Uber EATS Customer Service Issues

Archive 18

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Uber EATS customer service, archive #18. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported August 11, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
A driver named "Vito" arrived in a Subaru Impreza for our order #D21FA. Despite trying to contact us, my husband's phone settings caused issues. Upon resolving this, Vito messaged to confirm our location by the pond. Despite my immediate response, he canceled the order without waiting. It was frustrating as I was outside during this exchange. Concerned that the food might not be returned to Qdoba, I hope Vito faces consequences if he failed to handle the situation appropriately. Now, my husband will need to collect the food to ensure its freshness and quality.
Reported by GetHuman-howchels on sabato 11 agosto 2018 23:14
Hello, I'm Ryan N. and have used UberEats for a long time, appreciating the service. I want to address a recent issue with a canceled order from McDonald's on 8/12/18. I was notified of the cancellation by customer service 20 minutes past the original delivery time and over half an hour after placing the order. The representative hung up hastily and did not address my dissatisfaction. I am puzzled by the delay in detecting a supposed system error and why the order couldn't proceed since the restaurant was still open. Despite not asking for items at no charge, a reorder wasn't offered. The call was unhelpful, and I'm disappointed. I'd like a resolution, or I may stop using the service.
Reported by GetHuman-tsubasa on domenica 12 agosto 2018 08:12
I placed an order through my account registered as [redacted]. My last order was 2 special thalis from Royal Dhaba. However, I was extremely disappointed with the quality of the food I received. The butter naan was burnt, and even worse, I found a piece of hair in the nutri dish. This was unacceptable as one expects good quality when ordering from a restaurant. Additionally, both packets of kheer I received had a strange smell and were not fresh. I tried to contact the restaurant regarding my complaints, but I did not receive any response after more than 4 days. I expect a prompt reply to my concerns as this is the second time I have experienced such poor service. Please provide me with the contact number for Uber Eats as well.
Reported by GetHuman981785 on domenica 12 agosto 2018 09:20
I recently placed an order for food and patiently waited for the estimated 30-40 minutes. However, upon tracking the delivery, I noticed the driver was heading in the wrong direction for about 5 minutes. When the driver finally reached my complex, he called me for the gate code. I tried to guide him to the open gate, but he abruptly hung up and canceled my order without any notice. It was frustrating to have wasted time waiting and then being unable to provide feedback on the service. Despite contacting customer service for assistance, I received no help as they just confirmed the cancellation that was caused by the driver's lack of communication and attention. This entire experience left much to be desired with unresponsive customer service and a driver who disregarded simple directions. I could have easily picked up the food myself, but I opted for delivery which turned out to be a disappointing choice. Hopefully, the driver enjoys the meal that I never received after such a frustrating experience.
Reported by GetHuman982784 on domenica 12 agosto 2018 18:03
I am really upset. I placed an order for food delivery before heading to work. The app showed it was about to be delivered at 2:57, then unexpectedly marked it as delivered at 2:48. There was no phone call, doorbell ring, or knock on the door. Another person was also home waiting for the delivery. It seems like the food was delivered to the wrong address and taken by someone else. I've had previous issues with Uber Eats deliveries where they hand over the food without identifying the recipient and quickly leave. This lack of attention is frustrating, and now I'm stressed before work and out $32 for no food. I usually don't mind paying extra for convenience, but this experience has made me question using this service in the future. I hope to get a refund as I received no delivery.
Reported by GetHuman-lisakbar on domenica 12 agosto 2018 19:23
I have noticed that UberEATS has introduced a new pricing structure for delivery fees based on distance, but I am puzzled by the significant price difference between ordering from McDonald's and Denny's. Previously, the delivery fee for McDonald's was $4.99, then decreased to $2.49, and now it has surged to $6.49 without any surge pricing in effect. The fact that a nearby Denny's, just a short distance away, has a much lower fee adds to my confusion. The disparity in fees between two restaurants in the same shopping complex, with such a slight distance variation from my location, seems unreasonable. This unexpected price increase has made me hesitant to continue using UberEATS, and unless the pricing becomes more reasonable, I may have to consider other options for food delivery.
Reported by GetHuman-cptrevel on domenica 12 agosto 2018 21:49
I have been waiting for nearly an hour for my food. The delivery driver called to say my address was not entered correctly, but I am certain it was. I would not have been able to place my order without providing my address. I spoke with the driver 10 minutes ago, and he should have arrived by now, but the app shows he has not even left the McDonald's. This situation is frustrating. The company should hire drivers who are proficient with GPS and can communicate clearly in English. It seems the driver did not understand the address despite me repeating it several times. Additionally, the inability to speak to a human representative about this issue is disappointing.
Reported by GetHuman-lexigw on lunedì 13 agosto 2018 15:55
I attempted to cancel my order quickly after realizing a mistake, within 30 seconds. Despite reaching out to ubereats immediately to rectify the situation, I was informed they couldn't make changes once cancelled. After requesting a manager and being placed on hold only to get disconnected, following up led to being advised to contact the restaurant. Speaking with Chris at the restaurant, I learned the order had not been processed or charged as it was cancelled promptly. Seeking a refund for this canceled order with the order number FA606, I hope to resolve this issue. The order was placed at 6:52 pm and the cancellation confirmation was received by 6:53 pm.
Reported by GetHuman-kjettm on lunedì 13 agosto 2018 23:32
I placed an order on Uber Eats on the evening of 8/13/18. Despite providing a clear address and having my porch light on, the Uber driver did not ring the doorbell and left without delivering the food. I missed the driver's call as my phone was on silent but would have answered the door promptly. The Uber App did not charge me for the failed delivery but threatened to do so for a no-show next time, which is unfair given the circumstances. To resolve the issue, I reordered directly from the restaurant, who promised a swift delivery by their own driver.
Reported by GetHuman-lindenbe on martedì 14 agosto 2018 02:06
I have filed a complaint on the app about my recent order from Manny and Olga’s in Bethesda, MD. I requested that the delivery be brought to my apartment door, as usual, but the driver didn't follow instructions. Despite calling and texting the driver to come back, he was rude and uncooperative. When I went down to meet him, he left without handing over my food, resulting in a cancellation and a notification of a charge for a no-show. My account reflects a charge despite the Uber Eats app indicating otherwise. I am seeking a full refund for this unacceptable service. The driver, Yuri, exhibited impatience and rudeness throughout the brief interaction. This incident, occurring late at night, left me hungry and inconvenienced. I urge Uber Eats to improve driver vetting procedures to prevent similar experiences in the future. While I value having my meal more than a refund, as I'm currently without food, a full refund is essential in this case.
Reported by GetHuman989188 on martedì 14 agosto 2018 05:02
On Monday, August 13, [redacted], my grandson made a purchase at McDonald's using his debit card. He ordered two large black coffees, but unfortunately, they were prepared with cream added, which I cannot consume due to being vegan. I have experienced this issue in the past and usually discarded the incorrect order. Today, I decided to reach out through Uber Eats to voice my complaint about McDonald's oversight. I have been unsuccessful in contacting McDonald's or their corporate office via phone. My email address is not my grandson's; his name is DeAndre Hawkins from Cambridge, MA [redacted]. When responding, I can provide the last four digits of the debit card used unless Uber Eats has this information stored. Please send your reply to: [redacted] Thank you for addressing this matter with patience and cooperation.
Reported by GetHuman991259 on martedì 14 agosto 2018 17:28
I resolved the issue that was previously posted and am satisfied with the resolution. Please delete the complaint as it contains personal information. Thank you. On Monday, August **, ****, my grandson used his debit card to order two large black coffees from McDonald's. As a vegan, I avoid dairy, so the coffee was meant to be black with sugar. Unfortunately, McDonald's added cream to both, rendering them undrinkable. I attempted to call McDonald's and corporate to address this, but got no response. I reached out via Uber Eats to voice my complaint. I hope this matter can be rectified promptly, and my grandson's debit card refunded. Please contact me at ******@***.com for further discussion. Thank you for your attention to this issue.
Reported by GetHuman991259 on martedì 14 agosto 2018 18:33
I am extremely upset with my recent Uber Eats order. The order was accepted at 3:24 pm, and it took an hour to prepare the meal. The food was picked up at 4:26 pm, but the driver seemed to be far from the restaurant. Additionally, the driver did not move from their location on the map for half an hour. Despite attempting to contact them four times, there was no response. When I finally received a callback, the person was a woman instead of the man shown in the driver's profile. They claimed they couldn't find my home, despite not moving according to the map. I have never encountered such difficulties with deliveries to my address before. It has now been two hours, and I am still without my food, experiencing the worst service. I am requesting an immediate refund.
Reported by GetHuman992315 on martedì 14 agosto 2018 20:50
I placed an order on Uber Eats from McDonald's, but unfortunately, I did not receive all the items I had requested. Despite filing a complaint through the app to resolve this issue, a customer service representative informed me that I had too many prior refunds or adjustments on my account and could not issue me a refund this time. As a loyal customer of Uber Eats since its beginning, I must express my disappointment with this treatment. My complaints are always related to missing items that I have paid for, meaning the service I paid for was not provided as agreed upon. I cannot accept financial responsibility for items I did not receive, and I will not allow my payment to be retained without resolution. If this matter is not addressed promptly, I will be forced to dispute the charge with my bank to ensure my payment is refunded.
Reported by GetHuman992460 on martedì 14 agosto 2018 21:25
Upon arriving home, I attempted to contact Doug regarding his missing delivery. Unfortunately, my phone unexpectedly shut down during the delivery process, leaving me unable to refer back to the chat for directions or his address. Despite multiple efforts to revive my phone, I found myself lost in Hastings-on-the-Hudson, a town I am unfamiliar with, especially at night being from New Jersey. The Uno's Pizzeria where I picked up the order had already closed by 11 pm. I tried charging my phone several times for brief intervals, but it remained unresponsive. Regrettably, I was unable to update Doug on the situation and express my apologies. I still have his order in the hot bag and am willing to redeliver it if provided with the correct address. It was an unfortunate turn of events, and I am eager to make amends for the inconvenience caused.
Reported by GetHuman-rudanjr on mercoledì 15 agosto 2018 03:42
As a delivery-partner, I encountered an issue with my phone's battery dying during a delivery to a customer named Doug in Hastings-on-the-Hudson. Despite my attempts to recall directions through the app's chat feature, I ended up going in circles and couldn't reach the customer. I'm from New Jersey and not familiar with the area, especially at night. The address I was given was for Uno's Pizzeria, and unfortunately, the restaurant closed before I could update them on the situation. I tried charging my phone multiple times to no avail and now have no way to contact Doug. I'm eager to inform UberEATS about the incident and offer my apologies. The food is still in the hot bag, so with the correct address, I can make sure it gets delivered. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Reported by GetHuman-rudanjr on mercoledì 15 agosto 2018 03:45
Today, my experience with Uber Eats was terrible. It took over 40 minutes from the time my food left the restaurant until it reached me. I texted the driver after 20 minutes, and he assured me he was close. When the food finally arrived, the driver called and said he was in the parking lot, asking me to come get it. This was unacceptable as I live in an apartment with a toddler. I had to quickly get my child and shoes to retrieve the food. The driver then complained about my address. When I got back inside, the food was cold. I am not willing to pay for this subpar service. I am a loyal customer, but this experience may make me reconsider. I need a refund and ensure no charges for this order. I tried to rate the driver, but the order status shows as "unable to be delivered, canceled," leaving me unsure of what to do. Thank you, Ashley.
Reported by GetHuman-arippie on mercoledì 15 agosto 2018 17:32
Issue Reference: [redacted]64 I have spoken to 5 people at UberEats customer service today, but unfortunately, my problem remains unresolved. The last manager I spoke with refused to connect me with anyone higher. I recently received cold and inedible food due to a driver delay. The offered partial refund was unsatisfactory to me. The manager was unhelpful, interrupting me and declining to address my complaint properly. I feel disheartened by the lack of care shown by your company. I want to file a complaint about the manager, Gadelyn, for her treatment towards me. I am deeply disappointed by the entire experience. Could a more senior representative please contact me urgently at [redacted]?
Reported by GetHuman-kirstyir on mercoledì 15 agosto 2018 18:21
I attempted to contact UberEats customer service for an hour but was unsuccessful. I had a disappointing experience today with a delivery from the Omar Khayyam restaurant. The delivery driver stayed in the car and handed me the order through the car window without getting out. When I questioned this, she rudely insisted that I should come to her. Shocked by her behavior, I planned to leave a review, but she cancelled my order, making it disappear from my app. I paid $14.95 for this order at 1:48 pm. My name is Amina Dotdaeva.
Reported by GetHuman996150 on mercoledì 15 agosto 2018 19:28
I conducted deliveries for Uber Eats on August 13th, 14th, and 15th. I reviewed my ratings and found reports stating that I did not deliver to the door, was late with deliveries, and lacked professionalism. These claims are inaccurate. My performance rating dropped from [redacted]% to 92%, which is frustrating as I always follow instructions diligently and provide professional service, both with Uber and at my full-time job at a bank. It is disappointing that these false reports are affecting my reputation. I would appreciate assistance in resolving these issues as they do not reflect my true work ethic and dedication to customer service.
Reported by GetHuman-braneish on giovedì 16 agosto 2018 13:37

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