Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 13, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I made a purchase on for a DNA test on May 11th. The price was supposed to be $59, but I was charged $[redacted] with an extra $12 added. I opted for a bank transfer which cost an additional $45. However, after completing the payment, I was directed to a page in Amsterdam instead of the United States. I attempted to contact via phone but my account number was not recognized. I am concerned about this situation and seek advice on how to proceed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Peter H.
Reported by GetHuman-mrpete on Sunday, May 13, 2018 10:32 AM
The DNA results do not align with the information shared by my mother. My maternal grandfather was Finnish with ancestors from Finland, and the other set of grandparents were from Ireland and Germany. My father's background is Scottish and Irish. Surprisingly, none of the DNA matches correspond to the surnames of these great-grandparents, and the results indicate English ancestry while not showing any Finnish heritage. This is inaccurate as our family has no links to England or Britain, and our surnames are distinctly Scottish, Irish, and Finnish, with Modal as the German surname. I am dissatisfied with these findings and believe this to be a waste of money. I have taken all the necessary precautions before the test and followed the instructions closely. This is quite disappointing, and I would like to cancel my subscription.
Reported by GetHuman-jensendj on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 4:28 PM
I received an email recently indicating a security breach that allowed hackers to access member email addresses. Although it mentioned that passwords were hashed, I believe a simple apology is not enough. This incident not only exposes us to spam but also to potential data aggregation from other websites. An apology should involve acknowledging the mistake, expressing genuine remorse, and outlining concrete steps to prevent such breaches in the future. It's concerning that my email, used worldwide for 20 years, is now at risk due to this security lapse. I hope this email is secure, but the exposure of my address is distressing.
Reported by GetHuman-nordvie on Monday, June 25, 2018 12:29 AM
I sent my DNA results on January 3, [redacted], and have not received any updates. Please investigate this matter and inform me of the status. I am disappointed with the customer service so far. I have shared my concerns on Facebook to raise awareness about the issues with MyHeritage. I will update them once my problem is resolved. You can reach me at [redacted] for any updates. I appreciate any assistance. I attempted to call but was informed that only paying customers could receive phone support. I am a paying customer as the kit was not free. Thank you, Mona Giannini.
Reported by GetHuman-monagian on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 4:35 PM
I came across an online ad offering a one-month free trial and decided to sign up. However, to my surprise, my credit card was charged $[redacted].38 on Mar 3, only two weeks later. I promptly contacted customer support about the issue and requested a refund. I was unable to utilize the free trial as I had anticipated due to falling ill. The intention was to make use of the full month once I recovered, but I was billed for a whole year prematurely. I am hoping for a swift reversal of the charge on my credit card. In the future, when I am able to, I would appreciate the chance to partake in a free trial. Thank you, F. Fox
Reported by GetHuman-flfox on Saturday, March 9, 2019 6:37 PM
I was charged [redacted].79 euros by BLS*MYHERITAGE LTD. Yesterday, I received an email from you: Dear Michel, We are writing to inform you that the automatic payment for your data subscription has been stopped. This means that your current data subscription will end on April 1, [redacted], and at that time, you will have the option to manually extend the subscription. If you wish to extend your subscription, Click here. If you have any questions, please call us at: (+32) [redacted] 26 [redacted] (Sun-Thu, 08:00 - 21:00 CET & Fri 08:00 - 14:00 CET). You can also visit our Help Center for immediate answers, or contact our support team. Kind regards, The MyHeritage Team
Reported by GetHuman2665047 on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 12:14 PM
I recently received my DNA results, but they seem to be inaccurate. Despite having confirmed German and Irish ancestry through genealogical research, my detailed results showed no trace of these. Instead, I was informed that 99% of my ethnicity is English and 1% Middle Eastern, which does not align with my known background. I am looking for a full refund, which should also cover the shipping cost of the DNA kit. My experience with this company has been disappointing, as they initially promised results in 4-6 weeks but charged my credit card immediately, delayed results to upgrade their DNA chip for better accuracy, and ultimately provided unreliable information. I am dissatisfied and considering reporting this to the Better Business Bureau to prevent others from facing similar issues with their ancestry DNA testing services.
Reported by GetHuman-pbrendel on Sunday, April 7, 2019 2:47 AM
I am currently investigating my family's origins starting with my cousin's test ''MH-J634TT'' followed by my test ''MH-2QB23W'', and now my mother's results are pending. However, I recently received a notification indicating that the DNA analysis chips have been upgraded, potentially impacting the accuracy of our comparison since my mother's test used a more advanced version. I am concerned if I were to retake the test, the results might differ. Even slight variations could influence our research as we aim to involve multiple family members. I await your response on this matter and any suggestions on how to proceed. Please contact me on my mobile. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-huseyinc on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:35 PM
Hello, I am Mrs. Helen Evans, born on 08/04/[redacted]. I am reaching out because there was an unauthorized payment of £[redacted] from my credit card to your company on 23.4.[redacted]. My husband, Mr. Keith William Roy Mapstone, born on 01/06/[redacted], and I do not have an account with you. The payment seems to be for a subscription, which I did not authorize. I have contacted my credit card company, who provided me with the following number: 1-[redacted]-[redacted]-[redacted]. I am not sure if this is an account or reference number. I urgently request a refund of this amount to my credit card. You can reach me at [redacted]2, or by email at [redacted] I look forward to your prompt assistance in resolving this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-mrshele on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 12:14 PM
Hello, I am Prof. Mirosław Wobalis from Poland, the owner of the "Wobalis" profile on I am unable to access my account because my old password expired, and I cannot reset it as the associated email address was hacked. Please send the new password or instructions for changing it to my current email address, [redacted] I have saved emails from MyHeritage sent to my old email as proof of ownership. If necessary, I can provide my old login details. My wife, Joanna Puppel, also has an account and can confirm my ownership of the "Wobalis" profile. Kind regards, Prof. Mirosław Wobalis Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland
Reported by GetHuman-mwobali on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:26 PM
I am a part of the Ellis Nichols Family. My grandfather was Hillard Percival Ellis, also known as Morgan. He disappeared in [redacted] due to threats by O’Bera Ellis Nichols during his marriage with his first wife. Thanks to Ancestry and now MyHeritage, I discovered many matches to him, one specifically identifying a mother as a sister of someone from the Alonzo Morgan Family, and another linking Allen as possibly me. There was a lawsuit against O’Bera Ellis Withers suggesting that Alonzo Morgan and Hillard Ellis were the same person. All this information came from Wiccitree. I am familiar with this history as my grandfather was married to my grandmother Prudence Mariah Nichols, daughter of Joseph Thomas Nichols and Martha Anne Dantzler. There has been family conflict and attacks related to the Dantzlers, which we have tried to resolve to no avail. Additionally, there is a disagreement regarding Great Great Grandmother Susannah Ellis Dantzler, who was believed to be grandfather's half-sister married to Great Great Great Grandfather Gaylord Ellis, with a royal connection to Queen Charolett Macklinberg von Hanover. According to our records, Grandmother Fitzherbert von Hanover was also once married to Sir Winston Churchill's father, and our grandfather was Queen Victoria's half-brother.
Reported by GetHuman3281745 on Saturday, July 20, 2019 6:58 PM
I am reaching out regarding my Italian friend, Clelia Fabbri ([redacted]) who purchased a DNA kit last April and used the activation kit code MHC47JL4. She has sent her sample but is uncertain if she activated her profile. As a result, she is eagerly waiting for her results. Can you assist in resolving this issue or activating her profile belatedly? Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Reported by GetHuman3396679 on Friday, August 9, 2019 1:31 PM
I had a two-week trial with but decided not to extend my account towards the end of the trial. I emailed support three days prior to the expiration on Sept. 28, [redacted], requesting to be removed from the site. I received an email confirming receipt with ticket number #[redacted]91. However, MyHeritage still charged me $[redacted].97. My account number is [redacted]71. Despite attempting to call, the lines are constantly busy. I would appreciate a prompt resolution as I urgently need the refund. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-womp_ on Friday, October 4, 2019 8:34 PM
I purchased a MyHeritage DNA kit in March [redacted] but have yet to receive it. Despite receiving an email on March 28, [redacted], with the order reference #[redacted] and confirming my correct delivery address, the tracking information shows the wrong address with the door number as 1 instead of 11. I attempted to contact customer service at [redacted] and the UK number but haven't been successful. I no longer want the kit and would like a refund since I have waited six months without receiving the product I paid for.
Reported by GetHuman3702029 on Friday, October 4, 2019 9:17 PM
I received a DNA test as a gift from my nephew, Wayne Carter, around March. Being in my 80s, the online information is confusing for me to navigate. I kindly ask if my nephew, Wayne Carter, could help me manage and access my data. Unfortunately, I don't remember the DNA kit number. I have tried reaching out via email but unsure if it went through. The only information I can provide is my name, Jack (John) Gibson from New Zealand, and my email address listed below. Wayne has also completed a DNA test with your company, so you should have his details on file.
Reported by GetHuman3766655 on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 3:04 AM
I found it interesting that your system accepted the email address. Your office seems to be aiming to attract more members by sending out requests. The only two people on my list are my immediate family. They were aware that I placed them on the request list so they could keep track of my activities. When I contacted your Australian help section, I highlighted a problem that no other member seems to have mentioned. As part of the updating process, each member has a list of tree members to invite. However, many of these people are deceased or were born and died before email services were invented. Additionally, many members are too young to have an email address or do not have access to email or own a computer. I suggested to the help person that maybe your technical staff could address this issue by reducing the number of invitees per member or allowing members to choose who to invite by ticking a box. Good luck with resolving this matter. I will remove the false email address. Keep up the good work. Terry M.
Reported by GetHuman-tmccaugh on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 11:29 AM
I placed an order for the MyHeritage test three weeks ago. I noticed from the DHL delivery status that there was a failed delivery attempt. The DHL response to my email stated: "We regret to inform you that DHL Parcel does not handle such shipments in Poland, and we lack additional details about it. We suggest reaching out to the sender of this parcel to find out which company is responsible for delivering this shipment in Poland." I'm unsure of what steps to take next.
Reported by GetHuman3909676 on Saturday, November 9, 2019 9:45 AM
I am quite disappointed with the information provided in your email. You mentioned that you "found" matches, which is inaccurate. My father had five siblings, and my mother had nine, all of whom have passed away. Henry Leonard was my paternal grandfather. I hope you can better respect the details I submitted when discussing my DNA history, rather than using it as a sales tactic for a family tree site. My grandfather, Henry Leonard, had a brother named Jack who perished on the Queen Mary during the Battle of Jutland in WWI. Another relative, my uncle Bernard Leonard, bravely sailed towards Omaha Beach towing the Mulberry Harbour on D-Day and passed away this year at 93. My father served in the RAF in Burma during WWII, and my uncle Jim fought against the Japanese, becoming a prisoner of war. Please refrain from claiming to have discovered 'Record Matches' with information provided by me. Sincerely, Colin B Leonard.
Reported by GetHuman3949297 on Saturday, November 16, 2019 9:34 PM
I've attempted to reach out to My Heritage multiple times to cancel my subscription that was set to renew on November 29th. On that day, I received an email notifying me that they had already deducted the subscription fee from my bank account for another year until November [redacted]. I was caught off guard by this automatic renewal and was not given any prior notice about the upcoming charge. It seems like a sneaky tactic on their part to surprise customers with the renewal without warning. Despite leaving a voicemail expressing my desire to cancel, I have been unable to speak with a representative. After finally receiving an email response, they mentioned escalating the issue to the billing department, but I have not heard back from them. I urgently need a refund as I cannot afford this expense. I am hopeful that they will reach out to me soon to address this matter, or I may have to seek assistance from an ombudsman.
Reported by GetHuman-janmcb on Saturday, November 30, 2019 7:37 PM
I recently spoke with someone over the phone regarding a billing charge on my MasterCard for My Heritage that I did not make. The charge was made on 10/10/[redacted] for $[redacted]. I called your number a few days after discovering the charge, and the representative assured me it would be resolved, although it might take some time. I am reaching out via email at [redacted] to confirm that I did not authorize this purchase and to ensure the credit card company will reimburse me for this unauthorized charge. I would greatly appreciate it if this matter could be addressed promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4032529 on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 2:24 PM

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