Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1198

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1198. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported January 9, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently tried to access my account only to find it disabled due to not following Instagram guidelines. I am perplexed by this situation as I am certain I have always complied with the rules. Despite submitting the reactivation form to Instagram multiple times, I have not received any response. I kindly request the reactivation of my Instagram account as I am anxious and would greatly appreciate having it restored before my birthday in four days, as I had planned to make a birthday post. Username: joygatwech_ If possible, could Facebook, as the parent company of Instagram, assist in reactivating my account?
Reported by GetHuman-joygatwe on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:١١
I recently attempted to log into my account and received a message stating, "Your account is disabled for not following Instagram guidelines." I am baffled because I am certain that I adhere to all the guidelines. I have submitted the reactivation form to Instagram multiple times but have not received a response. I am feeling stressed as my birthday is in four days, and I need my account reactivated in time to post. My username is joygatwech_. Facebook, as the owner of Instagram, kindly reactivate my account as I have done nothing wrong.
Reported by GetHuman-joygatwe on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:١٣
I used to have an old account under the name "Dean K" which I deactivated. Recently, I attempted to sign in, but the system forced me to change my password. It then requested my ID to recover the account, to which I submitted but received no response. Another option was to ask three friends chosen by the system to help me get a recovery code, but each friend I selected could not get it to work. I urgently need access to this account as it contains important pictures and business information relevant to my new business venture.
Reported by GetHuman-caninepr on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٢٦
I received a notification on my phone alerting me that someone was attempting to log into my Google Chrome account, which was not by me. The system then automatically logged me out and prompted me to reset my password via email. However, I no longer have access to that email account as it has been inactive for over 10 years. In the past, whenever I switched phones or MacBooks, I could easily sign back in using my phone number and password. Now, this option seems to be unavailable. When I try to recover my account, it shows a random number instead of my usual one, although my correct number is still displayed on the homepage. I am unable to regain access to my account without my old phone number or active email, which is concerning as I have a business account with important reviews that I risk losing. I rely on Facebook through my MacBook and phone, as well as the connected Instagram account. It is frustrating that there are no apparent contact numbers or helplines available for individuals facing login issues, and I would appreciate any assistance to resolve this matter. - B. Ritchie
Reported by GetHuman4226257 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٣٠
I have been unable to access my Facebook account for over a month due to two-step verification with Authy. Despite reaching out to both Authy and Facebook, I have not received assistance. I submitted my ID to Facebook a few days ago, but Authy has not responded to my partner's messages. Unfortunately, I cannot retrieve my SIM card as I am in debt with my provider. Additionally, my phone's motherboard is broken, preventing me from using the Authy app on the old device for access.
Reported by GetHuman-jamiemca on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٣٤
I manage the Facebook page for The Republican Newspaper, a small-town publication. Despite its name, the paper has no ties to the political party and dates back to the 1700s. Facebook restricts linking our website, citing community standards violations. The site is essential for our limited social media outreach, and we aim to share news and updates rather than promote any political bias or false information.
Reported by GetHuman4226288 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٣٦
Due to being deployed, I had to create a new Facebook page as I cannot access my existing one while out of the country. I used a secondary email from my original account, which might be why the new page is under review, preventing me from logging in and communicating with my family and friends. What steps can I take to resolve this?
Reported by GetHuman4226292 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٣٦
On December 6, [redacted], I received a Cease & Desist letter from Country music artist Dwight Yoakam regarding a fan-based group I administrated. I followed all Facebook instructions to delete the group and removed myself. However, the group still appears in the search bar as "Dwight Yoakam & Band Fan Page," inaccessible to anyone. His lawyers are threatening legal action if it is not removed. I have submitted forms and reports on various Facebook help forums but have not received any responses. Urgent assistance is needed to resolve this issue promptly. Thank you. - Chris Cora Gallion
Reported by GetHuman-gallionz on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٤١
My personal Facebook account got disabled overnight. I also look after a business page linked to the account. As a new business, we depend on our social media presence. The sudden disablement has affected our Facebook and Instagram accounts. I have not knowingly violated any of Facebook's guidelines. I suspect that my login details were obtained through phishing. I don't think I should face consequences for falling victim to phishing.
Reported by GetHuman4226426 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٥٨
I believe my Facebook account was targeted by a hacker as it showed a login from my city that wasn't me. Facebook then locked my account, although I recently changed my password for security. When trying the new password, I couldn't gain access. Despite typing it correctly, it didn't work. Following the "forgot password" prompt, I couldn't receive the code as my email is outdated. I updated it eventually. After uploading my ID, I haven't heard back after a week. Repeating the steps, I'm now stuck as it says my new email is in use already. Despite reading that Facebook usually reviews IDs within 48 hours, mine hasn't been addressed yet. I fear my account may be permanently locked. Help needed, please!
Reported by GetHuman-angiehch on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٥٨
My account was disabled when I was in the middle of sending New Year's messages to friends. This is a new account as I had to delete my old one due to recurring hacking incidents which resulted in spam posts in groups I am a part of. Despite changing my password multiple times as prompted by Facebook, I was unable to prevent further hacks. I have learned that hackers can use bots to access an account at will once they've infiltrated it. I have submitted my ID to have my account reinstated but have not received any updates.
Reported by GetHuman-icantoo on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٠٠
I believe my account has been compromised. The email address and password associated with it have been altered. I can provide detailed information about my account to verify my identity. I need access to this account to communicate with my family, especially since I reside in another state. I remember the previous password that was changed approximately a week ago and also have the previous email it was connected to. Additionally, I am willing to provide identification to aid in the account recovery process.
Reported by GetHuman4226452 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٠٣
I recently came across a post online that falsely accuses my son of being a bully and attacking his partner. These claims are completely untrue, and it has resulted in us receiving threats. We are now seeking assistance from the authorities to handle this situation. My son has never been involved in any physical altercations and does not have a criminal record. Our family is known for being respectful, and it is distressing to see these lies being spread online, damaging our reputation. We are working to rectify this situation and clear my son's name from these baseless accusations.
Reported by GetHuman-taggarts on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٢٣
My account got permanently disabled for policy violations but I am unsure of the reason. I noticed 7 unauthorized charges from Facebook on my credit card. I contacted the Help Center and provided a copy of my driver's license, which did not show my middle name used on the account. I also submitted my passport, displaying my middle name. Additionally, I observed an error in my account's email address where a comma was used instead of ".net." You can reach me at [redacted] or email me at [redacted] On Facebook, my name is Diann Simmons Wilkes.
Reported by GetHuman4226592 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٢٨
I have been using my Facebook account for 3 to 4 years. Recently, I tried to reset my password, but I'm having trouble because the reset link is being sent to my ex-husband's Yahoo account rather than my own. I have a Gmail account that I would like to use instead, but Yahoo doesn't recognize it because it wasn't linked to my Facebook account when I created it. My ex-husband's Yahoo email is [redacted], and my Facebook username is [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman4226593 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٢٨
My phone screen is broken, so I can't access my Facebook account as I don't remember the password and can't get into the associated email for a password reset. I've submitted a request with my new email and provided my driver's license photo but haven't received a response. I really need help to regain access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman4226625 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٣٢
My Instagram account is currently locked, and I am unable to access it, which is very frustrating. One of my accounts where I share videos and pictures of my kids got locked, and I have already sent an email with my government-issued US driver's license to verify my age. I am concerned if this is a hack situation, as my personal information may be compromised. I received an email from someone named Sam Anderson claiming I am under 13 years old, despite being 49 years old. Additionally, my other account is scheduled for deletion once I retrieve my account data. I am confused about what is happening and worried if my account was compromised while I was traveling in Switzerland. I have a limited time to resolve the issues with my tierra_designedbyedith account, and my i_victoria_victoria account is currently locked. Dealing with automated responses through emails is becoming overwhelming. Please assist me in resolving this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-ejpz on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:١٢
I am currently facing threats of false and abusive content being shared about me by an individual and an organization through various official channels like colleagues, police, social services, and family. This harassment includes blackmail and death threats. I am not the only victim of their actions. I do not have a Facebook account and do not plan to create one due to safety concerns. I appreciate your support. Thank you, MIV Winzeler
Reported by GetHuman-winzeler on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:١٩
I recently received a message alerting me to suspicious activity on my account, with someone attempting to log in from a device in Pakistan. I confirmed it was not me and changed my password as prompted. However, I found myself unable to access my account with either the new or old password. I reluctantly decided to create a new account. To my dismay, within 24 hours, I received another message about suspicious activity on the new account. I complied with the request to upload a photo of myself but am now locked out once more. Facebook mentioned they would reach out after reviewing my photo. I am eager to regain access to my original profile, but if necessary, I am willing to settle for the new one. What could be causing this repeated issue?
Reported by GetHuman-jessiesz on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:٢٣
We are currently facing difficulty accessing our client's business page that was established in [redacted]. The client does not recall setting up a personal Facebook account before creating the page and has been locked out for over a year. Despite attempting various "account recovery" options on Facebook using all associated email and mobile numbers, each attempt results in an error message stating that the email address is not linked to a Facebook account. This issue prevents us from submitting the necessary identifying information to recover access to the page.
Reported by GetHuman4226941 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:٢٤

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