Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 650

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #650. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 12, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
More than a week ago, someone gained access to my Facebook account. They changed the primary email and password, then made themselves the admin of my business page and even set themselves as the business manager on my Facebook account, kicking me out. Luckily, this week I managed to restore my Facebook account. I may have an idea of who did it, as the "hacker" attempted to add two emails as business managers through my account. The real issue now is that I am no longer the admin of my business page, even though I created it and most of the followers are my friends. I put a lot of time and effort into this page. Please assist me. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman3075342 on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 3:58 PM
I am Haritha Teshan Thotawattha. Recently, a customer approached me to place ads from their business, "patpat.lk," on my Facebook page. They requested me to connect my page to the Facebook Business Manager account for "patpat.lk." However, I am now facing an issue where I have been removed as an admin from my Facebook page after this interaction. The customer has also blocked me on WhatsApp. Fortunately, I have screenshots from when I connected my page to their business account and the email stating my removal as an admin. I seek assistance in reclaiming ownership of my Facebook page, as I have dedicated significant effort to building a following there. The email notification mentioned removal by the business manager admin of "patpat.lk."
Reported by GetHuman-hteshan on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 4:26 PM
My Facebook account is indicating that the session has expired, and when I tried to log in with my password, it was incorrect. Unfortunately, I am unable to recover my account because the email and phone number linked to it are outdated. I believe my password was changed two weeks ago, but I have no recollection of doing so. Now I am locked out of my account under the name Tammy Slife. I have updated my contact information with a new phone number and email address. The email is also used by my boyfriend, and we both access it from my iPhone. I need help restoring my Facebook account as I use Messenger for my kids' daycare communication. I am willing to provide any identification needed to verify my ownership of this account.
Reported by GetHuman3075543 on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 4:29 PM
Hello, our large family has been dedicated to supporting RC Drag sport for many years as a non-profit organization. Our family sport has always been known as Art Bodies Colors RC Drag, and many people recognize us by that name. We even have our own shirts that represent our team. Recently, we encountered an issue where our Facebook page, created to share information about the RC Drag sport under our family name, was unexpectedly blocked by Facebook Support. Despite our efforts, we have been unable to recover the page. We would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this matter and restoring our page. If this can be conducted in Spanish, it would be even more helpful for us. Thank you for your consideration. Have a wonderful day and blessings to you.
Reported by GetHuman-rcdragpa on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 5:24 PM
I am currently at the National Hospital Abuja and tried to log in to my account using my new Tecno Camon phone. Due to it being a new device, I underwent security checks as requested. Unfortunately, after uploading my picture, my account is now stuck on "under review," preventing me from interacting with my friends. I am disappointed by this delay and hope for my account to be reactivated soon. I have tried reaching out multiple times without success. I simply want to reconnect with my friends, particularly back home. Thank you for your help in resolving this promptly. - Isabella
Reported by GetHuman3075948 on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 5:33 PM
I had an account for 10 years where I stored memories from my military service, childhood, and most importantly, photos and updates of my son. Unfortunately, my ex managed to report and get my account disabled. After filing an appeal, Facebook informed me that I violated their community standards and gave me a copy of the guidelines. I managed to create a new account with a different email, but it was also disabled after a month. To reach me, my main email is [redacted]. I am eager to retrieve my account as it contains valuable military and job contacts, as well as precious memories of my son. An explanation for the disablement would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-maddjoke on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 6:23 PM
I am a concerned mother, Ginevra H., trying to assist my autistic son with his Facebook account. Due to his challenges, he mistakenly friended strangers. When he refused a request for a naked picture, his account was blocked. Subsequently, his account was hacked, and he cannot access it. I attempted to create a new account under the name Josh H. using his picture, as his previous account was under Joshua H. This account was disabled this morning, likely due to the picture issue. Can anyone offer guidance on how to recover his Facebook account?
Reported by GetHuman-garijh on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 6:42 PM
While playing PUBG Mobile through the Omlet Arcade app, I accidentally left notifications enabled. Unfortunately, someone with access to my phone number was able to reset the password for my Facebook account. They changed the password, name on the account, and removed my phone number. Despite my attempts to reclaim my account, it is now blocked. I am concerned because the person is using my Facebook to access private information, including Messenger and PUBG Mobile. Any prompt assistance would be greatly appreciated. The initial email linked to the account was [redacted], my former number was +[redacted]2, and the new email associated with the account is [redacted] Originally, the account name was Atef NourEddine but it is changed to محمود ابو داهوك. Thank you for your help. Best regards.
Reported by GetHuman-titolb on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 6:58 PM
I recently received an email from Facebook informing me that someone had accepted my friend request. This email left me puzzled for two reasons. First, I didn't see the notification on my active Facebook tab. Second, I don't recognize the individual and didn't send a friend request. When I returned to Facebook, a prompt asked me to refresh the page, leading to all my account information disappearing as if it were a new account. Concerned it might be a virus, I promptly closed everything, ran a virus scan, and cleared my computer's cache, cookies, and history. I then accessed Facebook from my girlfriend's laptop, where my account was intact, and changed my password. However, upon logging back in on my computer using Firefox, the same issue occurred. Surprisingly, my account remains normal on my girlfriend's laptop. To test if Firefox was the problem, I tried logging in via Chrome but was informed that no account existed with my email. I am unsure how to address this perplexing situation and resolve the matter.
Reported by GetHuman-willowjc on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 7:30 PM
I reside in a senior community and have been assisting a friend in setting up her new laptop. As a retired tech coordinator in a school district, I possess computer experience that many older individuals do not have. When we tried to log into her Facebook account on the new laptop, it continuously halted while she was typing her email, claiming it did not recognize her account. We confirmed her email was correct on her phone. Subsequently, we attempted to recover her account on the laptop, managed to login briefly, but were immediately prompted to verify the account. After multiple verification attempts, we resorted to uploading her photo ID to Facebook. Although we received an email confirming verification the following day, every login on both her iPhone and laptop triggers the account verification page. We are unable to access her Facebook account on any device. Despite my efforts to clear the cache on both the laptop and phone, the issue persists. I am unsure about the next steps to resolve this situation. Repeatedly submitting her ID to Facebook has not yielded results, and we are growing increasingly frustrated. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman3076859 on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 8:04 PM
I feel I am unfairly being blocked from posting even though I had two previous similar posts approved within community standards. Now, even though my recent posts are of a similar nature, I am being prevented from posting. It seems like my comments haven't been reviewed, and the fact that my earlier similar comments were approved has been ignored. I appreciate you taking the time to request a review. Your feedback helps us improve. Thank you for confirming that this link about people with right-wing views is indeed true.
Reported by GetHuman-gunsmoki on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 11:32 PM
Hi, I appreciate the chance to share more details with you. I'm hopeful that you can reinstate payments on my account. Here's some additional information for you: I recently ran my first campaign with a budget of €10 for the ad set. The ad, previously approved, was promoting a Page Post on my page. After spending €10 on the initial campaign without desired results, I stopped it. Subsequently, I duplicated the campaign with different targeting and a reduced budget of €8. Given that the duplicated campaign was promoting the same previously approved Page Post but with different targeting and a lower budget, I believe it should have been approved as well. I tried to appeal the decision that disabled my payments, but unfortunately, my appeals were not possible at that time. This is not the first time it has happened. Previously, my payments were incorrectly disabled, but Jesse from your team (Risk Support Specialist) resolved the issue. When this happened before, I highlighted that as a first-time advertiser with no spending history, the approved ad did not violate Facebook's terms and there were no conflicts in my account. If there's something specific I missed that led to a violation this time, I would appreciate knowing the exact Terms of Service I breached so I can rectify it promptly. I hope for a swift resolution to have my payment account reinstated. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best, Gaby
Reported by GetHuman3074078 on Thursday, June 13, 2019 12:32 AM
My Facebook account has been disabled due to a name violation. I've been using the name Sus Ana instead of Susana Godoy to protect my privacy from employers. However, it seems this has caused my account to be disabled. I have important old pictures stored on this account that I don't want to lose. I am willing to change my name to Susana Godoy to resolve this issue and regain access to my photos. If this is not possible, I would like to figure out a solution to retrieve my pictures and create a new profile. Reinstating my account is crucial as I use it to stay in touch with family and friends in Puerto Rico after moving to the US. Your assistance in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman3078354 on Thursday, June 13, 2019 1:30 AM
My Facebook account was hacked, and I got locked out. The hackers changed my email and password. I contacted what I believe is Facebook headquarters and was asked to buy a $[redacted] Google Play card to recover my account. Then, another $[redacted] was needed to retrieve deleted pictures. They promised a refund but haven't returned the money. Today, their customer service claimed there was an issue with my bank card, instructing me to get another $[redacted] Google Play card for the refund. They mentioned it would take up to 8 hours, but I haven't received anything. When I called back, they denied calling me. I'm unsure if I was dealing with legitimate Facebook representatives or if I got scammed out of my money.
Reported by GetHuman-tissa_ on Thursday, June 13, 2019 2:33 AM
Six years ago, I went through a breakup and created a new Facebook account. I hid everything on my old account and deleted most of my friends from it. Over the weekend, one of my close friends passed away in a car accident. I am trying to access my old Facebook account hoping to find some pictures of us there. My name is B. M. I believe the email address used for my old Facebook was [redacted], and I do remember the password. When I tried to log in on my phone today, Facebook asked me to verify my identity with a photo of my ID, but the site timed out. Later at home on my desktop, I tried again, but it didn't give me the option to verify. It simply stated that it was unable to verify my identity at this time. Please assist me in logging into my old account. I am desperate to find more pictures of us. His funeral is in a week, and I would like to have some pictures for the slideshow. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-bemaw on Thursday, June 13, 2019 2:54 AM
Hello, I am Shulaihah, the administrator of Container Kebab Malaysia. Our Facebook page, Containerkebabmy (Container Kebab Malaysia), has faced an issue after attempting to change the page name. Despite being accessible through the Facebook app when searching for Containerkebabmy, the page appears broken and cannot be found on Google. Even when searching for Container Kebab Malaysia, the page remains elusive. We seek advice on why this dilemma has occurred, as we understand the importance of being easily discoverable to the public. Although we can still access the page after the name change, its visibility has significantly decreased, impacting our online presence. We appreciate any guidance you can offer on resolving this matter promptly. Feel free to contact me via call, WhatsApp at [redacted], or email at [redacted] For additional support, please cc my Managing Director, Mr. Kenny, at [redacted] Thank you kindly for your attention.
Reported by GetHuman-shulaiha on Thursday, June 13, 2019 3:23 AM
Years ago, I went through a breakup and created a new Facebook account, keeping my old one hidden and deleting most of my friends from it. This past weekend, one of my close friends passed away in a car accident, and I am hoping to access my old Facebook to find some pictures of us together. My name is Ben M. I believe I remember the email and password for the old account. When I tried to log in on my phone today, Facebook requested a photo ID verification but the site timed out. Later, on my desktop at home, I attempted to log in again, but I wasn't given the option to verify my identity. Instead, I received a message stating that they were unable to verify me at the time. I would appreciate any help in logging into my old account as I am desperate to find more pictures of my friend. His funeral is in a week, and I would like to have some for the slideshow. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-bemaw on Thursday, June 13, 2019 3:36 AM
I have been locked out of my Facebook account since March, and it's starting to really affect me. I have tried various ways to reach out to Facebook for help. Initially, I received notifications about login attempts from New Jersey (I live in WV) which I denied. After changing my password numerous times, I was suddenly locked out one morning without being able to log back in. I sent my ID for verification, but Facebook couldn't confirm it was me. I then submitted my birth certificate, insurance card, and Sam's Club card with my picture and name, but haven't received any response. The account is over ten years old, and I no longer have access to the email used for setup, and my phone number has been removed. I want to recover my account as it holds irreplaceable photos of my children, grandparents, and cherished messages. I am eager to resolve this desperate situation and have learned ways to prevent it in the future, but for now, it's causing me distress.
Reported by GetHuman-ashholeb on Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:41 AM
I am having trouble connecting to Facebook through Gardenscapes and Homescapes. This was never a problem with my previous phone. I keep receiving a message saying "Facebook has stopped" when I attempt to access the games or click on articles from Facebook. I am really frustrated by this issue. I hope you can investigate the cause and resolve it. Please check your games to see if there is a problem on your end.
Reported by GetHuman3078896 on Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:44 AM
I, M. Harris, was a key witness in a case related to the tragic drive-by shooting of the late Denver Broncos football player, D. Williams. It has been brought to my attention that leaders of the Crips gang are using Facebook and Google to alert other members about my involvement in this high-profile trial. These news reports are putting me and my family at risk, and I fear for our safety. I am concerned that these gang members are leveraging information about the case to target me through social media. I was unaware of the dissemination of these stories by Facebook and Google, and I did not authorize the publication of my name in such perilous articles. I am urgently requesting the removal of any stories or videos that mention my testimony in the Denver Broncos murder case.
Reported by GetHuman3079012 on Thursday, June 13, 2019 5:37 AM

Help me with my Facebook issue

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