Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1663

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1663. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 7, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I'm Rosaria Carollo from Palermo, and I want to report that my Italian Facebook account "ros aria," linked to the email "[redacted]" and the phone number "[redacted]," was stolen on 7/6/[redacted] around 9 am. I am unable to access the profile anymore as the hacker who took my credentials immediately changed them, locking me out. I have created a new FB profile using my email "[redacted]" in an attempt to block the old account, but it was unsuccessful. I am puzzled why I can't recover my mobile credentials via SMS, only through email (which the hacker altered). My FB friends have reported the issue multiple times to at least have the "Ros Aria" profile closed, as I have lost hope of regaining access. Sincerely,
Reported by GetHuman7516376 on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 9:11 PM
Hello, I encountered an issue when trying to log into my Facebook account. A message informed me that my password had been changed. I followed the steps to recover my password, including submitting a photo of my ID as requested. After successfully changing the password, I received a notification that my account may be deactivated soon. This is concerning as payments for promotions I manage are being made from my account without my control. I am responsible for multiple client accounts that are being impacted by this situation. My Facebook account is registered under the name Jorge Luis Alzate Lopez. Facebook mentioned they would verify my age, I am 34 years old, and I ensure my content complies with their guidelines. The current situation is causing financial harm, and I am unsure of the next steps to recover my account.
Reported by GetHuman-jorgalza on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 10:03 PM
On Saturday, June 4, my Facebook account was hacked. Despite having my email and phone number linked to the account, I am unable to access it. I responded to four emails from [redacted] on June 6. After trying all options on Facebook.com to recover my account, I was informed it was disabled for violating community standards. I requested an appeal, but was told the decision is final. I believe the hacker posted the objectionable content, not me. Many users have shared similar issues with hacked and disabled accounts. I urge for assistance to reinstate my account, especially to retrieve precious memories of my adopted daughters and family. My account email was [redacted] and contact number [redacted]. I am willing to provide references to confirm my usual online behavior. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman7516839 on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 12:07 AM
I fell victim to a scam where a hacker convinced me I had won a Facebook contest. They've tampered with all my personal details, replacing my email with one from the UK, which isn't mine. Despite submitting my ID to verify my identity, they intercept the emails and keep accessing my account and Messenger. They are reaching out to my friends using the same messages. I'm struggling with the code generator and each time I try to recover my account, Facebook claims I'm not Lisa Sauro. Please assist me in defeating these hackers and preventing them from using my account to message others. Thank you, Lisa Sauro. I’m adding an alternate email for communication.
Reported by GetHuman-lisasaur on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 4:27 AM
Dear Sir, I am writing to express my concern regarding the recent decision made by Facebook to disable my account with the name KuLdEEp DaNu. I believe there may have been a misunderstanding as I have always followed the rules and guidelines set by your community. I kindly request you to review my account and reinstate it as soon as possible. My account is connected to various other platforms such as Instagram and Free Fire, which are important to me. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and kindly ask for a quick resolution. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, K.D. Date of Birth: 18/10/[redacted]
Reported by GetHuman7517543 on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 8:27 AM
I am unable to access my Facebook account under the profile name David Iheanyichukwu Joel. This issue arose after my phone was stolen last month during a church service in Nigeria, but I thankfully managed to recover it the same day. Unfortunately, the thief had already accessed and wiped all the data, apps, and passwords from my phone. Despite successfully resetting my password, I am still unable to log into my Facebook account. I have followed the necessary steps to verify my identity, including sending a copy of my passport, but I am still locked out of my account. This situation is particularly distressing as I recently lost my sister and am unable to post a tribute or view updates about her funeral. Your assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-kiasdavi on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 11:50 AM
I received a notification on May 30, [redacted], regarding my Facebook account, and it's currently disabled for review. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be delays in the reactivation process. Once reviewed, if my account complies with Community Standards, I can use it again. If not, it will be permanently disabled, and I won't be able to dispute it. I need to log out of Ashu Sharma's account first.
Reported by GetHuman7517313 on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 3:10 PM
I encountered an issue logging into my Facebook account recently. An error message indicated that my account could not be found with the login details provided. When attempting the password reset through my mobile number, it was not recognized. I discovered that my primary email had been changed to an unfamiliar one, and a different email was associated with the account. Facebook is now requiring a code from the unfamiliar email, causing difficulty in regaining access to my account. I am unsure how to proceed and would appreciate assistance in recovering my Facebook account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-ijeomasa on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 6:40 PM
Hello Facebook Support Team, I appreciate you reviewing my account activity. Unfortunately, my ad account and Instagram account were unexpectedly blocked recently. Reactivating my Facebook advertising account is crucial for me as it directly impacts my business. Advertising on Facebook and Instagram is essential for my work. I have carefully reviewed Facebook's ad policies, and it seems my accounts were mistakenly banned due to misunderstanding of my ad and Instagram content by the algorithms. I apologize for any inconvenience. Kindly guide me on the steps needed to restore my accounts. I assure you that I will adhere to Facebook's advertising policies and guidelines moving forward. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-ritablac on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 9:01 PM
Hello, I need assistance with the ongoing issues I am facing with Facebook regarding my website, srbijajavlja.rs. Despite resolving past problems, my current challenge is unique in Serbia - all my pages are in red, and the official one remains unpublished after a review. I have been unfairly associated with certain content, despite maintaining objectivity and avoiding sensitive topics. This situation is impacting our revenue as most of our traffic comes from Facebook. I feel unfairly targeted, and it is affecting our independence and livelihood. I would appreciate any guidance or support you can offer in resolving this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7520305 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 1:06 AM
My wife accidentally used my SSN when setting up her Facebook page years ago. Recently, after selling $[redacted] on Marketplace, our account was suspended due to SSN conflict. Despite adding the SSN for tax purposes, there seems to be an issue with my wife's name and my SSN. Customer support couldn't assist but mentioned the next level tech would solve it. However, the follow-up email requested my wife's SSN again. To resolve the problem, we need to switch my SSN to my wife's. We're struggling as the buy now button is inactive, and our business is at a standstill. Any guidance on how to make this change is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman7520537 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 3:34 AM
Dear Sir or Madam, Today, I tried to log into Facebook and realized that I no longer have access to my account. When trying to reset the password, I'm not receiving any emails, and the registered phone number now begins with +88, which is not my country code. It seems like I may have been hacked, as the hackers seem to have changed the account details. I kindly request this to be reversed, and I can provide any necessary proof that the account belongs to me. Best regards, Nico Kraft
Reported by GetHuman-kraftnic on Thursday, June 9, 2022 3:39 AM
Hello Malik, I noticed that you have expressed disagreement with the decision made about your Facebook account. Typically, our review process takes slightly more than a day to assess the information provided. Currently, your account is not accessible to others on Facebook. Next, we will conduct a secondary review of your account. If we determine that your account complies with our Community Standards, you will regain access to Facebook. However, if we find that your account violates these standards, it will be permanently disabled, and further disagreement will not be possible. Thank you for your understanding during this process.
Reported by GetHuman7520553 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 3:44 AM
My Instagram account was accessed by someone and there have been unauthorized activities. I'm unable to figure out who took over my account and disabled it. Please help me recover my Facebook account. I cannot recall which email was associated with it, but I have my phone number [redacted] and I used the password sadiq123456 for Facebook. The username I used for the disabled account was Mohd sadiq Ali. I've tried several times to recover it, but it keeps saying "you are not Mohd sadiq." Please send the OTP to my number [redacted]. If an email is needed, please use my personal email [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman7520742 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 5:55 AM
My Facebook account has been locked due to unusual activity, and no unlocking options are available to me. I am eager to regain access to my account. Below are the details you may need to assist me: Facebook Name: Harishankar Sharma Email Address: [redacted] Mobile No.: [redacted]5 Date of Birth: 01/11/[redacted] This account is crucial to me, so I kindly ask for any alternative methods to unlock it. Thank you, Facebook Team.
Reported by GetHuman7520796 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 6:44 AM
My Facebook account has been locked due to unusual activity and I am unable to find any options to unlock it. Please provide assistance on how I can regain access. Details: Facebook Name: Harishankar Sharma Email: [redacted] Mobile No: [redacted] DOB: 01/11/[redacted] This account is crucial to me, so I am requesting alternative methods to unlock it. Thank you, Facebook Team.
Reported by GetHuman7520796 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 6:48 AM
Hello, I have been using my Facebook account under the name Simone Matthieu for over a decade now. This week, I decided to create a separate account for my dog. When filling out the information section, I accidentally stated my dog's age as three years old. Following this, both my personal account and my dog's account were abruptly closed by Facebook. I was requested to provide an official ID, which I promptly submitted. However, my accounts remain inaccessible. I am seeking guidance on how to resolve this issue. Your assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Simone
Reported by GetHuman7520803 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 6:50 AM
Hello, I am experiencing issues logging in as I am unable to access my account with the provided login details. Despite several attempts to reset my password, I have been unsuccessful. Even though I have copied the code sent by Facebook and pasted it into the "Code" field, it keeps showing me that the code is invalid, even though it's the same code from the email Facebook sent. Other recovery methods like using friends or a link have not been successful. I have attached a photo of my ID for verification purposes. My login email is [redacted], and my name is Christophe Vostal. Could you please send a recovery link to my registered email address without requiring a code input? Or could you provide me with a new valid code? Additionally, my account includes a business page called "Bliestal-Markt." Thank you in advance. Best regards, Christophe Vostal
Reported by GetHuman7520950 on Thursday, June 9, 2022 8:53 AM
Hello, I posted something on my account and shortly after, it got restricted. I requested a review since my post did not violate Facebook standards. Facebook reviewed it and confirmed it was fine. However, my account is still showing as restricted when I try to post again. Could you please investigate and resolve this issue for me? My account email is: [redacted] Username: Umiomson trustt Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-umiomson on Thursday, June 9, 2022 10:34 AM
On May 31, [redacted], I attempted to help a friend regain access to their Facebook account. Despite feeling uneasy about the situation, my friend video called me, but the call quality was poor and brief. While occupied with work and dealing with customers, the scammers insisted on obtaining my phone number and a verification code. Believing I was assisting a trusted individual, they have since been contacting my friends, requesting money or attempting to gain access to their accounts. Unfortunately, they connected my Cash App card to my Messenger account and tried to make unauthorized charges. Though I don't keep much money on my Cash App, they managed to take $9.48. Thankfully, Cash App is assisting me in recovering the funds. Losing access to my account means losing precious photos and memories, especially of my son and his late father. It's disheartening that my attempts to recover these memories from my other Facebook account were thwarted by the scammers, who promptly blocked it.
Reported by GetHuman-madsmexy on Thursday, June 9, 2022 12:05 PM

Help me with my Facebook issue

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