LinkedIn Customer Service Issues

Archive 28

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about LinkedIn customer service, archive #28. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 31, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, We are SHOPIZIO E-COMMERCE LTD, a registered company established in [redacted] based in India. Our services include web design & development, eCommerce, app development, API integration, blockchain development, content creation, blogs, online PR activities, digital marketing, social media advertising, and brand promotion. Our marketplace operates in India, the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada with a monthly campaign budget of 10 lacs on an annual/monthly billing cycle. Please provide documentation and procedures via Skype and our corporate email [redacted] You can reach us at [redacted] or [redacted]. For more information, visit our website at Your prompt response is appreciated. Thank you, SHOPIZIO E-COMMERCE LTD SANDIP SHA ROY DIGITAL MARKETING
Reported by GetHuman-shopizio on mercoledì 31 ottobre 2018 17:41
I'm having trouble accessing my account due to using two official names - Raheel Asad and Raphael Abraham Hamilton Japheth. Living in Pakistan prohibits me from changing my ID card and passport to reflect my name change from converting to Judaism. I've attached necessary identification documents. I recently upgraded to a Premium membership and rely on this account for work opportunities and job applications through LinkedIn. I've reattached my documents for reference. Thank you for looking into this issue. Subject: Jumio ID Verification for Appeal [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-rickhami on mercoledì 31 ottobre 2018 19:24
My LinkedIn account has been compromised. The hacker changed the account email and has been sending out spam sales emails to my network. I am unable to access the account, and my contacts are receiving suspicious messages. My name is L. A. Williamson, and the original email linked to the account was [redacted] The current email associated with the account is under investigation with case number [redacted]17. Although I received a standard email regarding the case, there has been no further communication. I would appreciate it if someone could reach out to me promptly. I also have a premium account that I can no longer access. I have been charged $29.99 monthly and would like a refund since I cannot utilize the account. Please contact me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman1463071 on giovedì 1 novembre 2018 12:05
I am seeking information on the contact person regarding Ref# [redacted]. The charge was billed to our CEO's AMEX card for $[redacted].40 on 10/20/18 by Bisk Education. I am Cynthia G. from the Accounts Payable department and we need to identify the employee for future charge transfers to the correct company credit card. Thank you. I attempted to contact the provided number with no success. The only available option was to select 1, which only provided the campus address. None of the other numbers or function keys (# or *) were functional.
Reported by GetHuman1464484 on giovedì 1 novembre 2018 15:49
Dear Customer Support, I have a suggestion for LinkedIn that I believe would benefit jobseekers and employers alike. LinkedIn is a platform I use frequently and find incredibly valuable for professional networking. However, I would like to recommend that LinkedIn incorporate a feature in the Jobs section where users can "Hide" or mark certain jobs as "Not a good fit" or "Already viewed". This would prevent users from continually coming across the same job listings they have previously considered and decided not to pursue. While I have noticed a similar option on the LinkedIn app, I believe it would be beneficial to have this functionality available on the desktop version as well. If there is already such an option on the desktop version that I am not aware of, please provide me with the necessary information. Thank you for considering my suggestion. Regards, Zahra
Reported by GetHuman-zahraeli on venerdì 2 novembre 2018 19:17
Hello, I experienced an unexpected issue with my LinkedIn account registered under the email [redacted] It was unexpectedly restricted on 11/01/18, even though I have been a client with them for 5 years without any problems. I am unable to access their help center to resolve this as I'm locked out. I submitted my ID online and received a no-reply email with case #[redacted]02, indicating that support will contact me. I tried calling [redacted], but due to high volume, there was no voicemail option. There seems to be no other communication channels available. I am seeking assistance to regain access to my LinkedIn page or obtain support feedback. Your help is appreciated. Thank you, Roy S.
Reported by GetHuman1467207 on venerdì 2 novembre 2018 19:32
I have been a premium Sales Navigator member, their top membership tier, for the past three years. During this time, I have gained over [redacted],[redacted] followers and had a nearly exhausted connection limit of 30,[redacted] with 35,[redacted] pending requests. I was active on the platform, receiving hundreds of connection requests and thousands of post views daily until I suddenly got restricted. The reasons provided were suspicious activity detected on my account, such as connecting with unknown individuals and viewing numerous profiles. Despite engaging with influential connections, my account remains blocked, and I have faced this issue seven times when trying to open a new account. After investing time and money for over three years, the abrupt termination without a satisfactory explanation or resolution is disheartening. I am left wondering about the platform's treatment of loyal, paying customers like me.
Reported by GetHuman1473503 on venerdì 2 novembre 2018 21:07
Hello, I inadvertently signed up for LinkedIn Premium but do not need it going forward. I've noticed a charge on my account and would like a prompt refund as this has affected my financial plans. Please stop the premium service and issue a refund at your earliest convenience. I am willing to pay a small fee for the inconvenience. It's important for me to resolve this quickly due to an upcoming business transaction. I plan to reinstate it when I launch my business in January [redacted]. I appreciate your urgent attention to this matter. Thank you for your help. Please contact me at [redacted] to discuss further. Selina B.
Reported by GetHuman1476833 on sabato 3 novembre 2018 12:05
I recently discovered that I was charged at the end of my LinkedIn free trial period. This unexpected charge has had a negative impact on an important payment crucial for my business. I am troubled by the lack of warning for this impending payment as it can disrupt my business's financial flow. I am eager for a prompt call back to express my concerns and request a refund. While I am willing to set up a new payment arrangement, the unforeseen charge has strained my finances. Your cooperation is essential as I plan to utilize LinkedIn Premium for my upcoming travel business launch. I hope to resolve this issue promptly to avoid any further financial complications. I eagerly await your call or email. I can be reached at [redacted] or via mobile at [redacted][redacted]. Additionally, I am struggling to find a functional customer support email address and would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with a reliable contact.
Reported by GetHuman1476833 on sabato 3 novembre 2018 13:04
Hello, I recently took advantage of your one-month free premium trial. After about a week, I decided to cancel. Although the cancellation process seemed successful and indicated that I would still have access until November 4th, I was surprised to see a charge of £49.99 from my PayPal account today. I rechecked my LinkedIn account and realized it was not cancelled as I thought, so I had to cancel it again. I am disappointed by this situation and feel that my rights were not respected. I expect an immediate refund. If the refund is not processed by 4pm on November 5th, I will escalate this matter to the appropriate authorities. Please confirm the refund by noon on November 5th. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Best, S.B.
Reported by GetHuman1493312 on domenica 4 novembre 2018 17:44
Hello, I recently took advantage of your one-month free premium trial. After just over a week, I canceled my subscription as allowed within the trial period. However, to my dismay, I was charged £49.99 today, even though I had canceled well before the trial ended on 4th November. This unauthorized charge has left me feeling frustrated and concerned. I expect an immediate refund to my account. If the refund is not processed by 4 pm UK time on 5th November, I will escalate this matter to the authorities. Please provide confirmation of the refund by 12 pm UK time on 5th November at the latest. I eagerly await your prompt response and the return of the funds. Thank you, S.B.
Reported by GetHuman1493207 on domenica 4 novembre 2018 21:43
Hello, I recently signed up for your premium trial, but canceled within the allotted time. Despite this, I was charged £49.99 today. I find this treatment unacceptable as I had canceled promptly. Please refund my account immediately. I expect confirmation of the refund by 12pm UK time on November 5th at the latest. My account is linked to [redacted] Thank you. S.B.
Reported by GetHuman1493211 on lunedì 5 novembre 2018 03:29
There is a mistake in the spelling of my last name on my LinkedIn account. It currently appears as "Ernys-Kofler" instead of "Ernyes-Kofler." The misspelled version is linked to [redacted] When I tried to correct this, a new account was created for me as "Klara Ernyes-Kofler" linked to [redacted], which now shows up as a new beginner account on LinkedIn. I want to correct the last name on my original account to "Klara Ernyes-Kofler," maintain all my connections and profile, and delete the new beginner account. How can I go about fixing this? Thank you. Klara Ernyes-Kofler
Reported by GetHuman-klaraok on lunedì 5 novembre 2018 13:48
To whom it may concern, I am Blake Becker, the Assistant Director of Communications at Equis Financial. Our company's LinkedIn pages, including Equis Latino, are currently linked to Glenn Davies' personal profile. Despite his recent termination on 11/2 as our CTO, Glenn still has control over the account, preventing us from accessing our pages. Could you kindly transfer the pages from Glenn's account to a separate one to ensure we have control? We prefer to avoid direct contact with Glenn, so any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me via email at [redacted] or by phone at [redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1502309 on lunedì 5 novembre 2018 21:13
Hello, I noticed an unfamiliar charge on my account for a job posting that I did not authorize. Initially, I thought it was for my yearly LinkedIn subscription, but upon further investigation, I discovered it was for a job posting that I did not create. The cost of posting a job on LinkedIn was too high for us, so we never proceeded to post any positions. I recently revisited the job section on LinkedIn and tried to post a job to confirm if it was the one in question. However, I did not go through with the payment by clicking "pay now." Therefore, it is puzzling to me why I am being billed for a job posting that I did not authorize. I would appreciate prompt assistance in resolving this incorrect charge on my account. Thank you, Kendall T.
Reported by GetHuman1503505 on martedì 6 novembre 2018 00:36
Hello LinkedIn, I recently canceled my premium Sales Navigator account before the extension date. The cancellation confirmation appeared, stating it was successful and expressing regret over my departure. However, upon checking yesterday, the Sales Navigator was still active. I immediately canceled it, but I am now being billed [redacted].99 DKK for a service that I: - Previously canceled - Have not utilized - Do not intend to use I did not receive a cancellation confirmation email, as I deemed it unnecessary based on the confirming message displayed on the webpage. Could you please refund the aforementioned amount and cease my Sales Navigator access promptly? Considering I have not utilized any Premium services after the extension, I hope for a fair resolution where I am not charged for unused services. Thank you, K. Notler
Reported by GetHuman-krisnot on martedì 6 novembre 2018 10:14
Hello LinkedIn Support,I recently canceled my premium Sales Navigator account before the extension date last week. The webpage confirmed the cancellation and expressed regret over my departure. However, upon checking yesterday, I discovered that the Sales Navigator was still active. I promptly canceled it again, but I was billed ***,- DKK after the extension period had expired. I want to highlight that:- I had already canceled the subscription- I have not utilized the service- I have no plans to use it in the futureI did not receive a cancellation email, as I believed the on-page confirmation was sufficient. Consequently, I am requesting a refund for the erroneous charge and the immediate removal of my Sales Navigator access. I have not utilized the premium features post-extension, so I believe it's reasonable not to be billed for unused services. Thank you. Sincerely,Kristoffer N.
Reported by GetHuman-krisnot on martedì 6 novembre 2018 10:15
I recently considered using LinkedIn to hire an employee for my office. I responded to a survey question cautiously, only to later find out it led to a monthly charge on my Apple account. I was shocked to see charges totaling well over $1,[redacted] for a service I never even used. I did not authorize or provide any billing information for this charge. My accountant flagged these unexpected charges while working on my corporate taxes. I am requesting an immediate refund for these charges. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1512388 on martedì 6 novembre 2018 21:26
Hi, I am Shemora Davy. I recently signed up for a free month of the Professional Sales Nav but selected the monthly option. However, when it was time to renew, I was unexpectedly charged for a full year. Not knowing why the charge appeared on my PayPal, I promptly deleted the Sales Nav account out of confusion. As a small business owner trying to grow my business, this unexpected $[redacted]+ charge has set me back. In a panic, I canceled the subscription while dealing with PayPal, leaving me out of pocket without access to the service. I am hoping for a refund so I can rejoin Sales Nav on a monthly basis and continue utilizing its services. Currently, I am a dissatisfied customer in need of assistance. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-shemora on mercoledì 7 novembre 2018 13:41
I am requesting a refund for a yearly subscription that was charged without notice of expiration or my knowledge of selecting an annual plan. With over 20,[redacted] similar cases on, it's clear that improvements in customer service are needed. I value the service and its benefits for my business but being unexpectedly charged over $[redacted] impacts my ability to cover bills and support my family. I prefer to continue with monthly payments and seek a refund to correct this. Upon noticing the charge, I promptly filed a dispute with PayPal and deactivated my account due to confusion. Enhancing transparency and communication would encourage more customers to utilize this helpful Sales Tool effectively. Clarifying terms and avoiding surprises would be beneficial for all parties involved. I urge for a refund promptly so I can choose the appropriate subscription plan without the financial strain of the current deduction. Addressing these recurring issues would enhance the program's success and customer satisfaction, benefiting both businesses and consumers alike. Let's work together to resolve this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-shemora on mercoledì 7 novembre 2018 13:55

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