Customer Service Issues

Archive 2

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #2. It includes a selection of 6 issue(s) reported June 16, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I wanted to address a recent patient's review about my services as a physician. The review on Healthgrades includes irrelevant details and inaccuracies regarding our office's interactions with the patient. The patient did not provide their name, making it difficult to verify their status. She mentioned contacting our office twice, but we have no record of these calls. Contrary to her claim, our surgery scheduler did discuss the procedure with her during an in-person visit. The issue she raised in the review was already addressed during her initial appointment. I am concerned about the misleading information in the review and request its removal to maintain the positive reputation of my office and dedicated staff. Our team strives to provide excellent service, as confirmed by numerous other positive patient reviews on Google. Thank you, Dr. S.
Reported by GetHuman-drstancu on Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022 19:58
During my appointment with Dr. D. (cardiologist) on November 15, [redacted], I felt like an inconvenience to the doctor. The purpose of this visit was to assess my heart murmur. The nurse checked my blood pressure and listened to my heart. However, when Dr. D. entered, he didn't listen to my heart, inquire about prescription refills, or ask about my well-being. It seemed as though he didn't grasp why I was there. The only advice he gave was related to improving my diet. I value doctors' time and understand their busy schedules. I am disappointed that the appointment didn't address my needs. I prefer a physician who listens and shares my health concerns. As a result, I will not be returning to this cardiologist's practice.
Reported by GetHuman6451637 on Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2023 18:16
I recently discovered a very old negative review on my provider profile that contains inaccurate and defamatory information. Another patient brought it to my attention, mentioning that it has been up for over a decade. I was under the impression that it would be removed after a certain period, but to my dismay, it's still there. This review unjustly skews the overall impression of my profile. How can I go about getting it removed?
Reported by GetHuman-ecstuben on Donnerstag, 16. März 2023 15:57
I'm having trouble getting my email recognized by the automated system to post my review. It's frustrating how much companies rely on robotic processes, leading to lengthy delays in resolving issues. In my opinion, having a human address the problem directly would be much quicker and efficient.
Reported by GetHuman8427816 on Montag, 12. Juni 2023 15:47
I am Dr. Su Zhan, the owner of WNY Rehabilitation Medicine and Pain Management at [redacted] Union Road, West Seneca, NY [redacted]. I noticed that my personal cell phone number is incorrectly listed on your website, causing patients to contact me directly. To rectify this, I kindly request that you remove my personal cell phone number [[redacted]] from the website and update it with the clinic's number [[redacted]]. I do not have access to the Health Grades account where this information was posted. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance. Dr. Su Zhan
Reported by GetHuman-suzhanil on Donnerstag, 21. September 2023 14:25
I have noticed fake reviews on my profile, Teki Hegwood, MD, especially the one from Healthgrades in Monterey in [redacted]. However, I moved away in [redacted], so I couldn't have been involved in the alleged incident. The doctors in Monterey, CA, continue to spread this misinformation. I kindly request the removal of any content associated with the fake email address and any reviews posted on my behalf after [redacted]. If you need more details or can assist in identifying those responsible for these false reviews, please contact me using the email provided below. Thank you for helping me address this issue.
Reported by GetHuman8630706 on Freitag, 22. September 2023 14:38

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