Snapchat Customer Service Issues

Archive 76

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Snapchat customer service, archive #76. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported February 9, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am part of the Campbell University softball team and I regularly use Snapchat to capture game moments. Recently, I recorded a player hitting a home run in the 7th inning, but the video failed to upload. This is essential for my work and income. I have a screenshot showing it stuck at 0% during the upload process. I am desperate to recover that crucial video clip.
Reported by GetHuman-hrmccrav on Sunday, February 9, 2020 7:13 PM
I need some advice on downloading a full text conversation from Snapchat. I am looking for a way to archive the entire chat instead of scrolling up endlessly. I attempted to use the "mydata" download option on Snapchat, but it did not offer the feature I need. The only information it provided was who I messaged, the date, and the type of message, but it does not capture the entire conversation history. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-longhoab on Sunday, February 9, 2020 8:15 PM
My account was compromised, and the password was changed by someone. I attempted to reset it using my email and phone number but was unsuccessful, indicating that the hacker may have altered this information. I am seeking assistance to identify the individual responsible for hacking my Snapchat account. Although I was able to create a new password on, I am unable to access my account due to an incorrect password error. I would greatly appreciate any help in regaining access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman-ifar on Sunday, February 9, 2020 9:30 PM
Hello, I took a screenshot of someone's story, and it showed in a different person's chat as "You took a screenshot," even though the screenshot wasn't from the person's story I usually chat with. Can someone assist me with this situation? I understand that screenshots notify people, but in this case, I didn't capture a chat from the person I usually chat with.
Reported by GetHuman4344370 on Sunday, February 9, 2020 9:51 PM
I'm experiencing issues with Snapchat constantly locking me out of my account. I don't use third-party software, and my phone number and email are verified. I suspect I'm being locked out for adding friends. Since my previous account wasn't working properly, I created a new one, but adding or re-adding friends triggers the "spamming" lockout. I've been locked out more than three times, and I need this matter resolved to avoid further disruptions.
Reported by GetHuman-markogon on Monday, February 10, 2020 12:42 AM
Today, my account was accessed by someone in Bullhead City, Arizona at 2:16:56 using a Samsung Galaxy A50. They changed both my password and phone number, leaving only my name, email, and birthday connected to the account. When I try to reset my password by selecting the "forgot password" option and entering my email, Snapchat sends the verification code to the hacker's new number, not mine. I really need to regain control of my account. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-joliehan on Monday, February 10, 2020 4:06 AM
I recently switched to a new phone and had to change my phone number. After transferring all my apps to the new phone, I logged out of Snapchat and am now facing issues logging back in. The verification code is being sent to my old phone number which I no longer have access to. Despite entering my email, the code is still being sent to the old number. I am unable to log into any other Snapchat account or create a new one. I need assistance with this matter.
Reported by GetHuman4346079 on Monday, February 10, 2020 3:27 PM
I am incredibly frustrated and in need of assistance! Today, I was alerted via email that my Snapchat account, which I have cherished for years, was accessed. Unfortunately, by the time I received the notification, a two-factor authentication code had been established without my knowledge or consent. I received a subsequent email verifying this action. As a result, I am now locked out of my own account, unable to retrieve my precious memories and contacts. The daily nostalgia of revisiting past events through those memories has always been a highlight of my day. I am reaching out for urgent help in resolving this distressing situation.
Reported by GetHuman4348611 on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 7:23 AM
Hello, I am the social media coordinator for the nonprofit Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum in Charleston, SC. We are interested in creating a custom Snapchat geofilter for our location and are seeking information about a potential discounted annual rate. Additionally, we would appreciate any details on possible nonprofit rates for this purchase. Our visitors enjoy using Snapchat, and we hope to provide them with this feature without incurring high monthly costs for the filter. Thank you for your assistance in advance!
Reported by GetHuman4350546 on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:24 PM
Today, I noticed that I had [redacted] unopened snaps, which is normal as I tend to leave many unopened. However, I then realized that a lot of snaps were marked as opened, even though I hadn't viewed them. After exiting the app and returning, the unopened notification decreased to [redacted]. I hadn't left my phone unattended, so no one else could have opened them without my knowledge. My account wasn't accessed by anyone else, and I didn't open them myself since I wouldn't have bothered going through each one. This issue needs to be addressed as it has caused confusion and concerns.
Reported by GetHuman4351182 on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 11:18 PM
I received a text with a login code for my Snapchat account, followed by another message stating not to share the code. When I tried to change my password, the intruder had already accessed my account and changed the password. An email notification informed me that someone logged in from an iPhone 11 Pro Max in Atlanta, and now I am unable to access my account. The IP address linked to this intrusion is [redacted].77.[redacted].[redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-brykpark on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 1:28 AM
I was using Snapchat when I suddenly got logged out and couldn't log back in because it said my password was invalid. When I tried to reset my password, it said my email wasn't associated with a Snapchat account. My username on Snapchat is greenarrow2498. My friends tried to search for my account but couldn't find it. My name on Snapchat was AJ C, and I had a Bitmoji as well. I really want to regain access to my account, understand why this happened, and hopefully recover my Snapchat contact list.
Reported by GetHuman-coffeyaj on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 4:46 AM
Hello Snapchat Support Team, I am reaching out to report that my Snapchat account appears to have been hacked yesterday. I am unable to log in or recover my password despite multiple attempts using the phone number [redacted] provided during the account setup, or my email [redacted] It seems like my account may have been deleted, but I am aware there is typically a 30-day recovery period. My username is myboys1211, and I reside in Perris, California. When attempting to log in through a web browser, the message "Username not found" is displayed. Please assist me in recovering my account and feel free to contact me for any additional information or verification at [redacted]. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman4352072 on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 7:16 AM
Hello! I would like to report that my account has been permanently blocked. I am not sure why because I have been on Snapchat for 13 years, and I have had my account for those 13 years. I am referring to my account olazamczala16. I do not understand the reason for the permanent block and I kindly request the unblocking of my account as I had many memories in my memories section, and it would be sad if those memories were to disappear. Please provide a quick response. I would be very grateful if you unblocked my account because, as I mentioned, I do not see a reason for my account to be blocked. Best regards, Ola ZamczaƂa
Reported by GetHuman-olazamcz on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 2:22 PM
I recently remembered my old passcode, but mistakenly entered that I had forgotten it, thinking my pictures would still be there. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I would lose my pictures! I desperately want them back. I am the rightful owner and can verify my identity. Please understand my situation. I had no idea I would lose the pictures. Can Snapchat create a verification process to restore my "My Eyes Only" pictures? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-arunika on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 3:09 PM
My Snapchat account was hacked on December 11, [redacted]. I remember waking up in the morning, panicking, trying to change the password to regain access to my account. After changing the password, everything seemed normal until yesterday. I received a message from my mother-in-law saying that some of my personal photos and videos were being shared with friends and family through different social media platforms, indicating that someone had accessed my Snapchat and saved these private files. Feeling completely mortified, I changed my password again and deleted everything from my "My Eyes Only" folder to prevent further unauthorized access. All the compromised pictures were taken and deleted from my account, leaving me unable to know what was being shared without my consent. I suspect someone targeted my Snapchat account, and although I managed to retrieve one IP address, I am hoping to obtain more information to track down the culprit and ensure the safety of my family. Snapchat, I desperately need your help to gather more details and restore peace of mind for my family.
Reported by GetHuman-hinters on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 5:01 PM
I am experiencing difficulty accessing my old email associated with my Snapchat account. After restoring my phone, I changed my email but forgot the password to log back into Snapchat. Unfortunately, when trying to recover my password via email verification, it only allows me to send the code to my outdated email, which is no longer linked to my iPhone. I am seeking assistance to regain access to my Snapchat account. My account username is Alex_nastor, and my new email is [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-alexnast on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 6:49 PM
Yesterday, I mistakenly deleted the Snapchat app. Today, upon re-downloading it and attempting to log in, I received an unusual message indicating a suspicious login attempt. I have been consistently using this device for over a year, so this message surprised me. Unfortunately, the verification code was sent to my previous phone number ([redacted]) associated with the account. I have been a loyal user of Snapchat for more than four years and value the data and memories stored in the app.
Reported by GetHuman-myanowic on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 7:53 PM
Last night, I mistakenly deleted the Snapchat app. This morning, after reinstalling it, I encountered an unusual message stating a suspicious login attempt. Despite using this device for over a year, the verification code was sent to my old phone number ([redacted]) linked to my account. I have cherished memories and data from over 5 years of using Snapchat on that account. I kindly request Snapchat to assist me in regaining access to my account and preserving my memories.
Reported by GetHuman-myanowic on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 7:57 PM
I contacted Snapchat to explain that my Snapchat account (@angelsavannah22) belongs to me, Savannah N., created in [redacted]. I have used the email [redacted] for years. The phone number linked to the account, [redacted], is no longer valid. Recently, I was mysteriously logged out, and the email associated with the account was changed without my permission. Despite numerous attempts to regain access by changing my password, I keep getting logged out. I am concerned because I have cherished memories, including photos of loved ones who have passed away, conversations with friends and family, and personal messages. I understand my oversight in not updating my phone number sooner, but I urgently need help to recover my account. I am ready to forego streaks; my priority is retrieving irreplaceable memories.
Reported by GetHuman4354896 on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 11:19 PM

Help me with my Snapchat issue

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