PayPal Customer Service Issues

Archive 6

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about PayPal customer service, archive #6. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 26, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Last week, we successfully paid an invoice through PayPal, which was automatically deducted from our PayPal account, even though the balance was $0. The payment was withdrawn directly from our bank account. Everything seemed to work fine. However, this Monday, when we tried to pay another invoice to the same company, the payment was unexpectedly declined, despite having enough funds in the bank account. We are confused about what went wrong and would appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman-kitblake on mardi 26 juin 2018 10:06
I worked as a representative for an international company named OleOle I was a third party in multiple transactions where money was deposited into my PayPal account. Following instructions, I transferred the funds to my bank account, keeping a five percent commission, and sending the rest via UPS to the company's authorized agent. I have email documentation, UPS receipts, and tracking numbers for each transaction. However, PayPal has notified me that these transactions were fraudulent, leaving my account with a negative balance of nearly $21,[redacted]. Although the funds were returned to the original depositor after I had sent them to the agent, I was left with an empty account. It seems I fell victim to a complex scam. I seek assistance and guidance regarding this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-pauldude on mardi 26 juin 2018 15:43
I purchased a watch on Letgo using Paypal for payment, only to find out it was a counterfeit. I opened a dispute in the Resolution Center, which turned into a claim due to the seller's lack of response. Paypal instructed me to return the item to the seller with a signed return receipt and tracking number. The package reached the seller's post office, but delivery attempts failed. It was sent back to the post office twice. I am unsure of the next steps and when I can expect a refund. The item was returned on June 15th, and today is June 26th. I appreciate any information on the timeline for the refund from Paypal as the amount involved was significant. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman823013 on mardi 26 juin 2018 18:10
eBay PayPal funds held for 21 days. This does not seem right. I sold the item on June 9th and now I have to wait until the 30th for them to be released. Then, I must wait another 3 days for them to be transferred to my bank account. I have had no prior issues, but because I haven't linked my eBay account with my older one I used to share with my ex-girlfriend, I am being treated like a new seller. I have already received positive feedback and paid $15 in shipping fees through Shippo. This situation is making drop shipping a nightmare. I don't have the funds to keep buying stuff and then waiting for my funds to be released. I believe this is an unfair practice and I am considering filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau. Please release my funds. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman825164 on mercredi 27 juin 2018 10:14
Hi there, I received an email from Foto Konijnenberg stating that they mistakenly refunded me £[redacted].37 and now require repayment. Despite checking my PayPal account, the funds are not present. When I contacted PayPal, they informed me that the email was not legitimate. However, I have also been contacted by Foto Konijnenberg about the erroneous refund. I am unable to return the money without confirmation of its presence in my account. The transaction history in my PayPal account indicates the refund was processed on 18th June and requested back the same day, but the funds are not reflecting. I seek clarification on this issue promptly to resolve it amicably. Best regards, Bernadette B.
Reported by GetHuman831007 on jeudi 28 juin 2018 22:11
I purchased a phone believing it was new, only to find out it wasn't as advertised. Despite their claims, the title clearly stated it was a new phone. Due to our sudden move overseas, we've already left the address where the phone was delivered. I spoke to a customer service representative who assured me a refund, even without the phone being returned. I'm anxious for the refund before our departure on July 2nd, as I don't want to be stuck with a misrepresented, used phone. I don't wish to pay $20 for a return due to their deceptive practices. Missing a return shipping label complicates the process further.
Reported by GetHuman831281 on jeudi 28 juin 2018 23:42
I purchased a TV from B&H Photo. The TV arrived with damaged packaging and appears to have been previously used. It emits an incredibly loud noise whenever anything is unpaused, and the apps frequently crash. Additionally, the TV shuts off randomly and even remained off for hours without any power. The TV is clearly defective. After opening a case, B&H is only offering a return label without covering the shipping costs, falsely attributing the return to me simply changing my mind. Despite having a longstanding history of spending over $50,[redacted] through PayPal without issues, they are unable to assist beyond apologies. It is frustrating to spend $[redacted] on a faulty TV and be expected to pay $[redacted] for return shipping. The lack of support from both PayPal and B&H is exasperating. Dealing with this malfunctioning TV shortly after moving into my house is extremely inconvenient. If this matter remains unresolved, I will refrain from utilizing PayPal in the future due to this disappointing experience.
Reported by GetHuman-jacobfla on dimanche 1 juillet 2018 05:28
I purchased a TV from B&H Photo and the packaging was damaged, suggesting it might have been used. The TV has an extremely loud noise when unpausing, apps keep crashing, and it turns off randomly for hours. The clear defect has resulted in B&H only offering a return label, refusing to cover shipping. Despite my history of spending over $50,[redacted] through PayPal without issues, they have been unhelpful. Spending $[redacted] on a faulty TV and having to pay $[redacted] for return shipping seems unreasonable. Feeling frustrated with the lack of support from PayPal and B&H after just moving into my house. If this matter is not resolved, I will no longer use PayPal due to this experience.
Reported by GetHuman-jacobfla on dimanche 1 juillet 2018 05:31
Hello, I purchased a walkie talkie online from two weeks ago, but I discovered that it requires a special license to operate. Using it without a license is illegal in many countries. I reached out to first-level support via email, who has been unresponsive after checking with the sales department a week ago. I am considering returning the walkie talkie and buying a license-free radio instead. Thank you, Gustavo
Reported by GetHuman-gusrodsa on lundi 2 juillet 2018 17:00
I need assistance regarding a new account issue. I transferred $21.48 from my old account ([redacted]) to my new one ([redacted]) only to discover limitations on the new account, preventing me from accessing the transferred balance. While I submitted my state ID photo as requested, I'm reluctant to provide a photo of my SSN Card. I seek alternative ways to verify my identity and remove the restrictions. Please reach out to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-cableell on mardi 3 juillet 2018 02:14
I spoke with a female earlier today who reset my password and sent it to my email account. I need the statement for my account emailed to me. A company named Fold 3 says I never paid them in February, March, or April. The foreign man insulted me by asking how long I had my account. Then, he had my husband, whom he seemed to have mistaken for me, on the phone for an hour and a half, trying to get him to purchase a gift certificate twice. I repeatedly asked to have the statement emailed to my email address on file, but he claimed he didn't have my email. He refused to email me a statement, but I didn't see anything on file in the original email listed as [redacted] Please help.
Reported by GetHuman-pattibre on vendredi 6 juillet 2018 20:03
I recently received an email from either you or somebody posing as you. The message mentioned an unauthorized login to my account from Italy, Roma on July 6, [redacted], at 23:44. The email stated it used Windows 7 and Chrome, which do not match my usual settings. Since I haven’t logged into Paypal for over a month and am not in Italy, I’m confused. I’m unsure if this email is actually from Paypal due to these inaccuracies. If it's legitimate, why are the details so wrong? Should I change my password? I tried following the steps on your website to no avail. I’m reluctant to change my password if it’s not necessary. If I must update it, could you provide me with clear instructions on how to do so?
Reported by GetHuman-tmbw on vendredi 6 juillet 2018 21:33
I purchased two Groupons on July 5 for $14 each. PayPal confirmed my purchase promptly, but Groupon has not applied the vouchers to my account. When I contacted Groupon customer service on Friday, they requested the credit card information I used for the transaction. As I used PayPal and did not provide a credit card directly to Groupon, I was hesitant. Despite offering my transaction details and PayPal confirmation, I did not make progress. A supervisor was supposed to investigate, but I am still awaiting a response. I need the flowers delivered by Monday and am considering canceling and reordering. Any suggestions? Can you assist in contacting Groupon?
Reported by GetHuman-barbmmcc on dimanche 8 juillet 2018 10:31
Regarding my payment of $[redacted] for [redacted] KWATT on May 21, [redacted], through PayPal, I received an email stating that the account has been blocked by PayPal. They are advising clients to dispute the payment as "Item Not Received" to receive a refund promptly. After receiving the refund, payment options include Debit/Credit cards, ETH, BTC, BCH, or LTC. They have provided a PayPal account ([redacted]) for payments if preferred. For further inquiries, I can respond to the same email. Thank you, 4NEW Team.
Reported by GetHuman-eaglesor on lundi 9 juillet 2018 14:36
Hello, I am an eBay member and have sold items on the platform. I recently noticed an unauthorized charge of $21.74 on my PayPal account "[redacted]" dated June 16, [redacted]. This charge was labeled as a preapproved payment which I did not authorize or receive notification for. Upon reviewing my eBay charges, I see that the amount owed is actually $1.50, due on the 27th, which I was properly notified about. This discrepancy is likely an error from eBay or PayPal as my sales have been minimal and seller fees paid for items under $11. I have temporarily suspended the billing authorization for eBay. I would appreciate guidance on how to rectify this situation. Thank you, Anudeep Revuri.
Reported by GetHuman866324 on mardi 10 juillet 2018 17:11
I need to address an issue with a buyer who recently filed a claim regarding a designer purse she purchased from me on eBay. The buyer bought the item on 6/18 and received it undamaged on 6/21. She requested a return claiming it didn't fit, even though I provided accurate measurements and clear photos in the listing. I offered solutions, but she declined and resold the purse for a higher price on another platform. Now I'm out of money and the purse, with my account in a negative balance. I spoke to eBay's customer service who supported my position. I also found proof of her actions on the Mercari app. This behavior is deceitful and unjust, and I expect this issue to be resolved promptly.
Reported by GetHuman872180 on jeudi 12 juillet 2018 00:26
I sold an item on Monday, 6/18, and it was delivered promptly and undamaged in proper packaging today, 6/21, via priority mail. The buyer requested a return citing that the item "didn't fit" and mentioned that she loved the bag but found it smaller than expected. I clarified that the listing provided measurements, clear photos (including comparisons for size), and offered assistance for any uncertainties if she had inquired. Despite the "no returns accepted" policy and accurate item descriptions, I strived to provide good customer service. When the buyer refused solutions like relisting the item for potential profit, I contacted eBay's customer service, speaking with George, who confirmed my adherence to policies. I am prepared with evidence, including our message exchanges, to support my position. Thank you, Christie Lewis.
Reported by GetHuman872180 on jeudi 12 juillet 2018 00:28
I sold an item on Monday, 6/18, and the buyer received it promptly and in good condition with appropriate packaging on 6/21 through Priority Mail. The buyer wanted to return the item citing that it didn't fit, even though she liked it but found it smaller than expected. I explained that the listing included measurements, clear photos, and even demonstrated the size with my hand and a model wearing it for reference. I suggested options like relisting and reselling it to potentially make a profit. Despite stating "no returns accepted" and providing accurate descriptions, the buyer was uncompromising. I contacted eBay customer service and was advised by George over the phone that I had the right to decline the return due to fulfilling my responsibilities as the seller. I have documented proof in the listing and our messages to support my case. Hopefully, this evidence will be sufficient. Thank you, Christie Lewis.
Reported by GetHuman872180 on jeudi 12 juillet 2018 00:43
I sold an item on Monday, 6/18, and the buyer received it promptly and undamaged on 6/21 via Priority Mail. The buyer wants to return it because it doesn't fit, although she admitted she knew the size before purchasing. I provided clear measurements and photos in the listing for reference. Despite stating "no returns accepted," I still offered solutions, but she was unwilling to compromise. I contacted eBay's customer service, spoke with George, who confirmed I have the right to decline the return. I have evidence to support my case. Thank you, Christie Lewis.
Reported by GetHuman872180 on jeudi 12 juillet 2018 00:46
Hello. I have been a PayPal member since [redacted]. Recently, I sold an iPhone on eBay in perfect condition. The buyer is now requesting a refund of $30 due to vague reasons in broken English. This included terms like an 'internet magi phone' and a 'pink nail spot interferes with use.' I asked for clarification several times, but the buyer provided no photos or clear explanation of the issue. Despite this lack of evidence, PayPal has decided to refund the buyer in full, which is confusing and frustrating. It feels like a scam, and I am shocked that PayPal supported the buyer without solid proof. Any advice would be appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman873862 on jeudi 12 juillet 2018 15:48

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