Wish Customer Service Issues

Archive 114

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Wish customer service, archive #114. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported July 30, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have been trying to contact customer service for over a week with no success. The account I am seeing now does not match the one I originally created, and I am missing all my order history. I urgently need access to my original account as I have many undelivered orders. I refuse to start over with the new account that has no history. I need to view my orders, know what is left to be delivered, and most importantly, I want my old account back. If I cannot retrieve my old account and order history, I will take drastic measures to either get a refund or ensure you incur losses. I need this resolved immediately. I do not want to hear about delays in responses; I demand a solution now.
Reported by GetHuman5115996 on गुरूवार, ३० जुलाई २०२०, शाम ५:२२ बजे
I have repeatedly informed someone that my account is missing, and I have been unable to retrieve it. They keep directing me to a customer service site that requires a $5 fee for assistance. Despite my efforts over the past few days to speak to a live person, I keep being redirected to the site with the $5 charge. I refuse to pay again to contact someone on this website. I cannot comprehend why I must pay to discuss money that was taken from me. Please help me get in touch with someone who can provide the account I am searching for. I cannot afford to spend more money, and I believe I deserve a complete refund for undelivered orders. I need access to my original site to review my purchases and expenditures. I am in a difficult financial situation and have spent too much on this site. I want a refund for the undelivered items. I am requesting assistance without any additional charges. I prefer to communicate with a live person for support.
Reported by GetHuman5115996 on गुरूवार, ३० जुलाई २०२०, शाम ५:४९ बजे
Buenos días, quiero compartir que estoy triste y decepcionado con Wish. El 30 de julio desapareció sorpresivamente mi saldo Wish Cash de $[redacted].11, alegando un reajuste. Según las políticas de Wish Cash, dicho saldo nunca expira y no fui notificado de lo contrario. Esto me parece un engaño por parte de la empresa, una maniobra engañosa que deberían corregir. Solicito que me reintegren mi saldo y sean más claros en sus comunicaciones con los clientes. La seriedad y satisfacción del cliente son fundamentales para cualquier empresa, al igual que cuidar su reputación. Confío en que resolverán esta situación de manera favorable. Quedo a la espera de su respuesta. Desde Colombia, Moisés Leonidas Rubio Jimenez.
Reported by GetHuman5118486 on शुक्रवार, ३१ जुलाई २०२०, दोपहर २:२१ बजे
I am concerned about all my recent orders that seem to have disappeared. I have spent a substantial amount of money with your company in the past month, and now all my important items are missing from the website. I have tried troubleshooting on my own to verify that I am using the correct email address, but I am not getting anywhere. It is frustrating that every representative I speak to just directs me to someone else. I urgently need assistance locating my missing orders as I have customers waiting for the items. Please prioritize resolving this issue promptly. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman5119450 on शुक्रवार, ३१ जुलाई २०२०, शाम ७:०३ बजे
Hello, I am sorry to express my frustration with the service provided between April and May of [redacted]. Despite placing multiple orders, some items have not been delivered, particularly those in transit to Milan and other locations in Italy. While I acknowledge the challenges posed by the COVID-19 situation, I find it perplexing that other couriers, such as Amazon, have been able to deliver safely. Rather than seeking refunds, I am eager to receive the items I have ordered. In one instance, a tablet intended for my 7-year-old granddaughter never reached us, and the refund for it has not been processed correctly. After a replacement tablet was sent and then returned, the refund process was much smoother with the assistance received through Facebook Italy. Moving forward, I would like to know the status of my remaining orders and express my preference for receiving the ordered items instead of refunds. Your attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, T. Roby.
Reported by GetHuman-theroky on सोमवार, ३ अगस्त २०२०, सुबह ४:४८ बजे
I placed an order 3 months ago, and I still haven't received the items. Additionally, I'm unable to access my account. I've requested a password reset email multiple times, but I never receive it. I've been trying to resolve this for a month without any success. It's frustrating that there's no one to contact for help. I'm constantly directed to use the app or email support, but the responses take three days each time. At this point, I simply want a refund back to my card instead of store credit due to my inability to log in and lack of assistance. I've tried all the troubleshooting tips and adding the email address to my contact list, but nothing works. Please just refund the money to my card.
Reported by GetHuman5128382 on सोमवार, ३ अगस्त २०२०, रात ११:०७ बजे
I made a purchase on June 18th with order #5eebf2c15eeadbb[redacted]39. I've been monitoring the order and keep getting the same excuse about delays due to COVID-19, with the latest projected delivery date now being pushed to November 15th. This order was meant for a wedding gift that has already passed. Despite my attempts to resolve this issue, I keep getting the delivery date postponed. I demand a refund as the products haven't even left China. I've waited long enough and am frustrated with the excuses. While another recent order from China arrived last week, this one remains undelivered. The total cost was $85.22, and I am dissatisfied with the service. I expect a full refund promptly.
Reported by GetHuman5128425 on सोमवार, ३ अगस्त २०२०, रात ११:२३ बजे
I received a small package on August 5 containing 2 face masks, but they are not the ones I ordered. One features an orange cat making a scary face, and the other is a pink mask that says, "On Wednesday we wear pink." After checking my order history, I realize these were not the masks I selected. I do not wish to keep them and request a call tag for their return, as I am unable to print a return authorization. Could you please mail me the necessary documents instead? I am curious if you will send the correct masks or issue a refund for the items and shipping costs. If a refund is issued, I prefer a check over credit. Thank you. - Kathleen W. at [redacted] Donner Pass B, St. Peter's, Missouri, [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman5136427 on गुरूवार, ६ अगस्त २०२०, सुबह ६:३४ बजे
My emotions are on edge as I've been struggling to locate my orders. Despite numerous attempts on the app, only a fraction of my purchases appear. I'm particularly worried about missing certified filters for three masks eagerly awaited by my family. There seems to be a communication breakdown as I've not received any callbacks or explanations for canceled orders. The financial impact is significant with charges for missing items adding up quickly. High-value products like a leather jacket and a gasbike engine remain undelivered, intensifying my frustration. My repeated attempts to reach out for help have been futile. It's disheartening to note that even after placing multiple orders for a Chromebook, none has reached me. The stress of this situation is mounting, and any assistance in resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention.
Reported by GetHuman5137442 on गुरूवार, ६ अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर २:३६ बजे
Account Information: Email: [redacted] Name: Chrissy South I recently went to pick up my order at Carter Tire in Middlesboro, KY, and encountered multiple issues. I had to make 5 trips due to various reasons including the person not being there, being told the order wasn't delivered, and waiting over an hour for the order to be retrieved from someone's home. Upon finally receiving the order, it was missing 2 items, which the store claimed was all that was delivered. Frustrated, I returned the items and now have 2 more orders ready for pick up but faced more difficulties as the responsible person was unavailable with a dead phone. The ordeal has made me consider returning all orders to Wish and purchasing elsewhere. I am pondering if there is a possibility to have these items shipped to my home, otherwise, I may opt to return them all as I have more orders on the way but do not want to endure unnecessary troubles.
Reported by GetHuman5137971 on गुरूवार, ६ अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर ४:४७ बजे
I have purchased 10 items from Wish, but none have arrived. After changing the delivery date, they still haven't shown up. I specifically ordered a painting of The Last Supper of Jesus and have been waiting a long time for it. Unfortunately, I was notified that it's out of stock and was asked to choose an alternative item. I demand to either receive the painting I ordered or a refund, but it seems Wish is not providing the refund option. I find this unacceptable and feel like my money is being taken without my consent. Currently, the other 9 items I ordered have not arrived either. I believe I deserve a refund for those as well. I will not be making any future purchases from Wish. Unfortunately, I do not have specific order details like item numbers or purchase numbers, but my Wish account is under the name Luis F. Ateca Torres.
Reported by GetHuman-lfatecat on शुक्रवार, ७ अगस्त २०२०, शाम ६:२७ बजे
I noticed $[redacted] was debited from my husband's checking account today. While trying to resolve a $50 charge issue, a staff member mistakenly took $[redacted] instead of correcting the $50 charge. The individual requested I assist in rectifying the error immediately to prevent losing their job. They advised me to purchase a $[redacted] gift card from Walmart to offset the mistaken amount, promising to adjust it on their end and provide a $50 credit for my help. After observing the $[redacted] entry and exit in my account, I believed everything was resolved. However, the promised credit was not applied, and $[redacted] was withdrawn from my husband's account by someone named Sim or Zim. I initially had a positive view of the company but was disappointed by this experience. It appears there may be a fraudulent situation involving an order from China, prompted by issues with a flower bulb shipment. I hope the company can address this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman5142837 on शनिवार, ८ अगस्त २०२०, रात १२:४३ बजे
On 7/27/[redacted], I made an order totalling $[redacted].24, but I am still waiting for most of the items to arrive. So far, I have received 2 wireless iPhone earbuds and 2 NON-CONTACT INFRARED THERMOMETERS [UX-A-01]. However, I did not receive a list of the items I ordered, and I am concerned about the missing items. I have faced a similar issue in the past where I didn't receive the complete order after payment. I would appreciate it if someone could contact me to discuss my previous order and the one from July 27, [redacted]. It is important to me to resolve this matter promptly. You can reach me at [redacted]. Thank you, Donna H.
Reported by GetHuman5145423 on रविवार, ९ अगस्त २०२०, रात २:२१ बजे
I recently made a purchase, but unfortunately, some items did not arrive on time. Despite placing the order in early June, the final item only arrived at the end of July. Specifically, one of the two Starburst Stake Lights in the order has malfunctioned within a week to ten days of use, with a rusty connection indicating water damage. I am seeking a replacement for the faulty light and am hesitant to place any further orders until this issue is addressed. Please contact me at [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5145927 on रविवार, ९ अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर १०:२८ बजे
I purchased an N58 ECG watch in October [redacted] and have been experiencing issues with it lately. The button on the side of the watch stopped working 2 months ago, and now the screen only turns on sometimes when shaking my wrist. The steel bevel on the back of the watch fell off previously and recently fell off again. Despite these problems, the watch still sends data to my phone. I am disappointed that these issues occurred well within a year of purchasing it. Can anything be done about this? I expected the warranty to cover these issues for at least a year. Thank you, Phil P. in Australia.
Reported by GetHuman5146452 on रविवार, ९ अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर ४:१४ बजे
I recently purchased several limited quantity items, but unfortunately, only received a couple due to a payment issue. Despite having enough funds available, the payment keeps getting declined for the remaining items. They suggested reordering once the money is refunded, but I prefer not to wait. I am eager to receive the items I purchased, which were challenging to obtain. I am ready to make the payment again if necessary, as long as I can secure the items. I am willing to be patient for the refund on the duplicate payment, but I am really looking forward to receiving the items I have been eagerly anticipating.
Reported by GetHuman-deejayr on रविवार, ९ अगस्त २०२०, शाम ५:५७ बजे
1. Hello, I would like to cancel my recent order. I was unaware that the bedding was not a complete set until I reviewed the summary. I am requesting that Wish cancel this order and issue a refund promptly. 2. I have not received the dragonfly pillow that was supposed to be delivered by June 30, [redacted]. As it seems unlikely that I will ever receive this item, I am asking Wish to cancel the order and refund the payment right away. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-amyorks on सोमवार, १० अगस्त २०२०, सुबह ८:११ बजे
Dear WISH, I am writing to follow up on my payment made via PAYPAL on 06 April [redacted]. As of today, 04 August [redacted], I have not yet received the ordered goods, and there is no trace of the order on my profile. Could you please check the status of my merchandise? I would appreciate it if you could assist me in locating the following items from my order: - 20 METERS WHITE LED LIGHTS - JOYSTICK FOR PLAYSTATION 4 - HEADPHONES WITH MICROPHONE FOR PLAYSTATION 4 As there is no tracking information available, I am unable to request a refund. Given the significance of this purchase for me, I kindly request your help in resolving this matter. Thank you. Best regards, A.L.
Reported by GetHuman5147997 on सोमवार, १० अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर १०:१३ बजे
I have been attempting to receive a refund from Wish since 7-12-20. I canceled an order totaling $[redacted].25, and only received $0.75 back for a canopy. Despite numerous emails, I have been repeatedly informed that the refund was issued or not processed to my account. However, my bank statement confirms the money was withdrawn but not refunded. My bank suggested contacting Wish as they have no record of the refund being sent. The order number was 5f0916e62af75e1ac101bfc3 and included items like a canopy (refunded $0.75), a hoodie, a rug, and tea lights. These items were canceled on July 10th immediately after ordering. The entire $[redacted].25 was deducted from my debit card. I have been diligently pursuing my refund since then. I implore Wish to investigate the discrepancy and track the refund to ensure it was processed correctly. It has been a month of frustration, and I earnestly request the return of my money as I did not receive any merchandise.
Reported by GetHuman-tmdeleas on सोमवार, १० अगस्त २०२०, शाम ५:२५ बजे
On April 14, [redacted], I purchased a 4-person hot tub with an estimated delivery date of May 25, [redacted]. Despite multiple delayed delivery dates, the item has still not arrived as of August 11, [redacted]. According to Wish's history records, the item has not even left China. I attempted to request a refund, but was informed that the time for a refund had passed. I believe it is unfair to be denied a refund when the item has not been delivered or shipped. I urge Wish.com to review the records and acknowledge that a cancellation and refund is warranted. Unfortunately, I have been unable to receive a satisfactory response from Wish.com as the communication is all automated.
Reported by GetHuman-andolasi on मंगलवार, ११ अगस्त २०२०, रात ११:२० बजे

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