Gmail Customer Service Issues

Archive 2

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Gmail customer service, archive #2. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 16, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I'm experiencing a concerning issue with my Fortnite account. It appears that an unauthorized individual gained access to my account, where I've invested a significant amount of money and time. This account holds sentimental value to me and is crucial for my Twitch streaming, which serves as my primary source of income. The intruder not only altered the account's recovery email but also changed the associated phone number. I have concrete knowledge of the account's details prior to these modifications and seek assistance in rectifying this distressing situation. Your help in restoring access to my valuable account would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman790878 on Saturday, June 16, 2018 4:19 PM
Dear community members, I am Theresa Dedeaux, and I am reaching out for assistance regarding a challenging situation I have faced. After enduring years of abuse from my ex-husband, I continue to experience difficulties that he has caused. An unfortunate chain of events, including a robbery, false accusations of insurance fraud, eviction due to disability discrimination, and the loss of my storage unit, has left me struggling. Specifically, I am perplexed by the disappearance of emails I sent to my storage unit providers requesting payment withdrawals, leading to the loss of my belongings. If anyone has advice, insights, or suggestions on how to retrieve these crucial emails, please share them with me. I believe that finding this information is essential to resolving my current challenges. However, if anyone can guide me on the necessary steps to access these records, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for any help or support you can offer. Warm regards, Theresa
Reported by GetHuman792582 on Sunday, June 17, 2018 5:48 AM
I am in the process of preparing a formal complaint against a contractor who has been working on home improvements for my house. While gathering the relevant emails for my complaint, I realized that I am missing an email where I expressed my frustration to the contractor about the delayed start date. I suspect it may have been deleted by the recipient. Additionally, on a different occasion, I was waiting for a response from the contractor about their availability to come to my house, and it turns out they did reply at 9:55, contrary to my understanding. I am concerned about the possibility of emails being altered after they have been sent and whether recipients can delete messages I have sent. If this is the case, I would like to know how to address these issues moving forward.
Reported by GetHuman-marcines on Monday, June 18, 2018 4:42 PM
I have not received any Gmail messages since March, and it is now June. Friends have called me on my phone to ask why I haven't responded. Frannie S. mentioned that she sent me several emails "yesterday" (a week ago), but I have not received them or any others, except for two my daughter sent a few weeks ago. My inbox still shows messages from [redacted], including my late husband's obituary and several others from around that time. These were sent to my former Gmail account, [redacted] I tried to access that old account, but all I see is the same inbox with the same [redacted] messages. Please assist me with this issue. Thank you for addressing my concerns. Email: [redacted], [redacted], [redacted] Many thanks in advance for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-mitchmsu on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:57 PM
I am uncertain about what happened with my Gmail account as I cannot recall my password. I have been using this account under the name Felicia Valero [redacted] for around 2 years. Unfortunately, I seem to have trouble with the recovery email, which should be Felicia Valero 13 at I believe there might be a mistake in the setup, perhaps I used an H instead of a Y. Retrieving this account is crucial as it contains significant photos and documents. I am willing to provide any necessary information or documents to verify my identity. I have been attempting to recover access for about 3 to 4 weeks now and seeking assistance with resolving this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-ladytws on Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:53 AM
Yesterday, I inadvertently created a new Gmail account with the address [redacted] while using a computer that had my husband’s Hotmail account ([redacted]) open in another tab. Now, it seems that my husband’s Hotmail account is only accessible through the new Gmail account I unintentionally created. I need assistance in restoring access to my husband’s Hotmail account without the interference of [redacted], as his Hotmail account is crucial for his work. Thank you for any help you can provide in resolving this issue.
Reported by GetHuman810733 on Friday, June 22, 2018 4:48 PM
I recently changed my password for my work computer but forgot it the next day and got locked out. Despite attempting Google’s password recovery process multiple times daily, providing personal information and recent emails I had sent, I am continuously rejected. It seems like I am receiving automated responses and cannot reach a human for assistance since Google lacks a phone number. I tried JustAsk, a site redirected by Google, and paid $5.00 to speak with a representative for advice. However, I was charged $53.00, and still unable to access my email account. I am unsure of the next steps to take and desperately need help regaining access.
Reported by GetHuman-mauraive on Monday, June 25, 2018 3:09 AM
I recently received warnings about reaching my data limit in Gmail. I ignored prompts to pay for additional storage and did not receive any upgrade links in my emails. As of June 20, my main email account stopped receiving messages, and my iPhone notes disappeared suddenly. The Gmail settings on my iPhone also seem to have changed without my intervention. I am concerned about whether my notes will return once my account is restored. I have cleared some emails in my inboxes. Can you please advise on how to regain access to my account? The affected email is [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-franipho on Thursday, June 28, 2018 3:20 AM
I'm facing a dilemma that I need help with. I opened a YouTube account in August [redacted], uploaded some videos, and then stopped using it. Recently, I rediscovered one of my videos that has gained a lot of views. Unfortunately, I can't recall the email associated with the account. I've checked my other emails for any recovery information but had no luck. I attempted account recovery using a potential email linked to the account, but the phone number it's asking for is likely an old one I no longer have access to. I don't remember the phone number to receive the code for verification. I can prove my identity as my name is on the account, and there are certain details in the videos, like my Steam account, that connect to me. The videos were also linked to my Steam account, which might help. I know when and where the account was created. I'm eager to regain access to this account, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman831103 on Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:43 PM
As a musician, I collaborated with a producer who became a former business partner. I established the band name Eleventh Rebellion with the intent of forming a band with this individual. However, we have parted ways, and I am the rightful owner of eleventhrebellion and [redacted] Unfortunately, my ex-partner has changed the password for the email account and is withholding access. Additionally, he has altered the passwords for a CD Baby account where funds are being managed without my consent. I have reached out to CD Baby regarding this issue and have involved my legal counsel. I am committed to taking the necessary steps to reclaim control over [redacted] and the Eleventh Rebellion name, which I legally possess.
Reported by GetHuman-skarletr on Friday, June 29, 2018 4:00 PM
Hello, I am seeking assistance with a situation involving my son's newly purchased laptop. It appears that the laptop belonged to someone else previously, and we are encountering issues with the former owner's credentials still linked to the laptop. Specifically, there is an Xbox account associated with a Google email that we are unable to unlink without access to the email for verification. Despite attempting to contact Xbox and Epic Games for assistance, we have not received a resolution. I have tried reaching out to the former user, whose email is [redacted], but have not received a response. If possible, could you verify an email from Epic Games on the [redacted] account so we can disconnect it from my son's Xbox account? This mix-up has caused my son to lose access to his Fortnite profile, and he is quite upset, especially during his school vacation. Your help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman833835 on Friday, June 29, 2018 6:05 PM
Hello, I recently discovered that some company email accounts in the Gmail suite were compromised, and the passwords were changed. I attempted to contact Google in the USA and Netherlands but was unsuccessful in reaching a live person. Unfortunately, without access to my PIN, I am unable to resolve this issue through the automated system due to the compromised admin account. It is concerning how easily these accounts were hacked, especially when they all had different passwords. I am frustrated as I am a paying customer and expect better security measures from Google. The hackers now have access to my emails and are sending phishing emails to my contacts, which is alarming. I urge Google to improve their security protocols to prevent such breaches in the future. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman849230 on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 3:59 PM
I received an email from Google on July 2 regarding the account "[redacted]" being accessed from a new Apple iPod device. The email stated there was a new sign-in to my account and mentioned subsequent alerts about a password change and a modified recovery email address. The original recovery email was listed as "[redacted]," but upon attempting to log in, I was unable to access the account with that email. The new recovery email was shown as "lau•••••••••••••••," which I do not recognize. Since I cannot log in anymore due to this unauthorized access, I am requesting assistance in deleting the compromised account.
Reported by GetHuman-hbtvprod on Friday, July 6, 2018 5:38 PM
Hello, I am a user who lost my cellphone number and cannot access my account. My name is DL, a Brazilian citizen, with primary email as [redacted] and secondary email [redacted] I know all my passwords but need help accessing my account as I am desperate. I can provide any information needed. I may have created the email to access YouTube and Google Chrome with my web favorites such as folders for Animes and Sonda. I have a link for Strategy Box that I need. I use my Gmail to access my Steam accounts BSBHUNTER and DLCR2017. I made purchases using BOACOMPRA and exchanged personal emails with [redacted] and [redacted] I received an email from JM Izidro years back. Please assist me.
Reported by GetHuman-davilcr on Monday, July 9, 2018 4:34 PM
On July 4th, I accidentally ran over my phone, breaking it. I have since replaced it with the same number but can't remember the password for my email [redacted] that I changed a few weeks ago. This email is crucial as it's linked to my job boards, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. My account was synchronized with my old ZTE phone and my backup Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. I primarily accessed my account from Lee's Summit, 89th, and Troost in Kansas City, MO. I tried to use [redacted] as my backup email, but it's not verifying my identity. I'm willing to submit a copy of my ID to resolve this. Please, I really need to regain access to my account. If necessary, you can reach me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman865641 on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 3:40 AM
I recently got a new iPhone and encountered difficulty logging in to my Instagram account due to forgetting my passcode. After multiple attempts, I triggered a "suspicious activity" alert. Instagram said it would send a code to my rarely used Gmail account [redacted] for verification. Unfortunately, I can't recall the password for that email to access the code. The security question provided - about my first phone number - seems impossible to answer as I don't remember it. Are there alternative security questions I could try or another method to regain access to my Instagram account? I'm eager to use my new phone for Instagram but I'm stuck without the verification code. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-mobyseay on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 12:39 AM
My email address is [redacted] Sometimes, I receive emails intended for [redacted] It seems this address is associated with someone who has lived in NJ, MI, and Florida. It appears he uses the email for situations where he doesn't want to provide his real address, leading his "junk mail" to end up in my inbox. I never used the [redacted] address and am unsure how it got linked to mine. I am seeking assistance to understand how this mix-up occurred and to prevent emails meant for "[redacted]" from coming to my inbox.
Reported by GetHuman882651 on Sunday, July 15, 2018 2:38 PM
I have been struggling to access my Gmail inbox for months. I had enabled 2-step verification last year without any issues. However, since around November [redacted], I haven't been able to log in. Unfortunately, the backup phone number I set up is outdated, and the other phone number I have is a landline, which Gmail does not support for calls or texts, unlike AOL. Despite providing accurate answers to all security questions and backup options, I keep receiving an error message saying, "Sorry, Google can't verify this account belongs to you." Even the code they provide is not working. I would really appreciate some help with this matter. Thank you. - Liz
Reported by GetHuman-lconty on Monday, July 16, 2018 10:31 PM
Last year, when I discovered that the two-step verification options were malfunctioning (and Google's provided code was ineffective), I contacted their help desk via email. The automated reply stated that Google would reply within 3-5 business days. Unfortunately, I did not receive any follow-up via phone call or email, even though I provided my contact number. This has been my experience with their customer service department. - Liz
Reported by GetHuman-lconty on Monday, July 16, 2018 10:45 PM
I have a Plenty Of Fish account that I usually stay logged into. One morning, I found myself logged out and when I tried to log back in, it said my password was incorrect. I changed my password and noticed that my profile settings had been altered to show that I was a 40-year-old woman instead of my actual age of 30. This happened twice more within a few days. Frustrated with someone toying with my account, I deleted my profile. Following a friend's advice, I changed my email password as well, only to find out that someone had accessed my email. I promptly changed my email password. I hope for a resolution soon.
Reported by GetHuman-cdpierce on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 1:49 PM

Help me with my Gmail issue

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