Customer Service Issues

Archive 24

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #24. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported November 1, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello Match, I am Sam, and after purchasing the one-month subscription, I immediately regretted it. I realized that dating is not something I am interested in after completing the purchase. I would like to request a refund as this service is not suitable for me. I apologize for any inconvenience. I am willing to pay a fee, like the $9.99 add-on, for purchasing and canceling, but ultimately, I would appreciate a refund. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-cheloosa on воскресенье, 1 ноября 2020 г., 18:00
I want to alert everyone about a user named Greg Voss who is engaging in inappropriate behavior on various dating sites using multiple email addresses. He often does not upload a picture, but uses his real information along with fake accounts. Greg is known to be a sex addict, frequenting dating sites and chat rooms to engage with women, especially targeting those aged 18-25 despite being a 41-year-old father. He pretends to be sweet and romantic, manipulating women into sending him photos through text and burner apps. He works at Big Number One Motor Sports in Homewood, Alabama, and resides in Adamsville, Alabama. Some of his email addresses include [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted] It's important to be cautious of his behavior and take appropriate action.
Reported by GetHuman5425979 on понедельник, 2 ноября 2020 г., 16:35
Dear Match Customer Care, I wanted to discuss the recent termination of my account due to solicitation. I do not agree with this decision and find it unfair. I believe I have the right to choose how I connect with others on the platform. I have invested a significant amount of money into your service and would like to have a say in how I utilize it. I will be appealing this decision through all available channels, including phone and email, until the matter is resolved. I feel that the reasons provided for my account termination are subjective and do not accurately reflect my actions on the site. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a resolution. Sincerely, XXX
Reported by GetHuman5430556 on вторник, 3 ноября 2020 г., 20:30
Hello, I wanted you to be aware that Match has terminated your account as part of their policy against any form of solicitation to maintain a high-quality user experience. They value meaningful interactions among members to foster new relationships. They have also removed your name from any upcoming Match Event RSVP lists and have refunded any associated charges. If you have any concerns about the decision, rest assured that your feedback is important to them. The Terms of Use are available at the link provided for your reference. I hope this explanation clarifies the situation.
Reported by GetHuman5430836 on вторник, 3 ноября 2020 г., 22:03
Good morning, I purchased a 6-month subscription for my daughter, and it is time for renewal. I received a charge of $[redacted], which I cannot afford due to our household income being affected by the Covid virus. My daughter has already canceled the subscription, but I am requesting a refund as we were not notified in advance. Any help you can provide during this difficult time would be appreciated. The account is under Christina Itterley, and the last 4 digits of the charged card are [redacted]. The confirmation number is Christina[redacted][redacted]. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-annieitt on воскресенье, 15 ноября 2020 г., 13:25
I would like to cancel my membership with as it has been a waste of both time and money for me. Recently, I was notified via email by my bank that another 3-month membership charge was made, which is frustrating. A month ago, I lost the debit card linked to my account, which was deactivated. I am confused as to how the $[redacted].94 charge still went through using my new card number. I am requesting a full refund of this charge and the $35 overdraft fee it incurred, as this money is crucial for food and utilities. I have already requested to cancel and deactivate my profile. If necessary, I will consider legal action. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5468976 on вторник, 17 ноября 2020 г., 0:13
I am concerned that Greg Voss has resurfaced on your website. There is a man named Greg Voss who is known for using various email addresses on multiple dating sites. He typically does not post a picture of himself and is frequently engaging in inappropriate behavior. He pretends to be sweet and romantic, but in reality, he is a sex addict who targets young women on dating platforms, chat rooms, and video chatting apps. He manipulates women into sending him photos by using text and burner number apps. His real name is Gregory Voss, and he resides in Adamsville, Alabama. He works at Big Number One Motor Sports in Homewood. Some of his email addresses include [redacted] and [redacted] It's crucial to be aware of his deceitful actions and take action against him.
Reported by GetHuman5515626 on четверг, 3 декабря 2020 г., 0:56
I set up my account and paid for a 3-month plan. I recently couldn't access it and unknowingly created a new account, which required me to pay again. Please help me delete the first account and transfer the plan to the new one to avoid having two profiles. My name on the card is Phillip Gehringer Jr. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5519865 on пятница, 4 декабря 2020 г., 4:01
I would like to report Greg Voss for inappropriate behavior on your site. It has come to my attention that he uses various email addresses and frequents multiple dating platforms. He often does not use real photos and engages in deceptive practices to connect with women. Greg Voss, who is 41 with a daughter and a son, typically targets women aged 18-25. He manipulates women by pretending to be kind and genuine, only to push for explicit content. His real name is Gregory Voss, and he is employed at Big Number One Motor Sports in Homewood, Alabama. He resides in Adamsville, Alabama, and his phone number is [redacted]. Some of his known emails are [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted] He also uses ManyMail, ChimpMail, and Charter. Please take appropriate action against his misconduct.
Reported by GetHuman5523557 on суббота, 5 декабря 2020 г., 3:29
I have sent three emails before, and this is the fourth attempt. After waiting for 10 minutes on the phone, your system disconnected the call. I signed up yesterday at 3:15 pm but got locked out as I couldn't verify my account using an old cell phone number. I have been trying to reach out for help for two days without success. I am requesting a full refund within the three-day period. Please remove/delete my profile immediately. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-sihili on понедельник, 7 декабря 2020 г., 21:03
I have reported the commercials I found offensive to religious beliefs to the appropriate authorities. It is important to consider the impact these ads have when families are watching TV together. I hope the company will take this into account and stop airing such content. If needed, I can provide more information when contacted. Thank you for addressing this issue promptly. Best regards, Beverly W.
Reported by GetHuman5533687 on вторник, 8 декабря 2020 г., 16:37
I am dismayed by the Satan commercials. It is sacrilegious to portray Satan as a positive character. What exacerbates this issue is airing these commercials during family-friendly programs. This Satanic ad is offensive to many individuals. I am just one of numerous emails you will receive expressing this sentiment, as it has also been brought to the Southern Baptist Church Association's attention. I hope it is removed from television promptly. Sincerely, Concerned Christian
Reported by GetHuman5533687 on среда, 9 декабря 2020 г., 2:08
I would like to request the cancellation of my account. Unauthorized charges have been deducted from my account, and I would like a prompt refund of the amount. I am dissatisfied with the service provided by this website and wish to terminate my account immediately. The difficulty in reaching your customer service by phone has been frustrating as I keep encountering voicemail during the designated office hours despite my numerous attempts to connect.
Reported by GetHuman5536810 on среда, 9 декабря 2020 г., 13:51
I recently joined and I am disappointed with the service. I was not able to specify the age range for men I am interested in. Considering my age, I prefer matches between 72-79 and I am not interested in younger men. Additionally, it is important for me to meet men in the Dayton area of Miamisburg, Ohio, and not in remote locations. I feel like I am wasting my time browsing through profiles that do not meet my criteria. A service like Our Time, which I did not renew, at least asked me these essential questions. For now, I have decided not to renew my subscription.
Reported by GetHuman5537202 on среда, 9 декабря 2020 г., 15:50
I registered on October 30th but can't access the email linked to my account anymore. After changing my address, the online company removed my email, preventing me from logging in. Despite calling for help, I haven't received any callbacks. My main concern is regaining access since my email is no longer in use. You can reach me at [redacted]. Your assistance on how to login would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5538783 on среда, 9 декабря 2020 г., 22:38
Hello MATCH, I am not a fan of the new GIGANTIC font style recently implemented on our profiles. It feels like I am shouting at others in my profile, which is not the impression I want to give. Additionally, I find the black background when communicating with other members to be unpleasant. I kindly request that you revert it back to royal blue. Could you please return everything to the way it was a few days ago? The recent changes are unappealing, and I feel embarrassed using the platform in its current state. Thank you for your assistance, Elaine B.
Reported by GetHuman5539369 on четверг, 10 декабря 2020 г., 3:19
I would like to report an offensive commercial. The advertisement for the Brooklyn Bridge reconstruction is historically inaccurate and disrespectful. It portrays women from the past in a derogatory manner by making them seem subordinate. I believe this portrayal is inappropriate and should be taken down. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5545399 on пятница, 11 декабря 2020 г., 21:40
I encountered this individual named Christopher on He claimed to be from Washington, DC, and urged me to leave the site as he had supposedly done. Despite my subscription until March, I declined and remained active. He then relayed that he had secured a significant architectural contract in Turkey. After about 3 to 4 weeks, he solicited $5,[redacted] for alleged stolen equipment and clothes at the Turkish airport, followed by requests for money for medicine. Sensing deception, I pushed back. Christopher, also known as Christopher G. Theodore on the site, demonstrated deceitful behavior which raised concerns. He provided personal information like his bank details and passport, raising suspicion of identity theft. His inconsistent stories about his family and job site amplified my doubts. I recommended he seek aid from the American Embassy, which he dismissed. I have fortified my computer security with Norton Malware detection software in response to these unsettling encounters.
Reported by GetHuman5545815 on суббота, 12 декабря 2020 г., 0:27
I subscribed to a one-month trial, but I haven't received many likes. The few profiles I engaged with did not respond. Interestingly, I've noticed that many of the men seem to reappear on the platform repeatedly. Even those who liked me have not replied, despite being members for quite a while. I am starting to feel like this might be a ploy to extract money from users. I am highly dissatisfied with the service and would like to cancel my subscription right away.
Reported by GetHuman5550652 on понедельник, 14 декабря 2020 г., 3:34
I've attempted multiple times to cancel my account without success. The email address associated with my account is not receiving any emails, hindering my ability to make changes or receive messages regarding cancellation. Despite trying to cancel within the first month of usage, my credit card continues to be charged without my consent. It seems nearly impossible to cancel, which is frustrating. I am requesting my account to be canceled immediately and a refund issued for the last two months. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5555803 on вторник, 15 декабря 2020 г., 16:11

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