YouTube Customer Service Issues

Archive 3

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about YouTube customer service, archive #3. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 15, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
There is a female vocalist who I believe is being deceptive and secretive in her song "Wildest Dreams," which I suspect includes references to my divorce lawyer from Brookfield, IL. This prolonged behavior of eavesdropping and using me for song ideas has become a pattern with various female singers like Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Carrie Underwood, and Rihanna. I feel that their actions have negatively impacted my life in various ways, including financial, relationships, isolation, and electronic intrusions. I am seeking explanations and clarification for their behavior as it has caused me distress and concerns over privacy and personal thoughts.
Reported by GetHuman-miamssng on Friday, June 15, 2018 11:36 PM
I have noticed that I have been wrongly charged $10.94 twice a month by YouTube for the past six months. Initially, I didn't realize this mistake as I am used to seeing the $10.94 charge once a month on my YouTube account. It has now come to my attention that these additional charges were not authorized by me, indicating possible fraudulent activity. I am troubled by this sneaky practice of billing identical charges from the same company within such a short time frame. I am requesting a full refund for these unauthorized charges promptly to avoid having to escalate the matter to my bank, First Tennessee Bank. The two recent transactions that I'd like to dispute are as follows: 1. 05010GOOGLE *YouTube $10.94 2. 0516GOOGLE *YouTube $10.94 The Visa card that was charged ends in [redacted]. I have observed that the first charge consistently appears around the 11th of each month, with the second charge following around the 17th of each month. I kindly ask for the reversal of these charges. Thank you. - SV
Reported by GetHuman-v_sean on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 9:56 AM
I believe my YouTube account got suspended for sharing my religious beliefs, even though I did not use inappropriate language. I might have sent more messages than I should have, but I was not spamming or threatening anyone. I wanted to share my beliefs with the subscribers of another user who attempted to predict the rapture. I value freedom of speech and did not mean any harm. I acknowledge my mistake and promise it won't happen again. I hope you can reactivate my account considering my explanation. I am unsure of the suspension duration in this case. I tried to fill out the appeal form, but it required a URL that I couldn't provide; I need assistance with this matter. Thank you for your understanding. -Matt S.
Reported by GetHuman-snafusna on Sunday, June 24, 2018 8:42 PM
I am interested in starting a School of Dentistry Educational YouTube Channel along with a separate SOD Social YouTube Channel. I am seeking advice on setting up these channels correctly, possibly dividing the educational channel into categories like Operative Dentistry, Prosthetics, Implants, Oral Surgery, and Endodontics. Additionally, I am looking for ideas on structuring the channels, including disclaimers at the beginning of each video and adding music or words to the intros and outros. I want to ensure that we comply with all YouTube rules and guidelines during the setup process. Any suggestions or information on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! - KT
Reported by GetHuman-krthorel on Sunday, June 24, 2018 9:58 PM
I am unable to access my personal YouTube account that I created back in [redacted]. I have not logged in for roughly 3-4 years and would like to upload more videos. Unfortunately, the option to log in with a username is no longer available, and the original email linked to the account has been disabled. I am unsure if I changed the email or which one I may have used. Despite searching through various help and community articles, I have not found a solution to regain access to my account. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! YouTube username: mahbonnie Original email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman821617 on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 11:33 AM
I'm having difficulty accessing my account. I'm not very tech-savvy, so I must be overlooking something. I'd appreciate it if someone from YouTube could assist me. I attempted to call the listed phone number, but I couldn't get through to speak with someone. Do I need to reach out to technical support? Thank you in advance for your prompt assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-katielai on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 5:20 AM
I am concerned about an individual falsifying reports and getting content removed on YouTube. The person in question is going by the name Crystal Meth Machine Gun, also known as Jason Richard Hillis. This person, who is a sex offender, is unfairly targeting myself and others who expose his information. He is using fake accounts and a team of hackers to flag content. My channel name is Mr. V, and I urge you to check out my videos to see the situation firsthand. I hope this issue can be resolved soon to prevent further unjust takedowns.
Reported by GetHuman-wfenders on Monday, July 2, 2018 7:05 PM
Today, I received an email regarding my daughter posting a video on YouTube while I was at work. Despite instructing her not to share videos online, she defied this rule. As a consequence, I have confiscated her tablet. Since YouTube has removed the video titled "Natalie's Cool Thing" and issued a community strike on my account, I am curious whether the removal was due to their policies or a user complaint. I do not frequently use YouTube and am seeking clarification on this issue. I am Jason Patterson, and my daughter is Natalie Patterson. Any insights on this situation would be greatly appreciated to prevent similar incidents in the future. Thank you, Jason Patterson.
Reported by GetHuman844298 on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 12:03 AM
My account name is RR1976. There are several videos that I uploaded between [redacted] and [redacted], and some of them are now playing back choppy and stuttering, unlike when I first uploaded them. Most videos I create using Apple's iMovie. One example is the video titled "UP Metra CN West Chicago (and Geneva IL) summer/fall [redacted]." It seems these specific videos are not playing smoothly on YouTube, but when downloaded and played on QuickTime, they work fine. The issue persists across different devices like Roku, Android phone, and Mac laptop. I am gaining subscribers regularly, and resolving this technical problem would greatly benefit me.
Reported by GetHuman844850 on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 4:35 AM
I believe it is inappropriate for Chris S. to impersonate a police officer in a prank. This behavior sets a negative example and reflects poorly on YouTube. Channels engaging in pranks like explicit content, robbery simulations, or disrespect should be subject to strikes, removal, and bans. YouTube should enforce age restrictions and limit users to one channel to address these concerns. Urgent action is necessary to prevent harm resulting from the current state of YouTube.
Reported by GetHuman851877 on Thursday, July 5, 2018 5:31 PM
While listening to a song on YouTube, a blank screen appeared with the text 'MP3 DOWNLOAD Kristen Salas podcast,' which is my former last name. I captured a screenshot and pasted it into my browser, only to discover a long list of podcasts related to my name. Intrigued, I searched on Google and found even more podcasts linked to me. Feeling deeply concerned about being hacked for over five years and the impact it had on my life, I reported the issue to iTunes for further investigation. I am seeking urgent legal assistance to address this ongoing situation as it has caused me significant distress and must be addressed promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman867345 on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 6:10 PM
I would like to request the removal of the channel ZaraBeauté. This user has been posting highly inappropriate content, including racist remarks and hate speech. Specifically, in the video "I'm leaving black men in [redacted]," racist comments were made towards black men, along with threats of violence at the 2:41 mark. Furthermore, there are racist stereotypes against White people in various other videos like "Racist Roommate kicked me out" and "What IG models do in Dubai," where disturbing content is shown, including two girls engaging in inappropriate behavior at 3:22 by referencing "2 girls 1 cup." The user's excessive use of profanity and disrespectful behavior is concerning. I kindly request a response once the content has been removed. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-osnon on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 9:58 PM
I am 52 years old and I exclusively record karaoke songs from a KJ's computer. I fear losing my singing abilities as I age, so I record Elvis songs to cherish my voice. Unfortunately, all my six Elvis recordings were deleted, including "My Way" performed in Elvis's style, due to my nerves. I am unsure whether my monetization issue is related to Elvis's copyright or background songs played by the KJ while browsing through my files. I worry about the consequences of continuing to post recordings where I sing Elvis's songs. I am open to advertisements on my videos; my concern is avoiding legal trouble, as I am on S.S.I. and not aiming to profit. I seek clarification promptly to address this situation. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-buddyel on Friday, July 13, 2018 7:14 PM
I have noticed that there are numerous inappropriate ads appearing at inconvenient times during videos. Whether I am watching videos on Minecraft, DanTDM, Ropo, or at work and home, it is not suitable to have horror movie ads or explicit content displayed. Regardless of the viewer's age, these types of ads are unsuitable for such video content. It is frustrating to have to resort to creating multiple accounts to manage cookies and web tracking. I strongly believe that there should be an option to block all ads to prevent inappropriate content from being shown to viewers at the wrong time.
Reported by GetHuman-techhere on Saturday, July 14, 2018 6:41 PM
Dear YouTube, My name is Audrey, and I manage the "Audrey Playz" channel. I recently made a mistake by posting inappropriate content, which I have since removed. I am only 10 years old and new to creating YouTube videos. I sincerely apologize for my actions and hope you can reconsider any penalties imposed on my channel. YouTube means a lot to me, especially during this difficult time as I have recently lost my grandfather, and my father passed away when I was very young. I am truly sorry and would be grateful for another opportunity to show my commitment to following the rules. Please, remove the strike from my record. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Audrey.
Reported by GetHuman-trudywm on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 9:04 PM
Dear YouTube, I am a 10-year-old with a YouTube channel named Audrey playz, which I started recently. Dealing with personal losses has made things challenging for me. I unintentionally posted videos that I shouldn't have because I saw similar ones on other channels. I understand my mistake and have removed all inappropriate content. I am sincerely sorry and hope you can restore my ability to create, post, and live stream videos. Receiving strikes on my account worries me, and I plead for your understanding and forgiveness. I promise not to repeat the error. Being able to collaborate with my little brother on our channels brings me joy. Please consider giving me another chance to continue doing what I love on YouTube. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-trudywm on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 9:42 PM
Dear YouTube, I am reaching out to address my recent actions on my YouTube channel named Audrey playz. Regrettably, I uploaded inappropriate content involving belly inflation videos without fully realizing the violation. As a 10-year-old, I am new to YouTube and made a mistake by emulating content from other YouTubers. I now understand my error and sincerely apologize for it. I am eager to rectify this situation and request the restoration of my streaming capabilities. It is important to me to continue creating on my channel while abiding by the guidelines. I hope for your understanding and forgiveness in this matter. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Reported by GetHuman-trudywm on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 9:55 PM
I rented "The Night Eats the World" for viewing but am unable to watch it. A licensing problem message appears after several minutes of loading. The video plays on my phone and Kindle but not on my television, where I intended to watch it. This issue is new to me after using YouTube flawlessly on my smart TV for months. YouTube has been essential to me since falling ill five years ago, and I rely on it daily. I kindly ask for assistance in resolving the problem with detailed instructions or a refund of $6.99 if a resolution isn't possible. Please reach out to me promptly at [redacted] or [redacted]. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, A. Strazza
Reported by GetHuman891144 on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 9:59 PM
Hello, I am a notable figure who leads three paranormal teams known from TV appearances and books. I am facing issues with a YouTuber named b-townparanormal who is cyberstalking me, false flagging my content, harassing me, and even had someone leave threatening notes at my home. They are also hacking into my private conversations and causing disturbances to my business. I have tried to distance myself by creating new accounts, but they continue to target me. I have filed police reports and the authorities suggested contacting the platform to have the channel shut down. Despite reaching out previously, I have not received adequate assistance from the platform. I feel my rights are being violated as they share personal and untrue information about me. I am requesting urgent action to shut down the b-townparanormal channel. Thank you for addressing this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman730417 on Thursday, July 19, 2018 7:11 AM
There is a girl on YouTube called Ungame who is causing issues. She bullies my fans, creates fake spam accounts, impersonates my fans, spreads lies, makes threats, fakes suicide, starts drama, makes mean videos, sends death threats, is racist, and calls my fans names. She fabricates stories, and impersonates others like her phone company, mom, and bus driver. She spams, makes negative comments, wants attention, spreads rumors, steals profiles, fans, and views. She is hateful, causing chaos, drama, and trouble daily. I kindly request all her accounts be deleted to stop this ongoing problem for me and my fans.
Reported by GetHuman900723 on Friday, July 20, 2018 5:26 PM

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