Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1662

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1662. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 4, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Dear Community Members, I am facing several issues with unauthorized access to my account. Despite successfully changing my password previously, last night, someone removed my phone number, changed my email address, and now I am unable to recover my account. Even after linking my Gmail account, the hacker's email also gets the recovery codes. Unfortunately, when I enter the recovery code, it shows an error message. I have submitted my ID, and I can access my attached Gmail account. I was in the process of setting up two-factor authentication when I was logged out. I have exhausted all help site options without success. Your assistance in regaining access to my account would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7505277 on Saturday, June 4, 2022 3:36 AM
Dear community, I am experiencing a concerning situation with my Facebook account that has been compromised by hackers. They have uploaded files that violate Facebook's standards, leading to my account being temporarily deactivated. Despite not having accessed my account for nearly two weeks, I am unable to request a review as the option is not available to me. The only action I can take when encountering messages from Facebook is to log out. If the account remains deactivated for another 28 days, it will be permanently disabled as per Facebook's policy. I have never posted content that violates guidelines and kindly request a review to rectify this matter. Furthermore, I intend to change the password associated with my account to prevent future unauthorized access. Additionally, the hacker has also disrupted my activity on the PUBG MOBILE app, adding another layer of complexity to this issue. Any guidance or support in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-nkouager on Saturday, June 4, 2022 6:55 AM
Good morning, I am Deaconescu Sergiu, the administrator of the Dexi Mobila Facebook Page. My page was mistakenly disabled on May 23, [redacted]. I have been consistently posting furniture pictures for 8 years without any issues. Although I suspect a competitor may have reported me, I am a legitimate user who also pays for ads and has a following of 43,[redacted] people. I am losing money daily without a valid reason for the page's deactivation. I am seeking a prompt solution to reactivate my page and clarity on why it was disabled to avoid any future violations. I have tried all the options in the help center without success. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Deaconescu Sergiu - Dexi Mobila Romania
Reported by GetHuman-dexi_mob on Saturday, June 4, 2022 10:19 AM
My account has been compromised, and despite following the steps provided on the Facebook hacked link to recover it, I have been unsuccessful. Each time I verify my identity using my ID and receive instructions via email, the hacker changes the primary email address once again. Even after repeating this process multiple times, I now receive a message indicating that I've attempted to enter the verification code too many times. This prevents me from progressing further. It seems too easy for the hacker to change the email back immediately after I've restored it, without any waiting period or additional security measures in place. I've been locked out of my account for over two hours due to these failed recovery attempts. The current Help Center procedures are not effective as I can't even access my account to receive the help they offer.
Reported by GetHuman-d_buck on Saturday, June 4, 2022 1:45 PM
Someone has gained unauthorized access to my Facebook account and altered the two-factor authentication and associated phone number. While I can reset my password, I am unable to receive the necessary verification codes through SMS or a code generator, as I am locked out. I am eager to reclaim my long-standing Facebook account and avoid creating a new one. I simply wish to regain access to my original account after facing this issue for approximately two weeks. It would be immensely helpful if Facebook could disable the two-factor authentication on my account.
Reported by GetHuman-jamiedfr on Sunday, June 5, 2022 8:43 AM
GetHuman provides a free service to assist customers in dealing with customer service issues and is not affiliated with Facebook. Providing the necessary information serves three purposes. Firstly, it enables GetHuman to search its database for a specific guide to help resolve your problem without having to contact Facebook directly. Secondly, it creates a public page of your issue to share with Facebook and other customers for assistance. Lastly, it allows GetHuman to follow up with you to ensure your concern has been addressed and offer further suggestions if needed. You can use the links emailed to you to edit, delete, or unsubscribe from communications regarding your public page.
Reported by GetHuman7508230 on Sunday, June 5, 2022 10:05 AM
I am having trouble accessing my Facebook account. My brother alerted me to a profile using my name but with someone else's picture. It has been a month since I got locked out. I mainly use it to stay in touch with family and friends. The email linked to the account is from an old job that closed over a year ago. I tried creating a new account with my current email, but it did not work. I am older and finding it frustrating to navigate through the steps required to regain access. The old email address I used was [redacted] I really need to get back into my account.
Reported by GetHuman7509038 on Sunday, June 5, 2022 6:21 PM
Hello, I hosted my first live paid Facebook event today with my boxing club from Scotland. Unfortunately, when I tried to view it, most of the videos were missing. Among the missing footage is my son's first fight, which is very important to us. We only have 3 videos left. During the event, we had a live DJ playing music in the background, but we had no intentions of violating any copyrights. I suspect this might be the reason the videos were removed. I am not concerned about the sound in the videos, I just really need to retrieve them. Since it was a live event, I have no way of recovering them myself. I am willing to go through any possible means to have these videos restored. I plan to host more Facebook paid events, so this issue needs to be addressed before I proceed. Thank you, Andy B.
Reported by GetHuman7509797 on Monday, June 6, 2022 3:04 AM
Dear Facebook Team, I am seeking assistance to unlock my Facebook account. I mistakenly set up my memorialized trusted contact and may have misunderstood other settings. Consequently, my account was logged out automatically, possibly due to an error where I unintentionally marked myself as deceased. The email associated with my locked account is [redacted] Despite multiple attempts to recover my account using various methods, each time I try to log in after changing my password, I am faced with a message stating that my account is locked. One issue that might have contributed to this is that I customized my name by removing my last name on my profile, thinking it was common practice after viewing other profiles without last names displayed. The urgency stems from the essential information stored in my account, such as daily work requirements, reports, client details, images, and IDs that I communicate with my Cluster Coordinator. Not being able to access this data on Facebook has a significant impact on my job. I earnestly request your help in unlocking my account. Warm regards, Aldrin Maldo V.
Reported by GetHuman7509833 on Monday, June 6, 2022 3:42 AM
Hello everyone, I have been using my Facebook account for about 8 years without any issues. On May 30th at 3:21 AM, I logged in via Mobile Safari on iOS 12 from my usual IP address. Since then, I have been unable to log in from my computer. Although I can change my password and receive verification codes via email, I am unable to regain access due to the enabled Two-Factor Authentication, which I can't disable without logging in. Despite following the instructions to confirm my identity through friends and even submitting my photo ID, I am still locked out. Despite providing accurate details and attempting various recovery methods, I am still unable to access my account. I am seeking advice on how to remove the Two-Factor Authentication without being able to log in or any other possible solutions to regain access to my account. Thank you, Tanya
Reported by GetHuman-taniaser on Monday, June 6, 2022 4:03 AM
My Facebook account is not accessible. This account is crucial to me, but unfortunately, I am unable to log in. Please assist me in resolving this issue. Thank you. My Facebook account was hacked, and I urgently need help to regain access to it. I'm facing difficulties with my Facebook account, and it has been deactivated. I would appreciate any help in restoring it. Thank you. My friend's account has been hacked, and despite our efforts to resolve it, the situation remains unresolved. My Facebook account has been locked. Kindly assist me in unlocking it at your earliest convenience. My Facebook account has been restricted since Sunday. I kindly request for the account restriction to be removed. Hello Facebook Team, a friend's login has been locked and we are seeking assistance in unlocking it. Your help is appreciated. There are two mobile numbers linked to my Facebook ID, but the password reset process is causing issues. My account was hacked without my authorization. Hello dear Facebook Team, my Creator account with two-factor authentication has been compromised. I require your assistance in resolving this matter. Hello, I am Wissal Salhi. I am experiencing issues activating two-factor authentication for my account lately. Your prompt help would be appreciated. My Facebook account is currently locked, and I am unable to proceed without login approval. Please assist in resetting my password as I cannot access my account. My Facebook page is unresponsive, making it impossible to access features like the marketplace. Looking for recent reasons for reaching out. Kindly assist me with my issue.
Reported by GetHuman7510017 on Monday, June 6, 2022 6:13 AM
Hello, I am dealing with a situation where my Facebook account has been hacked. I've tried everything to recover it with no success, including visiting the links provided by Facebook for hacked accounts. Unfortunately, the hacker changed my password, so I can't access my account through the usual methods like my email address [redacted] or phone number [redacted]. I've reached out to Meta via messages and emails, even attempted calling them in the USA from France, but nothing has worked. I need to speak to a human from Facebook support to regain access by updating my security details with my phone number or email for a new password. I fear the hacker may be misusing my account or accessing my personal information and photos. I have already taken steps to protect my contacts. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-hadjcla on Monday, June 6, 2022 10:42 AM
Hello, my name is James Sheridan. I recently replaced my phone as my previous one got damaged, and I'm having trouble with Google Authenticator not providing me with a code for the two-step verification process on Facebook. Without this code, I can't log in to retrieve a QR code. I've submitted my ID twice - a New York state driver's license and a federal passport, which is in front of you - but Facebook support keeps sending me a generic message saying both are not accepted. I am the owner of 5 Points Wines and Spirits and serve as an administrator on a union website, which I currently can't access. I'm unsure what else I can provide to prove my identity. Please assist me promptly as I need to resume managing my business and overseeing our union's website for USW Local 135L. Thank you, James Sheridan Business Owner 5 Points Wines and Spirits
Reported by GetHuman7510473 on Monday, June 6, 2022 11:50 AM
Dear Sir, My account under the name of Arsalan Shahzada has been disabled by the community. I am certain that I have not violated any of your rules and regulations. I deeply respect you and your community guidelines, and I believe there may have been a mistake. I kindly request you to review my account promptly and reactivate my Facebook account. I rely on it for various social media platforms like PUBG Mobile, Instagram, and various apps downloaded from the Play Store. I have always followed your rules diligently, but my account was still disabled. Please, sir, reconsider my account swiftly and make necessary improvements to your reporting system. Thank you for your assistance. Account Name: Arsalan Shahzada Date Of Birth: 28-12-[redacted] Linked Phone Number: [redacted] Facebook Account Link: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman7513210 on Monday, June 6, 2022 11:20 PM
Hello, I would like to address that my account under the name of Ranjeet Yaduvanshi has been disabled by the community. I firmly believe that I have not violated any rules or regulations set forth by the platform. I value and adhere to the community guidelines. I kindly urge you, sir, to reconsider the disablement of my account. It is essential for me to have access to my Facebook account promptly as it is linked to various other social media platforms like PUBG Mobile and Instagram, along with several apps downloaded from the Play Store. Despite my efforts to comply with the rules, my account was still disabled. Please, sir, review my account promptly and consider updating the reporting system. Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Reported by GetHuman7513681 on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 3:32 AM
Hi Sidhu, I wanted to inform you that your Facebook account has been suspended due to not following the Community Standards on account integrity and authenticity. You have a 30-day window to dispute this decision in case you believe it was made in error. If you do not take action within this period, your account will be permanently disabled. If you wish to understand more about the reasons behind account suspensions, please visit the Community Standards page. Best regards, Sidhu Moose Wala
Reported by GetHuman-shaihcna on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 10:58 AM
Dear Community, I am experiencing difficulty accessing my Facebook account under the name Shaun T. Beckner. I have been able to reset my password; however, I am unable to verify my identity as the only option provided is to send a recovery email to an old Gmail account, [redacted], that has been closed due to inactivity. I recently completed a 2 1/2-year incarceration, and upon release on May 5, [redacted], I relocated to Michigan from Nevada where I previously used Facebook. I no longer have access to the old devices or location, but I do have the same phone number, [redacted]. Despite following the recovery process and entering the code sent to my phone number, the platform still prompts me to verify my identity with the defunct email address. I have exhausted all options and would appreciate any assistance in regaining access to my account. Your prompt help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Shaun Beckner
Reported by GetHuman-rov_shau on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 1:01 PM
My account was recently suspended and I'm unsure why. I've abided by community guidelines since creating my profile in [redacted]. Despite submitting a review request with my ID and an explanation, I received no response. Now, after 30 days, my profile is disabled with no option to appeal. I seek an exception or an explanation of the broken guidelines. The lack of communication is frustrating. On April 20, I got an email about a login attempt from an unknown phone. When I tried logging in, my account was suspended. During this time, unauthorized charges were made for Facebook Ads. PayPal resolved this, but Meta/Facebook support was unresponsive. My account links to [redacted] and I can be reached at [redacted]. I provided a photo copy of my ID. I'm certain I didn't violate community standards. If I erred, I'm willing to address it. Losing 17 years of memories and connections without an explanation is troubling.
Reported by GetHuman7514829 on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 2:31 PM
My Facebook account was hacked in March [redacted], and the hackers have changed my name and contact info while still using my account, which my family and friends can see. Despite contacting Facebook and providing screenshots, they have twice returned my account to the hacker. I am determined to reclaim my account to retrieve my father's pictures. After having the account for over a decade, Facebook's inadequate security measures are not acceptable. I may seek legal assistance as Facebook is allowing someone to impersonate me. My account is under the name Kate H., and the email is [redacted] The phone number [redacted] has also been changed. I have submitted my ID four times but still haven't received proper assistance. I urge Facebook to improve their team's performance to resolve this ongoing issue with a hacker based in Florida, not in New Jersey, where my account originated over ten years ago.
Reported by GetHuman7514887 on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 2:49 PM
Sumon, on June 6, [redacted], you expressed disagreement with the decision made regarding your Facebook account access. Typically, our review process takes slightly over a day. Currently, your account is not visible to others on Facebook, and you are unable to utilize it. Please be informed that, due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are fewer staff members available for reviewing information, which might cause delays or prevent the review of your account. If your account is found to comply with our Community Standards, you will regain access to Facebook. However, if it is determined that your account does not meet these standards, it will be permanently disabled, and further appeals will not be possible.
Reported by GetHuman-sumonnag on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 6:16 PM

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