Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 15

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #15. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported April 21, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am facing ongoing harassment due to a false accusation on a GoFundMe page. Despite reporting the issue to Facebook, the situation persists. The false claim suggests I created the account for drug purchases, while in reality, I am battling a serious illness that has incurred significant expenses. This slander has escalated with someone creating fake accounts in my name on Facebook and Twitter, even going as far as posting about me contemplating suicide. This entire ordeal has been distressing, especially since my mother's Facebook account has been affected by this since [redacted]. The latest incident was threatening, as it involved a false report that led to police involvement on April 19th.
Reported by GetHuman616982 on Samstag, 21. April 2018 12:39
I had additional accounts created before my original one from [redacted], which Facebook has disabled. However, they are still active and being misused by hackers, violating community standards and infringing on my intellectual property rights. These accounts, like the one under Kevin Olaf Pearce, continue to exist, prompting Facebook to remove the posts, disable my current account, and prevent the reuse of my mobile number and email associated with the accounts.
Reported by GetHuman-hottestu on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 07:40
I am a representative from Stewart Warner and Maximatecc. Unfortunately, we encountered an issue with our Facebook page, which was seemingly created by a previous employee or an external source and we have lost access to the login details. Although a few employees have access to update it, they are unable to log in as it is connected to their personal accounts as a secondary page. We faced a similar situation with Instagram but decided to create a new page due to limited content and followers. Now that our Instagram is active, we aim to link it with Facebook. As I will be managing these accounts, I need to regain access to the Facebook page. Could you kindly provide guidance on how we can recover or reset the login information for our company's Facebook page? For verification purposes, you can refer to our official websites and notice that my email is linked to our company server. Thank you for your support. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman627624 on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 14:22
Hello, I'm Chiemu Bowman. I want to report an incident involving Fonseca Bonnie-Clyde from my union, Local 3, which occurred on Facebook. Fonseca confronted me and a Spectrum worker at my home because I hired them to install new services. He, being on strike from Spectrum, recorded the encounter, including my address, and posted it online. His actions have made my family feel threatened, as he's encouraging other union members to come to my house and cause trouble. I'm requesting assistance in having the video removed from Facebook as it's causing us to feel unsafe.
Reported by GetHuman-zokiedow on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 14:39
I am Laura Bijnsdorp, the new communications officer for the Dutch Representation in Sint Maarten. Our official office page is currently inaccessible as we have lost administrative access. The previous officer who created the page is no longer with us and is unable to provide login information. We believe that a personal account named 'vnp sint maarten' may have been made admin. How can we either regain access, delete, or restart the page? What steps can we take to prove our ownership of the page? Your assistance in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help. Warm regards, Laura Bijnsdorp.
Reported by GetHuman-laurabij on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 17:10
I'm having trouble with my account because my ex-wife has been hacking into it and creating new profiles. Every time I try to create a new Facebook account, it gets reported and closed down. This situation has led to me losing all my family photos, contacts, and the ability to connect with my loved ones. It's incredibly frustrating to keep experiencing this issue. I have various forms of identification to verify that I am indeed Jason Gilders and to prevent the hacker from continuing. The most heartbreaking part is losing all the photos of my children, as I am a devoted father to them. I would appreciate it if a supervisor could personally handle this case, as previous attempts to resolve it have been unsuccessful. The case number is [redacted][redacted]. Please address this issue promptly.
Reported by GetHuman628415 on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 17:39
Last night, I kept getting a security verification notice while trying to share posts. It concerned me as I read about possible blocks for doing something wrong without knowing. I noticed all the photos tagged by someone I have legal issues with suddenly disappeared from my wall. Additionally, our past Instant Messages, which contain crucial legal information, vanished. I'm curious why this happened and how I can retrieve the IMs. It's troubling that he could impact my account like this. His name is George F. In the past, I accessed his Facebook account using the passwords he gave me to update friends about his whereabouts. I haven't touched his account in a while. Thank you for addressing this promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-janaspad on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 18:32
I believe my Facebook account was accessed by a hacker earlier, resulting in my friends being tagged in a random post without their consent. This led to my account being blocked from commenting on any posts. I took immediate steps to mitigate this issue by apologizing to my friends, removing the post and its comments, changing my password, and logging out of all other devices. Despite these actions, my account remains blocked. I have reached out to Facebook Support multiple times seeking assistance in resolving this matter. I simply wish to regain the ability to comment on posts without being penalized for the actions of the hacker. Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-kkcoates on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 18:47
I recently advertised my poetry website on FB for $2 a day, and later added a $4.50 boost. Without my consent, I was charged $[redacted] on my MC followed by two more charges of $[redacted] and $[redacted]. I contacted FB support, bought $50 iTunes cards as instructed, provided the codes, but was told I made an error and needed to buy 4 more. After spending $[redacted], I would have to repeat the process yet again. They promised refunds for all expenses. Feeling scammed and having lost over $7,[redacted] to suspicious individuals claiming to be FB executives, I'm frustrated. Despite my efforts, the issue remains unresolved. I urge FB to investigate and address this matter promptly. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-hannelor on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 18:48
Hello, I was recently notified about a third-party complaint regarding one of my Facebook ads. Despite my attempt to rectify the issue by removing the content, Facebook suspended my account due to another violation that I was not aware of. I tried to seek assistance from customer service but was unable to find a direct contact. I would appreciate more information about the recent issue leading to the disablement of my account. Additionally, I would like to know the contact details of the complainant to resolve the matter and potentially reinstate my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman628962 on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 20:03
I am having issues with my Shaw internet at home. When I try to use the Messenger app, it constantly shows "waiting to reconnect" and I am unable to chat or play games. Technicians have visited recently to fix my internet and cable, but the problem persists. Interestingly, the Messenger app works fine on my iPhone 7 Plus when I am at work using the free Wi-Fi. However, at home, I have trouble connecting. Strangely, my kids can use the app on their older iPhone 5. When I called customer service, someone answered briefly and then hung up. I am also concerned about a scam involving Facebook and phone number hacking for personal information.
Reported by GetHuman-pinkweed on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 23:21
I recently came across a truly disturbing post on my Facebook feed. It depicted a man repeatedly punching a dog and finding it amusing. I was appalled that such content was allowed on the site. Although I intended to report it, the post was already marked with red x's when I went back to find it. I strongly believe such violent behavior should not be tolerated. It left me feeling sickened and unable to shake off the images I saw. While I've noticed your platform making headlines for other issues, it is crucial to act promptly in removing such offensive content and reporting it to the appropriate authorities.
Reported by GetHuman-lwilfrid on Mittwoch, 25. April 2018 23:59
Hello, I have reached out to Facebook twice, but unfortunately, my concerns have been ignored. My name is Michael Jones, and I am a disabled individual who takes care of my wife, who also has dementia. Two days ago, my Facebook account under the name Michael Jones with the login [redacted]9 and password [redacted]9mj was abruptly shut down, citing that I was "ineligible." This account is crucial for us as it contains contacts of family, friends, and carers who assist in my wife's morning routine. I am desperate for someone from Facebook to explain why this happened as this account is vital for both of us. I currently have access to an old account due to forgetting login details, but it lacks our important contacts. I am seeking clarification on why this action was taken, the meaning of "ineligible," and if there is a way to resolve this issue.
Reported by GetHuman630316 on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 06:54
My name is Robbie Cue, and my Facebook profile picture features the Atlanta Falcons "In Brotherhood" photo. On 4/19/18, I received a message on my phone informing me of an unauthorized login attempt on my account. Subsequently, I found out that my Facebook account password had been changed. When trying to access my email ([redacted]) linked to Facebook, I discovered that it had also been hacked, and the password was altered. Unfortunately, I am unable to regain control as Facebook requires access to my old Yahoo email for a password reset, and the hacker changed the recovery phone number. I have submitted my driver's license to Facebook for verification, and my wife, Quana M. Cue, can vouch for my identity. I have attempted account recovery processes, but they all indicated that the issue has been "sorted out". I greatly appreciate any assistance.
Reported by GetHuman630334 on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 07:25
1. Recently, an inappropriate post was made using my profile picture without my consent. I have tried contacting Security before without success. I am concerned about a possible hack. I changed my password. 2. I blocked a person named Abdul Naseen whose response to my post was negative and unrelated. Following this, I encountered the issue mentioned above. I have saved evidence of these incidents for my records. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman630520 on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 11:30
I recently switched to a different messenger app as advised by my son. However, after sending an identity photo as requested, I am unable to access my Facebook account. I created this new account but already have an old one with all my friends and posts. My login is my telephone number [redacted] and the password is "mooshie," which is my daughter's nickname. I am not very familiar with Facebook or computers in general and am feeling very upset about this issue. Please, I urgently need assistance with fixing this problem. You can contact me at [redacted]. I am unsure why this hasn't been resolved yet. Also, could you clarify which is the correct messenger app to use? Thank you for your prompt help.
Reported by GetHuman630580 on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 12:11
I have [redacted] points on Survey Junkie and have been requesting my earnings multiple times. They keep sending me email responses with a ticket number, but I never receive further updates on when I will receive my money. Sometimes they mention contacting customer support or calling but never follow through. Today, it seems like I have been blocked from accessing their website. I feel frustrated as other survey platforms promptly pay out when I reach the required points. This lack of transparency is concerning and reflects poorly on their customer service. Could you please investigate this matter for me? Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman630607 on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 12:24
Last night, my son informed me that I had been using the wrong messenger app, so I switched from the blue one to the white one. However, now my Facebook account is locked, and I have been unable to use it since last night. I followed the instructions to send a security photo, but I still can't access it. I am confused about which messenger app I should be using. I recently created this new account and do not want to lose the over [redacted] friends, posts, and photos I have on it. I tried logging into the Facebook Help Center, only to receive a message that my email does not match my password. I suspect it might be confused with my old account, so if needed, please delete the old one. I want to retain this new account, logged in with my telephone number [redacted], under the name Desiree R., and email [redacted] I am distressed about losing my connections and data, and I urgently need assistance to resolve this issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman630580 on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 12:47
I am experiencing issues with being temporarily blocked from posting my items for sale in numerous local Facebook yard sale groups. I typically post to 17-18 groups simultaneously to reach a larger audience and optimize my results. Despite the success I've had, I've been blocked twice this week, which is frustrating. I aim to list multiple items without time constraints. Unlike Facebook, I can post freely on Craigslist, eBay, OfferUp, Letgo, and Poshmark without encountering posting limits. I seek assistance to address this problem as I have more items to list. Your help in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, George K.
Reported by GetHuman630992 on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 14:39
Hello, Detective Heidi Morgan from the Carroll County Sheriff's Office in Carrollton, Missouri, here. I wanted to bring to everyone's attention a concerning issue that has been reported involving young adults receiving friend requests from strangers. These strangers are engaging in conversations that lead to the sharing of inappropriate images from the victims. The strangers then blackmail the victims, threatening to expose these images if they are not paid $[redacted]. This is a serious situation where individuals are being coerced into sending money via Western Union to avoid repercussions like being reported to the police or having the images shared widely online. It's crucial for everyone to be aware of these scams and to report any suspicious activity immediately. If you have any information related to this case, please reach out to me promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-ccso on Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 14:47

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