Nabisco, Inc. Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Nabisco, Inc. customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 30, 2016 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am Cheryl Autry. I was the initial black employee hired at Nabisco in Brisbane back in the early seventies. At that time, I formed a strong bond with Joseph Green and his family. Vergil Giannini was also a colleague at Nabisco, and we developed a wonderful relationship. I am curious to know if Joseph Green is still alive. Both Joseph and Vergil are my heroes, and we shared many memorable moments together. Bernice, Vergil's wife, was remarkable and full of surprises.
Reported by GetHuman-autrych on الإثنين ٣٠ مايو ٢٠١٦ ١٨:٤٢
I'm not experiencing any problems, but I would like to inquire about the possibility of reintroducing the Bacon Thins Crackers. I fondly remember their superior bacon taste from when they were previously available. Despite currently having the Ritz bacon-flavored options, such as Ritz and Ritz Crisp & Thin, they do not compare to the nostalgic Bacon Thins' lightly toasted oval shape. Is there a specific number of requests needed for this product to be brought back? If so, what is the required quantity? While I appreciate the regular Ritz bacon crackers, I find the Crisp & Thin Bacon variety to have an unpleasant flavor. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman681581 on الإثنين ١٤ مايو ٢٠١٨ ٠٥:٠٨
I am very disappointed with the 13 boxes of Wheat Thins original I purchased recently from Walmart on Main in Los Lunas, NM [redacted]. Every box I bought tastes burnt and not fresh. I expected a flavorful and fresh product, but instead, I keep getting burnt ones. I have the SKU numbers for all the boxes, and it's frustrating to waste money on these subpar snacks. I believe it's unacceptable for a big corporation to sell such products. I would appreciate it if you could contact me via email at [redacted] or send fresh boxes of Wheat Thins to [redacted] Juniper Ave SE, Los Lunas, NM [redacted]. My phone number is [redacted]. I value your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman824930 on الأربعاء ٢٧ يونيو ٢٠١٨ ٠٥:٣١
For the past 18 years, my family has been loyal consumers of Nabisco Premium Unsalted Saltine Crackers. However, we have recently noticed a disappointing decline in both the quality of the crackers and their packaging. The crackers now lack the sturdiness needed for dipping or spreading peanut butter, and they seem to be more fragile overall. Additionally, it is disheartening to find that a number of crackers in each plastic sleeve are always broken. Furthermore, the packaging itself has also deteriorated. The box is excessively glued, making it difficult to open and close properly. The plastic sleeves are prone to tearing at the seams when attempting to open them. These issues make accessing the crackers a challenge without damaging them. Overall, we hope that Nabisco can address these concerns and return to providing a product that lives up to its reputation for quality and convenience. Sincerely, Dawayne Robinson
Reported by GetHuman-dawayner on الثلاثاء ٣ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ١٤:٠٣
I bought two packages of Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers to bake a cake for my grandson's birthday. Both had an expiration date of 20 AUG [redacted], and today is the 4th of July. Unfortunately, one box had a strong smell of rancid oil when I opened it, so I had to discard it. The other box had a better smell, but the cake made with it tasted terrible, forcing me to dispose of the whole thing. I purchased the cookies from the Tinker Air Force Base Commissary. This was a significant disappointment as I've successfully made this cookie cake many times before. I'm concerned about what may have changed and why this happened. I hope to be reimbursed for the cost of the cookies and the whipping cream. This experience has made me hesitant about buying them again in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-lyng on الأربعاء ٤ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ١٩:٠٦
As a mother of a four-year-old with allergies, I live in constant fear for my child's safety. We have educated him to ask about the safety of foods, but he is still a young child who often relies on packaging and familiarity. Hearing about a tragic incident where a young girl mistakenly ate a dangerous cookie that looked like a safe one terrifies me. I am worried that even a safe food could pose a risk to my child if packaged similarly to dangerous allergens. The rising prevalence of food allergies makes this fear even more overwhelming. I hope that companies can consider different packaging to clearly differentiate safe allergen-free products. The daily anxiety and stress of keeping my child safe are beyond words.
Reported by GetHuman-michdems on الثلاثاء ١٧ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ١٣:٢٧
I saw a report on ABC News about a product recall. Can you confirm if this information is accurate? If it's false, I may consider legal action against ABC News for misinformation. Can you then select [redacted] retailers to offer samples for port, national, and space security services? Additionally, check [redacted] locations selling Ritz products for any signs of tampering with consumer goods, cashier behavior, currency, or emergency vehicles. Upon discovering alterations, advise the district attorneys and escalate the issue internationally for stolen artwork. Arrange a trial at Penobscot County Judicial Center in Bangor, Maine. Verify if the judicial center, 27 legal offices in Maine, and 28 vehicle inspection sites have compromised public safety. Please ensure that demanded prices include the minuscule symbol: ø, as applicable in duty-free zones. Thank you for your attention to these matters.
Reported by GetHuman-regdun on الإثنين ٢٣ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ٠٩:٤٤
I want to raise awareness that Oreo sponsors The View on ABC. We are planning to boycott The View and Oreo until their sponsorship is terminated. Recent comments made by Whoopi Goldberg on the show were offensive and unacceptable. We believe this program should be canceled. Last week, she treated Judge Jeanine Pirro disrespectfully. There's a petition circulating with over [redacted],[redacted] signatures in just three days on We ask Oreo and other sponsors to reconsider supporting this show. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Regards, Deborah R. Woolley
Reported by GetHuman909597 on الإثنين ٢٣ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ٢٠:٠١
My husband’s favorite Wheat Thins crackers tasted off recently. He found some strange crackers in a box and had to throw many away. I was puzzled by these odd crackers too. I have pictures of the box and the unusual crackers. If you want to see them, please email me at [redacted] Maybe these are a new type of cracker mistakenly mixed in, or a quality issue in production. In any case, if they are different, my husband won’t eat them. You can reach me at [redacted]. Thank you, Kathi Lucas.
Reported by GetHuman-kathitou on الجمعة ٣ أغسطس ٢٠١٨ ١٨:٤١
Good morning, I wanted to share my appreciation for your Triscuits. I must confess, I am addicted to them! They are always fresh, crispy, and perfectly seasoned. I particularly enjoy the original w/sea salt flavor from the family size box. Recently, due to a foot surgery, I had to rely on others to go to the store for me. Waiting three days without my Triscuits was quite frustrating. I find them to be a healthier option than chips or pretzels, although I still enjoy those occasionally. Being on disability for health reasons, Triscuits can get a bit pricey for me. Would it be possible to receive any coupons? Thank you for providing such a delicious snack that I can enjoy while recovering from surgery. Sincerely, Mary Jo V. 16 Patt Street Rochester, NY [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-vmaryjo on السبت ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠١٨ ١٢:١١
Hello, I am reaching out because I am curious about the availability of Fig and Honey TRISCUTS. Last month, I discovered them, and they are the only crackers my child will eat with his healthy snacks. They are a crucial part of his school lunch routine, as his school has strict snack policies due to allergies. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find them in stores this week, causing quite a bit of distress for my child. He is very particular, and only the cheese with fig and honey TRISCUTS will suffice. I kindly ask for assistance in locating these snacks, as they have become an important part of his school day routine. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman1169065 on الخميس ٢٠ سبتمبر ٢٠١٨ ٠١:٢٧
My husband and I enjoy your soft batch chocolate chip cookies, but we have experienced some issues with the quantity of cookies in the bag. The tray is supposed to hold 3 sections of 8 cookies each. Recently, we've had some problems with missing cookies. One time, we were short half of one tray, resulting in 8, 8, 4 cookies. Another time, an entire tray was missing, leaving us with only 16 cookies total. Just today, we were missing half a tray again. We understand mistakes happen, but this is the first time we've encountered this issue. We believe improvements are needed in your quality control process. In the meantime, we would appreciate either a refund for the cookies or a coupon for a free bag. Thank you, Nancy H. in Baltimore, MD.
Reported by GetHuman-bnwdelit on الأربعاء ١٧ أكتوبر ٢٠١٨ ٠٢:٠٨
I purchased a Chips Ahoy Togo pack (4 cookies), and upon opening it, I noticed a terrible smell from the cookies. The container holding the cookies was also stained yellow. At first, I didn't realize it, but after taking a bite, I realized they tasted disgusting. The experience was awful, and I'm concerned about potential health risks from the strange smell and taste. It seems like there might have been some chemical contamination. I hope this issue can be addressed to prevent anyone else from getting sick.
Reported by GetHuman-commonly on الأربعاء ٢٤ أكتوبر ٢٠١٨ ٠٠:١٥
The Center for Food Safety has recently raised concerns about the use of nano-technology by companies like Nabisco. Nabisco's Oreos and Chips Ahoy both incorporate nano-technology, potentially posing health risks according to studies. These findings are alarming given the widespread consumption of these products. As a concerned citizen, I urge your company to prioritize safety by conducting thorough toxicity assessments on all nano-technology-enabled products. Thank you, Susan M.
Reported by GetHuman-artersa on الأربعاء ٣١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٨ ٢٠:٥٩
I have been a loyal consumer of Chips Ahoy for many years and have always enjoyed them. However, due to recent events related to an incident involving a young girl who had a severe allergic reaction to a peanut-containing product that was packaged similarly to the chewy Chips Ahoy cookies, I have decided to stop purchasing them. As a parent of two children with nut allergies, I am extremely cautious about the products I buy. While shopping last week, I almost bought a blue bag of Chips Ahoy only to discover that it contained Snickers, which also contains peanuts. After the tragic incident with the mislabeled red bag, I am disappointed that another nut product was marketed in a similar colored package. I believe it is crucial for companies to consider the implications of nut allergies and be more mindful of their packaging choices. I sincerely hope that the company will reconsider their marketing decisions and use brighter colors for products containing nuts to better alert consumers. Until changes are made, I will no longer be purchasing any of their products.
Reported by GetHuman1491499 on الأحد ٤ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ١٤:٤٢
I have been a long-time fan of Chips Ahoy cookies but unfortunately will no longer be purchasing them. Following the recent tragic incident involving a young girl consuming cookies containing peanuts, I became even more cautious due to my children's nut allergies. While shopping last week, I almost bought the blue bag of Chips Ahoy cookies, only to realize they contained Snickers with peanuts. This was distressing, given the similarity in packaging to the previous incident. Nut allergies are severe, and I believe better labeling is crucial to prevent such accidents. It would be wise to consider using distinct packaging colors like purple or yellow for nut-containing products to increase awareness. As a concerned parent, I urge you to reassess your marketing strategies. Until changes are made, I will refrain from purchasing any of your products.
Reported by GetHuman-alisonza on الأحد ٤ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ٢٣:٥٠
Dear Concerned Party, I am reaching out today to express my admiration for your product known as Oreos. They are my absolute favorite, especially the chocolate ones with double the filling and the chocolate flavor. I do have two suggestions for improvement. Firstly, I recommend making the plastic packaging sturdier as some of the cookies often arrive broken or crushed. Secondly, it would be fantastic if you could venture into apparel such as T-shirts, colored shirts, and sweatshirts. Thank you for creating such an amazing product. Regards, Jeremy F. This letter is a school project for our 6th-grade English class. We would greatly appreciate your response and perhaps some samples for our class of 25 students. Please reply via email at [redacted] or by mail to: Hidden Oaks Middle School, Attn: Mrs. McCreary/ Jeremy F., [redacted] SW Martin HWY, Palm City, FL, [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-mccreas on الأربعاء ٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ١٧:٠١
Hello, I've been a long-time consumer of cookies, specifically enjoying Double Stuffed Oreo Golden cookies from Ormond Beach, Florida. Lately, I'm frustrated with receiving broken cookies when I open the packages. I believe adding two more cookies to each row could improve the transportation and shelf life, ensuring better quality. It would be beneficial to include a bonus of six additional cookies in new packaging to enhance the purchase experience and potentially attract more buyers, as these cookies are on the pricier side. On another note, although the self-sealing packaging is a convenient feature, I've noticed that it has become harder to seal compared to before. The thinning of the packaging material and reduced adhesive seem to be causing this issue. Appreciate your attention to these concerns. - Paul V.
Reported by GetHuman-ridelik on الجمعة ٩ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ١٥:٤٨
My go-to Nabisco cookies are the Nutter Butter Wafers. These square cookies are a hit in my household, but we face an issue with them drying out or getting stale too soon. We purchase multiple packages each month, along with Oreos, and once opened, we must transfer the wafers to a Ziplock bag for freshness. It's a hassle and sometimes we've had to discard cookies because they weren't sealed properly. I strongly believe that Nutter Butter Wafers would greatly benefit from having a peel-back tab like Oreos for resealability. This simple addition would make a huge difference in maintaining the freshness of the cookies for me and other consumers.
Reported by GetHuman-jhbrowde on الأحد ١١ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ٠٤:٢٨
Subject: Quality Concern with Party Size Chips Ahoy Cookies Dear Chips Ahoy team, I have been enjoying your cookies since childhood, and at almost 46 years old, they remain a favorite treat of mine. Recently, I have noticed an issue with the party size package that I purchased from my local Walmart on three separate occasions. The cookies inside the package were mostly broken or in pieces. Upon examining the packaging, it seems that there may be a flaw in the design. There appears to be too much room between the sealable bags and the cookies, causing them to move around and break during transportation. As a loyal customer, I wanted to bring this to your attention as I have decided not to purchase the party size package again due to this issue. I believe there could be room for improvement in the design to ensure the cookies remain intact during handling and transportation. Some of my friends have also faced the same problem. I hope this feedback helps you maintain the quality of your product and prevent any potential loss in customers. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Jeanne R.
Reported by GetHuman1598509 on الأربعاء ٢١ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ٠٢:٠٦

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