Sprint Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Sprint customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 6, 2015 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I initially purchased my phone using a prepaid card, opting for the $35 plan. On September 29, I purchased a $55 prepaid card assuming my plan would automatically switch to the $55 option. However, my phone is still on the $35 plan even though I received change for the $55 card. I would like a full refund or to have my plan upgraded to the $55 option, which is what I paid for this month. I want to receive the correct value for my payment. My account phone number is ********. Please contact me if you are able to assist.
Reported by GetHuman-batmanf on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 10:08 PM
Hello, I recently purchased a Virgin Mobile phone with the visual voicemail app from Cisco and Smith Micro pre-installed. I did not opt-in for this service and find it intrusive as it continues to record my messages. Can you provide instructions on how to uninstall this app from my phone? My carrier's voicemail service meets my needs, and I am concerned about my privacy. Looking forward to your prompt response. Thank you, Tim.
Reported by GetHuman-tcook71 on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:20 AM
I closed my husband's account while he was on military deployment overseas, expecting any fees to be waived due to his service. Initially, I was informed the bill would be $90, but now I am being asked to pay over $[redacted]. I received this bill just three days ago, well before the two-month mark. If this amount is not settled today, they have threatened to send it to collections.
Reported by GetHuman-nancm20 on Monday, November 2, 2015 8:00 PM
I recently made a payment of $20 on 10/27 to Sprint for a credit balance, which has cleared my bank. However, I discovered that our service has been cancelled without any prior warning. I am looking to have the service reinstated promptly. Our phone number is [redacted], which appears to not be recognized by Sprint. Unfortunately, I don't have the account number as I no longer have the bill. The service is for a landline in Lewiston, CA. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-margrav on Sunday, November 15, 2015 12:46 AM
I've been experiencing ongoing issues with the tower that serves [redacted] Aurora, Illinois for quite some time. Currently, my phone is not functioning properly and is failing to connect to Google servers, which is essential for most of my phone's functionalities. It seems like they keep mentioning tower upgrades but the problem persists. This service is really disappointing, especially when I rely on it the most, like today. Before giving up on this phone, I will reach out to the Better Business Bureau for assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-reyn504 on Friday, December 25, 2015 3:23 PM
Hello Sprint, I had a challenging time trying to sign up with Sprint online today. The contract registration form wouldn't allow me to fill it out. When I tried to chat, I lost my person, and even when I attempted to complete the contract and send it along with my final bill from ATT on my computer, I still couldn't get it to work. After calling, I was on hold for 25 minutes with a promotion before being transferred, only to be told the line was busy. By then, I was exhausted, disgusted, and frustrated. I have received my phones and would like to start using them. I didn't request a final bill from ATT but was informed I needed to pay $[redacted] for my phone and $[redacted] for my tablet, which I don't use. This tablet was given as a free gift but was put under contract without my knowledge. Can you please provide me with a copy of the contract so I can fill it out easily? Thanks for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-peonekri on Thursday, January 21, 2016 7:05 PM
I purchased a phone using my credit card, but I noticed that Sprint charged me for the same phone on my bill. Despite numerous calls to resolve the issue, Sprint stated I only owed $[redacted], which was paid promptly. However, my bill still indicated a $[redacted] balance, the exact cost of the phone I already paid for. Then, I received an email threatening immediate disconnection due to an overdue balance. I feel frustrated and uncomfortable with the pressure to pay for something I've already settled.
Reported by GetHuman-wendellp on Saturday, January 30, 2016 2:59 PM
I was given incorrect information about my bill decreasing to $76 after February 14 instead of being $[redacted] for early termination fees. I was assured that I was on a no-contract plan and that there would be no additional charges for the two lines they claim I signed a contract for in October. Another representative mentioned in mid-January that the charges would be corrected, and my bill would indeed be $76 after adjustments, but the changes would only appear after February 14. When I called to arrange payment post-14th, I was informed the charges were valid, although I was never informed they would not be or guaranteed they would be rectified. Prior to this billing confusion, I had considered adding a tablet but may have canceled everything if I had known. They should review the recorded calls from January. It's puzzling why my account was not documented properly, considering they record conversations. I was explicitly promised a bill adjustment.
Reported by GetHuman-mskristi on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:18 AM
Sprint withdrew two payments in a single month, causing two additional checks to bounce and the bank to charge me $62. I have sent two letters but have yet to receive a response. I can be reached at [redacted], and we are under the name Rocky. I expressed my dissatisfaction in the last letter, stating that if this is how they treat a 14-year customer, I will consider switching to another company. Unfortunately, it seems like they are not concerned as they have not replied. Charles and Rebecca Leonard.
Reported by GetHuman-lawnboy on Thursday, February 25, 2016 4:11 PM
I have a family plan with Sprint involving the number [redacted]. My friend, who uses this number, got a new Samsung g5 phone around June of '15. Initially, I expected to pay $[redacted] for a new phone under a subsidized plan, but the Sprint Store, which is not corporate, had my friend sign a two-year lease to pay $15 monthly for two years, followed by a $[redacted] payment at the end, totaling around $[redacted] including taxes to own the phone. Due to personal circumstances at that time, I didn't focus on this issue. Now, I'm questioning why I seem to be paying the full unsubsidized price when I was supposed to be on a plan that subsidized the phone cost.
Reported by GetHuman-swtp on Friday, April 1, 2016 8:13 AM
I was on a 2-year lease program with Sprint for 2 phones, a Note 4 and an iPhone 6. Wanting to switch to a pre-paid solution, I contacted Sprint to inquire about the costs involved in terminating my contract. To my surprise, the Sprint representative informed me that all I needed to do was settle my current phone bill and return the phones without any extra charges. Despite repeatedly seeking clarification from the representative, the assurance remained the same, which I even recorded. After porting out my number, settling a bill of $[redacted], and driving to a Sprint Store, I was unexpectedly faced with a different scenario. The store employee was unable to access my account and offered only $[redacted] for the phone. Despite my insistence that I only needed to clear any remaining balance, he refused to accept the device. Subsequently, I received a hefty bill of $1,[redacted] from Sprint for the outstanding lease balance on the phones and was threatened with credit implications. This situation has left me angry as I acted on Sprint's assurance that there would be no repercussions for terminating my contract.
Reported by GetHuman-argollo on Friday, April 8, 2016 4:27 PM
On March 17, [redacted], my spouse and I visited the store to repair her phone. We were persuaded to upgrade to new phones as long as our monthly bill stayed at $[redacted], to which we agreed. However, after getting the new phones, we were told we needed to start a new plan. They assured us they would waive any fees, but when we received the bill, it was over $[redacted]. Despite multiple promises from upper management to resolve the issue, nothing has been done in two weeks. After another lengthy phone call, they said they would call back once it's fixed, but no one has reached out yet. I made it clear I would only pay $[redacted] until the matter is resolved, which the representative acknowledged on a recorded call. Seeking advice on next steps as I am at a loss on what to do next.
Reported by GetHuman-damionbl on Monday, April 25, 2016 10:16 AM
I'm reaching out because the call agents seem to struggle with my American accent. I activated a new service for one of two phones on 4/11, but the reception was poor at my location. I returned the phones to the store the following day. Now, two weeks later, I discovered the phones were never processed as returned. Despite having a call transcript from the 12th stating otherwise, they claim I missed the two-week return window and want to charge me. I need assistance rectifying this billing mistake caused by the store's negligence. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman634173 on Friday, April 27, 2018 2:18 PM
My son, Brandon Grach, and I, Moncita, previously had Sprint service. We closed our account, paid the bill in full, and requested both phones to be unlocked. After being informed that Brandon's phone was unlocked but mine couldn't be due to insurance, we encountered issues switching to another carrier. I am seeking a clear answer if both phones can be unlocked or not without ambiguity. As of now, both phones are still unusable, and I am considering escalating the matter further if needed. Your prompt clarification on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-moncitag on Saturday, April 28, 2018 1:36 AM
I attempted to access your website, but it prompted me with unfamiliar questions. Money was withdrawn from my account without my consent, possibly due to a hack that led to unauthorized usage. This issue has affected others too. I have informed my bank, canceled my card, and now seek resolution to have the funds credited back to my account promptly. Unfamiliar with your company, I am struggling financially on disability and cannot afford unauthorized charges. This situation left me unable to pay for my service dog's vet visit yesterday. Kindly, reach out to me urgently. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman649816 on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:21 PM
Today, I visited the Apple store to address my phone issues only to discover it was unrepairable. Subsequently, I visited the Sprint store at Rockingham Mall in Salem, NH around 11am on May 2nd, [redacted]. Unfortunately, I encountered rudeness from an employee who misinformed me about my options. Despite being informed that a service center could potentially replace the phone at no cost, I was charged $[redacted] for a new phone due to internal damage that was not our fault. This seemed excessive, especially for a software issue that Apple could have resolved at a similar price with a new phone. At this point, the lack of proper application of my discount and the poor customer service experience make me consider changing service providers. I doubt this email will receive the attention it deserves.
Reported by GetHuman-crazyjay on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 9:15 PM
I have consistently paid my bills on time, and yet my phone has been shut off twice this month alone. Despite having paid for services from January to May, a Sprint representative is claiming I owe an additional $70. Moreover, I have been wrongly charged for insurance and a replacement phone, neither of which I have requested or received. I am now seeking an investigator to look into these fraudulent charges. It is frustrating to deal with a non-functional used phone and unjust charges. The lack of communication regarding these issues is concerning, as no one has previously mentioned these wrongful charges. While I prefer email communication as my phone is currently inactive and I do not own a computer, this situation needs urgent resolution.
Reported by GetHuman671076 on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 11:27 PM
About a month ago, I purchased a phone from a friend. When I contacted Sprint to activate it under the pay-as-you-go prepaid plan, I was informed that the phone was incompatible. Despite this, Sprint activated a phone account in my name. I am now receiving a bill for around $90 at [redacted] without even having a functioning phone. I have tried contacting them but without knowing my phone number or account number, they are unable to assist me. They suggested signing into my account or creating one, but I am unable to do so without the necessary details. When attempting to create an account, it states that my email address receiving the bills is not linked to any open accounts. I am in need of speaking with someone who can address this matter effectively.
Reported by GetHuman683186 on Monday, May 14, 2018 5:21 PM
I opened my account on May 15th and closed it on May 21st without any notification. They requested the items I had ordered and already paid for to be returned via UPS, and then they disconnected my service. Despite several attempts to contact them, through phone calls and chat sessions, I have not received any response. I later found out they contacted someone using a number on my credit report, but that person confirmed they didn't have an account with them. This is because I have a fraud alert on my credit report, and the number they used might not have been mine. I even visited a Sprint store with my state-issued ID, where my identity was verified without any issues. I placed an order, paid for it, and only found out it was canceled when I tracked the package with UPS. Sprint never bothered to inform me about any of this, which I find unprofessional and a violation of their own terms of service. They should have contacted me before taking any adverse actions on my account, but I have received no communication from them despite my numerous attempts to reach out.
Reported by GetHuman721694 on Saturday, May 26, 2018 9:40 PM
I paid for my flight with a credit card, but I wasn't allowed on the plane. My baggage was sent to Fort Lauderdale while I am stranded in Orlando. I might not be able to retrieve it for a few days. Please ensure my new guitar is kept safe at the airport. The communication through text has been poor. Despite still holding my ticket, my money has not been refunded. If I wasn't allowed on the plane, I demand a refund, or I will take legal action. It would be regrettable for your company to face a lawsuit for an issue like this. You didn't let me board but sent my luggage, which included my guitar. I am considering legal action to recover more than what was lost. Please contact me at [redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman726829 on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:13 PM

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