Wish Customer Service Issues

Archive 3

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Wish customer service, archive #3. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 26, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My initial experience with wish.com has been disappointing. I ordered several items, each showing a price that was different upon billing. For instance, lasers advertised at $18 each, later seen for $16, were billed at $[redacted] for 2 instead of $36. Frustrated, I had to cancel most of my orders due to this recurring issue. Unfortunately, their customer service is lacking, leaving me unable to resolve the problem on their site. This has led me to contact my credit card company to address the incorrect charges. Even after providing wish.com with my credit card statements showing the purchases, they continue to ask for my bank account information unnecessarily. This experience has left me feeling frustrated and disappointed, and I doubt I will trust wish.com in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-sharrass on samedi 26 mai 2018 21:47
My daughter accidentally purchased items in the cart on the Wish app, and I tried to cancel the order, but had to cancel one item at a time instead of the whole order. This resulted in multiple returns on my credit card bill, causing it to be locked by the bank. They requested a forced return from Wish to unlock it. I'm facing difficulty accessing my funds for basic needs like gas over the weekend due to this issue. There is no phone support available from Wish for technical help. Please expedite the forced return process for the order on my account to unlock my card. My email is [redacted] Your prompt resolution is crucial as it's affecting my financial situation and daily life.
Reported by GetHuman-tweetyme on dimanche 27 mai 2018 19:55
Under the email account [redacted] and using William Masterson's credit/debit card, I have requested refunds for items ordered from Wish. Despite receiving emails confirming refunds, none have been processed due to the old card being canceled. I now have a new card in my name and require the refunds to be applied to this card today. I will not accept anything less and will involve my attorney if needed.
Reported by GetHuman725026 on lundi 28 mai 2018 16:06
I placed an order in April, and it's almost June, but I still haven't received anything. In May, I placed another order for different items, and after entering my card details, the money was taken from my account, but the order shows as pending. I want my April orders (computers) fulfilled, not the pending May ones. I am very frustrated and disappointed. I have had issues with orders, and I want my money back. This experience has made me not want to shop with Wish again. Being on a fixed income, this situation has caused me a lot of stress for the past two months. I feel like Wish has taken my money without delivering what I ordered. I won't recommend Wish to anyone. My name is Paula Hoyle, and I feel like it will take a long time to get this resolved.
Reported by GetHuman728868 on mardi 29 mai 2018 20:01
I'm experiencing three issues with the platform. Firstly, when attempting to use the Customer Support button, it redirects me to a blank page. I have evidence of this in the form of a screenshot. Secondly, I have yet to receive the yoga ball I purchased for my physical therapy. Despite reaching out to Wish via email, I find myself stuck in a tedious loop of instructions that lead me to non-existent or malfunctioning buttons. Lastly, although I was notified via email that my package (an ice tray) was delivered, it has not arrived. These ongoing problems have left me feeling extremely frustrated.
Reported by GetHuman732851 on mercredi 30 mai 2018 21:11
I purchased a product for my granddaughter's sixth birthday in June, back in March. When the package arrived, it was cut open, missing parts, and I suspect it may be the smaller size that costs $14 instead of the $47 I paid. Despite sending several emails to the company, I only received two responses - one requesting pictures and the other acknowledging receipt of my email. I have not heard back since then, and the issue remains unresolved. At this point, I would prefer a refund as I am very disappointed with their service and hesitant to support them in the future.
Reported by GetHuman733698 on jeudi 31 mai 2018 01:34
I used my PayPal account to make a purchase from WISH. My husband transferred money to my PayPal account to cover the purchase, but WISH has been charging his credit card instead of my PayPal account for various amounts on different dates. He has been charged a total of $15.90 without ever using his card directly on WISH. We demand an explanation for these unauthorized charges and a refund of the full amount. It's important to note that he only transferred money to my PayPal account, never used his card on WISH directly. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated. Thank you, Michelle D. Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-chellznc on vendredi 1 juin 2018 12:56
Good afternoon, I am facing several issues with the service. Firstly, I noticed that the order history is missing from my account, and I am unsure if my previous account got canceled or what has happened. Secondly, I made payments through OXXO for various orders, but upon checking on Wish, it shows that the payments are either not completed, still pending, or not accepted. I would appreciate assistance in resolving this matter. Thirdly, it has been over 4 months since I placed an order for multiple products, and while most items have been received, a men's watch that was part of the same order is still missing. I would like to understand what happened to it. I value your attention and look forward to a prompt response and solution as these issues are discouraging me from continuing as a customer.
Reported by GetHuman-karonav on vendredi 1 juin 2018 17:50
I placed an order this morning, and $38 was charged to my card. I am trying to cancel the order as I don't want it. Please refund the $38 to my card. Last month, I ordered a shoe rack for the door, but it never arrived despite the expected delivery date of May 27th. Can you refund the $20 for that order or email me as soon as possible? I have been trying to contact you since this morning but haven't received a response. Having a phone number would be helpful for those without internet access. Please refund the money to my card promptly. I'm considering ordering other items next week, but I prefer to do it myself to avoid any errors.
Reported by GetHuman-eatonsho on vendredi 1 juin 2018 20:01
I recently made a purchase on Wish but encountered an issue where they mistakenly placed an order for three items when I only wanted two. I was charged $63 for just the two items I intended to buy. The items are as follows: Size XL Black - Quantity 1, and Size XXL Black - Quantity 1. I kindly request that only the third order be deleted or cancelled, as I only need one XL Black and one XXL Black item. If this matter is not resolved promptly, I may have to cancel all my orders, as I have already spent considerable time reaching out to Wish customer support without a simple resolution. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-maedelp on vendredi 1 juin 2018 21:21
I've encountered two major issues with my recent purchase. Firstly, I received four fake Android mobile phones that were advertised as having dual SIM slots, but they only have one slot, which doesn't even work properly. The memory card slots are also defective, resulting in three of my memory cards being damaged. Despite showing 32GB of free internal memory, I am unable to download or update apps due to constant insufficient space notifications. I have tried to address these concerns through multiple complaints but have only been directed to return the items as if I made the mistake. The burden of return shipment should not fall on me, as this was clearly a misleading purchase. Additionally, I am still awaiting the delivery of my order for a 15-color concealer palette kit with a brush and sponge. The tracking ID for this order is F[redacted][redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-rabiabab on samedi 2 juin 2018 08:42
I have sent numerous emails regarding issues with my recent Almost $[redacted] purchase. The order arrived with broken, wrong-sized, and missing items. When I reported the missing items, I received assurance they would be sent, but I later noticed an unauthorized charge on my bank account without my knowledge. I am concerned that my credit card information was stored and used without my permission. I requested a receipt for my purchases and shipping costs, but have struggled to get a clear response. I feel that someone made an unauthorized transaction on my account, and I am frustrated by the lack of clarity and assistance. I have decided to keep the items I received incorrectly rather than deal with further complications. I no longer wish to engage with your company due to these unsettling experiences.
Reported by GetHuman741984 on samedi 2 juin 2018 12:44
I am experiencing an issue with an order I placed on April 6 for [redacted] colors of cosmetic powder eyeshadow. The tracking number is YT[redacted][redacted], and the last update on April 7 mentioned it was in transit after leaving the seller. I also placed another order on March 13 for a women's fashion plus-size short-sleeved shirt, which was expected to arrive by the 19th. I contacted Wish about it, they apologized, and I was told I would receive a refund and could keep the shirt once it arrived. However, the shirt never arrived. I have been waiting for a long time, and I believe I deserve a refund since I did not receive the item.
Reported by GetHuman742737 on samedi 2 juin 2018 16:43
My sister had returned my items from Wish, and in return, I received items I did not order. While I was in the hospital recovering from a concussion, these unordered items were returned, and to my surprise, I was charged $[redacted].15. I want to emphasize that I do not possess any items from Wish at this time. I kindly request that someone from the company refund this amount. If this matter is not resolved promptly, I will have no choice but to escalate it by contacting the Better Business Bureau, utilizing social media platforms to inform my network, reaching out to the Federal Trade Commission, and even considering involving television networks to shed light on how a disabled 67-year-old woman like myself is being treated by your establishment if the refund is not processed.
Reported by GetHuman-bonniejs on samedi 2 juin 2018 20:23
Last week, I had 11 items in my cart but needed assistance as a wig was added by mistake. I received a notification that the items were canceled, which was okay as I didn't want that cart. I then created a new cart with 5 items I preferred. However, when trying to pay, I didn't see a total and am concerned about being charged for the 11 canceled items. Please refund my money promptly as I have bills to pay. I enjoy shopping on Wish, but I'm uncomfortable with items being reordered without my consent. Kindly address this issue. I still want the five items I selected: a human hair wig, 3 pairs of underwear, and one other item that I can't recall. Thank you very much.
Reported by GetHuman-kathykan on samedi 2 juin 2018 21:31
I made two purchases from your company in April [redacted]. One of the orders, with tracking number #5acd9ff238bb7aec4f431048, showed the item departed on April 16, [redacted], but the tracking number seems to be incorrect according to standard U.S. delivery companies. I actually ordered 4 tablets, not 2, and hope to receive them as promised. Additionally, I ordered 2 laptops in April [redacted], which were described as perfect for our needs. Unfortunately, the laptops we received are in poor condition and need to be replaced. Given our limited mobility, as my husband is bedridden, his laptop serves as his primary source of entertainment. I am eager to receive the laptops soon, as I purchased them in good faith. I respectfully request that the items I ordered be delivered promptly, as advertised. I am not seeking a refund, but rather the products I paid for and agreed to purchase. Sincerely, J. Jones
Reported by GetHuman-jan_j on dimanche 3 juin 2018 05:06
I tried to buy 4 hearing aids using the app with a promo code. The next day, my payment was still pending for processing. I messaged support through the app to process my payment and asked why it wasn't taken during the purchase. Instead of processing my payment, I received a generic reply suggesting to wait or cancel the order. I canceled, then reordered, but the promo code wouldn't work as it's only for the first purchase. I reached out to support again 4 days ago regarding this issue but have not heard back. I am dissatisfied with Wish's support, which has been unhelpful and a waste of time. My son urgently needs the hearing aids. Please resolve the promo code problem promptly so he can hear better and hopefully prevent any permanent speech issues. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman746013 on dimanche 3 juin 2018 21:12
My wife and I bought a Tahoe tent from the Wish app about a month ago. We pitched it once to waterproof it and then again over Memorial Day weekend. Unfortunately, on the last day, the zipper on the front door completely came off the track when I was closing it. We have been exchanging emails with a computerized response from Wish, but despite them saying they will send a shipping label, we haven't received one. We are frustrated and simply want to return this defective tent, get a refund, and purchase a replacement from another source.
Reported by GetHuman-tonyadea on mardi 5 juin 2018 11:30
I recently placed an order and after submitting the payment, the shipping address shown was for someone in Russia, not my address in Texas. I have tried to contact customer support through the app but received no response. The FAQs mention changing the shipping address within 8 hours but I couldn't find any option to do so in the order section. I deleted the incorrect address but couldn't add my own. I have ordered from Wish before without any issues, so I'm puzzled by this error. I am frustrated as the only way to reach support is via email with a potential 2-day wait for a response. I am considering contacting my bank to cancel the transaction if I don't hear back soon. This experience might make me cautious about using Wish in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-liz_wood on mardi 5 juin 2018 20:43
I placed an order for a phone about a month ago. The first time I tracked it, it was in California with an expected delivery date of June 2nd. However, it never arrived. When I checked the tracking again, it showed that it had been delivered to a mailbox in Compton, California. I live in Louisiana, so I am not sure how it ended up there. When I contacted customer service, a rude representative accused me of providing the wrong address and suggested I purchase another phone or an iTunes card with only half the refund. I have always used the same address without issues in my previous orders with Wish. I would like a full refund since it was not my fault that the package was delivered to the wrong address.
Reported by GetHuman-tankhops on mardi 5 juin 2018 21:11

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