GlobalTelLink Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about GlobalTelLink customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 7 issue(s) reported March 12, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I've been trying to contact GTL at 1-[redacted], but I keep getting Verizon instead. They are unable to assist me with accessing GTL using my own phone. When I went to Verizon, they dialed from their number, and finally I could access GTL after verifying with them. It seems there might be an issue with my phone number not being accepted by GTL. I've been using an inmate number for years without any problems, but now I can't log in with my own number. I believe my account might be locked since I recently paid my bill. Can someone assist me in resolving this issue? My name is Ruby S.
Reported by GetHuman2465727 on मंगलवार, १२ मार्च २०१९, रात ११:३३ बजे
I have set up my inmate friend's call service with GlobaltelLink, paying a total of $50 and an additional $45 for discounted calls for three months. Despite this, I am unable to receive her calls as the system prompts me to add funds to my account each time she tries to call. The phone number she is using from the prison is 1-[redacted]. I am feeling frustrated and would appreciate assistance in resolving this issue. Please reach out to me at [redacted]. My friend is located at the Western Tennessee State Penitentiary. My name is Clark Sexton. Ticket #[redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-clrkmc on शनिवार, ७ सितम्बर २०१९, रात १२:३६ बजे
Hello, I am Belinda W. I noticed a charge of $45.99 was taken from my bank account by your company, yet I did not authorize this transaction. I previously spoke with a representative on June 8th, and believed the issue was resolved as the charge was removed from my account. However, I recently discovered it was added back on June 11th. I have not signed up for any account with your company, and I am unsure why this charge reappeared. I will contact my bank tomorrow to report this as fraudulent activity. I have attempted to reach out to numerous phone numbers provided but have been unable to speak with anyone. I have also left messages without receiving a response. Please contact me promptly regarding this matter. Thank you for addressing this promptly.
Reported by GetHuman6190725 on रविवार, १३ जून २०२१, दोपहर १:४६ बजे
My credit card keeps getting declined repeatedly, even though there are sufficient funds. I haven't been able to reach my significant other for over a week, which is difficult for both of us as he is currently in prison. Maintaining communication with loved ones is crucial for mental well-being during such experiences. Can you assist me in resolving this problem? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman6762558 on रविवार, ३१ अक्टूबर २०२१, शाम ५:३२ बजे
I am a worried mother with two sons in the Florida Department of Corrections. I usually top up their phone accounts with just a few dollars due to being on a fixed income. Lately, I have noticed that they are deducting more money than the usual $0.99 from my account when I add funds. It seems like they are inconsistently charging $3.80 or $3.60. This is concerning as every cent counts when trying to stay connected with my sons. My phone number hasn't changed, and although I had my phone reset due to a virus, the issue persists. I'm puzzled by these additional charges. Your assistance in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Kathryn Hopkins. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman6953418 on सोमवार, २७ दिसम्बर २०२१, रात २:०८ बजे
The tablets are not functioning well. The service provided by Global Tel Link is subpar! They promptly deduct charges from your account but offer little assistance in resolving problems. I've funded my brother's account yet he can't utilize the tablet for anything due to lack of available applications. It's frustrating that some inmates have access to all apps while others are restricted. These issues need urgent attention! I am extremely dissatisfied with the service, or rather, the lack of service we've encountered.
Reported by GetHuman-tanya_d_ on सोमवार, ६ मार्च २०२३, शाम ७:०६ बजे
I have used GTL several times over the past few years. Despite not using my account for over a year, I recently tried to visit a friend in Bay County Jail in Florida. However, I had to re-verify my information, and now, when my friend attempts to do a video visit with me, the system indicates that I am not an authorized user. On the other hand, when I try to initiate a visit, it consistently states that there are no time slots available for any day. I have attempted to book a visit at various times each day without success. While my friend can still contact me through messages and calls, and I can add funds to my account, there seems to be an issue specifically with video visits.
Reported by GetHuman8569930 on गुरूवार, १७ अगस्त २०२३, शाम ७:१४ बजे

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