft and ongoing job interviews, I am reaching out for some assistance in making my payments right with Capital One. My goal is to manage a $[redacted] weekly payment instead of the $[redacted] currently due, considering my income is $[redacted] per week and VA Disability at $[redacted] per month. I look forward to resolving this, especially with reduced rent and Lyft work starting on January 8th. Due to speech difficulties from my TBI, written communication works best for me. I appreciate any help and understanding in this matter to keep my valuable car and ensure timely payments in the near future. Thank you for your attention and I await your response. Sincerely, -Alexander A.
Reported by GetHuman1894250 on Friday, January 4, 2019 8:52 AM
Dear Capital One, I hope this message finds you well. I recently encountered a series of unfortunate events that have caused financial strain. After being laid off in October, I faced challenges with unemployment benefits, endured a temporary displacement due to a roof incident, and experienced personal injury while relocating. Unfortunately, during this period of hardship, my phone broke, making communication difficult. As I work on securing new job opportunities, I am now in a better position to address outstanding car payments. I kindly request your assistance in potentially adding missed payments to the end of my loan to help me catch up. Your understanding and flexibility during this tough time would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. Sincerely, Richard Armstrong.
Reported by GetHuman-rarmstrn on Thursday, January 10, 2019 10:39 PM
Hello, I am Susan Jordan. In December [redacted], there was confusion regarding refinancing my loan with Capital One auto financing. I authorized a credit inquiry for auto refinancing and for Capital One to pay off my Ally Bank car loan before confirming the terms with my signature. Upon being contacted for payment, I requested to return to Ally Bank, leading to a lengthy resolution process. After being transferred between departments, Ashley from the title department at Capital One efficiently communicated with Ally Bank to resolve the issue. Despite the stress, Ashley remained patient and professional. The refund check from Ally Bank took time as they awaited the title from Capital One, resulting in interactions from January to March. Ashley's intervention expedited the refund process, with Capital One receiving the payment by mid-March. Although my account was reported as 30 days late due to this, I always prioritize timely payments. I kindly request the removal of the 30-days-late notice from my credit report and to mark the account as paid in full. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman2662111 on Monday, April 1, 2019 10:49 PM
I've noticed unauthorized access to my bank accounts, making payments a challenge as the promised amounts are never available. For instance, I scheduled a $[redacted] payment on the 4th, and although funds were sufficient for two days, a $60 hold by the gas station today impacted the clearance of my payment. To halt further tampering, I'm transferring my direct deposit to my Capital One checking account, expecting the initial deposit of $[redacted]+ on April 12th. My truck loan is severely overdue, and I plan to bring it current to avoid repossession. Any guidance on expedited ways to catch up would be greatly valued. John B. [redacted] Michael Drive Red Bluff, CA [redacted] 09/02/1[redacted] GMC Sierra Payment: $[redacted].88 [redacted]-39-[redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman2692115 on Saturday, April 6, 2019 1:37 PM
Capital One mistakenly repossessed my car, claiming I was behind on payments despite evidence on the website showing I am paid up until May [redacted]. When I called, a rude representative insisted prepayments were not allowed by Cap One Auto, contradicting my contract which clearly permits them. Despite making two significant payments ahead of schedule, they are dismissing them. The representatives repeatedly cite company policy rather than acknowledging my contract which permits prepayments. I am seeking the return of my car and recognition of my payments, which are clearly documented.
Reported by GetHuman2789133 on Monday, April 22, 2019 3:39 PM
My name is Kristen Johnson. My mother, Suzanne Johnson, had a car loan with your company. Unfortunately, my mother passed away in December [redacted], and I have been appointed as the personal representative of her estate. My brother, Andrew Johnson, was a co-signer on the loan. I simply want to transfer the loan into his name, as he has been making payments and wants to insure the car under his policy. My mother's sister and my grandmother depend on the car for transportation to medical appointments. I have encountered difficulties getting clear information from customer service and would like to know where to send the necessary documents from the Massachusetts Probate Court for this transfer. It has been challenging dealing with this process while grieving the loss of my mother, and I hope to receive more compassionate and helpful assistance moving forward.
Reported by GetHuman-xkristen on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 1:47 PM
For the past three months, my payment to Capital One has been rejected a week after submission. I've had to contact them multiple times to process my payment, and it seems the only option is through a debit card linked directly to my account. However, they want to charge me for using my debit card, which feels unfair as the payment issues are on their end. Is anyone else facing a similar problem? I'm very frustrated as I can't seem to escalate the issue beyond the initial customer service representative.
Reported by GetHuman2893421 on Thursday, May 9, 2019 3:50 PM

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