Playstation Customer Service Issues

Archive 80

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Playstation customer service, archive #80. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 28, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I need assistance with a situation involving unauthorized purchases on my PS4 account. While Amazon and other stores have refunded the money without issue, PlayStation has been uncooperative for over a year. They insist on payment in gift cards since my account is banned and I cannot access it. I have spoken with numerous representatives and managers, but no one has been able to help. I am frustrated and just want my account restored.
Reported by GetHuman-mattchem on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٥:١٠
Recently, my PS4 seems to connect to the IP address but fails to connect to the internet. Interestingly, other devices in my house, including when my friend brings over his PS4, connect without any issues. I contacted PlayStation support initially, and they resolved the problem by changing my IP address, but it has resurfaced. Comcast confirmed that my internet is working fine, and there are no restrictions. I've ensured my PS4 software is up to date. I'm puzzled by this recurring problem that prevents me from enjoying online gaming. It's frustrating, especially with an unused PlayStation Plus subscription and valuable saved data at stake. I seek guidance on resolving this matter promptly to resume gaming and have an enjoyable experience online.
Reported by GetHuman-megabeas on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٥:٣٠
My fiancee's email is [redacted] Regrettably, there was unauthorized activity on my PayPal due to a hacker purchasing games on a PC store. Inadvertently, I also clicked on games for PlayStation, which turned out to be my fiancee's account. I am seeking assistance to lift the ban on her account and reverse the refund from my account. Despite contacting PayPal, I couldn't reach support via phone due to unforeseen issues. The account in question belongs to lilgnomekicker. Thank you, I look forward to your prompt response.
Reported by GetHuman4165131 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٠١
I tried to purchase a one-month PS Plus subscription with my credit card, but the transaction didn't go through even though I had sufficient funds. I double-checked my billing information, AVS settings, and even tried restarting my PS4 in safe mode. The only thing that seemed off was yesterday I was supposed to refresh it, but it auto-refreshed despite not having enough funds. Today, about an hour ago, the funds disappeared, and now I cannot buy the subscription. Additionally, I turned off the auto-refresh about 3 to 4 hours ago. That's all the information I have.
Reported by GetHuman4165260 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٢٨
I noticed a charge of $64.49 on 12/24, and I am unsure about its purpose. Although we bought PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus for my son as Christmas gifts, we only redeemed the codes on Christmas day (12/25). No PlayStation-related transactions were made on 12/24, and I did not receive the usual email notification for a purchase, which I typically get when using my debit card or PlayStation Plus subscription. I am seeking clarification on this charge and may consider disputing it.
Reported by GetHuman4165340 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٤٥
Hello, I'm trying to purchase v-bucks on my PS4. When I click on 'Add PayPal Account' and enter my information, I keep receiving an error message without any specific code. I've double-checked my details multiple times to ensure accuracy, but the error persists. Interestingly, I'm able to make payments using a card, just not with PayPal. Thank you, Layla
Reported by GetHuman4165469 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٨:١٣
This is the third time I've encountered this issue. I admit it was my mistake initially. However, the card being charged belongs to me, ending in [redacted]. It's not even activated on the four cards associated with my grandson's account. I've been a loyal PlayStation customer for over a decade, spending well over 10k. I urgently need his account unlocked. I attempted to resolve this previously when I was told to pay $10 on Thursday, which I did. Now, I'm being informed that $72 was charged to a card that shouldn't even be linked to his account. This is your error. I am currently away and unable to assist him in resolving this matter. He is the one suffering due to this situation. It is unacceptable and unfair treatment from PlayStation. I have a history of purchases and attempts to engage with your customer service, all associated with my Citicard, a card used for my business. I mistakenly provided him with the wrong card, canceled it, and as a result, he was banned. After rectifying this and providing an alternative card, you still charged the inactive card. We added a new card. Therefore, once access is regained, the unnecessary card will be removed. Citicard issued a chargeback, I repaid the amount, and now this issue has occurred a third time without any clear reason. I kindly request his account be unlocked until I am back home to purchase a cash card and resolve this directly with my credit card company. Can you please assist in promptly unlocking his account to alleviate this situation? It's vital not to penalize him for an error involving an inactive card. This inconvenience is unwarranted, especially during the holiday season.
Reported by GetHuman4165577 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٨:٣٣
Hello, I am experiencing a problem with both my PlayStation Network account and my PS3 system being banned. I received a message stating that access to PSN for both my account and system has been banned or temporarily suspended. I am unsure of the reason for this. I attempted to contact PlayStation support but have not been able to reach them as their lines are constantly busy. I would appreciate assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you. My sign-in ID is [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman4165751 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٩:٠٩
I purchased Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered on December 24, [redacted], during a sale for €16. However, I noticed a charge of €59.82 from Sony Limited on my bank account without any accompanying description. There is no record of this transaction on my Playstation account or in my purchase history. I am unsure why this amount was withdrawn from my account and would appreciate a prompt response to help me resolve this matter. Thank you, L. Kenna
Reported by GetHuman-leonkenn on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٩:٢٢
I am trying to buy some DLC for Jump Force, but each time I try to confirm the purchase, I receive an error message stating it's invalid. I have checked that there is sufficient funds on the card, and all the card details are accurate. I am frustrated that I cannot reach out to PlayStation support for help as there is no live chat option and phone support is unavailable. I would appreciate assistance with this issue to complete my purchase.
Reported by GetHuman4166181 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٠:٤٢
I was in the middle of playing Battlefield 4 on my PS3 when it suddenly crashed after being unplugged. Unfortunately, I didn't write down the email address associated with my PSN, causing me to lose access to my most recent account. I vaguely remember the gamer ID being "makinemquit187" but spelled differently. The email might have been similar to [redacted] Any help in recovering my PS account would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.
Reported by GetHuman4166245 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٠:٥٥
I recently bought a PlayStation 4 for the first time. When attempting to set up my account, I discovered that my email address is linked to my old PlayStation 3 account, which I haven't used in years. I've forgotten the password and requested a password reset but haven't received any emails from PlayStation regarding the steps to do so.
Reported by GetHuman-srprende on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢١:١٦
I recently reset my PS4 due to a Safe Mode loop issue. After doing so, I encountered problems downloading Spotify and a theme I had previously used. I don't have external storage. In my library, the app was listed but showed an error saying it couldn't be found and directed me to the PS4 store. There, I could partially download it. I hope this information assists in finding a solution. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4166633 on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٢:٣٠
I bought a PlayStation 4 VR Headset Mega Pack for Christmas, expecting to find vouchers for 5 games. Unfortunately, neither the vouchers nor the games were included in the box or on the Demo disc. After contacting the seller, ProSale, they directed me to reach out to you for assistance in obtaining the vouchers. The games I am missing vouchers for are VR World, Skyrim, Astro Bot, Resident Evil biohazard, and Everybody’s Golf VR. The serial number is MF[redacted]53. I would appreciate guidance on how to access the games I paid for. Thank you, KH
Reported by GetHuman-bcwarrio on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٣:٠٩
I purchased Grand Theft Auto 5 from the Playstation Store, and it was downloading smoothly for a few hours. Suddenly, it displayed an error message saying it couldn't download. After researching some solutions online, I came across a video suggesting to rebuild the database. Many comments indicated success with this method, so I followed the instructions. However, when I logged back in, I found that the game had been completely deleted, along with other games that were not yet downloaded.
Reported by GetHuman-evankr on السبت ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٣:٤٨
Last night, my son's account was suspended for defending his best friend from another player's negative comments about his best friend's sick grandmother. Despite only calling the other player a name and blocking them, my son's account was unjustly suspended. The notification upon logging in mentioned a violation of the terms of service or policy, but the situation seems exaggerated. I am looking to have the suspension lifted as my son's actions were merely in defense of his friend, and there was no intentional breach of any rules.
Reported by GetHuman-zfloyd on الأحد ٢٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٠٠:٣١
I've been disconnected from my games more than 5 times today. My other devices are all staying connected, so it's not my internet. However, my connection speed fluctuates from 6 Mbps to 25 Mbps, which is frustrating. This has caused my friends and me to lose NBA 2K20 MyPark games, leading to their annoyance with me. I attempted to contact PS Support, but they were closed. I apologize for reaching out late, but this situation is becoming overwhelming.
Reported by GetHuman-lukhusk on الأحد ٢٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٠٠:٤٨
I bought a 12-month PS Plus card for my PS4 as I do annually. However, upon scratching off the code and entering it at home, it says the card has already been used. I'm perplexed because I bought it directly from the store and immediately tried to redeem it. I reached out to the store, but they couldn't assist me and advised contacting customer support.
Reported by GetHuman-lieslman on الأحد ٢٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٠٢:١٧
I purchased Ghost Recon Breakpoint when it was initially released and played it for about 40 hours, completing 4 percent of the campaign without any issues. However, after Ubisoft released the recent battle page update, I started getting an error code mountain00020 at the start screen, preventing me from playing the game at all. Despite contacting Ubisoft via text and email, their tech support team insisted the issue was with my router, which had never been a problem before the update. They had me attempt various router adjustments like port forwarding and changing DNS numbers, which I struggled with as a non-tech person. Even after following their instructions, the game still does not work. I'm seeking a refund for this digital download from PSN for $79.99 as I have exhausted all troubleshooting steps suggested by both Ubisoft and PlayStation support.
Reported by GetHuman-lukeapal on الأحد ٢٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٠٢:١٩
I set up 2-step verification on my PlayStation account, but recently changed my phone number without updating it in the system. Now, I can't sign in because the verification codes are being sent to my old number and I didn't save any backup codes. Can you help me update my phone number for verification or deactivate 2-step verification? Thanks.
Reported by GetHuman4168268 on الأحد ٢٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١١:٠٧

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