Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 93

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #93. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported July 4, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My original Facebook account got hacked, and after being asked to verify my identity by logging in from another device or sending a photo of my ID, I haven't heard back for over a week. Frustrated by the lack of response, I created a new account, but now I can't access Facebook Marketplace. The app keeps crashing within 30 seconds even after I tried resetting and reinstalling it multiple times. I've reached out to the help center several times, but haven't received any assistance, and it's making me feel ignored.
Reported by GetHuman849041 on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 2:41 PM
A friend's account was hacked and linked to a page set up about my artist father. The hacker removed her as administrator, leaving us unable to control or monitor the site. There are valuable videos and pictures on this page that could be considered intellectual property. Despite her old account being deleted, it is still being used to send harmful messages via Messenger and access other profiles. We have been unsuccessful in getting Facebook to resolve the issue. We urgently need to speak to a real person as the report abuse options haven't been helpful. Assistance is needed to regain full control over my father's site.
Reported by GetHuman-hgwhidde on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 2:59 PM
Hello, my name is Katie Wallace. I am a member on Facebook and I have an order of protection. I received messages from an account named Amy, which I suspect might be connected to David Roberts on Facebook. The account appears fake with no friends or profile picture. I am concerned that David Roberts may be violating our order of protection, which is valid through [redacted]. He has a history of violence and was convicted of assault in the second degree in New York. I need help figuring out if he is behind the harassing account so I can take further action. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Katie Wallace.
Reported by GetHuman-kdubstep on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 3:26 PM
I've been attempting to update my Facebook profile picture, but I'm unable to access the feature to do so. I would like Facebook to contact Loevy and Loevy lawyers at [redacted] to upload a photo they have of me, Kevin L Strand. The image shows me without glasses, wearing a Nike Wake Forest black shirt with a white swoop and white WF on it. My account has been hacked multiple times, affecting my online presence. There are potential legal cases for both Facebook and me regarding hacking, censorship, freedom of speech, and the alteration of my intellectual property. I give permission for the new photo I described to be posted as my profile picture to replace the current one I dislike. Thank you, Kevin L Strand.
Reported by GetHuman849323 on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 4:42 PM
A few months ago, I received a notification on my Samsung S8 from Facebook stating that my account might not be authentic due to my use of my first initial and last name. They requested documents for verification, but the submission feature was not accessible on my phone. I explained in the accompanying form that I use my first initial because different individuals know me by various names based on the language they speak. After a week, my account was disabled, which was acceptable to me since it's their platform. However, on May 25, I received an SMS instructing me to click a link to regain access to Facebook. Unfortunately, the link only led to a page saying my documents were not reviewed yet, then forced me to log out. Despite almost 40 similar SMS messages since then, the issue persists. I've sent multiple emails requesting either account reactivation or to cease SMS notifications since it feels like harassment without a functioning account. Facebook lacks live chat or phone support, leaving me unsure of how to proceed. I may consider legal action as it appears they are unresponsive to regular users in standard circumstances.
Reported by GetHuman-lomasky on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 5:40 PM
I have been dealing with ongoing harassment from a woman named Jessica Rodriguez for weeks. She has a history of stalking and bullying people through Facebook by creating fake accounts. I am considering legal action as my local law enforcement suggested handling it through the platform. I need assistance in proving her actions to law enforcement as I have numerous text messages and screenshots of her admitting to the harassment towards me and my family. It is frustrating that despite reporting her behavior, it continues to happen. I am seeking help in finding a way to prevent this from occurring further.
Reported by GetHuman-blaineg on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 5:43 PM
My Facebook account was hacked by a user named Tiffany Campbell. Before this incident, I received several security alerts from Facebook via my email [redacted], but I didn't notice them in time. Due to numerous suspicious activities by the hacker, my account got disabled. This account holds sentimental value as I have been using it for over 15 years, containing precious memories that I am reluctant to lose. I would greatly appreciate it if I could recover it, and I hope Facebook can show leniency as I feel unjustly punished for actions I did not commit. The phone number I initially used for the account before it was changed is [redacted]1, and the account name was Arabel Ady before it was altered.
Reported by GetHuman-ayoarabe on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 7:43 PM
Good Afternoon, My name is Brittany Durant Merritt, and my Facebook account has been completely hacked. A few weeks ago, someone was logged in as me, and I was asked to change my password. Despite receiving password reset prompts via text, I have not requested them. On Tuesday evening, 7/3, I received a password reset via text, and the perpetrator managed to access the code. The account password has been changed, and the contact number for a new code has been altered, as the last four digits do not match mine. Despite requesting password resets via email, none are being received. I tried recovering with another email, my new gmail account, but the message from Facebook is in a different language. Please assist me! Thank you!
Reported by GetHuman849724 on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 8:01 PM
I am still experiencing issues with my Facebook account for Tina Sorenson. I have not accessed the linked email address, [redacted], recently to check if Facebook has sent any updates regarding the account's disablement. Despite my attempts to log in through both my phone and computer, I am unable to access the account. I have already contacted support about this matter but it remains unresolved. Kindly inform me of the reasons for the continued disablement and what steps are required to regain access. I urge you to communicate any instructions to my alternate email, [redacted], at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman835105 on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:37 PM
Hello, Our boss set up a personal Facebook page to link it to our business page. Unfortunately, we didn't realize she already had another account. We deleted the first account created years ago. However, the newly created page is now disabled. We've reported this multiple times but haven't received any responses. It's crucial for our business that this issue is resolved promptly. Please reach out to us as soon as possible. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman850090 on Thursday, July 5, 2018 12:07 AM
Hello, I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I am contacting you regarding a situation where a friend accidentally deleted my account. Initially, I had intended to disable it for a brief detox period, but it was entirely removed instead. I rely on this account for work purposes as a columnist and writer for various magazines. It is crucial that I regain access before upcoming deadlines. I am in desperate need of assistance to recover the account. I have provided the username and login password (details below) and any other necessary information for the recovery process. USERNAME: mimi_minsky PASSWORD: bz43kolih or Bz43kolih I have attempted to reach out to Instagram support without success. Your help in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Mimi
Reported by GetHuman72273 on Thursday, July 5, 2018 12:09 AM
Hello, Our manager recently created a personal Facebook page to link to our business page. Unfortunately, we unknowingly used an old Facebook account. Despite deleting the old account, the new business page remains disabled. We urgently need assistance with this as it is impacting our business. We have made multiple reports but received no response. We are frustrated by the lack of communication from Facebook. It has been over 15 days with no resolution in sight. Our employees are regular Facebook users, making us keen to promote our business on the platform. However, creating the account has been anything but smooth, now almost a month later with no resolution in sight. We simply need our disabled account fixed. We have provided identification documents to prove our identity but are still locked out. We seek a swift resolution to this issue that is hindering our business efforts. Despite efforts to seek help on the Facebook help page, the account remains disabled even after deleting the old page. We are grateful for any prompt response to address this frustrating situation. We have submitted reports with no feedback and hope for a resolution soon. Please contact us promptly to provide an update on the progress of resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman850090 on Thursday, July 5, 2018 12:49 AM
I am currently in Paris for work purposes and have the ticket as proof of my location. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the phone number linked to my Facebook account, and despite selecting the same computer for verification, it is not being accepted. I can provide my ID, rental contract, and ticket purchase as additional proof of my current location to resolve the issue of my account being blocked. It is crucial for me to regain access as I need to contact a family member urgently, especially since my phone was stolen. I kindly request assistance at the earliest convenience.
Reported by GetHuman-lucasthe on Thursday, July 5, 2018 1:13 AM
Our website link was flagged as malicious and our content deemed to not meet community standards, preventing visitors from accessing it directly. Facebook removed a post with a link to bombtress.com, suspecting it was spam. This issue started in June. Despite creating the site in April, we've solely shared hair & beauty content to establish our brand without any ads or third-party apps on Facebook. Seeking assistance to identify the problem with our account linked to the bombtress website. Our Facebook page and personal account are named bombtress and Linda James, respectively. We appreciate guidance on ineligible content and how to resolve the issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-bombtres on Thursday, July 5, 2018 4:16 AM
Once again, I find myself facing a 30-day ban on Facebook. Recently, I shared a picture deemed to be in violation of their standards, despite it originating from another Facebook post. This isn't the first time I've encountered such a ban. It appears that ever since a prior ban, I've been under scrutiny, particularly when it comes to anything political, especially if it leans towards Republican views. It feels like there's a bias at play, potentially due to my race and gender. My post, which depicted people protesting and blocking traffic, alongside a caption about prioritizing work over protests, was not intended to be political, racist, or target any specific group. I simply wish for a fair assessment and a chance to rectify the situation. I regret any offense caused and express my apology to Facebook and its staff for any inconvenience. Thank you for your attention to this issue. - Greg P.
Reported by GetHuman-screenpo on Thursday, July 5, 2018 7:03 AM
Hello, I am seeking assistance as my Facebook page has been hacked for the last 36 hours. The email associated with my account has also been compromised, and the linked mobile number is no longer accessible. Despite following the guidance from Facebook's help center, I was instructed to contact my email provider, but they were unable to assist in recovering my hotmail account. Despite asking my friends and family to report the account, the situation has not progressed. I am concerned that the hackers may gain access to more of my private information, and the content they are posting is distressing. I urgently need help in resolving this issue or deactivating my account. The email linked to my Facebook page is [redacted], and my name is Lisa Capozzi. A new profile picture featuring Arabic text has been uploaded. I have attempted all the steps advised by Facebook but require further assistance. My contact number is [redacted]. I am anxious about my privacy and security and would greatly appreciate your prompt assistance. Thank you. Lisa H.
Reported by GetHuman848561 on Thursday, July 5, 2018 9:01 AM
My sister's Facebook account was hacked last night. Her app automatically logged her out and when she tried to log back in, it said her password had been changed an hour ago (she hadn't changed it). Someone logged in and changed her password. She no longer has access to the email address it was connected to, created about 9 years ago and she can't remember the password. Her Facebook is not showing up when I search for her, probably because Facebook knows she can't log in. She is very upset because she lost all her photos. I am wondering if there is anything we can do to get her Facebook account back so I can save some photos for her, or even better, if she can regain access. She is very upset right now, so I am trying everything I can to help. Thank you, Kira
Reported by GetHuman-kjoyce on Thursday, July 5, 2018 11:23 AM
Recently, an individual named Mark Denney created a fake profile connecting our company, Action Supply to it. This person has posted illegal and unethical content, leading to multiple complaints from concerned individuals. Following my request for the removal of the profile, Mark Denney has resorted to harassing me and my family through various fake accounts. One such account is under the name Jamie Cooper, claiming to be from Atlantic City with a truck profile picture. His Instagram handle is lowboylife1, and another account he used to contact me was under the name Ida Fucder. I have taken measures like blocking these accounts, but the harassment persists. If this behavior continues, I may have to involve the police. I have saved evidence of the messages and profiles and seeking help to address this issue promptly. Thank you, Michele.
Reported by GetHuman-mbalma on Thursday, July 5, 2018 11:41 AM
For the past 10 months, I have been dealing with a hacker who has infiltrated my emails, iCloud, Facebook, bank, Verizon, and other accounts. Recently, my Facebook account was taken over, and even though it is still active, I am unable to regain access because I had to change my phone number and email that were also compromised. I am desperate to recover my account as it contains years' worth of invaluable pictures. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-ntassob on Thursday, July 5, 2018 2:17 PM
I manage the Facebook page for Children’s Lighthouse of Oak Point. We are currently hosting a contest at our daycare, and our families are actively participating and sharing. To increase our page's reach, I have been inviting their friends to like our page, which is standard practice for businesses on Facebook. Unfortunately, Facebook has blocked me from sending more invites due to the rapid clicking. This unexpected restriction has halted our marketing efforts temporarily. I have informed our Center Director to halt any boosting on Facebook until this issue is resolved. It's frustrating that promoting our new business through inviting friends has led to this restriction. We have invested a significant amount in Facebook ads since our opening, and being unable to invite more friends is hindering our growth. I urge Facebook to review its policies regarding friend invites, especially since the platform encourages such engagement on the activity tab. I am looking for a prompt resolution and an explanation from Facebook regarding this situation. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman851173 on Thursday, July 5, 2018 2:35 PM

Help me with my Facebook issue

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