Spotify Customer Service Issues

Archive 5

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Spotify customer service, archive #5. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 18, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I upgraded to premium membership with the expectation of receiving a confirmation email for payment. Despite not receiving the email, I verified that the payment was deducted from my bank account. Upon attempting to sign in, I encountered a message indicating that there was no account associated with my email. After signing up again, I eventually received a confirmation email, but upon trying to log in, I was directed to a free account. When attempting to edit, I was informed that an account already existed with my email, which I knew because it was my premium account that I couldn't access. I would like to either cancel the premium subscription or, at the very least, gain access to the features I paid for. It's frustrating that upgrading to premium has resulted in such a confusing situation. I would rather pay for data than for an account that I cannot use.
Reported by GetHuman-smaxwell on सोमवार, १८ जून २०१८, शाम ७:१६ बजे
I was canceled, but my Spotify e-card still has time remaining. I received an email confirming my purchase of a Spotify e-card with Order ID: [redacted][redacted] on April 27, [redacted]. However, I noticed that the e-card was canceled prematurely, leaving me with time remaining. The email also included the e-card code: c9zKZ8ETeF. It mentioned that immediate access to Spotify Premium would be granted upon redemption and that refunds are available within 14 days if the card hasn't been used. I would like assistance with resolving this issue and ensuring I can still enjoy the remaining time on my gift card.
Reported by GetHuman796969 on सोमवार, १८ जून २०१८, शाम ७:२६ बजे
I haven't used Spotify in over five years. I've noticed charges on my account twice a month recently, which I resolved with my bank, Wells Fargo. They suggested I reach out to you to stop the charges as I no longer use or want the service. I had an account before but can't recall my password and there's no option to reset it. Please confirm that my account has been deleted. I was billed $[redacted] twice in March, initially thinking it was fraud, but it seems to be from Spotify. I've seen others online with similar issues, so please cease the charges. Thanks, Shirley Boucher.
Reported by GetHuman-plainsri on बुधवार, २० जून २०१८, रात १०:०४ बजे
I am having trouble logging into my Spotify Premium account. I usually use it on my phone, but I got logged out. My username is andrews2310 and the email linked to my account is [redacted] I received an email last year stating that my premium account is not linked correctly, confirming this email address is the correct one. However, every time I try to reset my password and enter my email or username, it says they're incorrect or not linked to a Spotify account. I've checked my spam and trash folders for any emails but found nothing. Please assist me at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Andrew.
Reported by GetHuman813885 on शनिवार, २३ जून २०१८, शाम ६:१५ बजे
I have been continuously charged for a premium account without being able to access it. Despite following Spotify's instructions multiple times, my account seemed nonexistent to them. Today, after persistent attempts, I finally gained access but the premium features are still not working. I used the exact email associated with the account but faced issues. This experience is frustrating, and I have decided to cancel my subscription. I will not recommend this app and service due to these ongoing issues.
Reported by GetHuman816161 on रविवार, २४ जून २०१८, शाम ६:५६ बजे
Today, I encountered an issue with my Spotify account. Normally, I am logged in automatically when I open the app, but today it prompted me to log in. Even though my username and password autofill, Spotify does not recognize them. I have tried all possible passwords without success. I attempted to reset my password using my username, but I have not received the reset email. I also tried all potential email addresses with no luck. It seems like my account credentials have been changed by someone unauthorized. I have proof of premium subscription payments and my username is tribecalledshoe. It is crucial to me to resolve this matter as I have invested a lot of time over the past 5 years curating playlists and saving songs. I appreciate any assistance you can provide in this situation.
Reported by GetHuman-tribecal on सोमवार, २५ जून २०१८, सुबह ४:२७ बजे
Hello, I just realized there was a $29 charge on my card that I did not authorize. The transaction details are as follows: Transaction Number: [redacted] Date: 6/25/[redacted] Time: 2:05 AM CT. I am seeking assistance with this as I did not make this charge and cannot afford it. Could you kindly explain what this charge is for? I did not authorize anything and would appreciate your prompt response. If possible, please contact me at [redacted] or email me. My name is Krista Pappas. I used Spotify last night, but was unaware of any $29 charge associated with it. Your help in reversing this charge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman817755 on सोमवार, २५ जून २०१८, दोपहर १२:५३ बजे
I have been unexpectedly charged by Spotify for over a year and wish to cancel my subscription. I am unsure how I got signed up and find the cancellation process too complicated to follow. I am 71 years old and only use email, not Twitter or Facebook. Please provide me with the subscription details, including an account number, so I can cancel it. If possible, email me clear instructions as the information on your website is too confusing for me. I prefer communication via email but would also appreciate a contact number for a customer service representative. If this is not resolved, I may have to escalate the issue to the NY Attorney General.
Reported by GetHuman-preacoup on सोमवार, २५ जून २०१८, रात ११:१७ बजे
I recently signed up for Spotify Premium, hoping for an ad-free experience after paying $0.99 for 3 months. Despite subscribing, I still encountered commercials and inability to skip tracks freely. When I tried to cancel to avoid automatic charges of $9.99, I received a message confirming my subscription cancellation. As the promotion deadline loomed, I decided to give it another chance. After successfully completing the payment process, the presence of ads persisted, defeating the purpose of paying for the ad-free service. I find it frustrating not to have a direct line to customer support for assistance. I believe it's unfair to offer a service that does not meet customers' expectations. I am determined to cancel my subscription to avoid paying for a service I am not receiving. I seek confirmation of the cancellation via email for my records and will monitor my bank account to prevent any unauthorized charges from Spotify.
Reported by GetHuman830032 on गुरूवार, २८ जून २०१८, शाम ५:४२ बजे
I'm based in South Africa and have a PS3 from there. Spotify recently became available in our country, and initially, it worked well on my system. However, for the past few days, I've been unable to connect. While I can access Spotify on my computer using the same email, my PS3 indicates a problem linking to the PS Network due to regional restrictions. Even after reinstalling Spotify and setting my PS3 to South Africa, the issue persists. I've been in touch with both Sony and Spotify, but no solution has been found. The PlayStation Network on PS3 used to be complimentary, unlike the paid PlayStation Plus. I'm confused about whether I need to link to the Sony Entertainment Network. Any advice on this?
Reported by GetHuman832733 on शुक्रवार, २९ जून २०१८, दोपहर २:१७ बजे
I recently used the Amazon app to listen to music and accidentally downloaded albums thinking it was part of my Amazon Prime Membership. I'm still new to Amazon Prime and didn't realize these were paid albums. I received an email with a charge of $84.12, and when I tried to cancel, it didn't work. I'm reaching out within 24 hours of the purchase to request a refund since this was a mistake. If possible, please also email [redacted] in your response. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman835167 on शुक्रवार, २९ जून २०१८, रात १०:५५ बजे
I allowed someone to use my card for a free trial with you. They claimed to have canceled the account, but they didn't. I've been charged for 5 months of a service I don't use and can't cancel. Could you please delete the account and refund me for the 5 months? I don't have any account information, just my debit card details used for payment. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman837308 on शनिवार, ३० जून २०१८, शाम ७:०७ बजे
As a long-time Premium subscriber, I have noticed a rise in promotional content lately. Despite understanding it's part of promoting a new album, seeing Drake's face on unrelated playlists and numerous banner ads for his new album is overwhelming. I encounter his ads around 15 times on the landing page alone. Paying for Premium was to avoid such ads. If this continues, I may consider switching to a different streaming service that keeps their promise of no ads for premium users.
Reported by GetHuman-acreav on रविवार, १ जुलाई २०१८, रात ९:५६ बजे
I had Spotify Premium until early this year (Feb. [redacted]) when I noticed I no longer had access. I didn't renew my subscription as I couldn't afford it. My account still shows options for a free trial or to upgrade to Premium for a fee, which I never did. I now have ads and can't skip songs, confirming I don't have Premium privileges. I see offers for a 30-day free trial, but I haven't used them because I rarely use the service now. However, I have been charged $10.66 every month since Feb. [redacted]. I would like a refund for these charges as I haven't had access to Premium content. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman840381 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, रात १:१९ बजे
I am experiencing difficulty logging in once again. I am being informed that my email is not linked to this account, although it should be [redacted] I really need this matter resolved quickly. I am a dance instructor and rely on Spotify for all my classes. I have an important class tomorrow, and without access to my music, I am greatly inconvenienced. This is actually the second time I am facing this problem. I reached out via email in February and was assured that my email had been updated. However, when attempting to reset my account password, I never receive the reset instructions. Additionally, I received an email in my spam folder indicating that my email was changed to [redacted] This is not me. I also received a notification that someone signed up for the family account, so this is becoming a financial concern as well.
Reported by GetHuman-dianeep on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, शाम ६:०९ बजे
1. My songs are not syncing across all my tablets and laptops from my main computer, and they are missing. 2. Spotify on my main computer has missing music and some songs won't play. 3. I plan to use Spotify with Alexa once the issues are resolved. Do I need a Premium account for this to work smoothly? 4. I put in a lot of effort to organize everything, and now it feels like it was all for nothing. 5. My computer and Alexa are in separate rooms. Will this affect playing Spotify through Alexa? Please assist in re-syncing my music across my devices. My main computer runs on Windows 10 and I use an Acer tablet as well. On my tablet, only my library is visible, but I have many song titles in my queue.
Reported by GetHuman-wobblesn on बुधवार, ४ जुलाई २०१८, शाम ७:२४ बजे
Dear Concerned, I have been a loyal Spotify Premium subscriber for the past year or two and have thoroughly enjoyed the service. Lately, however, I have noticed an overwhelming amount of advertisements related to Drake. Not only am I being targeted with ads for his new album, but his image is prominently displayed all over my browse page, even on playlists he is not associated with. As a paying customer, I am disappointed by this aggressive form of promotion. I expect an ad-free experience with my premium subscription. I kindly request a refund for this month's payment, as this advertising approach contradicts the premium service I signed up for. If this issue persists, I may consider switching to Apple Music, where I believe I will not be subjected to the same level of promotional content. Sincerely, [Initials]
Reported by GetHuman-jcmckay on बुधवार, ४ जुलाई २०१८, शाम ७:२९ बजे
I noticed a charge of $9.99 in my checking account today from Spotify Premium. I would like to cancel the subscription and get a refund of the $9.99. Should I wait until the day before the next billing cycle to make the cancellation and still enjoy the benefits until then? Any advice would be appreciated. My name is Anthony, and my Spotify username is Tonyb4595. You can contact me via email at [redacted] or call/text me at 1-[redacted]. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-tonygber on बुधवार, ४ जुलाई २०१८, रात १०:४८ बजे
I have been a loyal Spotify user with the account name shing_balla. Recently, I switched to Vodafone, which includes premium Spotify in my contract. Initially, the transition was smooth, but a few days ago, I encountered login issues. Despite resetting my password, I kept receiving a message stating 'Spotify premium cannot be purchased in this app.' Vodafone offered suggestions to no avail. Their only solution was to sign in via email or Facebook, but upon doing so, I discovered that all my playlists and albums were missing. The only workaround is to locate my original account (shing_balla), follow it, and access the music from there. Despite having my original account visible, I cannot log in successfully as the app indicates, 'login failed, either username or password is incorrect have you signed up for Spotify account.' I am looking to regain access to my original account to retrieve all my music. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-ktoe on गुरूवार, ५ जुलाई २०१८, सुबह ७:२२ बजे
I recently upgraded from an iPhone 5 to an iPhone 8 and encountered an issue transferring my extensive playlist from Spotify. The provider couldn't assist and suggested contacting Spotify directly. I've created a new account on my iPhone 8 to utilize the 30-day trial, but paying for two Premium subscriptions is not ideal. I still have the iPhone 5 and would appreciate guidance on transferring the music between them. If transferring is not possible, can I cancel the payment on the iPhone 5 without affecting the account on my new iPhone 8? My user details are the same on both devices. Thank you for your help. Regards, P.B.
Reported by GetHuman-bergp on शुक्रवार, ६ जुलाई २०१८, रात ८:५३ बजे

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