Glu Mobile Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Glu Mobile customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 3, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am encountering an issue with my phone, the one I used to play Tap Baseball 18. As it is faulty, I got a new device, but when I attempt to log into my account on the new phone, it states that login is not available on this device and directs me to continue playing on the original one, which is not possible. On my account, I have acquired a stadium that is at level 3 nearing 4, and bought both endorsements at level 1 and 2. My primary aim is to regain access to my account on the new device. The in-app customer support has not been helpful, and despite reaching out through email to all available contacts, I have not received a single response. This lack of assistance is frustrating, especially given the considerable number of negative reviews about Glu Online. I am left feeling cheated as they offer no refunds, fail to deliver paid services, and lack any customer support. I simply want to regain access to my account; shouldn't that be a reasonable request? If not resolved promptly, I will have to dispute all the charges. I apologize for my frustration, but this situation is unacceptable. How can a legitimate company operate in such a manner?
Reported by GetHuman-brianhea on Thursday, May 3, 2018 2:25 AM
I recently purchased the full refill on energy and 60 stars deal for $4.99 in the game. Despite paying for it, I have not received the items in the game. I have reached out to Glu support several times but have only received repetitive and strange messages that feel inappropriate. I have repeatedly provided my transaction receipts from both PayPal and Google, a total of 12 times, without any resolution. This experience has been frustrating and disrespectful. My ID in the game is cripplingnerd22020. I am eager for a helpful response from someone who can address this matter promptly and effectively. Thank you for your attention to this issue.
Reported by GetHuman793318 on Sunday, June 17, 2018 4:42 PM
I am disappointed as I have not received the k-gems I paid for and was promised. Despite my response to the email inquiry, my account still shows no k-gems. My patience is wearing thin since this issue arose before June 11th when I first contacted Glu Mobile. They only responded on June 11th, leaving me waiting. I expect this matter to be resolved promptly; otherwise, I will have no choice but to uninstall the mobile app. I have been eager to play other Glu Mobile apps, but this experience has left me frustrated. I was assured 11,[redacted] k-gems for my purchase, but they have not been credited to my account yet.
Reported by GetHuman-xgothic on Friday, June 22, 2018 6:35 PM
I am having difficulty linking my Tap Baseball [redacted] account to my Facebook. My team name is Kcball23. I encountered app issues, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it. Since then, I cannot connect via Facebook to retrieve my team. I have included a purchase receipt from May and screenshots showing my team name and club. It is urgent that this issue is resolved promptly. Thank you, Frank Giamalva
Reported by GetHuman-frankgia on Thursday, June 28, 2018 12:42 PM
Subject: Issue During Monday's Walkoff Event Hello, I'm a regular user of TSB 18 and recently encountered a significant problem during the Monday walkoff event that was not effectively resolved by your in-game support team. The glitch occurred on level 5, round 8, making it impossible to complete the event. While playing as Fransisco Lindor against McCullers, I watched a video to receive a batting bonus. However, the game started in the background while the "loading video" screen remained visible, causing me to lose without being able to see the game. I later purchased two $19.99 packs of gold totaling $40 to progress and win the bonus player, Prime Giancarlo Stanton. Despite making these purchases, I encountered the same glitch during my second attempt at level 5, round 8, when I tried to watch another video. This issue hindered my gameplay, ultimately resulting in defeat. I reported the problem to customer service in-game, but I was informed that there was nothing more they could do except escalate it to the development team. As a dedicated player who has invested around $[redacted]-$[redacted] in the game, I believe a resolution or compensation is warranted. I hope for a positive response. Thank you, Joe In-game username: Leafygreenmtn22 P.S. I have multiple screenshots of the issue available upon request.
Reported by GetHuman-lofberg on Sunday, July 1, 2018 9:49 PM
I've encountered several issues with MLB TSB [redacted] since Memorial Day. I have an unresolved problem from this weekend where someone at Glu reset my Fan rewards while I was playing. Despite already spending 18,[redacted] gold, they reset it to 0, I couldn't see my total count, and after spending more than 20,[redacted] gold, I didn't receive the reward. The only response from the Glu representative was to keep spending and they would compensate me. It has been 48 hours, and they are not responding to my messages, locking me out of new inquiries. I have been a loyal customer for four years and spent thousands of dollars on this game. Please assist. Thank you. - M.G. Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman868328 on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 10:05 PM
I encountered an issue while attempting to purchase gold bars in the Chef Ramsey game. Each time I tried to make the purchase, an error message popped up stating it couldn't charge my card and prompted me to check my internet connection. This was a new problem for me, so it left me perplexed. To troubleshoot, I made multiple attempts, only to discover later that my card was actually being charged each time, despite the error messages. I intended to buy one set of gold bars (35 bars) for $2.99 as advertised in the game. I have gathered screenshots of the charges, the gold bar quantity, and the connection signal. I am seeking a resolution where I receive the 1 set of gold bars for $2.99 and a refund for the extra charges made. I prefer a refund instead of any alternative offers or credits.
Reported by GetHuman889891 on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 5:05 PM
I am experiencing difficulties with my account on tap sports baseball [redacted]. The username is LAPugLife, which holds VIP status. I suspect that my account may have been reset by a support person named "Brian" after I reported the game freezing. The account may not have been originally set up with an email address and password, but it was linked to my Facebook. I am Daniel H. and willing to provide necessary verification details. The prompt resolution of this matter is crucial as I am part of a weekend club and missing out on rewards due to this issue. Kindly address this problem expediently, ideally today. My contact email is [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-somoneyu on Saturday, July 21, 2018 12:03 PM
While playing Tap Sports Baseball [redacted], my username is LaPugLife and I am a VIP player. Last Thursday, my game froze, prompting me to contact Glu Mobile via VIP chat. The following day, Brian responded, but when I clicked on a duplicate Arenado box, my account reset to the startup screen, and I cannot log back in. I believe my account may only be connected through Facebook and not email. I missed out on free gifts and might miss club vs. club awards today. I need access to my account and have tried reaching out through multiple channels without success. I'm Daniel Harrison, and I prefer to access my account via email at [redacted] I await a prompt response.
Reported by GetHuman-somoneyu on Sunday, July 22, 2018 1:51 PM
I purchased coins for my wife's game, Dine and Dash, regularly over the years. Recently, my kids accidentally spent $50 on her account, which is more than I usually spend at once. Despite this large purchase, the coins did not appear in her account. As a loyal customer, I kindly request a refund for the unaccounted $50 charge. I appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman921993 on Friday, July 27, 2018 12:35 PM
I updated this morning for Tap Baseball [redacted]. My team name is TouchIt and it is backed up by my email address. However, I am unable to get the game to load after the update that was supposed to fix bugs. Despite previous issues, I am still facing connectivity problems on my home WiFi. It's frustrating that I can play on other networks or data connections. The problem is not my device, storage, or internet connection; it seems to be on your end. Please address this issue as many other players are experiencing similar problems, as seen on social media. As a VIP player, I hope for a resolution and possibly some compensation. I believe the company has the ability to rectify this situation and I urge you to do so promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-fcronyah on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 10:33 AM
I reinstalled MLB Tap Sports 18 a week ago, and since then, I lost access to my team. I created a new team to contact my club leader about the issue. After submitting an in-game ticket, a representative assisted me in "unlocking" my original account and linking my email to the original team. I was instructed to sign in and select "forgot password" to regain access. Unfortunately, when I entered my email address ([redacted]) for the password reset, I received an error message saying the email was invalid. I'm currently unable to progress and require assistance to access my account. The team I am trying to access is named "Treadsmell" and is connected to this email.
Reported by GetHuman-rmtreadw on Friday, August 24, 2018 3:25 AM
For the past week, I have been unable to access my account, 69midgets, on Tap Sports Baseball [redacted] due to being flagged. Despite speaking to a representative about the issue last Saturday and being assured it would be resolved promptly, a week has passed with no improvement. This has severely limited my gameplay options as I cannot upgrade my team, change position players, participate in club events, CVC, or season mode. I feel frustrated missing out on rewards and the VIP gift released yesterday, which I see others enjoying on Facebook. The lack of response and support from customer service for five days is disappointing. I am eager to have my account restored and seek appropriate compensation for the inconvenience and missed opportunities. It is disheartening to feel ignored as a player.
Reported by GetHuman1110041 on Friday, September 7, 2018 9:07 PM
While playing Tap Baseball [redacted], I attempted to purchase a pack for $4.99 which included [redacted] gold, a #1 draft pick, and two first-round draft picks. However, upon checking my iTunes receipt, I noticed I was charged $29.99 instead. I seem to have received five first-round draft picks and [redacted] gold which I did not authorize. My in-game name is Kelevera. I am seeking assistance in getting a refund for this unauthorized purchase. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1177108 on Friday, September 21, 2018 6:13 PM
Tap Sports Baseball [redacted] I have a very serious issue that hasn't been handled professionally. When playing Walk Off Hero, the game shut down while I was winning, resetting my progress. I spent 10,[redacted] gold, equivalent to $[redacted], to reach this point. Despite being told the event was completed, I didn't receive the rewards, such as Blake Snell's stats leader and other players like Kluber, Merrifield, Ernie Banks, and possibly Puig. This issue also affected four others in my club. I've experienced game freezes and disruptions before, but losing money is unacceptable. I expect either the rewards I earned or a refund of my gold. I shouldn't have to suffer financially due to a faulty game. My internet connection is stable, so the error isn't on my end. Please address this promptly as it's essential to rectify this situation. I value the game but can't continue supporting a company that ignores genuine concerns. Thank you for your assistance. -JK
Reported by GetHuman-jkertson on Saturday, October 13, 2018 4:33 AM
Hello, I am reaching out concerning my experience with your QuizUp trivia app, hoping for some assistance with an issue I encountered. I have recently faced difficulties accessing my account due to unintentionally violating your community guidelines. After thoroughly reviewing these rules, I now understand the error of my ways. I want to reassure you that my actions were not intentional. I assure you that I will adhere strictly to your rules moving forward. I consistently maintain a respectful and appropriate conduct when interacting with other players, refraining from any form of abuse or inappropriate content. In addition, I engage in meaningful discussions related to the various categories I participate in. QuizUp is more than just a source of gratification for me; it has connected me with like-minded individuals whom I thoroughly enjoy engaging with. I believe that your app plays a significant role in fostering friendships and promoting unity in our diverse world. I simply wanted to express the value I place on QuizUp, the pleasure it brings me, and humbly request the reactivation of my account. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and earnestly plead for another opportunity. Despite only playing for a short period, I am already captivated by your app and am even willing to invest financially by purchasing the ad-free version. I kindly request the reinstatement of my account, assuring you that I will not cause any further issues. I appreciate your time and support in this matter. Account Name: Søren Tarchanan Feel free to contact me if additional information is required.
Reported by GetHuman-lilyluna on Thursday, October 18, 2018 3:48 PM
Hello, I am a user of your QuizUp trivia app and I am encountering an issue that I hope you can assist me with. I have been unable to access my account due to a violation of your community rules, which I have now fully read and comprehend. I assure you that my actions were not intentional. I want to emphasize that I will adhere to your guidelines moving forward and maintain a respectful demeanor towards other players. Your app has allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in meaningful conversations. I believe QuizUp has the potential to promote friendship and understanding across the globe. I am sincerely sorry for any inconvenience caused and respectfully request that you reconsider unblocking my account. I am committed to abiding by the rules and enjoying the app as intended. Thank you for your attention and support in this matter. Best regards, S.T.
Reported by GetHuman-lilyluna on Monday, October 22, 2018 1:55 AM
I recently had a challenging customer service encounter that left me feeling frustrated. The representative, Erick, was not able to resolve the issue promptly. I encountered a problem with the October 8th WOH rewards in the game, and while I received a compensation box, it did not contain the featured player, Blake Snell, as it should have. Despite providing evidence of the rewards, I have been waiting for a resolution for over a week. I understand that mistakes happen, and I am willing to work together to resolve this issue and receive the rewards I am owed. Additionally, I have encountered other issues with missing gold and rewards in the game, and I hope to address those after this matter is resolved. I have reached out via email with proof of the situation but have not received a response. I appreciate any assistance in resolving this situation promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-jkertson on Monday, October 22, 2018 10:20 PM
Good morning. I recently encountered an issue with my Cooking Dash game after updating my iPad. While all my other games function properly, Cooking Dash now fails to load. I received a prompt requesting me to contact customer service along with the player ID: PF_A426F6e5-D6FB-4DOF-9e53-FBe00246A6DA. Despite having enough bandwidth and ample storage on my device, the game won't start. I have no Facebook account, never had one, and have no intention of creating one. Interestingly, Cooking Dash still operates without issues on my phone. It seems to be a specific problem on my iPad.
Reported by GetHuman1775860 on Monday, December 17, 2018 1:58 PM
I have been playing the game for over a year, and initially, I invested a lot of money into it. However, recently, when I try to log in on my phone, the game only loads up to 37% and then prompts me to try again. To my surprise, it indicates that my game has been stopped due to a policy violation. I haven't made any changes or done anything different from what I used to do before. I keep to myself as I've noticed that interacting with others can cause issues. I am 50 years old, living in the woods in Alaska, and the game has been a source of enjoyment for me. I am frustrated that I can no longer access it. I am uncertain of my team's name, but I am a fan of the Milwaukee Brewers. It feels unjust that after a year of consistent play, I am facing this problem. I would like to continue playing, but this experience makes me hesitant to invest more money into the game.
Reported by GetHuman-towelie on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 9:43 PM

Help me with my Glu Mobile issue

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