Globe Telecom Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Globe Telecom customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported February 20, 2016 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello! I have a concern about a recently purchased sim card. I bought it in January [redacted]. Initially, there were no issues with the number I chose, [redacted]8. However, this month, I have been constantly receiving calls and messages from a different number, [redacted]5. The person keeps asking about how I got this number, claiming it is theirs and that they have been looking for it. It's becoming very annoying and it disturbs me even when I'm sleeping or working. I am quite frustrated by this situation. Could someone please help me with this matter?
Reported by GetHuman-ihartkej on Saturday, February 20, 2016 4:11 AM
Hello, I'm following up on my report from last night. My mobile number is [redacted]. My GoWatch reward is expiring tomorrow, and I need assistance rectifying the issue. I have attached screenshots from May 30 at 15:05 and 22:54 showing the disappearance of my GoWatch data. Thank you, Xiel V.
Reported by GetHuman-xielven on Thursday, May 31, 2018 5:33 PM
Hello. I am Bethel Grace D. Taccad. I applied via your website on May 22, and my credit card was successfully charged, but I have not yet received the handset. After a call on June 4 stating that the courier was unable to reach my address, I requested to pick up the handset at LBC Tumauini, as it is closer to me. Even though I was told to pick it up on June 13, my name was not on their list. Can you please provide an update on my application and the control number for the handset? I have been waiting for a month. Any feedback would be appreciated. My reference number is [redacted]20. You can reach me at [redacted]6 or email me at Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-wilmaval on Sunday, June 24, 2018 5:17 AM
Hello Globe Customer Service, I hope this message finds you well. I initially attempted to address this matter through your general website, but I believe it may require specific attention. Therefore, I am reaching out via email to bring to your attention the issue faced by my client, Ms. P.R. Bunjan, associated with account number [redacted]12. Since February [redacted], my client's internet connection has been disconnected, yet she continues to receive billing statements. Despite not having access to the internet, she has been billed and recently received a final notice dated June 14, which requests payment for services not rendered post disconnection. We kindly request urgent assistance in resolving this matter promptly. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Best regards, I.B.
Reported by GetHuman-israelb on Friday, July 6, 2018 4:10 AM
To Whom It May Concern, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am writing to address an issue with the activation of international calls on my Internet and Landline service installed in our condo on July 6. Despite multiple attempts to have this service activated, including calls to the hotline on July 7 and 12 where I was given assurances that it would be done promptly, I have yet to see any progress. On July 16, after visiting the Globe Service Center in BGC and speaking with Ms. Carol Rivera, I was informed that the applications for international calls were inexplicably cancelled. Ms. Rivera promised to resolve the issue and get back to me the next day, but I have not received any updates since. I am disappointed by this lack of communication and the delay in resolving the matter. I kindly request for the activation of international calls within the next two days and to be promptly informed once this is completed. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Herbert Michael Hartung
Reported by GetHuman-mhartun on Thursday, July 19, 2018 2:39 AM
My name is Diana Merino and I urgently need assistance. Despite not having an account with your company, I have noticed unauthorized charges on my debit card. I am confused as to how my debit card information was obtained, as I have had three charges deducted leading to insufficient fund fees of $35 each. I am uncertain if this is a case of fraud, which is especially worrying as I have previously been a victim of fraud this year. At the time these charges were made, I only had a little over $15 in my checking account. Dealing with significant health issues, including a heart condition, multiple surgeries, lupus, and sjogren's syndrome, my immune system is extremely compromised. This situation exacerbates my ongoing struggle to repay my landlord due to previous fraudulent activities that left me unable to pay rent for three months. With no means to contact your company through the provided numbers, I feel overwhelmed and desperate for assistance, given my precarious health condition and the numerous medications I rely on daily.
Reported by GetHuman430069 on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 10:57 PM
Hello, it's Diana Merino reaching out once more. I previously emailed seeking help regarding unauthorized charges from Global Telecom on my checking account. Fortunately, three of the charges were removed. However, as of yesterday (8/7/18), I'm troubled as another charge appeared, despite not having an account with Global. I'm considering canceling my debit card due to these repeated unauthorized charges. I'm puzzled as to how my debit card information was obtained. If this issue persists, I may need to take further steps like filing a fraud claim. I receive deposits from Tallahassee Disability and cannot have these unauthorized charges affecting my account. I urgently seek clarification on how my debit card number was accessed. Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman430069 on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 1:13 PM
Hi, I had the Globe At Home [redacted] plan with a landline bundle. I upgraded on July 25th to the [redacted] unli data plan through the phone app. Since then, our landline has had a busy tone, making outgoing calls impossible. I paid the previous bill of P2898.90 around August 1st with a card payment, before the due date. However, the payment confirmation email only arrived on August 14th. Could this delay be causing the landline issue? I don't believe the internet plan upgrade should affect the landline. Please check your system for any issues and notify me. If it's a technical problem, I request a technician to fix it. Account details: Account name: Emma Barja Account number: [redacted]66 Service number: [redacted]2 Contact number: [redacted]2 Your prompt attention is appreciated. Looking forward to your response soon. Thanks, B.
Reported by GetHuman-bluepixi on Thursday, August 16, 2018 11:21 PM
My landline number is [redacted]05. I am Edna Rupik, my account number is [redacted]74. I am subscribed to the Globe At Home Plan [redacted] 15Mbps with a joint landline. I have performed thorough checks on the telephone cables, splitter connections, and adapter plug. My husband, with years of IT experience, has also inspected the setup. Despite this, for the past three months, my internet connection has been intermittently disconnecting and reconnecting throughout the day. Initially linked to local rain, the issue has worsened with longer disconnection periods (up to 30 minutes per hour) and reduced speed upon reconnection. The quality of my landline has deteriorated, evidenced by increased crackling.
Reported by GetHuman-yorkshee on Monday, August 20, 2018 7:05 AM
Subject: Urgent Issue - Poor Customer Service Experience Dear Customer Service, I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the service I have received from your company. My account details are as follows: - Account Name: Adan Concepcion - Account Number: [redacted]82 - Contact Number: [redacted]7 Starting on August 19, I have experienced significant issues with my internet and landline services. Despite multiple calls and assurances from different agents and supervisors, my problem remains unresolved. The lack of communication and failed promises have left me frustrated and disappointed. I urge you to address this matter promptly and provide the service I signed up for. It is unacceptable to experience such poor service, especially considering my recent installation on August 8. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. Sincerely, [Initials]
Reported by GetHuman1035065 on Saturday, August 25, 2018 2:03 PM
Dear Customer Service, I am writing to report issues with my internet and land-line connection under the account name Maria Bella Castillo Ignacio with account number [redacted]79. We have contacted your customer service on August 31, September 1, and September 3 regarding the intermittent internet connection with speeds as low as 0.09-0.2 MBPS instead of the 5MBPS we are supposed to receive. During our last call on September 3, as we were inquiring about the service schedule, the conversation was abruptly ended by your agent. This behavior has left us feeling neglected and unassisted. We are seeking clarification on whether Globe is capable of resolving this matter promptly to decide on the continuity of our service contract with your company. We have been dutifully paying for the service and are disheartened by the lack of assistance we have received.
Reported by GetHuman-jongign on Thursday, September 6, 2018 3:17 AM
For the past five months, we have been dealing with a persistent issue of unstable internet connection, experiencing more than 20 disconnections a day. Despite numerous reports, the problem persists, affecting our ability to use the landline, as hanging up the phone disconnects the internet as well. To temporarily resolve the issue, we now have to hang up the phone to maintain a connection for 1-2 hours before it disconnects again. This inconsistency is severely impacting our business operations, resulting in lost customers and income. Recently, from August 21-31, [redacted], it took 11 days for the connection to stabilize, but now, we are back to experiencing the same problem. Today marks the fourth day of unstable internet connections, causing immense frustration and even tears due to the impact on our business.
Reported by GetHuman1141345 on Friday, September 14, 2018 5:33 AM
Last Sunday, September 16th, in the early morning, I noticed that my phone's signal was showing a red dot. At first, I thought it was the usual intermittent no signal issue. However, after an hour passed, I still did not have a signal, and this persisted throughout the whole day. I tried troubleshooting by turning my cellphone off and on and removing the SIM card and battery before restarting it. This situation has been frustrating as my phone is essential for my daily activities, especially for my business where I constantly communicate with clients using the number [redacted]0. I have had this number for two decades and changing it now would be challenging as all my contacts, including friends, associates, clients, and relatives, reach me on this number. Additionally, my contacts on messenger, WhatsApp, and Viber are all connected to this number, causing further disruption to my usual routine. I urgently need my connection and signal restored to resume my functions. Please address this issue promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1158165 on Monday, September 17, 2018 11:52 PM
I, Edward Tan Rebulado, recently received your Plan [redacted] promo package, which included a Samsung Galaxy S6 cellphone with a 24-month lock-up period. After realizing that the benefits promised to me did not match what I received, I decided to return the unit and cancel the plan. I contacted your chat line for advice on the process, and was directed to visit a Globe Store for assistance. At the SM North Annex store, EJ helped me contact customer service, and I spoke with Francis Dollaga from the termination department. He explained that due to the lock-up period, the only option was to pay over 14k for the cellphone unit. I mentioned that I would seek legal advice before making a decision. Following legal guidance, I am formally requesting the termination of the promo package and will return the cellphone unit due to dissatisfaction with the service provided. Should you decline the return of the unit, I will not be paying for it or any additional charges. - Edward Tan Rebulado
Reported by GetHuman-iledorbi on Monday, October 15, 2018 5:49 AM
I am inquiring about the bill statement for account number [redacted]8. The account was reactivated on August 13, [redacted], but was deactivated again on August 21, [redacted] due to a remaining balance of Php1,[redacted].26. I don't understand the disconnection for a one-month overdue balance. It seems unfair to disconnect me so soon after reactivating the account, especially for such a small amount. I have decided to postpone reconnection due to the frustration and inconvenience caused. However, I was surprised to see a bill for an outstanding balance of Php4,[redacted].68 for the period 9/21/[redacted]-10/20/[redacted], a time when the service was deactivated and not used. I intend to only settle the remaining balance of Php1,[redacted].26 from the deactivation on August 21, [redacted]. It feels unjust to be charged for services not provided. I kindly request prompt attention and resolution to this issue. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope to continue my service with Globe.
Reported by GetHuman-antiado_ on Friday, October 26, 2018 6:55 AM
Hello, My name is Jhon. I was quite surprised to see a one-time charge of [redacted].71 pesos for Netflix Standard on my October Globe bill. This charge came after the expiration of my 6-month free subscription to Netflix. I was taken aback by this unexpected charge as I never used the Netflix service. I contacted Gie from Globe earlier regarding this issue. She informed me that I should have requested to cancel the subscription after the free period. She assisted me in canceling the subscription, which I appreciate. However, my main concern now is whether it is possible to remove the [redacted].71 pesos charge from my October bill. I would appreciate any assistance with this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-jhonnhor on Friday, November 2, 2018 11:59 AM
For the past year, we have been experiencing ongoing issues with the services provided by your company. Attempts to contact your team regarding our network problems have been unsuccessful. It is frustrating to consistently pay for a service that is unreliable. Our internet connection is sporadic, and the landline is not functional most of the time. Despite the poor service, we honor our contract and make monthly payments. We ask for a resolution to this matter. If improvements cannot be made, we would prefer to discontinue the service rather than continue to pay for subpar service. We expect better service as paying customers of GLOBE TELECOM. The account is registered under my sister's name, Jocelyn P., with account number [redacted]36.
Reported by GetHuman-sweet_hu on Thursday, November 8, 2018 3:11 PM
Subject: Urgent Complaint Regarding Globe Telecommunications Services I am writing to address the ongoing issues I have experienced with Globe Telecommunications. This is the third time they have disrupted my services without prior notice. Despite my numerous complaints to their Business Centers and customer service hotline regarding the lack of data connection, the problem persists. I have provided reference numbers for previous disputes on October 3 and 13, [redacted], where I was promised resolutions that were not followed through. After downgrading my plan and facing continuous service interruptions, I visited Globe Glorietta 3 on October 24, [redacted]. Even then, my services were suspended again without warning. I demand immediate activation of my services or I will escalate this matter legally. I have copied the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) for their attention as well. These actions by Globe are unjust and infringe upon my rights. Best regards, Yolanda Domingo On Behalf of Jermaine Domingo
Reported by GetHuman-yddoming on Friday, November 9, 2018 7:06 AM
Hello, I am Maria Concepcion Petalino, a mobile postpaid subscriber. I am seeking a reversal of the overcharge on my plan and request the removal of unauthorized add-ons that Globe has been billing me for monthly. I modified my plan on July 18, [redacted], over the phone, specifying to the agent that I only wanted to retain my mobile number because I would not benefit from the domestic call and data services while abroad. Despite this, I have observed additional charges for services I did not request. Since I am currently overseas, I had a friend contact Globe's customer service on my behalf to address this issue. However, after several months, my October bill still reflects the unwanted add-ons from my plan update in July [redacted]. I urge you to adjust my account to only include the services I agreed upon. My mobile number is +[redacted]09, and my account number is [redacted]9. I kindly ask you to review my 65th, 66th, and 67th (October) bills for the unauthorized charges. I have also sent this matter via email to Globe at [redacted] and [redacted] Looking forward to your prompt response. Thank you, Maria Concepcion Petalino
Reported by GetHuman1532685 on Friday, November 9, 2018 10:19 PM
Last week, I requested a relocation for my internet service as I'm moving to a new area. After visiting the Globe center, my request was processed by the staff. I set up my telephone and modem at the new location yesterday and awaited the technicians. Upon their visit, they encountered an issue - the line in the area is over capacity. As a result, they had to cancel my transfer request. My concern now is what to do about my Globe account, as I won't be using it at the old address. Being an online teacher, a stable internet connection is crucial for my work. I am hopeful for a prompt response to address this matter. Thank you for your attention to this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-rterfel on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 2:39 PM

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