Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported April 29, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Subject: Unauthorized Listing Issue with the Condo on Nextdoor To Whom It May Concern, I am contacting you regarding a concerning matter related to the listing of a property on Nextdoor without the owner's permission from our association, Victoria Place Association, Inc. The property in question, located at [redacted] S. 34th St., Franklin, was listed without consent, causing distress to the owner who is a close friend of mine. In the future, any listings related to properties within our Condo Association (numbers [redacted] to [redacted] S. 34th St.) require written permission from the owner before being posted on Nextdoor. It's important to uphold the privacy and consent of our owners. For any inquiries or clarifications, please reach out to me through the Nextdoor site or via email at [redacted]. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Judith A. Freimark Director - Victoria Place Association, Inc. -- Dear Judy, I apologize for the confusion surrounding the unauthorized listing of the property. The listing was sourced from the MLS, and the property is currently on the market with an accepted offer, as per the information retrieved from Nextdoor. As an agent specializing in the Franklin market, I do not have control over the featured listings. I recommend contacting Nextdoor directly to address this issue and exclude your complex's listings from the program. Please feel free to contact me if you encounter any difficulties, and I will assist in safeguarding your association. Best regards, Dawn Kamalian Fulltime Residential Realtor Shorewest Realtors
Reported by GetHuman-juann on Sunday, April 29, 2018 7:24 PM
Dear Dawn, As a Director of the Victoria Place Association, I want to address the unauthorized listing of our property on Nextdoor. The owner of [redacted] S. 34th St., Franklin, was upset as he had not given consent for this listing. In the future, please obtain written permission from owners before listing any properties from our Condo Association, which includes numbers [redacted] to [redacted] S. 34th St. If you have any inquiries, kindly reach out to me via Nextdoor or email at [redacted] I appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Judith A. Freimark Director - Victoria Place Association, Inc. Note: The property in question is not currently on the market; it has already been sold. Warm regards, Dawn Kamalian, Shorewest Realtors Judy, I apologize for the confusion regarding the listing on Nextdoor. The property is indeed on the market with an accepted offer, as per the MLS. The listings come from Nextdoor, which retrieves information from the MLS. Unfortunately, I do not control which listings appear. I would recommend contacting Nextdoor to address this issue and exclude your complex's listings from the program. If you encounter any difficulties, please let me know, and I will do my best to assist and respect your association's privacy. Thank you, Dawn Kamalian Full-time Residential Realtor Respecting owners' privacy is crucial, and unauthorized advertising like this is not acceptable. Best, Judy Freimark Director, Victoria Place Association, Inc. [redacted] [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-juann on Sunday, April 29, 2018 7:26 PM
Hello, I don't reside in Montgomery, Texas, but I do own a hair salon there. Recently, we had a guest who visited our salon wanting extremely blonde hair. I, as the owner, overheard the hairstylist discussing the maintenance involved in this service with her. Initially, the guest did not mention any dissatisfaction during her haircut two weeks later. However, during a subsequent visit, she claimed that the hairstylist did not meet her expectations and demanded a free color service. Despite attempting to address her concerns, she has now resorted to leaving negative reviews on Facebook, Yelp, and even Nextdoor, along with others she knows. This situation is unjust and damaging to our reputation. What steps can I take to manage this effectively?
Reported by GetHuman-jenjiand on Monday, April 30, 2018 5:04 PM
I have been a Nextdoor member since [redacted] and have received positive feedback from the community. Unfortunately, my wife, who was arrested for assaulting me with a deadly weapon and is now out on bond, has started a house cleaning service without the proper credentials. She is also caring for older people without a license, despite her violent behavior and drug use. I felt compelled to warn the community about the possible dangers they pose, but as a result, I have been unable to access Nextdoor. I am reaching out for help to restore my account and request that action be taken to prevent them from contacting me. I apologize for any inconvenience and assure you that my intentions were not malicious, but out of concern for others' safety. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-jhestes on Sunday, May 6, 2018 10:44 PM
I recently moved from Huntington Beach, CA to Tustin, CA. My billing address, where all my bills are sent, is to a paid mailbox in Newport Beach, CA. I couldn't verify my new address in Tustin, so I discontinued my account. I was expecting to receive personal invitations from my landlord, Peter M., to validate my address. However, I haven't received any of his invitations, and I suspect Nextdoor's filter might be blocking them. I have checked my spam folder, but they are not there. Please assist me in updating my account with the correct address: [redacted] Challis Pl., Tustin, CA [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman695819 on Friday, May 18, 2018 5:13 AM
I had a negative experience on Nextdoor where I fell victim to a scam by an individual claiming to be a military mother and her child, Stad. They provided an overly expensive quote for services, shared details about their "business," and I regrettably paid them in advance as I was not home at the time. Despite informing them of my work schedule, they bombarded me with calls during hours I couldn't answer. When I eventually reached out to them, they threatened me and demanded I refrain from contacting them or discussing the matter. After sharing my story on a post seeking similar experiences, they, along with others from the same area, harassed me and subsequently had me banned from Nextdoor. This situation has left me frustrated, especially considering my active role in supporting the community. I seek assistance in resolving this issue promptly. Email: [redacted] Address: [redacted] N Dale Rd, Millwood, WA [redacted] Phone: [redacted] Name: Sean Smith I only wish to have my account reinstated on Nextdoor as soon as possible.
Reported by GetHuman-seansm on Saturday, May 19, 2018 11:51 PM
As the president of our HOA, I have been advocating for the removal of a non-resident, Emily Cox, from our community on ND. Despite my efforts, our Lead, Nathan Herbst, has failed to address the issue adequately. It is concerning that someone who is not a resident is allowed access and is reportedly "stalking" a resident on ND. This goes against the safety policy requiring verified addresses. If this matter is not resolved promptly, I will have to inform our community of this breach and recommend ceasing the use of your site. Additionally, I may need to involve the Post Falls police due to the nature of the complaint. Safety is paramount for our residents, and I trust you will address this matter promptly. - Joseph Porcello, HOA President
Reported by GetHuman-jporcell on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 7:29 PM
Case #[redacted] I used to be the lead for my neighborhood Windfield on Nextdoor, located at [redacted] Lucky Fields, Converse, TX [redacted]. I attempted to create a second account for a rental property and faced an issue due to a sex offender misusing the address. This has been resolved. While setting up the account for [redacted] East Houston Street, San Antonio, TX [redacted], I encountered difficulties. I kept receiving messages about the email already being in use on Nextdoor. After trying to sign back into my Windfield account, I was treated like a new member without access to lead features. I have successfully brought [redacted] members to the Windfield site. It seems to be a password reset issue for both accounts. Despite reporting this via email, I have only received an automated response with no effective resolution for the accounts. Please provide guidance.
Reported by GetHuman-daronph on Thursday, May 24, 2018 5:18 PM
As the new lead for our community, I am concerned about a neighbor who is engaging in bullying behavior on Nextdoor. This individual, known as Connie B., has been repeatedly activating and deactivating her account multiple times within the past 24 hours to harass others. She has a history of threats and unjustified legal actions. I kindly request that Nextdoor permanently remove Connie B. from the platform to alleviate the tension she is causing in our neighborhood. I appreciate your swift action on this matter and ask for discretion in handling the situation to ensure my privacy. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman730353 on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 4:54 AM
I am having trouble entering my zip code as it seems to be blocked. I have tried to reach out to the neighborhood association before but haven't received a clear explanation for being blocked. If there's anyone who can assist me with this issue, please contact me at [redacted] or email me at [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman750130 on Monday, June 4, 2018 9:44 PM
I used to receive a daily email for the daily digest, but suddenly received a notification asking for feedback on a weekly recap instead. Since then, I haven't received my daily notifications and was told I had unsubscribed, which I hadn't done. Now, I am getting emails whenever a resident responds to a post. How can I go back to receiving just one daily email for the Nextdoor column's review and stop the flood of response emails? I've attempted to adjust my email preferences with no success. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-pattybor on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:34 PM
A discussion was started about the upcoming city election and I shared information from a flyer sent out in a mailing, raising concerns about one of the candidates. However, my comment was reported, leading to my account being unfairly banned. This feels like selective targeting as I was the only one banned, while others were not. It's censorship in an unjust and biased manner. I've experienced this before possibly due to my last name being Jewish. If my account is not reinstated, I may need to seek legal advice. The person who initiated the thread should also face consequences for similar actions.
Reported by GetHuman787886 on Friday, June 15, 2018 5:04 PM
When we lived in Sacramento in the Arden Arcade area, I joined Nextdoor and enjoyed the benefits. However, after moving to Foothill Farms, I accidentally used my wife's email address instead of mine, leading to notifications being sent to both of us. We have since relocated to Pioneer ([redacted]), successfully verifying our address and rejoining Nextdoor. I am requesting assistance to cancel my wife's subscription and keep only my account active using my email [redacted] I would appreciate it if all communication could be directed to me exclusively. Furthermore, I am still receiving messages from Foothill Farms, which I no longer wish to receive, but I am unsure how to stop them. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Kevin
Reported by GetHuman-kevinlhe on Monday, June 25, 2018 4:47 PM
I am frustrated by a negative post about my business on After being falsely accused of not returning a call promptly and facing slanderous remarks, I requested the inappropriate comments be removed. Despite support from many customers and multiple reports, the damaging post was only taken down after three days. Now, I am locked out of my Nextdoor account, even though I was the victim in this situation. is not adhering to their own principles outlined on their website, as they failed to address the unjust comments and then blocked my access without responding to my emails. Their actions do not reflect a "neighborly" approach as they claim to promote.
Reported by GetHuman820555 on Monday, June 25, 2018 11:47 PM
My account is currently locked due to false accusations from a woman named Cathy. I had never met her before and she has been spreading negative comments about me to my clients. This has affected my hard-earned reputation for being professional, punctual, and polite. I recently accepted a job from a new client, and Cathy, who doesn't know me, falsely labeled the client as a creep. I rely on this platform for work opportunities and referrals, so I urgently need assistance to resolve this issue. Please look into this matter and consider suspending Cathy's account to prevent further harm to my reputation. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman838857 on Sunday, July 1, 2018 1:29 PM
KQED, a news agency, inappropriately used the NDN site to request stories from illegal immigrant children who were separated from their parents at the border on 7/3/[redacted]. The lack of a way to report the post is concerning, as this action violates ethical standards and misuses their posting privileges as a news outlet. Asking NDN members for personal stories on such a sensitive and illegal topic may lead to heated disputes, potentially shaming individuals and upsetting legal immigrants and citizens who value law enforcement. It appears that KQED is seeking to profit from creating a sensational narrative using stories from undocumented individuals. I have taken steps to report this issue, including informing NDN through various channels and contacting KQED directly through their website. I believe that KQED should be held accountable, and the post should be removed. There should be a system in place for NDN members to report any inappropriate posts by media outlets. I have documented the original post by KQED, my response, and my efforts to address this issue to ensure that both NDN and KQED are aware of this misuse and to prevent similar incidents in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-wiggi on Thursday, July 5, 2018 5:28 PM
I would like to inquire about the suspension of my account on Nextdoor. I believe my neighbor may have falsely influenced this decision based on a recent incident involving a misunderstanding. Despite placing an orange road construction sign on his lawn briefly, my neighbor irrationally confronted me with profanity. I remained calm and tried to defuse the situation, but he continued to be hostile. Following this, I warned other neighbors about his behavior, especially since he is a professional in the local Heat and Air business. Subsequently, he demanded I remove the post and involved the police when I refused. The authorities found no wrongdoing on my part. I am puzzled as to why my account was suspended without a thorough investigation or my side of the story considered. I intend to escalate this issue further if not addressed appropriately.
Reported by GetHuman-jar_miz on Monday, July 9, 2018 12:50 AM
Hello, I have a question about the notifications I'm receiving on my phone regarding potential buyers interested in my furniture listings. When I click the bell icon at the bottom of my phone, I see a green indicator, and then a blue box with a white tag appears on the left side with the buyer's inquiry. However, I am unable to reply to these questions. Instead, when I click on the question, it displays my photo, name, the furniture title, and options like "Reach more Buyers" and "Mark as sold." I have successfully sold items in the past, and I am not running a business, just trying to sell some affordable second-hand furniture that has been in storage. I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thank you for your prompt response. - Frank
Reported by GetHuman-frankfis on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 7:28 PM
I recently sold 2 items, but now only about 10% of my listings appear in "My Items." It has been over a week, and I can't mark items as sold because most of them were incorrectly flagged as business items by someone on Nextdoor. These are personal items, not business-related. I cannot see most of my listings, although others can, causing confusion and frustration among potential buyers and myself. Nextdoor should have consulted with me before flagging my items, and it's disappointing that this issue has not been resolved after such a long period.
Reported by GetHuman932580 on Monday, July 30, 2018 10:48 PM
I need clarification on why my post was removed. I shared a GoFundMe page for a dog recently rescued from a hot car in our neighborhood. The dog, now under the care of a neighbor from Nextdoor, requires costly medical treatment. Alongside the fundraiser link, I also included a helpful article in our local newsletter on keeping pets safe in hot weather. There were advertisements displayed on the article's page. I am unsure if this is the violation. Would it have been acceptable if I removed the ads and only shared the GoFundMe link? Or was the GoFundMe post itself the issue? I am seeking clarification on the specific violation for future reference. Thank you for your assistance. - E. Vera
Reported by GetHuman932785 on Monday, July 30, 2018 11:59 PM

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