Google Customer Service Issues

Archive 20

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Google customer service, archive #20. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 11, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I received a notification from my debit card company, AMEX, regarding a $19.99 charge on my card from Google Play. Uncertain about the transaction, I want to clarify that I did not authorize or attempt a purchase of this value. Previous Google Play purchases I made were for smaller amounts like $0.99, $1.99, or $4.99, with only one for $19.99, dating back a year or two for a growth package on the Injustice 2 app. AMEX suggested reaching out to Google, as the charge is still pending to expedite the process, rather than waiting up to 45 days for the $19.99 refund, which I find unreasonable. I seek advice on how to address this issue promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-sthlrd on четверг, 11 октября 2018 г., 20:17
I need to remove unauthorized links to my Gmail account on various devices. An old roommate's boyfriend has linked my Gmail, Facebook, and Messenger accounts without permission. I have tried switching phones and creating new accounts, but he keeps accessing my information. When I reset my phone and create a new Gmail account, I want to completely remove his access. Additionally, he posts my pictures on his business profiles and tracks my locations. I have been dealing with this for two years, and I need urgent assistance to stop this intrusion into my privacy. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman1334464 on пятница, 12 октября 2018 г., 19:37
My email address is [redacted] It has been hacked, and I am struggling to reset the password despite trying various methods. The phone linked to this account is my office line [redacted], which does not receive texts. I have received a code through alternate means but am encountering the following error message. How can I proceed with resetting the password? My cell number is [redacted]. Additionally, I have alternative email addresses such as WenRobb01, WenRobb02, WenRobb03, WenRobb04, WenRobb06, and [redacted] Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sorry, we couldn't verify your ownership of [redacted] Thank you for confirming access to the contact email provided. For further details on recovering your account, please refer to the provided link.
Reported by GetHuman-wenrobb on пятница, 12 октября 2018 г., 20:53
I am experiencing an issue with unauthorized charges on my Google Cloud account. Despite never using or hearing of Google Cloud, I discovered these transactions while checking my bank statements. Fortunately, my bank was able to refund the charges, but Google continues to bill me. I have tried contacting various Google support channels without success, only to be directed to different websites and phone numbers not associated with Google. I am concerned about losing my Google account, which is linked to my YouTube channel. I am seeking assistance on how to resolve this pending balance and ensure my account is secure.
Reported by GetHuman-tuanaaus on суббота, 13 октября 2018 г., 1:15
I'm currently experiencing an issue with my Samsung Chromebook where the QWERTYUIOP keys are not working. This is preventing me from logging in as my password contains those letters. I've changed my password multiple times to try and troubleshoot the problem, but I'm still unable to unlock my local data files. I am considering backing up my files and resetting the owner account to see if it resolves the keyboard problem before considering sending it back to the manufacturer.
Reported by GetHuman-nerlyne on суббота, 13 октября 2018 г., 3:14
My old phone was irreparably damaged by a virus, so I proceeded by purchasing a new phone. When it was activated, it was assigned a new, different phone number. I then tried to recover my pictures that were on my old phone under the email address [redacted] Upon getting a new phone, I elected to change my email address to [redacted] Since I used Chrome's "save passwords" feature on my old phone and only ever had to remember my password, I can't recall what it was. I have not been able to access my pictures from my old account, many of which were irreplaceable pictures of family members and beloved pets that have passed away. After trying your account recovery help over 57 times and answering security questions, I keep getting the same message saying they couldn’t verify it was my account. I have sent more than half a dozen emails pleading for assistance to recover my pictures. To date, no one has responded regarding this matter. This is my final attempt by email to receive assistance in resolving this issue. I shouldn’t have to resort to legal action just to get back my personal pictures. I hope this matter can be resolved, sincerely, Troy Charles Simon.
Reported by GetHuman-ibrakec on суббота, 13 октября 2018 г., 15:21
I created an account back in [redacted] under the name Carlie Jones, linked to an HTC Android phone. At the time, I resided in Jackson, KY, and had cherished pictures of my pregnant wife, our two kids, and me, saved on the cloud. Unfortunately, the phone was stolen, and I couldn't recall my Google account details to regain access. My date of birth is December 10, [redacted]. Additionally, my wife, Sonya Jones, also has an unrecoverable account which might have these precious photos. If there's any way to assist in retrieving these important pictures, it would mean the world to us. If further assistance is required, please contact us at [redacted]. Thank you sincerely for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-sljloves on суббота, 13 октября 2018 г., 16:53
I am seeking assistance in recovering my hacked account. I have made numerous attempts through online recovery methods but have been unsuccessful. The account contains crucial information that cannot be replaced, including important photos needed for a claims case for the plumbing company I am involved with. Google froze the account a year ago due to the hack and I was asked to change the password after two weeks. I possess an ID and the original password. Time is critical in this matter as these photos are vital for the case. Your prompt guidance on how to proceed with the account recovery process will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, J. M. Alexander
Reported by GetHuman-hattchet on воскресенье, 14 октября 2018 г., 16:35
I am experiencing difficulties with recovering my Gmail account. I know the email associated with the account and have a good recollection of past passwords, but none of them seem to work. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the phone number linked to the account as I have a new phone that is not yet activated. Although I can confirm the number, it is inaccessible. I do have access to my recovery email; however, using it to reset the password has been unsuccessful. I am unable to use the phone number for recovery as it is not activated, and relying on the recovery email alone has not been sufficient. This account holds significant importance to me as I have made purchases using it. I am hoping to find a resolution soon.
Reported by GetHuman-kylejaco on понедельник, 15 октября 2018 г., 11:47
I am having trouble setting up a Google account on my new Galaxy Samsung Tab A to access the Play Store. The process is asking for a phone number, which I provided as my home phone. However, it is now requesting an SMS reply, which I cannot receive since it's a landline. Do I need a cell phone to use the Play Store? It feels unnecessary to acquire a new phone and plan just to get apps on my tablet.
Reported by GetHuman1347433 on понедельник, 15 октября 2018 г., 14:07
I have been attempting to regain access to my account for seven months. There are no security questions set up, and I have had this account for over a decade. It is concerning as this account contains all my important information, photos, and contacts. Despite reaching out to Google numerous times, I have not received any responses. I am distressed by this situation. My account is associated with [redacted] I am still able to log in through Facebook, and I am willing to provide any necessary verification. The inaction from Google is disappointing given the personal nature of the content in my account. Assistance with this matter is greatly appreciated. You can contact me at [redacted] or [redacted] Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-djswonde on понедельник, 15 октября 2018 г., 21:18
My son has affected my account. This is not right or just. Attached are all my verification documents. He no longer has access to my account. I need this account for legal reasons. Please reconsider. This will never happen again. Attached are my documents for verification. Please, my son really caused a problem for me. Help a single dad, as I use this account for business. I'm submitting all my important life documents. Please help, what you're doing is wrong. I could lose company business and it will affect my life. My son only lives with me for four months a year. Please help me. John J. B.
Reported by GetHuman-jbinco on вторник, 16 октября 2018 г., 2:06
I recently had an issue with someone accessing my Google account and changing my voicemail information in the contact list. This altered information could be used as a backup after a factory reset on my phone. What I saw on my Google account did not match what should have been on my phone. I resolved this problem by deleting Google entirely in one step. I have also eliminated Facebook due to similar issues. Those who tamper with others' accounts for personal gain go beyond normal tool usage for success. I posted this to see if others have experienced similar problems and to seek clarity on the situation. If you can explain why and how this happened, that would help me understand the situation better.
Reported by GetHuman-johnupat on вторник, 16 октября 2018 г., 7:40
After my phone suffered water damage, I had to replace it. However, I am unable to access my Apple ID or Gmail because the phone number linked to the accounts is an old Swedish number that I no longer have. I've been using an Australian number for over a year now. Although I remember my passwords, I can't log in due to the security code requirement on an untrusted device. Unfortunately, I don't recall the password for my backup email, which I rarely use. I can't recall the exact account creation date either. This is problematic as many vital services are linked to my Gmail account, holding crucial information. I urgently need assistance in regaining access to my Google account. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-alexpens on вторник, 16 октября 2018 г., 15:01
I contacted the first number [redacted], and spoke with David. He instructed me to buy a $50 Google card and provide him with the pin to regain access to my account. This is clearly a scam. If you need help accessing your account, please call and pretend to have forgotten your password. David then referred me to call back at [redacted]. My account [redacted] is currently locked out, and it's urgent that I regain access. Unfortunately, my phone was stolen recently, which makes it harder to resolve this issue. While I would love a reward for reporting this scammer, I am mainly focused on retrieving my account. I have experienced many good deeds in life, and believe in supporting one another. The prospect of owning a Google Pixel 3 XL excites me after losing my Note 8. It would be a great replacement and I'd be eager to share my experience with others. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-steliano on вторник, 16 октября 2018 г., 23:17
I have forgotten my Gmail account password for "[redacted]" and cannot access the recovery email provided. Additionally, I have changed my mobile number and can no longer receive the recovery code. Due to the length of time since I created my account, I do not remember other information needed for recovery. I need help accessing my Gmail account as it contains important photos and contacts.
Reported by GetHuman-mateshac on среда, 17 октября 2018 г., 7:07
My ex-partner gained access to my phone, changed passwords, deleted apps, and factory reset the device without informing me. I later tried setting up a new email account on a tablet for recovery purposes and mistakenly deleted both the new and original accounts. Despite numerous attempts through phone calls and emails, I am stuck in a loop unable to regain access. When providing a long list of verification details to prove ownership, there has been no response. This situation has left me unable to access the Play Store, resulting in the loss of apps and photos stored on Google. I have tried to recover the account on multiple devices, but I am continuously redirected to square one. Additionally, the verification code for changing my Samsung account password is sent to the inaccessible Gmail account, further complicating the situation.
Reported by GetHuman-shomabow on среда, 17 октября 2018 г., 10:29
I believe my older account, which I have been redirecting to a newer Gmail account, has been compromised. Despite going through all the recovery procedures, I still cannot regain access. There have been unauthorized transactions on a Visa card in a location I am not familiar with, which I have evidence of. The old email in question is [redacted], which is linked to [redacted], and I have been attempting to recover it through [redacted] The original recovery email was [redacted], which I no longer use, and the associated phone number was [redacted], which is also no longer valid. My current phone number is [redacted]. I urgently need to access [redacted] to review the account activity and reset the password.
Reported by GetHuman-jennypdg on среда, 17 октября 2018 г., 13:31
When I search for my business on Google, the name displayed is incorrect even though I have already updated it. However, when I log into my account, the address and information are accurate. When I search for "Cornwall Media Services," I see two listings for Complete Media Solutions instead. One of them is up-to-date since it is no longer at that address, while the other listing still shows my old address and not Cornwall Media Services. I'm confused about why this is happening.
Reported by GetHuman-dderry on среда, 17 октября 2018 г., 15:41
I am experiencing a major issue with some volunteer writers on Google Maps. Their unsightly photos and false information are harming our small business reputation. I demand the immediate removal of these misleading pictures and lies. One individual, Lemont Jankins, left inaccurate feedback stating we were not open when we had only been operating for a few months. Another person, Louis Cicchini, claimed we were closed during regular hours, which is untrue as either my husband or I are always present during posted times. Upon further investigation, it appears these individuals have left similar negative reviews for other businesses. These fabrications are damaging our livelihood, and I insist Google takes action promptly. If necessary, please remove our business from Google Maps, as we never requested to be listed there. This situation is deeply frustrating, and I am adamant about rectifying it promptly. Sincerely, Mimi Shelago of
Reported by GetHuman1364313 on среда, 17 октября 2018 г., 16:25

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