Yahoo Customer Service Issues

Archive 2

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Yahoo customer service, archive #2. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 23, 2017 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have Yahoo Mail Plus and Gmail. When I try to open Yahoo Mail on my iPhone using Firefox, the spinning wheel appears for a second and disappears. However, I can access Yahoo Mail through a browser on my phone. It is trying to sync over 27,[redacted] messages. I am looking to switch completely to Gmail, but Yahoo does not allow me to move all my data. The issue now is that I can't open my Yahoo Mail on my iPhone by clicking the Yahoo icon.
Reported by GetHuman64358 on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:08 PM
Hello, my name is Mark. I need help accessing my two Yahoo email accounts. I have been trying to log in, but I can't remember the old phone numbers provided for verification, as I now have a new phone number. I did not set up security questions for these accounts. I understand that you are Microsoft support, but any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I am very stressed because I have important files in those accounts. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-markmana on Friday, April 6, 2018 12:59 AM
Hello, my name is Mark. I am having trouble accessing my two Yahoo email accounts. I have tried logging in, but it's not working as they are asking for my old phone number for verification, which I no longer have. I have a new phone number and didn't set up security questions. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide. I am feeling stressed out because I have important files in those accounts. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-markmana on Friday, April 6, 2018 1:05 AM
I am experiencing an issue with my Yahoo email account where messages keep downloading repeatedly, resulting in duplicates and triplicates in my Outlook inbox. This has caused me to accumulate up to 40,[redacted] messages and is now blocking Outlook from functioning properly. Interestingly, this problem is limited to my Yahoo account, as my other email accounts in Outlook are not affected. I should mention that my Outlook is synced with iCloud.
Reported by GetHuman-oanaleo on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 8:36 AM
Hello, I have noticed that some of my emails appear duplicated in the general index, with one having a key symbol and the other not. I think this issue may have occurred due to a configuration mistake on my part. I have attempted to delete the account without the key symbol, but I am unable to do so. Could you please provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure a new email account and how to delete duplicate accounts that do not have the key symbol? I am using an iPhone SE with the latest settings. The emails on my Apple iOS device are functioning correctly. Additionally, I have created a new email that is not appearing in the index but is visible in the accounts list. Thank you and God bless you and your family, Edward T.
Reported by GetHuman-eddoral on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:50 PM
I have two older email accounts that I can no longer access: "[redacted]" and "[redacted]" I remember the correct passwords, but Eskonfire is connected to an old number, preventing me from accessing it. ArdizzleLicfizzle's phone number seems to be wrong, likely a mix-up since my actual number is [redacted], while the one listed ends in 72. I really need to access these accounts as Eskonfire was my email during my high school years, and Ardizzle was working fine until recently when I got locked out. Is there any way to resolve this issue? Passwords: EskonFire - EskisI23 ArdizzleLicfizzle - Aw23Alw23 My name is Cleston Arthur Lewis Wright, and I believe some variation of it appears on each account.
Reported by GetHuman-clestonw on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 10:27 PM
Yesterday, I accidentally created an additional Yahoo email account on my Samsung Galaxy s7 for Yahoo France instead of Yahoo USA. Now, when I try to sign in to Yahoo mail through Google, it automatically fills in "draperautodetail" in the email field in French. I am unable to access my two existing Yahoo USA accounts from the Google home page on my mobile as only the Yahoo France sign-in page appears. I need Yahoo to delete the unintended Yahoo France email account "draperautodetail" so that I can access my Yahoo USA email correctly on my mobile phone through Google. Assistance is greatly appreciated so I can regain access to my emails on my mobile device.
Reported by GetHuman-kevin_ha on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 10:36 PM
I have been unable to access my Yahoo account for some time now. I need to retrieve access to my account as there is an important email linked to it that I must retrieve. Unfortunately, I have forgotten my password and security answers, and the recovery email linked to it is no longer accessible as I have lost contact with my sister. I am reaching out to find a solution to regain access to my Yahoo account and subsequently to my important linked account. Trying to contact customer support has been challenging due to lack of a contact number on file, so I hope for assistance through this platform.
Reported by GetHuman-nalynoo on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 10:56 PM
I am unable to recall my Yahoo email password and would like to reset it. My email address is [redacted], which I have been using for the past ten years. The reason for forgetting my password is due to not needing it frequently, as I receive a Yahoo Account key on my Malaysian mobile number: [redacted]. Recently, I have been unable to sign in from my desktop as I stopped receiving the Account key on my phone. Despite attempts to disable it, I have been unsuccessful. Currently, I can only access my email through the mobile number provided. I kindly request assistance with resetting my password, disabling the Account Key, and using the password to log into my email instead. As I travel abroad often, relying on the Account Key poses a challenge. I appreciate a prompt response.
Reported by GetHuman-poonfl on Thursday, April 26, 2018 6:14 AM
I am having trouble accessing my Flickr account since I don't remember my Yahoo email address, and I no longer have access to my old phone number or recovery email. I initially created the Yahoo account just to use Flickr, not because I value Yahoo's email service. I am frustrated by the current situation that requires Yahoo for Flickr access and dislike having to create another Yahoo account. I hope you can provide a practical solution to verify my ownership of the account without the need for a new Yahoo account. I don't have many pictures on my account, but I do not want to create an additional Yahoo account unnecessarily. Thank you, Josh.
Reported by GetHuman630438 on Thursday, April 26, 2018 9:48 AM
I'm having trouble remembering my Yahoo email password. I've attempted all my usual passwords, as well as variations, with no success. Unfortunately, my grandma's recovery email for Comcast is no longer accessible to me due to her dementia. I urgently need to access my Yahoo account to reset my Facebook password, where I store private family photos. I can provide any necessary information to verify my identity. Once I regain access to my Facebook, I can provide further proof of identity if needed.
Reported by GetHuman-devintay on Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:05 PM
I am Devin Millard, and I am the account holder for [redacted] I am unable to recall my Yahoo email password despite trying all possible variations of my usual passwords. Unfortunately, my grandmother's email, which was the recovery email for Comcast, is inaccessible as she no longer remembers her password due to dementia. Accessing my Yahoo account is crucial as it is linked to my Facebook account, which contains private albums of my children's pictures. I am willing to provide any necessary information to verify my identity. Once I regain access to my Facebook account, I can verify my identity by sending a fax of my ID as proof. Your assistance in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-devintay on Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:06 PM
Hello, I’ve had an account with Yahoo since high school under the email [redacted] I used it until about five years ago when my iPhone automatically logged me in, and I've since forgotten the password. After my phone was stolen, I got a new one and a new number but couldn't access my old account. I tried various passwords but couldn't get in, so I created a Gmail account. I believe the phone number ending in 72 for verification is no longer valid. I'm eager to recover my account because it's linked to my iTunes and Snapchat accounts. I'm sentimental about keeping/recovering this account as I used it throughout college and after moving to New York. I would provide any necessary information like previously used passwords, personal details, and even my iTunes account linked to Gigzlee. Please advise on how I can regain access. Love, Lee
Reported by GetHuman-leether on Thursday, April 26, 2018 9:16 PM
I'm unable to access my email account on Yahoo to enter my password. I've had this account for over 15 years. Suddenly, I was prompted to enter my phone number to log in and haven't needed my email password since. After getting a new phone and not installing Yahoo mail, I reinstalled it later and was asked for my old phone number, which I no longer have. I've been using the same password for 15 years. I'm frustrated by the inability to enter my password and access my account. I've managed to recover my old phone number, but unfortunately no longer have access to that phone. How can I recover my account in this situation?
Reported by GetHuman-aaronmre on Friday, April 27, 2018 1:18 AM
I closed my account years ago due to an overwhelming number of advertisements. I am a Mac user, and each time I log on to my laptop, I am prompted to enter my Yahoo password for iCloud. Since I closed my account, iCloud will not accept my old Yahoo password. I spoke with a Mac technician, and they mentioned that my Yahoo account would need to be reactivated in order to change my internet provider with iCloud. Could you assist me in reactivating my account so I can log in? Also, I am unsure of what the number sequence "1***-****-14" means on the reactivation account screen. I have attempted different combinations without success. It just prompts me to verify if the number is a valid phone number to send a reactivation code. Could you please provide me with instructions to resolve this issue? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-edwarder on Friday, April 27, 2018 3:02 AM
I need urgent assistance! I have been locked out of my Yahoo account because I forgot my password and no longer have access to the phone number linked to it. This account holds precious emails and photos of my late mother, and I desperately need to retrieve them. Is there a way to regain access through security questions or other means of verifying my identity? The phone number I used is outdated as I have changed providers. Please help me, this is incredibly important to me. I have provided my iCloud email for correspondence. Thank you. Yahoo email: [redacted] Previous phone number: [redacted] New phone number: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman633761 on Friday, April 27, 2018 10:33 AM
Every time I open my emails, I receive a new Privacy and Terms notification from Yahoo as part of Oath. It details updates on data collection, sharing with Verizon, data combination, new provisions like mutual arbitration and indemnity for non-personal use, and choice of law and forum provisions. Despite accepting the terms and choosing "I'll do it later," I keep receiving this message for the past two weeks repeatedly. It's becoming quite bothersome to go through this process repeatedly.
Reported by GetHuman-mandymcc on Friday, April 27, 2018 5:17 PM
I recently discovered that my father has been using my backup email, [redacted], without my permission. He is a convicted felon who falsely accused me of drug-related activities to reduce his own sentence, as evidenced by the information linked below regarding Karl Morrison from Kitchener. I have not accessed this email account for approximately 6-7 months or even a year. It is crucial that my father's access to this email is blocked as he has used it inappropriately in the past. Please ensure that my father cannot access this email any longer. Sincerely, A.
Reported by GetHuman-curiculu on Friday, April 27, 2018 6:32 PM
My ex-boyfriend took my iPhone 6 Plus and knows the unlock code to my phone where I am logged into my Yahoo email account at [redacted] He also changed my Facebook password, which I had recently updated. I am unable to access my accounts as all reset notifications are being intercepted by him. I seek assistance in recovering my accounts as he has invaded my privacy and caused significant distress. I can provide past passwords, answer security questions, and provide evidence of the theft. I have taken steps such as deactivating my phone service and filing a police report. Please help me regain control of my email and Facebook to prevent further intrusion and restore my privacy.
Reported by GetHuman-morganlo on Sunday, April 29, 2018 8:45 AM
I am a veteran dealing with PTSD. I reached a low point in my life where I prayed for God to end it, but instead, I received guidance through a poem and a voice telling me to take care of myself. Following that voice's instructions for five years, including keeping a broom as a gift, showed me I was hearing God. Even when faced with skepticism, a powerful experience with my son confirmed the divine guidance. The story I shared is a testament to my belief in following the voice I hear, believing it to be God's. Unfortunately, as I morally object to the new terms of service, I feel Yahoo has taken my account due to my refusal to agree. Thank you, and God bless.
Reported by GetHuman-hadyahoo on Monday, April 30, 2018 1:21 AM

Help me with my Yahoo issue

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