Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1666

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1666. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 14, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My Facebook page shows no violations; however, it is at risk of being unpublished due to inauthentic behavior. I did not: - Use multiple Facebook accounts or share them among multiple individuals. - Misuse Facebook or Instagram reporting systems to harass others. - Mislead users about a Page's purpose by concealing ownership or control. - Engage in or claim inauthentic behavior by misleading people about the identity, purpose, or origin of the entity represented, popularity of content, audience/community purpose, source of content, or to evade Community Standards enforcement.
Reported by GetHuman7538256 on martedì 14 giugno 2022 22:54
I received an email stating that my account was temporarily locked due to suspicious activity and that I needed to recover it. I've followed all the default settings for recovering my account, but all have failed. After receiving a recovery code and changing my password, I still can't login; the message says my account is still locked. Even after getting a recovery code via email, the issue persists. I attempted to verify my identity with my driver's license, but it couldn't be submitted. Despite visiting the specified link, facebook.com/login/identify, I was redirected to the same locked account message. Please assist me with this issue.
Reported by GetHuman7538865 on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 05:19
Hello! I own the Instagram account @grigulius. My account got permanently banned, and I'm confused about the reason. I've tried to submit several appeals, but it seems impossible because of reduced staff due to covid. I also emailed a photo with a code to [redacted] but haven't received a response, and my page remains blocked. Could someone help me understand the situation? What led to the ban? Will my appeals be reviewed? Is there a way to expedite this process? I value Instagram and adhere to its guidelines. If I made a mistake, I apologize and promise not to repeat it, but I genuinely don't know what caused the ban.
Reported by GetHuman7539639 on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 13:28
On April 29, [redacted], I inadvertently input the wrong age on my Facebook profile, stating an age under 13, resulting in my account being blocked. After submitting the requested document to confirm my actual age of 47, Facebook disabled my account, citing a violation of their User Agreement. Despite providing the required verification, my account remains disabled without a proper review of the issue. I have lost valuable photos and videos saved only on Facebook due to this action. I am hoping this message will bring attention to my situation and lead to a resolution to reinstate my account and recover my lost information.
Reported by GetHuman-ellikod on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 13:57
Dear Support Team, I am seeking assistance in restoring my deleted Facebook account, which holds precious memories of myself and my family members. Despite my efforts, I have been unable to resolve the issue. When attempting to log in using my mobile number and password, a login code is required but I have not received it. Kindly send the login code to help me recover my account promptly. It is crucial for me to recover this account as it is of great importance. Thank you for addressing this matter promptly. Sincerely, Rajendra Neopane
Reported by GetHuman7530748 on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 18:00
Hi there, my name is Tracey Curwen. I am unable to access my Facebook account at the moment. I received a message about my email being changed without my knowledge, reported it, and subsequently lost access. I have submitted my ID multiple times over the past two weeks with no resolution. When I tried to log in last, I was notified of breaking some rules, but my last posts were innocuous. I rely on Facebook to stay connected due to my disability. I have included the new email address associated with the unauthorized change, the log-in message, and a copy of my ID for your reference. I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you. Tracey Curwen
Reported by GetHuman7541234 on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 21:10
Hello, I'm Tracey Curwen. I am unable to access my Facebook account and received a notification about my email address being changed, which I did not do. Consequently, I reported it but lost access to my account. I have tried submitting my ID multiple times over the past two weeks with no resolution. I received a message about breaking some rules when I last logged in, despite my recent innocuous posts of flag decorations and a door wreath on May 30th. Being disabled, I heavily rely on social media to stay connected with others. I have provided the changed email address, the message I received while attempting to log in, and a copy of my ID. I appreciate any assistance you can offer. Thank you in advance. Tracey Curwen.
Reported by GetHuman7541234 on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 21:11
Dear support team, I received a notification that my Ad Account has been disabled due to inauthentic behavior or violations of the Advertising Policies or Community Standards. I have followed all the rules, and I don't understand the reason for this action. I'm also unsure why I can't speak to someone directly about this matter. I would like to request another review of my Ad Account as I believe it shouldn't be restricted. Normally, it takes a few days to receive a decision after requesting a review. In the meantime, I will explore more information about advertising restrictions in the Business Help Center. Thank you for your assistance. Karen
Reported by GetHuman7541331 on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 21:51
My account has been hacked. The hacker is demanding money from me, my daughter, and my family members. They changed my name on Facebook. I'm worried about my privacy and safety since they threatened to come to my house where my kids are. I can't reset my password because I don't remember the old email linked to my account. Please help me retrieve my Facebook. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7541476 on mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 22:42
I need assistance in a troubling matter regarding my wife's son. He received screenshots of someone chatting with a 14-year-old using my name and profile picture. I did not engage in this conversation, and my phone has not been compromised. I am distressed that this false account has caused my wife unnecessary stress. I wish to pursue legal action against this malicious act. Although I understand you cannot divulge specific information, I seek confirmation that an account was created in my name and subsequently removed. This verification will provide my wife with peace of mind. The young girl's name is supposedly Savanna, aged 14. I take this matter very seriously and request prompt attention. Kindly contact me via email at [redacted] Thank you for addressing this urgent matter promptly. Sincerely, Kirk J Button.
Reported by GetHuman7541766 on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 01:13
I received multiple notifications that 11 of my posts were flagged for violating community standards related to nudity or sexual content. I understand and will review the guidelines to ensure future posts comply with the platform's regulations. These flagged posts are not visible to other users.
Reported by GetHuman-robitrab on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 04:28
It seems you disagree with a decision made on June 13, [redacted]. Usually, it takes us just one day to review your information. Your account on Facebook isn't visible to others, and you are unable to use it. What happens next? We will review your account. Due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, we have limited access to individuals for reviewing information. This means we may not be able to review all accounts. If we find that your account meets our community standards, you will be able to use Facebook again. If we find that your account does not meet our community standards, it will be permanently disabled, and you won't be able to appeal.
Reported by GetHuman-kamranni on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 07:35
Madhu, I received notice of the decision on June 13, [redacted]. Typically, our team requires slightly more than a day to assess the information provided. Currently, your Facebook account is inaccessible to others, and you cannot utilize it. The next step involves a further review of your account. Should we determine that your account adheres to our Community Standards, you will regain access to Facebook. However, if we conclude that your account violates our Community Standards, it will be permanently deactivated, and any further appeals will not be permissible.
Reported by GetHuman7542675 on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 11:57
I recently switched my phone provider and was assigned the number [redacted], previously owned by a person named Haley. I've been receiving messages and chats meant for her friends and family, who seem to be unaware that the number has changed hands. I attempted to clarify the situation, but they don't seem to understand. I suspect this is linked to Haley not updating her phone number on her Facebook account. As a result, I accidentally got locked out of my Facebook account, which is linked to this number. I urgently need assistance to regain access to my account and remove any lingering connections to Haley. My name is Karen Anderson, residing at [redacted] 235th St Donnellson, Iowa [redacted] with the phone number [redacted]. Any help resolving this issue promptly would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-pbdrbab on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 13:10
Hello, my name is Ioannis Kantzavelos, and I am a Greek student studying in Vienna, Austria. A troubling incident occurred this morning on my Facebook account here in Vienna. A woman by the name of Dalila Modura, originally from Romania but currently residing in Vienna, messaged me a few days ago about an issue with her mobile phone number on Facebook. She claimed that verification codes were allegedly sent to my email address, [redacted], and unfortunately, I fell for her deceit. I shared my verification code with her on Facebook as requested, and she proceeded to change my primary email and phone number to [redacted] Consequently, my original email, [redacted], was removed from my Facebook account. It appears that Dalila Modura maliciously hacked my account with ill intentions. I urgently seek assistance to regain control of my Facebook account and address the intrusion by Dalila Modura. Your prompt response is greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Ioannis Kantzavelos.
Reported by GetHuman-kantzave on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 14:27
I used a different name on Facebook, not my real one. I don't post many pictures. A friend asked for help via message, I gave them the code from my phone without thinking. They changed the account email and password. My ID with the different name was rejected. This was about a month ago, they froze the account until I uploaded my ID. The photos matched but not the name. The account got unfrozen and they didn't accept the ID. I can confirm the old email and phone number. Also, the birthday is a few days after mine, as I used a false name and birthday to avoid certain people finding me at the time. There's personal stuff I need on my account, and I've had it for years.
Reported by GetHuman7543808 on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 17:40
Dear Facebook Community Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out because my account, linked to the email [redacted] and phone number [redacted]1, was disabled without warning for being underage. I have attached my National Identity Card from Myanmar to prove that I am of age. It is disheartening as I have always adhered to Facebook’s guidelines and promptly removed any inappropriate content. I cherish my account as it helps me stay connected with relatives and friends. I have tried contacting support but have not received any substantial assistance, only links directing me to input payment details, which I have never done before. I kindly ask for your understanding and help in resolving this issue. Please let me know where I may have erred and reinstate my account at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Warm regards, Rs Rouf
Reported by GetHuman7544318 on giovedì 16 giugno 2022 20:07
Nikhil, I noticed your disagreement with the decision made on June 15, [redacted]. We typically take a little over a day to review the information provided. Currently, your Facebook account is not visible to others and you are unable to use it. Next steps involve us re-evaluating your account, noting that our resources for reviews are limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, potentially causing delays in the process. If your account is found to comply with our Community Standards, you will regain access to Facebook. However, if your account is found to be in violation, it will be permanently disabled without the option to dispute further. Kindly log out from Nikhil RajputaNa.
Reported by GetHuman7545357 on venerdì 17 giugno 2022 04:29
GetHuman is a helpful service that provides assistance to customers by sharing tips on dealing with customer service issues. They are independent from Facebook. Providing your information benefits in three ways. Firstly, it helps GetHuman find guides to resolve your problem without contacting Facebook directly. Secondly, it creates a public page for your issue that you can share for assistance and also share your solution with others. You will receive links via email to edit or delete this public page. Lastly, GetHuman can follow up with you to ensure your issue is resolved. By using the links sent to your email, you can manage your public page or opt out of further communication.
Reported by GetHuman7545452 on venerdì 17 giugno 2022 05:40
Rohit, you have expressed disagreement with the decision made on June 17, [redacted]. Typically, it takes just over a day for us to review the information provided. Currently, your account is not visible on Facebook, and access is restricted. Our team is experiencing reduced staffing levels due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which may affect the review process of your account. Upon reevaluation, if your account is found to comply with our Community Standards, you will regain access to Facebook. However, if it is determined that your account does not meet these standards, it will be permanently disabled, and further appeals will not be possible.
Reported by GetHuman7546889 on venerdì 17 giugno 2022 16:49

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