Uber EATS Customer Service Issues

Archive 7

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Uber EATS customer service, archive #7. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 24, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I placed an order for food, and it was picked up without any issues. The delivery was scheduled for 11:58 AM, but as of now at 12:46 PM, the driver is still 8 minutes away. Despite leaving detailed delivery instructions due to the complexity of my apartment complex, the driver seemed to have trouble finding it. I've previously received UberEats deliveries here without any problems. I have tried contacting the driver through the app and by phone, but she has not been responsive. When I did get through, there was too much background noise to communicate effectively. After several failed attempts to guide her to my location, her wrong turn has further delayed the delivery by 15 minutes. I have evidence of the original delivery time through screenshots from the app and would like a full refund for this inconvenience.
Reported by GetHuman815865 on Sunday, June 24, 2018 4:49 PM
I attempted to contact your customer service team via phone without success. They advised me to send an email, which I find odd. My issue is that when I try to place a food order, a verification code prompt appears. Initially, I received a four-digit code which returned an error upon entry. Now, I am unable to receive any codes as my phone number is also being seen as an error. I am frustrated as no one seems able to assist me in resolving this issue. I am Katherine E. with the phone number [redacted]. I hope you can provide a solution as I prefer not to use DoorDash due to high costs and limited menus, though I resorted to it due to issues with my Uber account. I was directed to email a screenshot, but unable to locate the option to do so here.
Reported by GetHuman-lkekmp on Sunday, June 24, 2018 5:09 PM
I had a disappointing experience with Uber Eats recently. I placed an order for pizza last night and noticed that the pizza was missing from my receipt. I had to place another order just for the pizza, but I was charged double delivery fees. The orders were made at the same minute, from the same pizza place with free delivery, and delivered to the same location by the same driver. I contacted Uber Eats that night hoping for a quick resolution, but unfortunately, it was not resolved to my satisfaction. I am very frustrated and have decided not to use Uber Eats in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-lahabeeb on Sunday, June 24, 2018 11:00 PM
I had a disappointing experience with "Fiesta Martin Bar and Grill" through Uber Eats. Initially, half of my order was missing, but after informing them, they promised to deliver the rest. On a second attempt, I ordered a coctel shrimp with octopus, but received a greasy dish with additional ingredients, which could be dangerous for customers with allergies. Despite addressing the issue multiple times, my orders continued to be incorrect. The manager's response was unprofessional, suggesting I pick up the order myself. The lack of attention to detail and customer service has made me reluctant to use Uber Eats again due to the consistent problems with this restaurant.
Reported by GetHuman-cattylov on Monday, June 25, 2018 5:43 AM
Hello! I am Vasilios, an Uber Eats driver in Chicago. Earlier today, I mistakenly canceled an order which was actually delivered to the customer. The app froze while I was on another delivery, making it difficult to proceed with the multiple orders. The customer, Adriana, received her food as confirmed by the restaurant and through Google Maps. Please verify with her. Due to the app issue, I had to cancel the order. I kindly request the reimbursement be added to my account. Thank you for your understanding.
Reported by GetHuman-vandrio on Monday, June 25, 2018 12:41 PM
Hello, my name is Vasilios. As an Uber Eats driver, I encountered a technical issue this morning with a customer's order, Adriana. Despite successfully delivering her food, I had to cancel the order due to an app freeze. I kindly request reimbursement for this situation. Adriana can be reached at 1 [redacted], residing at [redacted] North Hamlin Avenue, Chicago, IL. To verify the delivery, please contact her. Additionally, you may reach out to the restaurant at [redacted] or visit them at [redacted] N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL [redacted] for further details. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-vandrio on Monday, June 25, 2018 1:01 PM
I recently placed an order with Farm to Ladel, and unfortunately, my order was incorrect. I had requested to have quinoa on the side instead of in my salad due to being allergic to it. I made this request both during the item ordering process and in the instructions to the restaurant before finalizing my order. However, when I received my salad, it contained quinoa, which I cannot consume. I explained the situation to the Uber Eats driver, who advised me to contact customer service for a refund. I would like a full refund for the salad as I am unable to eat it. I do have photos of the salad showing the presence of quinoa as proof. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kedelizz on Monday, June 25, 2018 1:43 PM
I made an order from Dream Cafe on Ubereats.com (Order #60D5B) at 2:10 p.m. Since my doorbell is unreliable, I attempted to alert Ubereats to ask the delivery person to knock loudly or call me. However, I couldn't locate a way to do this on their website. After waiting an hour, I found my meal outside my door in a large paper bag. I discovered the sandwich bread was soggy when I began eating. Even though I considered leaving a note, I was hesitant to display my phone number. I might reconsider using Ubereats in the future. GrubHub's communication options seem more convenient.
Reported by GetHuman-cooperso on Monday, June 25, 2018 8:37 PM
I bought a $[redacted] Uber Eats e-gift card for my sister through Amazon on June 3 on our Prime account - [redacted] When she tried to use it on June 15, she was told there was no money available. I contacted Amazon about this yesterday and they said it's already “redeemed.” They couldn't help me further. I'm frustrated to be out $[redacted] and my sister didn't receive her birthday money. Please assist me in resolving this issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman819954 on Monday, June 25, 2018 9:06 PM
I placed an order at Tropical Smoothie Cafe on [redacted] Southside Boulevard for two chicken pesto flatbreads. When the Uber driver arrived past the delivery time, I attempted to communicate with her to guide her to my apartment. Unfortunately, there was a language barrier, and she was unable to find my location. After several unsuccessful attempts at contacting her to meet at the main office, she canceled the order without following the drop-off policy. The driver's name is Michelle, driving a Toyota Corolla, with the number 6647IQ. I hope to resolve this issue as I was at my apartment waiting with my information available, and she did not answer the phone to coordinate the delivery.
Reported by GetHuman-kasi_rox on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 4:17 PM
I had a disappointing experience with my recent Uber Eats order. My order number was #987B8, and my driver was Abdulkareen. I wanted to surprise my unwell boyfriend with food delivered to our door, but the driver had difficulty understanding my instructions due to a language barrier. Despite detailed notes and verbal instructions, it took him over 20 minutes to locate the correct apartment, resulting in cold and unsatisfactory food from "Fresh Golden Donuts." I am seeking a refund for the food and coffee I ordered.
Reported by GetHuman-tanyagra on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 6:00 PM
I placed an order but forgot to change the payment method. Upon calling, I was informed that the order was not yet accepted by the restaurant. I requested to change the payment method but was told it could only be done after delivery. When I asked to cancel and reorder, I was warned about being double charged. Speaking to a supervisor named Arcel, I was denied the opportunity to speak to her boss or receive a refund. The driver at the restaurant was reportedly rude to staff and couldn't cancel the order. Arcel stated the driver was required to do the cancellation. Despite my persistence, I was repeatedly informed I couldn't change payment or cancel without repercussions. I am aware that holding payment for a canceled order is unlawful. I am deeply unhappy about the unprofessional handling of this situation and demand to speak to another supervisor promptly.
Reported by GetHuman824631 on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 2:03 AM
Yesterday I placed an order with First Hong Kong for Sweet and Sour Chicken. Despite the menu describing it with pineapple, green and red peppers, my dish arrived without any of these ingredients. When I reached out to customer service and spoke with Neil, he informed me that because those components have no listed price, they cannot issue a refund or offer any resolution. I find this explanation absurd - just because an ingredient is not priced, does not justify its exclusion from the meal. This level of customer service is unacceptable. I am frustrated and upset by this experience and demand a prompt resolution today.
Reported by GetHuman825926 on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 3:28 PM
I placed my first Uber Eats order at 10:50 PM with an estimated delivery time of 11:10 PM. The order was delayed multiple times, and the driver called me at 11:35 PM to say the food had arrived. I was not upset about the delay but rather when the driver handed me the bag, my soda was spilled over everything. I threw out the whole order, which cost about $6.00. I hope Uber Eats can improve the responsibility of its drivers for better deliveries. I am looking for a fair resolution by the Uber Eats team for the issue I faced. I trust your team to handle it appropriately. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman825951 on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 3:35 PM
I have been waiting patiently to resolve an issue with Uber Eats, as it's not letting me check out. Despite trying to use my card or PayPal, the app rejects both, while other platforms accept them without any problem. This situation has prevented me from using the $50 worth of credits, causing frustration. I have sought help through the app's support section but to no avail. I now require the assistance of a human representative to address this ongoing problem. I am adamant about receiving a full refund for this inconvenience, especially after waiting patiently for 3-4 days. As a first-time Uber Eats user, recommended by my girlfriends, this experience has been disappointing. Despite confirming with PayPal support that there should be no issue from their end, I continue to face difficulties entering my payment information repeatedly. Uber Eats support stated that I should not need to add a payment method with available credits, which contradicts my experience. The last response I received suggested ways to resume using Uber, which was not the help I needed. I request a full refund or a promotional code worth up to $50 that will utilize my credits without requiring another payment method. It's frustrating to have paid for a service only to be unable to utilize it. Thank you, Sophia
Reported by GetHuman-dawnblad on Thursday, June 28, 2018 2:09 AM
I have never complained about a meal before, but the one I received tonight was terrible. I ordered food from La Bambang Bar and Grill in Sacramento, CA, including nachos, a taco, and a burrito for approximately $26. The taco was soggy due to a bed of watery lettuce, and the salsa was overly spicy. The nachos, advertised as al pastor, tasted odd, like sweet and sour canned meat, without the promised guacamole. The burrito, supposed to contain roasted pork, also had the same strange meat as the nachos and was accompanied by excessively spicy salsa. Overall, this was a disappointing experience, and I am seeking a refund as I am unhappy with the quality of the food.
Reported by GetHuman828436 on Thursday, June 28, 2018 5:49 AM
I'm Ricky Julius. My contact number is [redacted]. I placed a food order with Denney's on 6/28/[redacted] at 10 am with an estimated delivery time of 40 to 50 minutes. The order number was C4FD4. Unfortunately, the food didn't arrive until 11:34 am, causing me to miss my business breakfast due to work commitments. I attempted to cancel the order twice at around 11 am but experienced difficulties with the phone service; the first call ended abruptly after a 10-minute wait, and the second call got disconnected while I was placed on hold. I'm requesting a refund for this order as it arrived late and couldn't be enjoyed as intended.
Reported by GetHuman-rjulius on Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:14 PM
Lately, I've been encountering some problems with Uber. Recently, I ordered food through Uber Eats, and when I saw the driver was waiting outside, I called the contact number provided. I asked if she was there, but the person on the line seemed confused and claimed it was the wrong number. After texting the number, I received a response indicating I still had the wrong number, causing further confusion. Eventually, the driver's friend dialed her, and we ended up on a three-way call. This experience left me perplexed as to why the driver's correct number wasn't listed, leading to unnecessary complications just to receive my food. Despite being a regular user of Uber services, I found this situation somewhat frustrating, as I had to navigate through unnecessary obstacles to simply get my order.
Reported by GetHuman831762 on Friday, June 29, 2018 3:07 AM
A year or two ago, I started the signup process with your company to become a driver, but I didn't complete it. Now, I'm working as a Postmates delivery driver and would also like to work with Uber Eats for extra income. However, I can't access my old account because I forgot my password and my old phone number. I need help to update my information with a new email and phone number to continue the process to become an Uber Eats driver. Please assist me as soon as possible to resolve this issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-natpatil on Friday, June 29, 2018 6:27 AM
I recently ordered McDonald’s through the Uber Eats app and was shocked to find that the food had been tampered with. The drinks and ice creams were wrapped in cling film, which is very unhygienic. To make matters worse, the two orders of fries we requested were missing from the delivery. After trying to reach out to the McDonald’s store for 30 minutes, the entire order had gotten cold and had to be thrown away. This was a disappointing experience considering we have used this service in the past and spent a significant amount of money. I shouldn't have to pay a £3.50 delivery charge for compromised food and missing items. Steve, the McDonald’s manager, also acknowledged the issue and expressed concerns about the delivery driver. My family is £26 out of pocket and hungry. Please resolve this matter promptly. Kind regards, Paula Wilkinson
Reported by GetHuman-wpaula on Friday, June 29, 2018 4:32 PM

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