Customer Service Issues

Archive 28

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #28. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 10, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have a booking with number [redacted]5 under the name M. Shai. While flying from Mumbai to Coimbatore, IndiGo charged me $98 for the flight, claiming they were not informed by Kiwi that it was already paid. They advised me to reach out to Kiwi for a refund. Questions: 1. How and when will I receive the refund? 2. I am flying back tomorrow; will this issue recur? 3. How can I contact someone to address this matter?
Reported by GetHuman4070826 on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 6:35 AM
I purchased a flight ticket using the email [redacted], but I have not received a booking confirmation. I suspect the issue may be due to [redacted] being a China-based email. I do not have a booking number as I did not receive any confirmation. The only message I received was "[INFO] couldn't deliver an email to sukalst." I am wondering if it is possible to update the email to [redacted] or if there's another way to ensure I receive my booking confirmation. Additionally, I am unable to contact via phone as they do not have a standard phone number for support in China.
Reported by GetHuman-sukalst on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 8:55 AM
Hello, I made a booking today from Dublin to Porto for December 19th using credit card number ending in [redacted]. However, I mistakenly entered the wrong email address as [redacted] I cannot retrieve the booking reference. It was booked under Nathalie Dos Santos Michels. The correct email I wish to use is [redacted] to receive the flight details. Can you assist me, please?
Reported by GetHuman4080325 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 8:21 PM
Booking reference numbers [redacted] and [redacted]. I faced a flight delay from STN to BGY, causing me to miss the connecting flight from BGY to VKO. Even if the first flight was on time, I still would have missed the connecting flight. Now I'm stranded in Milan, leading to me missing the subsequent flights VKO to IKT and IKT to ULN. Can someone assist me in arranging a new itinerary to reach Ulaanbaatar ULN from Milan BGY?
Reported by GetHuman4083289 on Thursday, December 12, 2019 12:03 PM
Last September, I purchased two tickets through Kiwi to travel from Mexico to Dublin. Unfortunately, one of the airlines I was supposed to fly with ceased operations, and I was only informed about this two weeks before my scheduled flight. I contacted them multiple times via phone to request an alternative flight, but they did not provide any assistance, leaving me stranded and causing me to miss my flight. I have been a customer of Kiwi before and I believe it is unfair that they handled the situation this way. I am seeking a refund for the unused ticket and hope to resolve this issue promptly.
Reported by GetHuman4083603 on Thursday, December 12, 2019 1:37 PM
I attempted to modify my flight reservation from Glasgow to Krakow from December 20th to December 15th. I have already made the extra payment required for the change. However, I received an email stating that my request could not be processed due to a price change. The email mentioned a refund for the additional payment. When can I anticipate receiving this refund? Do I need to do anything else to facilitate the refund process? Will I also receive a refund if I cancel the original flight scheduled for December 20th?
Reported by GetHuman-mkosut on Friday, December 13, 2019 12:58 PM
Hello, I am Anna Hoffmann from Go Your Way GmbH in Nuremberg. We initiated a transfer on June 4th, [redacted], for €[redacted]. Unfortunately, we cannot locate the proof of this transaction. Could you kindly resend the invoice? The number on the invoice was [redacted]7. At that time, the company was known as My boss requires this urgently, and we would appreciate it if you could reach us at [redacted] Best regards, Hoffmann.
Reported by GetHuman4090060 on Friday, December 13, 2019 4:16 PM
I have a booking number [redacted]5. I work as a housemaid in Saudi Arabia, and my daughter is seriously ill in the Philippines. I made a booking through Kiwi, only to find out later that I need visas for two of the stops. I requested a refund, but I was told there would be no refund. I have already paid for the ticket and cannot afford to book another one. Please refund the full amount, or I will have to escalate the matter to IATA if there is no satisfactory response from your end.
Reported by GetHuman-mmarwa on Friday, December 13, 2019 4:26 PM
Dear Sir/Madam, I paid £[redacted].22 for a ticket, Booking Number 94 [redacted] [redacted], that I have since cancelled. Your message indicated a refund of only £35.51. This seems like an error considering the amount paid. I proceeded to book more tickets with your company, but the assistance with the cancellation process was lacking. I am seeking a clear explanation as to why I am only being refunded a small portion of £35.51 for the £[redacted].22 booking. Best regards, Tsvetan M.
Reported by GetHuman-avimari on Sunday, December 15, 2019 6:10 AM
My name is Murtaza S., and my date of birth is 02/02/[redacted]. I bought a flight from FLL to DWC with a layover from ARN to BUD. Unfortunately, the flight from ARN to BUD has been delayed due to plane/technical issues to 11am Sweden time. This delay will cause me to miss my connecting flight from BUD to DWC, which departs at 12:45. Since the delay was the airline's fault, I am unsure what can be done regarding my flight to Dubai, as I urgently need to be there for a business commitment. I have also arranged for a hotel room starting today.
Reported by GetHuman4098726 on Sunday, December 15, 2019 9:07 AM
Our flight experienced multiple delays due to aircraft issues, causing all four passengers, including two children under 13, to spend over 6 hours at the airport. These delays significantly impacted the event we were traveling for. We request a refund due to these airline-related problems. It is essential to emphasize that the delays were a result of the airline's issues. I am a frequent flyer with Frontier, with a flight scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, December 16. I fly 4 to 12 times a year and find it unacceptable that the airline's delays not only prevented my family from reaching a family event but also intended to board them on a plane with maintenance problems. My reservation number is [redacted]3. - Sarah E Hohman, on behalf of Columbia Porter, the flight purchaser
Reported by GetHuman-nuknfuts on Monday, December 16, 2019 2:33 AM
Dear Support Team, I wanted to bring to your attention the issues we faced during our recent journey from Bologna to Barcelona, resulting in missing our connecting flight from Barcelona to Skopje. As a solution, we had to buy alternative tickets to reach Skopje. The booking number associated with this travel is [redacted]4. I am reaching out to inquire about the possibility of a refund for the unused Barcelona to Skopje flight since our booking was safeguarded by Guarantee. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Kind regards, Ivana C.
Reported by GetHuman-icvetan on Monday, December 16, 2019 10:17 AM
Regarding booking number [redacted]1, I bought seats for the return flight with tickets from KIWI, but the airline only confirmed one leg. They emailed me about two declined charges of $48.00 each on my KIWI credit card. I need this resolved as I should not be charged double for the Phoenix to Cleveland leg. Thank you, Lorie M. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-lminshul on Monday, December 16, 2019 6:13 PM
I made a flight booking with the details below: Booking number from [redacted]4 Reservation number (PNR): TX70A6 E-ticket number: [redacted][redacted] I was notified of an 8-hour delay for the flight, which will disrupt my connecting flight. I need to stick to the original schedule. After reaching out to Kiwi customer service, they directed me to contact the partner airline directly regarding the delay. I believe Kiwi should handle this matter as they issued my ticket. This situation is not satisfactory. I request an immediate refund.
Reported by GetHuman4114028 on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 12:24 AM
I encountered a delay on my connecting flight from Moscow to Shanghai, flight SU206 on December 17th from 09:15 am to 23.05 pm, which caused me to miss my subsequent flight 5J679 to Manila. I had to purchase another ticket at a high cost with an 8-hour layover in Hong Kong to reach my final destination. I am seeking a refund for this additional ticket. I have a letter from the Aeroflot representative confirming the delay and the receipt for the new ticket. Please reach out to me promptly so I can provide these documents for further assistance. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-janinays on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 4:11 AM
Hello, I am helping a friend from the USA. He has booking number [redacted]3. This booking was made by a friend for him from San Francisco to Cologne. He was unable to board the flight from Boston to London and had to purchase new tickets from Boston to Casablanca and Casablanca to Frankfurt. Now he is facing a problem on the return flight, as he cannot go to Barcelona. He needs to reschedule his flight. Is this possible? And is there a refund for the outbound flight?
Reported by GetHuman-sabinek on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 4:38 PM
I need help with my travel plans. My flight from San Jose, Costa Rica to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and then to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and finally to St. Thomas was disrupted. The delay in Ft. Lauderdale was due to being stuck on the runway for over an hour and extended immigration processing. Spirit Airline rebooked me on the next flight to Puerto Rico. However, upon reaching Puerto Rico, I discovered that my connecting flight to St. Thomas had departed. Unfortunately, there were no more flights available for the day, leaving me to arrange for an Uber ride and a hotel stay. I am now seeking assistance to secure the earliest flight from Puerto Rico to St. Thomas for tomorrow morning, December 19th. My booking number is [redacted]2.
Reported by GetHuman-katsunri on Thursday, December 19, 2019 1:19 AM
I recently booked a ticket through the Kayak app for a flight on December 30, [redacted], from Costa Rica to Lebanon. However, the booking was mistakenly set for January 30, [redacted], which is not suitable for my travel plans. I promptly canceled the trip through the Kayak app. The ticket cost $[redacted], but I was only refunded $11, which is incorrect. I am seeking assistance to receive a full refund for the canceled ticket. Here are the details: Ticket number: [redacted]4, Passenger Name: M.C. Gonzalez Reyes. Your prompt help in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-khalafta on Thursday, December 19, 2019 8:57 AM
I encountered an issue with my travel booking through I initially purchased a ticket with two layovers (Bogota, Madrid), but upon further inspection, it appears that actually arranged for three separate tickets. This led to missing my flight to Istanbul due to a delay in Madrid. I am currently stranded in Madrid and urgently require to assist me in booking another flight to Istanbul for today, as I have a crucial appointment there tomorrow morning. If I do not receive prompt assistance, I will have no choice but to take legal action against for the discrepancies in my booking, as it was not what I intended with the one ticket and two layovers arrangement I had initially purchased.
Reported by GetHuman-adamtomc on Thursday, December 19, 2019 1:45 PM
Dear Sir/Madam, I need to share some honest words with you. I hurriedly booked a flight back home to Greece due to my mother's recent cancer diagnosis. Being in a tough financial situation, I made a rushed booking in a basic package. Unexpectedly, I now need to change my plans and might not be able to take that flight. The refund amount is minimal at 10€. Given my situation, I kindly ask for your understanding and assistance. I anticipate needing to travel frequently in the upcoming months to care for my mother. If a direct refund isn't feasible, a Kiwi credit would be greatly appreciated. Your help in this matter would mean a lot to me. Thank you in advance. Best regards, Nikias Karoulis Booking Reference: [redacted]5 Please respond via email rather than phone. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-nikiask on Friday, December 20, 2019 4:36 PM

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