Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1664

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1664. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 9, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I have been using my official Facebook account for 8 years and I am familiar with Facebook's community standards. I ensure that I do not post any illegal or sexual content on my account. However, my account has been temporarily suspended. I kindly request for assistance in resolving this matter promptly. Thank you, Shivam D. P. Email: [redacted] Phone: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman7521411 on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 13:06
A friend of mine posted a contest on Facebook yesterday. She requested a photo of my driver's license to be sent through Facebook. After she asked me to change my password multiple times to send me money, I realized someone had accessed my Facebook account without permission. Unable to log in as the intruder was receiving login codes, I had to delete my Facebook account and Messenger. Now, I am trying to recover my old profile on Facebook.
Reported by GetHuman7521651 on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 14:22
My Facebook account has been suspended because it violates the Community Standards. I suspect it was hacked. When I try to contest this, I am redirected to a page that requires identity verification via text. Despite receiving the code on my correct phone number, I keep getting an error message saying the SMS could not be sent. I am unable to enter the code anywhere. Time is limited, and I risk losing access to my account permanently. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-jmvtc on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 14:52
I am experiencing difficulty submitting my ID due to a circling sign. The 2-step verification code is received in my email without any issues. After clearing my browsing history, I encountered this problem. I have attempted multiple times to proceed with the process, but I do not use a cell phone and have no intention of getting one. It would be appreciated if you could address this issue with Facebook. It should not be necessary to own a phone to have an account with your company. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7521750 on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 14:53
Hello GetHuman, my Facebook account has been locked because of unusual activity and it's asking me to confirm my identity. However, I am not receiving any code option to unlock my account. It's crucial for me to access this account, so please assist me with a code option promptly. Account holder name: Adil Rather Password: Socialnet Phone number: [redacted] Date of birth: 21/08/[redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-ratherad on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 15:46
In March, my Facebook account was hacked after playing a game. The hacker has been using my profile picture and my daughter's picture. They even have a video of me claiming I haven't been hacked, which I never made, along with my ID picture. Despite my friends reporting the account, Facebook insists it's me. I need assistance in getting this fraudulent profile removed before the situation escalates further.
Reported by GetHuman7522536 on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 18:25
Hello, My official Facebook account was linked to my Instagram, but it was disabled without any explanation. I have followed all the community rules, never posting illegal or inappropriate content. I used my nickname on the account, and my date of birth matches the one on file. I have already submitted a request to Facebook to restore my account. Thank you for your assistance, Mohammed Sofiyan Khan Email: [redacted] Mobile: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman7522596 on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 18:42
My official Facebook account was connected to my Instagram account. However, my Facebook account was disabled without any explanation. I have already submitted a request to the Facebook team. I adhere to Facebook's community guidelines and do not share any inappropriate content. My nickname and date of birth match the details on my official Facebook account. I kindly request assistance in recovering my official Facebook account. Thank you, Facebook Team. Email: [redacted] Full name: Mohammed Sofiyan Khan. Mobile number: [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman7522596 on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 18:47
My Facebook account has my current email and phone number correctly listed. I made sure everything was up to date. Unfortunately, I forgot my password, and my passwords were deleted from my Google account. Verizon has confirmed that my phone has been cloned and hacked, with two unknown devices logging into my account. I had to reset my phone, and after doing so, I found out that the email and phone number for receiving reset password information or codes have been changed to ones I can't access. It's clear that I didn't make these changes. Can you assist me in recovering access to my Facebook account and Facebook Messenger? These platforms are crucial for my business and communication needs. Additionally, I'm unable to access Instagram as well. Thank you in advance for your support.
Reported by GetHuman7523214 on Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022 21:48
I am seeking help as I have been repeatedly hacked by a stalker across multiple devices for the past 3-5 years. As a mother of two children who lost their father in [redacted], I urgently need assistance to recover my original Facebook account. This account holds precious memories of my children's baby photos and family moments, as well as connections to cherished friends and relatives. Restoring access to these memories is crucial for my emotional healing. Dealing with stalking and hacking has deeply impacted me as a widowed mother, and it is essential for my peace of mind and well-being to reclaim a sense of security and normalcy. I hope that by regaining control of my account, I can once again feel like myself and provide my children with their invaluable memories that have been taken from us.
Reported by GetHuman-cyrirela on Freitag, 10. Juni 2022 08:32
I have been trying to separate a Facebook page (Arcus formally Darlington Arq) that I manage from my personal account (Sarah Harker/[redacted]) for the past two years without success. The page contains sensitive information as it is a counseling service, and it is still linked to my account, which violates GDPR laws. Facebook claims I have to unlink it, but I am unable to do so. If I am unable to resolve this issue, I may have to create a new account, which I want to avoid due to past hacking incidents. I am seeking guidance on how to disconnect the page from my account or have Facebook assist in removing the link. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, M. H.
Reported by GetHuman7525648 on Freitag, 10. Juni 2022 17:26
I want to raise awareness about individuals selling Slovakia multivitamins at excessively high prices of [redacted] Euros, and then promoting illegal entry into the United States from Mexico through their travel agency. This scam, run by Ana Khoshtaria, involves deceiving people both financially and emotionally. The Facebook groups "Georgians in Poland" and "Georgian Migrants in America," led by these fraudsters, are involved in this scheme. It is crucial to stop these groups from using Facebook to facilitate their criminal activities. There are incriminating posts and comments in these groups supporting their illegal actions. I am willing to provide further evidence if needed. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-aabziani on Freitag, 10. Juni 2022 19:57
Hello, my official Facebook account was disabled. I didn't post anything against the Facebook community guidelines. I have followed all the guidelines and used the help links, but my account remains disabled. My name and birthdate match my ID cards, and I have not posted any inappropriate content. I had personal information, pictures, videos, and more stored in my account. I kindly request the Facebook team to review my account and reinstate it. I have emailed the team with my real ID card for verification. Thank you for your assistance. Country: Sri Lanka Full Name: Amandi Eshani Perera Date of Birth: [redacted]/09/25
Reported by GetHuman7526223 on Freitag, 10. Juni 2022 20:18
On June 9, [redacted], I received an email notification that my email address was changed on Facebook. Shortly after, my password was also changed, and my old email was removed. Despite my efforts to secure my account, I have been unsuccessful. The system indicates that I am entering an old password, and when I attempt to reset it, I am redirected to the new email linked to my account, which I no longer have access to. Fortunately, I can still see my name and photo on the device I am currently using because I have previously logged in to Facebook. Unfortunately, I did not have a phone number associated with my account, something I now regret. This Facebook account is personal to me and has been in use for several years. I am reaching out in the hope that this email will assist me in regaining access to my account, as I would be devastated to lose it due to unauthorized access.
Reported by GetHuman-heinekse on Freitag, 10. Juni 2022 21:47
Hello, I am desperate and reaching out to you for help. My Facebook account was hacked, and even though I managed to regain control, I now need to verify my identity. However, no matter where or how I try to upload my ID, I am unable to do so. When I attempt it on the phone, I reach a point where I have to confirm my email address is secure, but clicking "Continue" does nothing. When trying on my computer, I keep getting a message saying this service is not available to me and to take a new picture of my ID. The person who took control of my Facebook account changed the name from Manuel Spinnler to Anna Spinnler. I have been trying for 36 hours now to verify my account. I am attaching a picture of my ID for you. My email address is [redacted], which was also registered on Facebook until the hacker deleted it. I am also providing my phone number, [redacted]3, which was also removed by the hacker. I have tried everything and cannot proceed, so as a last resort, I am writing this email to ask for help. Thank you in advance, and I hope for a prompt response. Best regards, Manuel Spinnler
Reported by GetHuman-manuelsp on Samstag, 11. Juni 2022 00:53
Hello, I am Brighton Muyatwa from Zambia, Africa, and I use Facebook. My username on Facebook is Brighton Mwiya Muyatwa, and my registered email address is [redacted] Last week on the 4th, my account was hacked. The hackers changed both the email address and phone number associated with my account. The email address showing on my account is q******c@g**.la, not mine. As a result, I cannot access my account as the password reset emails are going to the wrong address. Additionally, my friends have been contacted by the hackers. I am seeking assistance to recover my account. My correct email address is [redacted], and my phone number is +[redacted]37.
Reported by GetHuman-muyatwab on Samstag, 11. Juni 2022 08:49
I have activated 2-factor authentication on my Facebook account using the Google Authenticator app for added security. Until May 11, [redacted], I was using Google Authenticator on my Android device. Unfortunately, on May 12, my phone's screen malfunctioned and cannot be fixed, rendering the Google Authenticator inaccessible. Unable to log in to Facebook, I followed their instructions and uploaded my Voter ID (an official Indian government ID with my name and photo) on May 13. However, on May 15, I received an automated email stating that the ID provided was invalid, requesting another valid ID. Facebook possesses my verified email and phone number, which are my main contact details. I am seeking assistance in regaining access to my Facebook account, which I have used for approximately 15 years, as there is no customer service number for direct communication. Ideally, Facebook could send a one-time authentication code to my email or phone number to allow me to access my account and modify the two-factor authentication method.
Reported by GetHuman7527735 on Samstag, 11. Juni 2022 12:36
Hello Facebook, I am reaching out because my Facebook account was stolen approximately a year ago, and I am seeking assistance in recovering it. The individual who took over my account changed all the login details, including the linked Gmail email address and phone number. When I tried to contact them, they blocked me. The motive behind the theft was the presence of a valuable Korean PUBG account on my profile. Despite my efforts to reclaim it, I have been unsuccessful thus far. I managed to regain access to the associated Gmail account, but the thief altered everything afterward by performing a factory reset on my device through the Find My Device application. I have made several attempts to regain control without success. Verification through my Facebook friends could confirm the theft, or I can provide information about them. The account was originally linked to my phone number [redacted], which was later removed by the thief. Additionally, it was tied to two private Gmail accounts - [redacted] and [redacted] The birthdates used on the account were either 27/1/[redacted], 27/1/[redacted], or 27/1/[redacted]. Unfortunately, I cannot recall which date was accurate, as the thief altered every detail. The account was registered under the name Basel Elsharawy, and the profile displayed the username "iam aman in amission." I am hopeful that with your help, I can recover my cherished account and its contents. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-mopepo on Sonntag, 12. Juni 2022 10:02
Dear Facebook Team, I would like to extend my sincere apologies for any unintentional violations of the policies. Advertising on Facebook is something I value, and I regret any oversight on my part in complying with the Advertising Policy. Upon reviewing the policies, I understand that I may have missed certain guidelines and for that, I apologize. I am fully willing to acknowledge my mistake and make amends moving forward. I am seeking guidance on the specific policies or Community Standards that have been breached to ensure immediate corrective action on my part. I am committed to following all the necessary guidelines and rules set by Facebook diligently. I take full responsibility for any errors made and appreciate the efforts made by the Facebook team. I am eager to rectify the situation and address any necessary steps to reinstate my Facebook profile account promptly. Your assistance in clarifying the correct process to lift the restrictions on my profile would be greatly appreciated to help me comply with all of Facebook's regulations effectively. Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, - A.
Reported by GetHuman-arvinjay on Sonntag, 12. Juni 2022 11:50
I have had a Facebook account since I was younger, but now that I am 20 years old, I am having trouble accessing the account ever since before I joined the Army. The phone number linked to the account is from when I lived in Florida, and I do not believe I added an email to the account. It seems that the number is now being used by someone else. I have relocated to Arkansas, and I am currently at Basic Training in Georgia. You can also contact me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman7530092 on Sonntag, 12. Juni 2022 13:01

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