Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 278

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #278. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported November 2, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
On October 27th, my Facebook account got hacked. The hacker changed my profile picture and left Arabic comments. Many of my friends reported it, but after a week, there has been no response. My Facebook is connected to an old email I used years ago. I was told by Microsoft's email support that inactive accounts get deleted after a year, which seems to be the case now. I can't access this old email as someone else is using it. I am worried about the activity on my Facebook and urgently need to resolve this to avoid losing all my data.
Reported by GetHuman1468638 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, रात २:२७ बजे
Dear Facebook Help Center Team, I am writing to address the deactivation of my account, which I believe must be a mistake. Prior to the deactivation, I logged in on October 29th from my iPhone and shared two selfies from Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai Campus, taken on October 13th. When I posted the photo, the location was automatically included without giving me the option to select my current location. Additionally, I learned how to add Facebook friends from my friend, Mandy Law, who promptly liked the photos I shared. I am unsure where the error occurred that led to my account deactivation. I seek a prompt response and assistance in resolving this issue, along with an explanation if possible. I also have suggestions regarding account problems, specifically related to the authentication process for deactivated accounts. I look forward to hearing from your team soon and appreciate any help in recovering my account. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Winnie
Reported by GetHuman-hoowinni on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, रात २:३२ बजे
Concerned about my son's mother's well-being, as she is currently in jail, I need to address a distressing situation. Her step-father has been using various fake accounts on Messenger, pretending to be her. He downloads and re-uploads her pictures to these accounts, trying to solicit nude photos from her friends. Despite her inability to access Facebook, her saved information on her parents' computer allows him to continue this deceitful behavior. After multiple discussions with him and attempts to report the accounts, he has now blocked me. My son's mother has agreed to suspend or deactivate all her Facebook accounts until her release on Nov. 24th to address this disturbing situation. I want to stop this 50+ year old man from manipulating young women through impersonation. Action needs to be taken, and her friends have witnessed the inappropriate messages, urging for her social media accounts to be addressed promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-psyro on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, रात २:५३ बजे
I encountered an issue with Facebook. After attempting to view a video on Messenger, I logged out and switched to another account to check if the video was posted on a blocked account. When I tried to log back into my original account, I found myself logged out, which was unusual as I usually stay logged in. Upon trying to recover my password, I received an "unknown error" message when entering the code. After several unsuccessful attempts, I was blocked from further attempts due to entering too many codes too quickly. I have been unable to recover my password for two days now. I strengthened my password for security reasons, but now I can't recall it. I am seeking assistance to regain access to my Facebook account without having to start over. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-sextonba on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, रात ३:१४ बजे
As a visually impaired user of Facebook, I have decided to move away from the platform due to its accessibility issues. The process to delete my account requires 30 days waiting period which feels too lengthy. I wonder if there's a way to expedite this to just 14 days as the issues with Voiceover freezing and navigation difficulties make the platform unusable for me. I hope for a quicker resolution to end my Facebook account and transition to another platform that better meets my needs.
Reported by GetHuman1468948 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, सुबह ४:२० बजे
I received a message on Messenger from a profile that looked like a friend's, claiming they got a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I was suspicious but called the provided number. After giving my email and phone, they asked for my full name which didn't sit right with me. They promised a gift from UPS if I followed their instructions. I quickly realized it was a scam using Edna Streeter's name and photo. They wanted me to text [redacted]2. When I did, they asked for my name. This whole encounter seemed fishy. I've cut off communication with them. Please look into this. If needed, contact me at [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman1468972 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, सुबह ४:२९ बजे
I recently opened a Facebook account linked to my email, [redacted] However, I haven't been able to log back in since I lost my mobile phone. Despite trying various methods from Facebook's help section and using Gmail verification, I always get stuck on the mobile phone verification step. I contacted Facebook multiple times through messages and emails in the past week with no response. I'm unable to delete the account without logging in. The lack of response from Facebook is completely unacceptable and has seriously made me doubt the platform's integrity. Philip Edward
Reported by GetHuman-philiped on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, सुबह ५:०२ बजे
Dear sir, I would like to bring to your attention that my Facebook group "Apna Bettiah" is a cherished and peaceful community from my hometown of Bettiah. Our group refrains from promoting any form of vulgarity, abuse, or inappropriate content. It has become the most active group on Facebook for discussions regarding our city's issues, news, photos, videos, and information. We always adhere to Facebook's Terms and Conditions, yet suddenly the group seems to be unavailable. I am unable to access the admin panel. I kindly request a review and restoration of my group. It is associated with my Facebook page, also named "Apna Bettiah," dedicated to our hometown. The page acts as the admin of the group. My Facebook account, serving as the admin, can be found at facebook.com/itsmemdalii. You can reach me via email at [redacted] I sincerely plead for assistance in restoring my group, as this has been six years of dedicated work to create a vibrant, community-driven space for my beloved city. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-itmeali on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, सुबह ५:१९ बजे
I am Joan Milner. I returned from being out of town to discover that someone named KEVIN MILNER has replaced my name on the account. My password may have been changed as well. I cannot access my account as it now shows Kevin's name and a photo of my dog, which is disturbing. I am worried about where my photos and friends' information may be. There is no financial information, just a few messages from friends. I am distressed and unsure what to do. I am open to closing my account temporarily and reopening it. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-redtenni on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, सुबह ५:२८ बजे
My name is JOAN HOFFMAN MILNER, and it seems like my account was hacked by someone named KEVIN MILNER. I followed all the advice on handling hacks, but I still can't access my account. When I try to log in, sometimes it shows KEVIN MILNER with my email [redacted] and a photo of my dog. I need help to remove his name and restore mine. I've attempted to input my email and password but received messages saying the account doesn't exist. I also tried to delete my account, but I can't log in to do so. Can you check if my Facebook account for Joan Hoffman Milner, [redacted], password #1brody6031, still exists? Please provide guidance on the next steps as I'm unsure what to do.
Reported by GetHuman-redtenni on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, सुबह ५:५४ बजे
I noticed that my account showed activity in Bristol, not my location. This prompted me to log out and reset my password due to suspicions. However, attempting to change my password by selecting 'forgotten password' did not locate my account using my email or phone number. This method worked in the past but seems to be failing now. Unfortunately, I am currently locked out and unable to recall my password. Trying an alternative by accessing 'forgotten password' on Safari instead of the app recognized my account but erroneously assumed I couldn't access my emails, even though I can. There was no option to reset the password via email. I urgently need access to my account, as I have been locked out for a week. A prompt response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1469465 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, सुबह ८:३० बजे
On October 31st, my name was maliciously posted on Facebook by another user, Glenn Micheal Schreiner. He falsely accused me of sharing his posts with his ex-girlfriend and went as far as claiming I had threatened him with a gun. Despite my attempts to address this situation by commenting and taking screenshots of the posts, he deleted them shortly after. I reported the incident to the Morgan County sheriff's office and consulted with a lawyer in case I need to take legal action against him for slander. I am concerned about his behavior and how it could escalate without my knowledge. Any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman1469758 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर १०:५१ बजे
Someone has been using various email accounts associated with me, like [redacted] and [redacted], to set up a live feed on one of my old Facebook accounts. They are also displaying disturbing content involving child pornography and violent videos. This group, including individuals like Donald K., Cody K., Janice D., and others, is transferring stolen money from my accounts to fund these activities. They are dangerous and intend to harm me and my family, including my brother Jamie K. and sister Jeanna K. I suspect they are planning to steal our identities and file false lawsuits. I urge for all accounts to be secured, no lawsuits on our behalf, and all evidence to be forwarded to the FBI. They have manipulated my emails and may try to deceive anyone who reaches out. This situation is serious, and I ask for swift action to be taken.
Reported by GetHuman-kestlerc on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर १:१४ बजे
I would like to report a Facebook page impersonating our organization. I am the communications manager for the national church of Iceland. There is a page using our full name "Þjóðkirkjan" whereas we go by "Kirkjan." While the page doesn't have many followers, it's concerning as they are commenting on news sites posing as us, attempting to discredit our organization. This misinformation could harm our reputation and work. I appreciate any assistance in addressing this issue. Thank you, Elías Þórsson
Reported by GetHuman1470276 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर १:२३ बजे
I am experiencing an issue with Facebook's username checker. I have been a member for over a decade with the username "Justin.Geis." Recently, when I tried to change it to "JustinGeis," the system falsely indicated it was available. After attempting to save, it informed me the username was actually taken and reset mine to random numbers. Now, I am unable to use either "JustinGeis" or "Justin.Geis." My username held sentimental value as it featured my first and last name, and I enjoyed sharing my profile link as "Facebook.com/justin.geis." I am hoping there is a way to restore my original username. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1470290 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर १:२६ बजे
Hello, I am Shivam Tiwari, and I am reaching out because my personal account was disabled by your security system erroneously. I can provide my ID card details to prove my identity and confirm that I am the legitimate account holder. I believe this information should be sufficient for the reactivation of my account. Please assist in reopening my account at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Shivam Tiwari Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman1470062 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर १:५४ बजे
A few weeks ago, I attempted to create an account for a non-profit organization. The initial account got temporarily locked, so I created a new one due to a change in our organization's email addresses. Currently, the first account remains locked, and the second one has been disabled. I am looking to connect with someone who can assist me in deleting both accounts to start fresh with our updated email address. I want to ensure there are no lingering Facebook pages associated with our organization's name. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman1470860 on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर २:५७ बजे
I need assistance with accessing my current Facebook account. I've been unable to log in for months. Initially, I was advised to retrieve my password from my old Charter account, which I no longer have access to since I've switched to a Gmail account. When trying to reset my password using the old Charter account details, I receive an error stating that my account cannot be verified. Additionally, I'm unable to retrieve the QR code on my phone. I've been using this Facebook account for a decade now and I'm seeking guidance on how to regain access. I've provided my new email below for any instructions to help me secure and access my account. Thank you, Patricia S.
Reported by GetHuman-taihitis on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर ३:३४ बजे
I was recently scammed by a seller named Casey Reddick on Facebook, a member of Buy and Sell Boston Lincs. They offered to sell me an iPhone for £[redacted], claiming to be in Norfolk. Since it was too far to pick up the phone, they agreed to post it and provided their Nationwide bank details: Sort code 07-04-36, Account no. [redacted]8. Despite assurances, they failed to send the phone as promised. I trusted Facebook's safety checks and now need to make a claim for the £[redacted]. - Doreen Purves
Reported by GetHuman-doreenpu on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर ३:४३ बजे
I am encountering an issue with the friend suggestions provided by the platform. Some of the suggested profiles I receive are inappropriate, showing graphic adult content that is not related to me or my acquaintances. These profiles display explicit images of male genitalia, sexual acts, or other offensive content. Unfortunately, I do not have the option to disable these suggestions or adjust my settings to prevent them from appearing. I am puzzled as to why such profiles are allowed on a public platform, and it is frustrating that I cannot control what I am exposed to. Deleting my profile is not an ideal solution for me. Despite reaching out to the platform previously regarding this matter, I have not received any response. I hope this description clarifies the issue, as I am hesitant to resort to further measures.
Reported by GetHuman-cryswebb on शुक्रवार, २ नवम्बर २०१८, दोपहर ४:०७ बजे

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