Motel 6 Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Motel 6 customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported January 31, 2016 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Last night was a terrifying experience when we had to hide in the bathroom with the lights out due to a motel shooting. My wife, who suffers from severe PTSD, and even our service dogs were very frightened. When I spoke to the desk clerk this morning, she mentioned she wouldn't address the issue. We didn't get any sleep, so we are hoping to be compensated for a night stay in Woodburn, Oregon, to get some rest. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-marmaduk on रविवार, ३१ जनवरी २०१६, रात ९:३८ बजे
I booked a room at a property in Fairfield, California, and specifically asked for a corner room online. When I called to request an early check-in, I was informed that I would be notified once the room became available, but a corner room wouldn't be ready until Sunday. I agreed to this arrangement. However, after waiting for a while without any communication from the hotel, I decided to cancel my reservation on the hotel's website. Following the cancellation, I received two emails. One provided my cancellation number, while the other included a new confirmation number with notes from the hotel indicating that I was not to receive a corner room.
Reported by GetHuman-teresasi on रविवार, २१ फ़रवरी २०१६, शाम ५:४६ बजे
My wife and I have been staying at the Seatac North Motel 6 for the past four months, which we consider our home away from home. We have been loyal customers, having previously given your company $20,[redacted] during a two-year stay three years ago. However, recently, we believe one of the employees might be mishandling money. We are facing threats of eviction due to non-payment, despite having paid for the day in question. The stress of this situation is especially challenging for us as we are mentally handicapped. We urgently need someone to contact us to address this issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-carlwill on मंगलवार, २८ जून २०१६, शाम ५:३९ बजे
At the Motel 6 on Dogwood Dr SW in Conyers, GA, Brian, the manager, informed me that I could not stay with my own family who were already guests there. In response, I started staying with a friend to be close to my kids. However, Brian has been harassing me unjustly and has also been mistreating my family members who are staying at the motel, even going as far as asking us to remove our family dog. Additionally, the room my family is in requires maintenance, as the door does not lock properly, posing a safety concern for my children. Other issues include a leaking shower, a malfunctioning microwave, and overcharging for the room. We feel helpless and would appreciate assistance with this troubling situation. My name is Terrence, and you can contact me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman633356 on शुक्रवार, २७ अप्रैल २०१८, रात २:१७ बजे
Currently staying at Motel 6 for three days, we decided to extend our stay but encountered an issue. Despite being already in the room at the rate of $62 a night, when trying to pay for the additional days, we were informed that Friday and Saturday rates are higher, resulting in an extra $13 per night. I feel this is unfair since we are not checking out but merely extending our stay. It seems inconsistent to make us pay more for those specific days. I would like to know if this practice aligns with standard procedures or if we are being charged an additional $13 per night unjustly for Friday and Saturday, totaling $26 extra.
Reported by GetHuman633607 on शुक्रवार, २७ अप्रैल २०१८, सुबह ६:५९ बजे
I had a terrible experience at a motel recently that I feel strongly about sharing. During my four-night stay, I encountered several concerning issues. On the first night, the walls were so thin that I overheard disturbing conversations from the neighboring room. Feeling unsafe as a young solo traveler, I had to involve my mother and eventually the front desk, only to have my concerns mishandled. The room I was moved to had cleanliness problems like old food in the fridge and blood on the blanket. Despite the staff's efforts to rectify the situation, I still felt uncomfortable, especially due to the heavy smoke in the hallways. The final straw came when a stranger entered my room in the early hours of the morning and the staff insinuated that I may have given him access. This experience was terrifying and unacceptable, and I will not be returning to this motel in the future.
Reported by GetHuman642545 on सोमवार, ३० अप्रैल २०१८, शाम ५:१३ बजे
I have been staying at the North Highlands Motel 6 for about a month, on and off. I was recently contacted by the hotel clerk on May 1st at 11:45 pm, who informed me that I needed to show a valid ID to continue my stay. Despite staying there before without issue with an expired ID, I was asked to leave because of it. Now, at midnight, I am locked out, seeking help from corporate to be allowed back into my room. I have a history of staying at various Motel 6 locations without any problems, and I feel this treatment is unfair. I am reaching out for assistance to resolve this matter promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman645060 on मंगलवार, १ मई २०१८, सुबह ७:०२ बजे
During our stay at a Motel 6 in Corpus Christi, which used to operate as Howard Johnson when I made the reservation in March, we encountered several issues. Firstly, we were disappointed to find out there was no breakfast available. Then, the water pressure in the shower was so low that only one person could shower, and later the shower head fell off and hit my friend. To add to our frustrations, there was excessive noise from people and kids on the third floor where my room, number [redacted], was located. I was also upset because we were not properly informed about the change in hotel management that led to this subpar experience. Despite reaching out to the desk manager, April, for assistance, she only reimbursed me for the second night, which was the night I didn't even stay. This disappointing situation tarnished what was supposed to be a special weekend for my wife's birthday.
Reported by GetHuman646659 on मंगलवार, १ मई २०१८, शाम ६:०२ बजे
I recently had a terrible experience at a motel where we were abruptly asked to leave due to having three dogs even though we specifically mentioned this when booking. Despite our dogs being well-behaved and in kennels, a staff member got scared, leading to us being accused of violating their pet policy which supposedly only allows two dogs. The lack of communication and conflicting information from staff members was frustrating. The owner eventually allowed us to stay for the night, but insisted we leave the next morning, disregarding our previous approval. The sudden change in attitude and lack of empathy left us feeling shocked and disappointed, especially considering our current situation of being homeless and relying on the motel for shelter. It's disheartening to be treated this way in a place that should be welcoming, and it has soured my opinion of the establishment.
Reported by GetHuman652916 on गुरूवार, ३ मई २०१८, दोपहर ३:१६ बजे
I discovered blood splatter on the wall and lampshade in our room with my three children, and requested a different room with a double bed. The front desk informed me there were no more double beds available and stated that nothing could be done until the next day. I was not offered any cleaning assistance, so I went to the front desk asking for supplies to clean it myself. I was only given a trash bag to use as gloves and dry rags, no cleaning products were provided. When I spoke to the manager the next morning, her tone lacked apology. She offered $15 as a resolution, which I found inadequate given the circumstances. I urgently request a call back to address this situation promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman661229 on रविवार, ६ मई २०१८, शाम ७:०८ बजे
During our stay at Motel 6, my fiance and I encountered an upsetting situation. I proactively informed the front desk that we didn't require maid service and requested them not to enter our room due to some personal items, including cash. Despite this, our room was entered, causing embarrassment. My fiance, who values privacy, was especially distressed and now believes some money is missing. The staff's response that they have the right to enter rooms was troubling. I expressed that we would have secured our belongings if we had been informed properly. This incident has soured our otherwise positive experiences at Motel 6, leaving my fiance upset.
Reported by GetHuman665601 on मंगलवार, ८ मई २०१८, सुबह ५:१७ बजे
I recently stayed at Motel 6 in Mojave and unfortunately, my experience wasn't great. Upon entering the room, I noticed burn holes in the blanket and no screen on the window. Despite feeling tired, I sat down to watch TV and dozed off, only to wake up feeling like there were flies around me. After a shower to clean off some black specks, I settled into bed but continued to see and feel the same issue. Realizing there were indeed flies in the room, I went to the front desk to request a refund. The staff offered a different room, but I declined and asked for a refund of the $53 I paid in cash. Despite expressing my dissatisfaction, they stated they couldn't provide a refund.
Reported by GetHuman671758 on गुरूवार, १० मई २०१८, दोपहर १०:०९ बजे
During our stay at your Cocoa Beach location on May 6th, we encountered a concerning situation. While grilling out with my husband and his colleagues, our grill was taken. After reporting it to the office, a woman named Valarie Zaragoza responded rudely, claiming grills were not allowed and implying it was her property. Her behavior was unprofessional and aggressive. Threatening to kick us out without a refund was uncalled for. We travel for work frequently and have never experienced such disrespect. It's disappointing to see someone representing your company in this manner. Unfortunately, we will not return to this location and based on feedback from others, neither will his coworkers. We urge you to address this issue promptly. Ms. Zaragoza's attitude reflects poorly on your company and should not be tolerated. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Judy Crook.
Reported by GetHuman-jetdeck on शुक्रवार, ११ मई २०१८, शाम ६:०० बजे
I recently stayed at Motel 6 near Honey Creek Mall in Indiana and unfortunately, my experience was extremely disappointing. The hotel is dirty and poorly maintained. Despite explicitly asking the housekeeping staff not to enter my room due to personal items being left out, they disregarded my request and entered my room twice without permission. To add to this, during one of the visits, the maid even turned off the air conditioning, making my room uncomfortable. This kind of service is unacceptable, and I am thoroughly dissatisfied with my stay at this establishment. I hope that the management can address these issues promptly as I will not be returning to this hotel in the future.
Reported by GetHuman681141 on रविवार, १३ मई २०१८, रात ११:०६ बजे
I encountered a terrible experience when I rented a room on the 11th in Pueblo, CO. The person at the counter was exceptionally rude. Upon entering my room, I was shocked to find it dirty with drug paraphernalia scattered about. Despite reporting this to the office, they were unhelpful. Moreover, I discovered bloodstains on the bedding, which was completely unacceptable, especially with my 4-year-old daughter present. The lack of concern for cleanliness and safety is alarming. I requested a refund due to the deplorable conditions and the poor treatment I received. I am now reaching out here for assistance after my initial contact was unsuccessful. I believe a full refund and a complimentary night's stay would be a suitable resolution to this unsettling situation.
Reported by GetHuman687173 on मंगलवार, १५ मई २०१८, शाम ६:४० बजे
I regularly stay at the Motel 6 in Klamath Falls once a month without any issues. However, today when I made a booking over the phone for one night (May 15), I encountered a rude receptionist. Upon arrival at 3:10 pm, I presented my confirmation email, and was met with a series of intrusive questions and unprofessional behavior. The receptionist made me feel unwelcome and even threatened to cancel my reservation. I was taken aback by this treatment, as I've never had such an experience before at this location. I hope management will address this issue as it may drive away other customers. The receipt shows the name of the receptionist as Haylea, and I was in Room [redacted] with confirmation number 0226ABM862. My contact information is [redacted]. I urge Motel 6 in Klamath Falls on 6th Street to provide training to their staff to avoid similar incidents in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-vistagra on मंगलवार, १५ मई २०१८, रात १०:३४ बजे
I have been staying at your Motel 6 Speedway on International Speedway in Daytona Beach for the last month with my two children while transitioning to my new home. I have been paying the weekly rate and overall happy with the accommodations. However, I had an unpleasant experience with a staff member named Sam. When I was short on cash, someone paid for my room, but Sam still charged me a pet fee despite my financial limitations. He was rude and unhelpful, causing delays in the check-in process and assigning me to the wrong room. This led to inconvenience and financial strain as my card was overcharged. Considering the amount I have spent at your hotel, the treatment I received is disappointing. I hope this feedback prompts improvement in customer service.
Reported by GetHuman689021 on बुधवार, १६ मई २०१८, सुबह ८:०२ बजे
I am experiencing a flood in my room, and the front desk staff informed me they can't assist since it's after hours. I called the front desk, but they did not answer, and the manager was unreachable during this emergency time. They suggested I clean up the water or leave the room. I am disappointed with the service and request a refund, as well as complimentary rooms at a different Hotel 6.
Reported by GetHuman710146 on बुधवार, २३ मई २०१८, रात २:३६ बजे
I’m currently facing two issues at the Motel 6 located off of [redacted] and 34th in Houston, Texas. Firstly, our room is severely infested with roaches despite multiple complaints and ineffective spraying by the staff. Paying $[redacted] weekly feels unjust given the circumstances. Secondly, when the hotel was previously named New Six Inn & Suites, we paid $[redacted] per week plus an additional $50 pet deposit, totaling $[redacted], as they weren't pet-friendly at the time. Since rebranding as Motel 6, they now accept pets yet raised our rent to $[redacted] weekly. It's frustrating to learn that other tenants in similar rooms pay less than me, with one neighbor paying $[redacted] or $[redacted] and another paying $[redacted] for a two-bedroom. I seek clarification on why my rent was increased while others enjoy lower rates for the same accommodations.
Reported by GetHuman714218 on गुरूवार, २४ मई २०१८, दोपहर १:४४ बजे
Hello, my name is Alexander K. During my stay at Motel 6 Westchase Houston from May 19th to the 21st, I encountered an issue with my room. Despite a slight smell on the first night, things were tolerable. However, on the second night in room [redacted], I had an unsettling experience. A person came to the door looking for a prostitute named Sarah, who supposedly frequents that room. I was shocked and disgusted, especially as I had my kids with me. I am requesting a full refund as I do not wish to stay another night at the motel after this incident. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-alexlif on गुरूवार, २४ मई २०१८, शाम ६:०१ बजे

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