Customer Service Issues

Archive 15

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #15. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 11, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have messaged about 5 people recently and have not received any responses, which only started happening after I renewed my subscription. I am unsure if my messages are reaching them or if the subscription is causing issues with replies. Additionally, I got a like from "GenerousFrank," but his profile is non-existent. This situation feels suspicious, and I'm concerned about taking money without providing the service promised. I would appreciate any feedback as I can't afford to waste money on unreliable websites. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-judyjor on الثلاثاء ١١ يونيو ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٠٠
Hi, I have been having trouble deactivating my account. I looked it up on my phone and saw I need to do it on a computer, which I only have access to now. I believe it's not right that account deactivation can't be done via the app. I need help deactivating my account. I've been waiting to use a PC, and I saw a £59 payment was taken from my account. I wanted to cancel for not meeting anyone online, and now I'm dating someone I met offline. I also can't afford it, so I wanted to cancel before the renewal. I'd appreciate assistance deactivating my account and would like to request a refund for the next 6 months’ payment due to financial difficulties this month.
Reported by GetHuman-ngargan on الثلاثاء ٢٥ يونيو ٢٠١٩ ١١:١٣
I need to bring to your attention an individual who matched with my profile. After exchanging messages on Match for 5 weeks, we communicated via text messages, emails, and calls. He eventually requested my help in purchasing a laptop for his daughter, despite us never meeting in person. Following this, I ceased all communication promptly. I worry for other women who might encounter a similar situation but may not be as swift in recognizing it. It's important to address this issue as he appears to be a predator. I am prepared to provide both my name and his full name for reference.
Reported by GetHuman-cmhfelth on الخميس ٢٧ يونيو ٢٠١٩ ٠٢:٥٩
It seems like there is a persistent issue with a person named Greg Voss using numerous dating sites and apps to engage in inappropriate behavior. Despite efforts to report and remove him, he keeps reappearing under different aliases. His methods involve creating fake accounts, using various email addresses, and manipulating women online, primarily targeting those aged 18-25. Greg Voss is deceitful about his identity and age, misleading women through sweet talk and false stories. His real name is Gregory Voss, and he works at Big Number One Motor Sports in Homewood, Alabama. He resides in Adamsville, Alabama. To address this concerning situation, action must be taken to safeguard users from his predatory behavior.
Reported by GetHuman3158968 on الخميس ٢٧ يونيو ٢٠١٩ ٢١:٤٧
My mom's account on has been blocked, and she has been a user for a long time. I believe it was my dad, Mr. Alfred Earl Pitre, who tampered with her account when we lived in Jennings, Louisiana. needs to resolve this issue as my mom should have access to her account. I feel like may discriminate as they seem to allow white users more easily. It's concerning that I can access the site, but my mom can't. I want her to use it regularly. Her phone number is [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman2060998 on السبت ٢٩ يونيو ٢٠١٩ ٠٨:٠٠
I want to warn everyone about a user named Greg Voss. He has multiple email addresses and is active on numerous dating sites, mainly targeting younger women, typically aged 18-25. Despite being 39 years old with a 16-year-old daughter and a 21-year-old son, he engages in inappropriate behavior online. He pretends to be sweet, romantic, and sympathetic, only to manipulate women into sending him photos. He uses various chat apps and burner numbers to hide his identity and deceive people. His real name is Gregory Voss, and he works at Big Number One Motor Sports in Homewood, Alabama, while residing in Adamsville, Alabama. Some of the contact numbers and email addresses associated with him are [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and emails like [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted] It's essential to raise awareness and take action against his harmful behavior.
Reported by GetHuman3176543 on الإثنين ١ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٥:٢٧
Over the past 10 days, I've received an increasing number of daily match emails which have been very upsetting. I am not a user of your services and have never been one. It seems someone might be using my email without authorization, which is concerning as it is my business email. A colleague assisted me in unsubscribing yesterday, so I haven't received any more emails. The name associated with the account is similar to Bartimus 99. Please remove my email, [redacted], from your system immediately. Thank you, Gwen Govan.
Reported by GetHuman-govangwe on الثلاثاء ٢ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ٠٨:٤٢
Dear, I recently signed up for a 6-month subscription at £90, split into 3 payments of around £30 each. However, I now need to cancel any further payments and request a refund. I would like to change my subscription to the £14.99 for 1-month option instead. I have encountered some difficulties on the platform as I feel I am being judged solely on my appearance. I plan on updating my profile with new photos after a makeover. Unfortunately, I have been blocked or blacklisted by over [redacted] individuals, with only 3 engaging in conversation. To resolve this, I believe starting fresh with a new account is necessary. If possible, could the remaining £14.99 from my current subscription be refunded or transferred to a new account? Thank you for your understanding and assistance. Best regards, M. Valentino
Reported by GetHuman-mxvalent on الإثنين ٨ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ٠٦:١٠
This website has been a disappointing experience. Please cancel my account immediately. I have encountered issues with the distance of potential matches and their honesty. I have lost confidence in the site and request to be removed promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman3216191 on الثلاثاء ٩ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ٠٠:١٧
I would like to inquire if there is an alternative app available for transferring. It seems that numerous profiles are outdated, some dating back to [redacted]. Initially, I assumed users were using old photos, but now it appears these are inactive profiles with no one behind them. Additionally, it would be convenient to remove non-member profiles from search results as they cannot engage in conversations. I attempted to cancel my subscription immediately or within 24 hours, but was informed that due to a read message, cancellation was not possible. This experience is leading me to question the authenticity of the profiles and whether they are solely managed by the Match customer service team. My aim is to avoid wasting time on this platform.
Reported by GetHuman3216658 on الثلاثاء ٩ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ٠٢:٣٣
I am experiencing difficulties logging into my Match account. Despite trying to reset my password, I am still unable to access it. Several months ago, I was required to create a new account due to errors in my profile. I assumed I had closed my original account then. Lately, I have resorted to logging in through Google on, which was effective until recently. Now, this method is also unsuccessful. My requests are as follows: 1. I wish to log into my account to review its status. 2. I have one email address, which Match does not recognize. 3. I desire to eliminate any previous Match accounts and retain one account with a single password. 4. Failing the above, I will have to deactivate my account.
Reported by GetHuman3220073 on الثلاثاء ٩ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٤٨
I have reached out multiple times through email and phone calls regarding my account issues without any response. Despite my requests for US-based customer support and senior management contact due to various technical problems, I have experienced disrespect, contempt, and dishonesty from some representatives. My name is Tracy H., and I am frustrated with the lack of assistance, empathy, and professionalism I have encountered.
Reported by GetHuman3220110 on الثلاثاء ٩ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٥٢
I am experiencing issues accessing Despite changing my password, I am still unable to log in as it doesn't recognize my email. Several months ago, I noticed errors in my profile and decided to close that account and create a new one. Initially, I could only sign in using Google Login on, but now that method is no longer working. Unfortunately, this means I am unable to access any information related to my account. My email, which hasn't changed, is now being rejected. Despite attempting to reset my password, I am still unable to gain access. I do not remember my original username, and my date of birth may be complicating the matter. Regrettably, I am unable to reach anyone at Match for assistance. Ideally, I would like to start fresh by purging all existing information, entering my email, and creating a new password. If this issue persists, I may have to consider discontinuing my Match account.
Reported by GetHuman3220073 on الثلاثاء ٩ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٩:٠٦
I am unable to afford the $[redacted] charge for automatic renewal on my subscription. I did not want this and explicitly stated so. Please refund this amount to my Bank of America debit card. I am facing financial difficulties and would be grateful for your assistance. Kindly cancel my subscription. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Jane S. [redacted] Union St Braintree, MA If I do not receive a response, I may consider taking legal action against
Reported by GetHuman-janiemcg on الثلاثاء ١٦ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ٠١:٥٠
I would like to report a concerning individual named Greg V. who frequently creates new profiles on various dating sites. He uses multiple email addresses and is known for being dishonest about his identity. Greg targets young women between the ages of 18-25, despite being a 39-year-old with children. He manipulates women by pretending to be a victim of his past relationships, only to engage them in sexting and exchange of photos. Greg's real name is Gregory Voss, and he is associated with Big Number One Motor Sports in Homewood, Alabama. His contact information includes the phone number [redacted] and emails such as [redacted] and [redacted] It's crucial to raise awareness about his deceptive behavior to protect others from falling into his schemes.
Reported by GetHuman3294621 on الثلاثاء ٢٣ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ٠٣:١٨
Dear Customer Service, I tried to send a note to [redacted] last night but it wasn't delivered. I also tried canceling within 'Manage Subscription', but it only mentioned renewal. I am requesting a $0.00 refund credited to my card ending in [redacted]. Below is the original message sent last night: On 7/23/[redacted], I accidentally clicked 'buy now' on I did not intend to purchase a subscription. Please refund my credit card ending in [redacted] for 6 months at $59.97 and any additional charges. I cannot afford it now; maybe later at a 60% discount. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate my past experience with the service. Thank you, Cynthia M.
Reported by GetHuman3302777 on الأربعاء ٢٤ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٣:٣٥
I signed up for Match on 24th May [redacted] and agreed to a two-month subscription. After only two weeks, I realized it wasn't for me and canceled the second month. Despite this, Match still charged me on 27th June [redacted]. I consider this theft and fraud because Match had no right to access my bank account and take money without permission. They owe me a refund of £78.78, including a pending payment of £38.89. If I don't receive reimbursement, I am prepared to take legal action under Scottish law. Match needs to address this issue promptly. I am happy to provide my email for communication and expect a swift response. If I don't hear back soon, I will seek legal advice from Mr. Mathie. Thank you. - ACB
Reported by GetHuman-bairda on السبت ٢٧ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٠:٠٦
In January, I received an incorrect item from a marketplace seller through Sears. Despite trying to fix the issue immediately, Sears did not return my calls no matter how many times I tried. Whenever I contacted them, they kept escalating the problem. Recently, I received an email stating that the seller requested more information after the return window had closed. I followed all the necessary steps, but I never received any emails from the seller. It seems like the seller was contacting Sears, not me. I want Sears to take responsibility and issue a refund since I was never directly contacted. Sears kept promising to help but never followed through, leading me to believe that they were not communicating effectively with the seller.
Reported by GetHuman-pinkopal on السبت ٢٧ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٥:٥٧
I am frustrated with continuously encountering an individual on this site who engages in inappropriate behavior. Despite my efforts to report him for the past six months, he keeps reappearing. The individual, Greg V., uses various email addresses and frequents multiple dating platforms such as Match and Meetville. He conceals his identity by not using his real picture and is known to create fake accounts. Greg V. manipulates women using dating sites, chat rooms, and video chatting apps to solicit photos from them. He targets women aged 18-25, despite being a 39-year-old with children. He portrays himself as charming and sympathetic, only to engage in inappropriate exchanges before disappearing. I urge the site to take action to address this issue. His real name is Gregory Voss, and he is associated with Big Number One Motorsports in Homewood, Alabama. I have listed some of his email addresses for reference.
Reported by GetHuman3337992 on الثلاثاء ٣٠ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٨:٣٥
I experienced issues with your system recently. I received notifications even though my profile was hidden. When I tried to log in on the app, it wouldn't accept my correct credentials. It felt like my account was erased after nearly 10 years. I need help to regain access. Similarly, my "Our Time" account, linked to "Match," is also inaccessible. It seems a common issue affected both accounts. Kindly assist in resolving this matter. Thank you. J. S.
Reported by GetHuman3346775 on الخميس ١ أغسطس ٢٠١٩ ٠١:١٣

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