Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1373

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1373. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 3, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Thank you for submitting your information. The processing time may be longer than usual as we have limited staff due to the current COVID-19 situation. Rest assured, we are committed to safeguarding the security of our users on Facebook. As we review your account, access to it will be temporarily restricted. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
Reported by GetHuman5517294 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 15:02
Hello team, My name is Balu Shane (Bala Yesu Miriyala). I have both Facebook and Instagram accounts under the username balu shane. My Instagram handle is crashgamer.yt. Unfortunately, someone has hacked into my accounts and posted content that goes against your community guidelines. As a result, both of my accounts have been disabled. I have already reached out to customer care for assistance, but I am still unable to access my accounts. I have attached the necessary proofs to verify my identity and innocence in this matter. I want to emphasize that the content posted was not done by me, and I am eager to regain access to my accounts. I value and respect your community guidelines and assure you that such incidents will not occur again. I am willing to change my passwords and be more vigilant in the future. Please review the attached proofs and assist me in recovering my accounts. Your help in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Bala Yesu
Reported by GetHuman-balushan on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 15:13
Reviewing your information may take longer than usual. Thank you for submitting your details to us. We have acknowledged receipt of your information. Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have limited staff available for reviewing accounts, which may result in some delays in the process. Please be patient as we work on ensuring the security of all users on Facebook. Unfortunately, until the review is complete, you will not be able to access your account. We appreciate your understanding during this time.
Reported by GetHuman5517294 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 15:30
Thank you for submitting your information. We have received it. Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our review process may take longer than usual. We are prioritizing the security of all our users on Facebook. During this time, your account will remain inaccessible. We appreciate your understanding.
Reported by GetHuman5517294 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 15:36
Reviewing your information may take longer than usual Thank you for submitting your information. We have received it. Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have fewer staff available to review accounts. Please be aware that it may take more time than usual to process your request. The security of our users is our top priority on Facebook, so in the meantime, your account will remain inaccessible. We appreciate your understanding during this time.
Reported by GetHuman5517294 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 15:50
I received this message when trying to sign in: "We have received your information. If we determine that you are not old enough to have a Facebook account, your account will remain disabled for not complying with our Terms of Service. We prioritize the security of our users, so you won't be able to access your account until further notice." I have tried to download the necessary files without any success. No one has been able to assist me. Despite being [redacted] years old (not that it matters), my attempts to send my identification have been futile. I am frustrated and ready to give up on resolving this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-bickeldr on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 15:58
I was unexpectedly logged out of Facebook and when trying to log back in, I was prompted for a login code due to an unrecognized browser. Despite requesting the code and waiting for 12 hours, there was no response. I even submitted my ID to Facebook's help center, but after 48 hours, no resolution. I attempted various tips from online sources but to no avail. All I require is my login code.
Reported by GetHuman5517797 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 17:01
My Facebook account was hacked. I received an email from Facebook informing me of a password change. Although I reset the password using my email, the hacker altered the phone number associated with the account. Two-factor authentication is now enabled, preventing me from logging in and receiving the code. I have reached out to Facebook multiple times about this issue but have not gotten a response. I am seeking advice on how to regain access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman5517954 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 17:35
Greetings, I trust you and your families are safe during these unprecedented times. I am seeking the reactivation of my business account with over [redacted],[redacted] followers, @drugedforlove, unfairly disabled. The Instagram appeal forms are malfunctioning, consistently showing errors. I can share a screen recording of this issue upon request. My account facilitated direct client communication and efficient service. I am confident it adhered to all terms of service, as a legitimate business employing Instagram for online visibility, sans sales. Facebook's age gate was even applied to prevent underage interactions. The repeated unjust disabling has negatively impacted my legitimate business. I have legal and account management support to ensure content compliance. There have been imposters harming my brand’s reputation, scamming potential customers. I seek assistance in reinstating my account to secure my business credibility. I am willing to provide any necessary information for verification. Kindly avoid redirecting me to unhelpful Instagram resources. Thank you and best wishes.
Reported by GetHuman5518103 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 18:22
Hello, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well in these challenging times. I am reaching out today to ask for assistance with reactivating my business account. My Instagram handle, @drugedforlove, was unjustly disabled, despite complying with all terms and conditions. The page, with over [redacted],[redacted] followers, is crucial for my clients to contact me directly for prompt service. I have encountered an error when trying to appeal through the Instagram forms and can provide a screen recording of the issue upon request. Having taken all necessary precautions and even having a Facebook global marketing representative implement an age gate, I strongly believe my account was mistakenly flagged or disabled. I have previously resolved similar issues with the help of Facebook representatives. Unfortunately, imposters have also been posing as my business, causing confusion and harm to my reputation. I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation needed to verify the legitimacy of my business and regain access to my Instagram page. I kindly ask for your assistance in addressing this matter promptly. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Reported by GetHuman5518103 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 18:32
I recently received an email from Facebook notifying me about someone attempting to access my account. I promptly changed my password but now it is asking for a login code, which is being sent to an outdated phone number. When I attempted to seek help by filling out a form, I encountered an issue where it repeatedly claims my email address is invalid, despite the fact that Facebook is using this same email address to send me notifications.
Reported by GetHuman-emmacoyl on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 19:40
Dear Sir/Madam, I have just come across your job offer for Fire Safety Officer, and it has caught my attention. I believe it is the position I am seeking, which is why I am submitting my application to you. Following the completion of my degree, I have gained practical experience as a Fire Safety Officer through various temporary assignments, enhancing my initial knowledge. I have developed a solid understanding of Fire Safety and Emergency Response Services (SSIAP1), Fire Safety Regulations, and People Evacuation Procedures, allowing me to have significant responsibilities in my role as a Fire Safety Officer. Working with your company, which has demonstrated true expertise, would be a great opportunity and a real challenge for me. I have attached my application for the Fire Safety Officer position along with my resume detailing my professional experiences and achievements. I am available to meet you and provide any further information you may require. I look forward to your response. Yours sincerely.
Reported by GetHuman-fairagen on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 19:42
My Facebook account was hacked, and I suspect I know who is responsible. They changed the email and phone number associated with the account, preventing me from accessing it. I have tried submitting my ID and other forms of proof to Facebook support multiple times, but they continue to request ID only. I have important personal fundraising efforts and connections with doctors that I urgently need access to through my account. I can provide answers to security questions that the hacker wouldn't know to help verify my identity. Phyllis S. Alternative email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman5505726 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 20:13
Yesterday, my profile photo was changed to an inappropriate one, leading to a warning message from Facebook. Now, I am being prompted to verify my identity through SMS and by uploading my ID document. I am currently awaiting approval. In the meantime, my account seems to be making unauthorized advertisements, payments, and accepting new friend requests. I am seeking assistance in stopping these activities, understanding how this breach occurred, and preventing any future incidents. Regards, Don.
Reported by GetHuman5518948 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 21:28
I am experiencing an issue with Facebook as it indicates fraud on my account while I was attempting to delete it but wanted to check first if I could use Facebook ads. The system claims it's fraudulent and won't let me delete my account because it's registered under a false name. I am puzzled as to why IDs and passcodes are needed when I've provided mine. If there were any issues, I would consider taking legal action against Facebook for online fraud. This could potentially tarnish Facebook's reputation. It's concerning that Facebook seems unaware of some accounts and threatens deletion without proper verification. Communication is hindered when account access is restricted. Facebook's CEO should reconsider these practices. I'm willing to offer my assistance as I believe I could provide valuable insight.
Reported by GetHuman5518997 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 21:40
I am Asad Khan, born on March 27, [redacted]. My personal Facebook account got disabled for violating Facebook's terms, as you mentioned. However, I believe it was an error of your security system. I have already submitted my ID card for identification, but your security system has not responded. I am attaching my ID card showing my name, photo, and date of birth. Kindly review it and reactivate my account promptly. (This ID is 4 years old and holds many memories. Please restore my Facebook account, sir.) Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5496745 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 22:56
Three months ago, my Facebook password was changed without my knowledge. I can still log in on my old mobile device, but after purchasing a new phone, I am unable to access my account. When I click on "forgot password," it claims it will send a 6-digit code via SMS to my phone number, but I never receive it. I've also tried to log in from my computer, but I face the same issue of not getting the code. I am feeling very frustrated by this situation. If there's a way to send the code to my email instead, I could access it that way, but I haven't seen that option provided. Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman5519338 on giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 23:31
I sent a letter to Facebook at 1 Hacker Way with a copy of my driver's license. I received an email asking me to try again due to a shortage of staff because of Covid-19, mentioning they are prioritizing emergency cases. I have been unable to log in for over a year to receive the login codes. Today, it states that I need a valid email, which my email surely is. What could be the issue?
Reported by GetHuman5519468 on venerdì 4 dicembre 2020 00:25
My account was disabled without any explanation. It happened suddenly with no specific cause. I was warned before for a comment I made in jest about gender. They categorized it as "Hate Speech," but it was not intended to be harmful. When I tried to log into Facebook today, I found out my account was deleted. Going through stage 3 breast cancer has been challenging for me, and I have contemplated deep topics like suicide philosophically. I never had any ill intentions. Losing access is upsetting because I had supportive virtual friends who meant a lot to me. I will miss them greatly. Thank you, Cheryl Chapman
Reported by GetHuman5519781 on venerdì 4 dicembre 2020 02:58
Hello, I am having trouble accessing my Facebook account. When I try to log in, I am prompted to submit additional documents for review. This account is crucial to me as it contains important business information. I kindly request support to reactivate my account. Thank you for your assistance. Account Information: Name: Devil Durjoy Mobile Number: [redacted]3 Date of Birth: 17-03-[redacted] Contact Email Address: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman5520052 on venerdì 4 dicembre 2020 05:36

Help me with my Facebook issue

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