Lyft Customer Service Issues

Archive 75

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Lyft customer service, archive #75. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported July 7, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Yesterday, on 7/6/[redacted], I requested a pick-up at Rite Aid on South Maryland Ave at 2:57 PM. I specifically selected the standard ride, not the "wait & save" service. Initially, I was informed the pick-up would be in 7 minutes, but then the time kept increasing every 2 minutes in subsequent messages until it reached 12 minutes. Frustrated, I called the driver (Erin) multiple times but had no success. Luckily, a different driver (TC) eventually picked me up around 4:20 PM after waiting in the heat for 1 hour and 20 minutes at 92 degrees. I believe the $12.07 charge should be waived due to the extended wait, but I would like to tip TC for their service. Kindly address this matter promptly and feel free to contact me for further discussion if needed.
Reported by GetHuman-showstea on मंगलवार, ७ जुलाई २०२०, शाम ६:२६ बजे
I have been receiving frequent calls from Lyft drivers even though I did not request any rides. I own my own vehicle and I am not interested in these constant calls regarding rides at my location. I have not signed up for anything and I am not on any call lists. I kindly request that you stop these calls immediately and deactivate my Lyft account permanently. My name is Mark J. and despite living in South Carolina, drivers are contacting me about rides in Savannah, such as the recent incident at [redacted] East Anderson Street. This mix-up is causing me inconvenience, so I urge you to cease these calls promptly. If this continues, I may seek legal action through a court or lawyer to resolve this issue. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman5042611 on बुधवार, ८ जुलाई २०२०, दोपहर १२:५३ बजे
I have been a Lyft driver for almost a year now. I paused driving in March because of the ongoing Coronavirus situation. When I recently tried to go back on the app, I was surprised to find that my account was deactivated. Lyft cited safety concerns from riders as the reason, even though I have never had a complaint about my driving. I believe that Lyft's accusations are unfounded. When I tried contacting the Safety division, I was put on hold twice and then abruptly disconnected both times. I find this lack of professionalism frustrating. I am exploring all avenues to address this issue, but if it persists, I may need to seek assistance from another authority.
Reported by GetHuman-k_dodson on गुरूवार, ९ जुलाई २०२०, रात २:५७ बजे
I was overcharged for my scheduled trip. I was supposed to be picked up from home, taken to the coin laundry, and then dropped back off at home. However, during the ride, the Lyft driver changed the destination to stop only at the coin laundry. I wasn't refunded for the change and had to call back immediately to be charged again for the ride back home. It was confusing and frustrating.
Reported by GetHuman-dawnboot on गुरूवार, ९ जुलाई २०२०, शाम ७:४९ बजे
I had a troubling experience with a driver recently. I had ordered a ride for myself, my husband, and our two boys on a hot day where I was feeling unwell due to heat stroke. Despite the driver having a 7-seater vehicle, he refused to take us, citing payment concerns. When I explained our situation, including feeling sick, he was unhelpful and rude, even resorting to swearing in front of my children. I offered to pay extra, but he still declined. We had to wait an additional 30 minutes for another ride. I am deeply upset by his behavior and believe that no one should be treated this way. It was a distressing encounter, and I hope this gets addressed. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-starrgue on शुक्रवार, १० जुलाई २०२०, रात १:१४ बजे
Hello, I'm Robert K. I recently received an email stating my Lyft account was deactivated due to customer complaints about my driving. This is confusing because I haven't driven for Lyft in months, and when I did, I had a perfect rating and positive feedback. I planned to resume driving once the COVID situation improved. I need to resolve this to drive again full time. Can you guide me on how to address this issue? I'd like to see the supposed negative feedback as it doesn't align with my record. I appreciate your help in reactivating my account. Best regards, Robert K.
Reported by GetHuman5050491 on शुक्रवार, १० जुलाई २०२०, दोपहर १२:१४ बजे
Today on 7/15/[redacted], I received a notification from Cash App regarding a declined transaction for a $22.52 Lyft ride at 3:15pm due to "not enough cash." I want to clarify that I did not authorize this ride. Upon reviewing my Cash App transaction history, I discovered another unauthorized ride today on 7/15/[redacted] at 11:51am for $9.46, which went through. I did not request this ride either. I have raised a dispute on Cash App and was advised to contact Lyft and file a claim. I do not anticipate a refund for the $22 ride that was declined, but I am seeking a refund for the $9 ride that I did not order. Upon examination, you will notice that these orders were not made from my phone number (redacted), but from a different phone. I suspect that they may be under a different name and possibly with a pickup address in Phoenix rather than in Avondale where I reside. I appreciate any assistance in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-londrata on गुरूवार, १६ जुलाई २०२०, रात १:१४ बजे
On July 16, [redacted], I utilized your service for a ride to my motorcycle storage facility. I store my motorcycle there for security purposes. During the ride, I inquired about the possibility of getting a return trip later that day. The driver assured me that Lyft operates 24/7, so there shouldn't be any issues. Around 8:30 p.m., I requested a ride back home through your service. Initially, I was informed my ride would arrive in 12 minutes, but then was notified of a different driver arriving in 14 minutes. Despite waiting for about an hour, no driver showed up, prompting me to walk home instead. I rely on your service to avoid the strenuous back-and-forth walks to retrieve my motorcycle, but this experience has left me uncertain. It seems I may have to continue walking until it's no longer feasible for me. I wanted to express my dissatisfaction and will make sure others are aware of my experience.
Reported by GetHuman5075153 on शुक्रवार, १७ जुलाई २०२०, दोपहर २:३३ बजे
I am trying to reach my driver from today's ride as I left my cellphone in the car between 10-11 a.m. I am unable to contact him. I am waiting for the ride receipt to arrive at my email [redacted], but it has not arrived yet. The ride was from [redacted] Tavern Rd, Alpine, CA to [redacted] H St, Chula Vista, CA. Please contact me urgently at [redacted] as I have a flight to catch tomorrow. Thank you. Account info: Avelino Jimenez Card ending in [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-avelinoj on सोमवार, २० जुलाई २०२०, रात ९:२९ बजे
I scheduled a Lyft ride for July 17 to the Greyhound bus station days prior. Despite receiving notifications about the driver being on the way, they did not arrive, and no call was received. Lyft offered a $5 discount for a future ride, which is unsatisfactory considering the inconvenience caused. I lost $48.99 on the missed ride and had to purchase a new ticket for $60. This also disrupted my schedule, causing delays and inconveniencing my pick-up in Michigan. As a first-time Lyft user, I am disappointed in their neglect and poor service. I am requesting reimbursement for the lost bus fare due to this incident.
Reported by GetHuman5087857 on मंगलवार, २१ जुलाई २०२०, शाम ६:४० बजे
I misplaced my Lyft card and would like to request replacement cards to prevent any future delays. Furthermore, I have been a loyal Lyft customer for years and have had positive experiences with your service compared to other ride-sharing companies. I once had an emergency where I used another service, but immediately switched to Lyft as soon as I arrived at my destination. I appreciate the quality of your drivers, the happiness of your customers, and the continuous software improvements you make. The only issue I encountered was when I ran out of funds and couldn't input my next destination until I reloaded my account. I appreciate the feature that adds $[redacted] when my available funds reach $15. I now keep a log of my rides and custom tips to better manage my account and avoid interruptions during rides. Thank you for your consistent improvements."
Reported by GetHuman5106014 on सोमवार, २७ जुलाई २०२०, शाम ६:३८ बजे
I am a Lyft driver in Charlotte, NC. I need assistance with a fraudulent activity on my account that led to the theft of my earnings from the week of May 3, [redacted]. Despite reporting this issue and being informed that an investigation was underway, I have not received any updates or feedback. This situation has prompted me to take additional security measures by registering with Equifax for a fraud alert. I have been patient for three months now, but the lack of communication from Lyft is concerning given the hard work and risks I have undertaken while driving for the platform. I hope to hear back soon or I may need to explore other options. Thank you. - M.F. Konneh, Charlotte, NC
Reported by GetHuman-mfkonneh on मंगलवार, २८ जुलाई २०२०, शाम ६:४३ बजे
Subject: Concerning Health Safety Report I recently received an email regarding a health safety violation accusation made by a driver. I want to clarify that I take Covid-19 precautions very seriously, especially given the laws and risks in New York. It was disheartening and embarrassing to be accused of not following safety protocols, as I always wear a mask and uphold safety measures diligently. Due to this issue, I have decided to refrain from using the app until this matter is resolved. Being falsely accused, especially in the current pandemic climate, is unacceptable. It raises concerns about potential other baseless accusations that could impact me in the future. I hope for a swift resolution to this matter so that I can continue using the service without these uncertainties lingering.
Reported by GetHuman5116961 on गुरूवार, ३० जुलाई २०२०, रात १०:३८ बजे
I am experiencing frequent issues with being rerouted to different customers mid-ride, causing confusion with the original client who then informs me I am going the wrong way. This has become a regular occurrence. Additionally, I encountered a problem where I was continuously directed from Stead Valley exit, Exit 76 to Lemmon Valley, Exit 74 in a loop, making it difficult to reach the supposed pick-up location at the off ramp of exit 74. After looping three times, I contacted the client who indicated she was at the Trademark Building but was unable to provide an exact address or locate someone nearby to ask for directions. This unusual pick-up request was challenging to resolve. I am also curious about the recent increase in pick-up location changes, sometimes experiencing up to three changes on a single ride. Lastly, I had an incident where I drove from Reno to Geiger grade heading to Virginia City for a 19-minute ride, mainly on freeway [redacted]. However, upon reaching the destination, the ride was canceled. Despite this, I did receive a fee for the trip. I would appreciate help in addressing these matters. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-bberrys on शुक्रवार, ३१ जुलाई २०२०, दोपहर ३:१७ बजे
I encountered a frightening situation with a Lyft driver recently. When the driver arrived to pick up my boyfriend and me, we had requested a ride that allowed an additional stop at my boyfriend's mother's house before our final destination. Upon realizing the driver only allowed two passengers, we explained the situation to him. As my boyfriend was approaching the car, the driver abruptly pulled out a gun and pointed it at him, causing a tense exchange. Though we reported the incident to the police and managed to note the driver's license plate, the ride was canceled before capturing more details. This experience left us shaken, and I hope Lyft will take appropriate action to address such dangerous behavior.
Reported by GetHuman-addsionj on शुक्रवार, ३१ जुलाई २०२०, शाम ७:५४ बजे
On July 30th, between 11 and 11:30, I left my phone in the driver's car. It's been 3 days, and I finally got my phone back. I reached out to customer service, but they informed me they were trying to contact a different driver named Maury who drives a Honda Civic. I am not sure about their efforts, but I haven't had any luck so far. I urgently need my phone back and have been patiently waiting for three days. I have tried emailing back and forth without any helpful responses. My contact number is [redacted], and my account phone number is [redacted]. The delivery address for my phone is [redacted] Beacon Avenue, Los Angeles, [redacted]. If you can assist, please reach out to Maury and ask him to return my phone to this address. Thank you for your time.
Reported by GetHuman5116628 on रविवार, २ अगस्त २०२०, शाम ५:०८ बजे
I stopped driving for Lyft on March 10, [redacted], with a *5.00 rating. Since then, I haven't picked up any customers or received any negative feedback about my driving safety. However, when I tried to reactivate my account, it had been deactivated. I respect Lyft's decisions but would like to know the specific reason for my account deactivation and from when it was deactivated. If there was a customer complaint, I would appreciate details on what went wrong as I believe I have not violated any safety regulations. I hope you can look into my case and review my rating. Sincerely, Berhan Ayallew
Reported by GetHuman-berhanam on मंगलवार, ४ अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर २:४६ बजे
When attempting to request a Lyft ride recently, I inputted my usual home pick-up address and destination, both familiar to Lyft. However, my pick-up address was altered to a "recommended pick-up spot," causing confusion and stress as I had to quickly contact the driver waiting at this new location to avoid a no-show charge. The same issue arose when leaving my daughter's house; her address was also changed to a nearby "recommended" spot. This was alarming, especially as it was getting dark and I prefer a smooth Lyft experience, not a search for an unknown pick-up point. Why did this happen?
Reported by GetHuman-cpowellb on शुक्रवार, ७ अगस्त २०२०, रात १२:५१ बजे
Hello, I am reaching out regarding unauthorized charges to my debit cards allegedly made by LYFT. Despite my repeated attempts to resolve this issue with LYFT, I have not received a satisfactory response. These unauthorized charges have caused significant financial strain, leading to difficulties in purchasing essential items such as my father's prescription medicines. As a senior citizen on a fixed income, this situation is particularly challenging for us. I have taken the step of closing multiple cards in an effort to stop these charges, but unfortunately, they persist. The debit card company has advised that the reimbursement must come from LYFT. I live with my elderly father, and we are the only residents in our household, further adding to the mystery of these charges. Here are the last four digits of the cards affected: - [redacted]: Active card under Robert F Krawczyk's name - [redacted]: Active card under Linda M Hart's name - [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted]: Closed due to LYFT charges I kindly request your assistance in investigating and stopping these unauthorized charges. Please feel free to contact me at the provided phone number if further information is required. Thank you, Linda M Hart and Robert F Krawczyk 5 Jackson Avenue, Lehigh Acres, FL [redacted] PhoneNumber: [redacted] Email: [redacted] and [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman5141406 on शुक्रवार, ७ अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर ४:३६ बजे
My ride was booked from Hilton Garden Inn Downtown Denver to Denver International Airport for a 4:30-4:40 am pickup. The first driver, Robert, was initially running 15 minutes late, which then extended to 20 minutes, before ultimately canceling. I was assigned a different driver who was 25 minutes away. To avoid missing my flight, I had to arrange for a cab last minute. Thanks to this quick decision, I luckily made it to the airport on time. The behavior of the drivers in this situation is completely unacceptable, especially when it involves a crucial travel arrangement like reaching the airport promptly.
Reported by GetHuman5146640 on रविवार, ९ अगस्त २०२०, शाम ५:४४ बजे

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