ViaGoGo Customer Service Issues

Archive 2

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about ViaGoGo customer service, archive #2. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 27, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I bought two FriendsFest tickets for my daughter and me from Viagogo for the event in Newcastle on Saturday, July 21. Each ticket was supposed to include a general admission ticket and a set tour ticket with a specific time slot. However, when we got the tickets, we only received the general admission ones, missing the set tour tickets required for entry as stated on the FriendsFest website. Despite reaching out to Viagogo multiple times, we only receive automated responses. The only phone number provided is for urgent cases within 72 hours of the event, but it hasn't been helpful. We are disappointed as we can't attend the event we paid for.
Reported by GetHuman826762 on Rabu, 27 Jun 2018 pukul 18.47
I mistakenly purchased 4 tickets instead of 3 from Viagogo and had to resell them at a loss as they wouldn't refund me. Now, I was notified about payment for my sale, but the payment method listed doesn't match my preference for PayPal. The account it seems to be going to no longer exists. I want to ensure I will be paid through PayPal, my preferred method. Details: - Name: N Mathers - Payments: [redacted] - Order ID: [redacted]3 for Ed Sheeran concert on 22/06/18 I've faced significant losses already with my transactions on the platform, so it's crucial to get this payment promptly. -Nikki
Reported by GetHuman-nikkipop on Khamis, 28 Jun 2018 pukul 13.42
I purchased 2 tickets for the Jay-Z and Beyonce concert in Paris on July 14th while in Malaysia. The transaction was made on April 1st, [redacted], for RM1,[redacted] or EUR291.24 using my Raiffeisen Card. The payment confirmation is shown in the attached credit card statement. I noticed that I never received a confirmation email and when I checked my Viagogo account, there was no purchase history even though I have paid for the tickets. I have attached a screenshot of the purchase confirmation which I shared with my friend who will accompany me to the concert. I have tried reaching out through the Help Centre and phone calls, but since there is no purchase history or email, I am resorting to contacting you through this email. Please send me the confirmation email promptly as we have already made flight reservations to Paris for the concert. Thank you for your swift assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-johanju on Khamis, 28 Jun 2018 pukul 22.16
I recently sold four Little Mix tickets for their Colchester show on July 8th in two pairs. When I made the sale on ViaGoGo, it was clearly stated that if the tickets were not shipped by July 1st, I would incur a charge for replacement. The deadline is approaching, but I have not received the tickets yet. The ticket website indicates they are being prepared for dispatch today. I want to honor the deadline set by ViaGoGo, but I physically do not have the tickets yet. Once I receive them, I will ship them immediately. I am concerned about potential charges as I believe I am not at fault for the delay. Thank you for any advice on how to proceed in this situation.
Reported by GetHuman835130 on Jumaat, 29 Jun 2018 pukul 22.47
I recently bought Pink concert tickets for the show on July 7th in Perth, Australia, at Perth Arena. The total cost was $[redacted].45. However, I mistakenly provided the wrong email address, [redacted] instead of [redacted] Consequently, I have not received my tickets and cannot access them. My order ID is [redacted]9. The funds were deducted from my bank account, and I fear losing my money and missing the concert. Please reissue the tickets to the correct email address promptly. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Correna H.
Reported by GetHuman-chogben on Rabu, 4 Julai 2018 pukul 03.40
I bought a ticket for the Pink concert in Perth. Unfortunately, the email I used to purchase the ticket was hacked. I am unable to address this issue due to the hack. I have tried to reach out to your site without success. I need this matter resolved quickly as the Pink concert is on Saturday, 7/0/18. I'm upset as I bought this ticket as a birthday gift for my brother who is terminally ill. Please respond promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-sueninye on Khamis, 5 Julai 2018 pukul 05.42
While traveling in Europe, I purchased tickets for Mad Cool and Nos Alive festivals. Unfortunately, my Mad Cool tickets were delivered to my U.S. address while I was in London. They are being forwarded to Brussels where I currently am, but I am worried they won't arrive before I leave for Madrid on the 9th. As for my Nos Alive tickets, they were sent to Paris but could not be delivered to my Airbnb. I wanted to have them forwarded to Madrid, but shipping to another country was not possible, so they were returned. I paid $[redacted] for these tickets and have not received them. I have contacted Viagogo thrice with no resolution. Can someone please assist me in obtaining electronic copies of the tickets? The order numbers are [redacted]6 and [redacted]2. Thank you for your help. - N.G.
Reported by GetHuman-natmatgo on Sabtu, 7 Julai 2018 pukul 08.16
I am still waiting for tickets. I have emailed your site multiple times and contacted Australia Post. According to your site, the tickets are still at Perth airport, which is a problem since the concert is in Adelaide tomorrow night. The person at Australia Post mentioned that the tickets were not sent via Express Post as indicated, so it might take 3 to 4 days to arrive from Perth. They suggested I ask you to email me the tickets because I cannot attend the concert without them, considering the amount of money spent. Please prioritize sending them to me via email promptly since the tickets have not shown up at 24 Folland Avenue, Northfield, South Australia. The concert is scheduled for tomorrow night, 10/7/[redacted], and the tickets are crucial. Your website indicates they have been received, but they have not reached South Australia yet. If possible, please email me the tickets at [redacted] as a backup in case they do not arrive in time. Otherwise, I will not be able to attend. Order Number: [redacted]49. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman861643 on Isnin, 9 Julai 2018 pukul 02.34
I purchased tickets for the canceled D'Angelo event on 21st June [redacted] and returned them to viagogo per their instructions, but I have not yet received the refund they promised. Viagogo emailed me requesting a tracking ID for the ticket return, but since I dropped the tickets in a letterbox, there is no tracking ID available. I have been unsuccessful in finding a phone number to speak with a representative to address this issue. The customer service section on their website has not been helpful either, as there is no contact email provided. I hope to resolve this matter by speaking directly with someone from viagogo over the phone.
Reported by GetHuman-addisond on Isnin, 9 Julai 2018 pukul 15.10
I did not receive my tickets from Viagogo for the Radiohead concert on July 6, [redacted], in Chicago. Despite them claiming to have emailed the tickets to me, I never received them. Following numerous attempts to resolve the issue, Viagogo insists that they provided the tickets. I am from Australia and bought the tickets in March [redacted], traveling to Chicago for the concert. Despite my ongoing communication with Viagogo, they have failed to deliver the tickets and are not acknowledging my complaint. It appears that Viagogo is unreliable and untrustworthy, refusing to admit fault or take responsibility for their mistakes.
Reported by GetHuman874113 on Khamis, 12 Julai 2018 pukul 16.50
I have reached out to Viagogo Help Desk regarding an issue I encountered on 23rd June. Despite receiving updates that it was escalated to the customer service team, I have not received any communication since 28th June. Upon reaching the venue, I was repeatedly denied entry because the document I received was invalid and did not contain any tickets, only a confirmation order. I believed the details on the paper were sufficient for entry, but it was not accepted. Having spent over £[redacted] on train tickets and traveling 2.5 hours, it was disappointing to be turned away. Despite contacting Viagogo for assistance, the proposed solutions of posting more tickets or contacting the buyer were not feasible as I was already at the event. Even after speaking to staff and explaining our situation, we were still denied entry and had to return home. I requested a full refund for the event tickets and reimbursement for the train tickets due to consequential losses amounting to over £[redacted]. I am looking for an update on my refund. Thank you, Kayleigh.
Reported by GetHuman-kayswis on Isnin, 16 Julai 2018 pukul 10.00
I purchased tickets for the Rio de Janeiro carnival events on March 2nd and March 4th last night. I provided the order numbers: [redacted]7 and [redacted]0. Given that I split my time between Florida and Canada, I need the tickets by February 27th, [redacted], as I leave for Rio from Canada on February 28th, [redacted]. Due to past issues with Fedex being slow from the US to Canada, I request the tickets be sent to my Canadian address by February 18th, [redacted], to ensure their timely arrival. Concerns have been raised about your company's legitimacy, so I ask for a response within 24 hours. Otherwise, I may need to cancel my VISA transactions and find another vendor. You can reach me via email at [redacted] Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-vtarcau on Jumaat, 20 Julai 2018 pukul 14.49
To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to address an issue with tickets I purchased for the Royal Military Tattoo on August 11 at the 22:30 show. We paid [redacted] pounds for 3 tickets, only to find out they are invalid. The tickets bear the name LEonard Desilva with reference number [redacted], valued at 51 pounds each. We are now seeking a refund as we are unable to use these tickets. After being redirected to your website and paying three times the actual ticket price, it is frustrating to encounter this problem. We request a resolution to this matter and reimbursement of $[redacted].91 Canadian to my credit card. I have also informed my credit card company about this issue. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-nivekcom on Khamis, 26 Julai 2018 pukul 16.04
I purchased a boardmasters 5-day event ticket for my daughter's birthday, but we used an email address that is inaccessible. Despite reaching out for help, I struggled to change the email associated with the ticket. I'm concerned because my daughter, Erin Goundry, wants to monitor the ticket's delivery progress. I'm Maria Jackson, and my email is [redacted] The email linked to my daughter's ticket, [redacted], is no longer accessible. The confirmation number for the ticket is [redacted]2. Can you please assist in changing the email to mine so we can track the ticket? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman947644 on Jumaat, 3 Ogos 2018 pukul 17.17
I purchased two tickets (Order Confirmation: [redacted]2) on 11/2/[redacted] for the Celine Dion concert at Spark Arena in Auckland. The confirmation stated the tickets would be electronically delivered at least 2 days before the event, but I never received them. I missed the concert and demand a refund for the undelivered tickets totaling $[redacted].38 NZD. There are concerning reports about this site issuing tickets under different names and distributing fake tickets, indicating fraudulent activities. I have attempted to reach out via email, but they have not responded to Anthony. When I called the provided phone number, I was informed it no longer existed or had been changed. This situation is distressing, and I seek assistance in resolving this fraudulent behavior promptly. Your quick response is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Mary Chapman-Hill.
Reported by GetHuman-maryhil on Ahad, 12 Ogos 2018 pukul 01.48
I purchased two tickets for FriendsFest through viagogo, but we were denied entry because we were informed that our tickets were fake. We had to buy new tickets, but now I'm struggling to find an email address or get through on their phone line. When I try to access help through my account, it's saying the event hasn't occurred yet, which is incorrect. I paid £[redacted].63 for both tickets and I want a refund as viagogo appears to be selling fake tickets. This is unfair and unacceptable.
Reported by GetHuman983663 on Ahad, 12 Ogos 2018 pukul 23.57
I purchased two tickets for FriendsFest through Viagogo, but we were denied entry because we were informed that our tickets were fake. We ended up having to purchase new tickets. I've been unable to find an email address or get through to their phone number for assistance. When I try to access help through my account, I receive a message saying the event has not happened yet, even though it has. I paid £[redacted].63 for the tickets and would like a refund as Viagogo seems to be selling fake tickets. This is unacceptable, and the website should not be allowed to operate in this manner.
Reported by GetHuman983663 on Isnin, 13 Ogos 2018 pukul 01.15
I am selling Kevin Hart tickets for the event on August 30th with order ID [redacted]8. The tickets need to be sent to the buyer by August 23rd, but Ticketmaster has not sent them out yet. I am concerned they won't arrive on time, and I may have to pay the buyer over £[redacted] for the tickets. I contacted Ticketmaster, and they mentioned the tickets have been printed and should be on their way soon. However, I am still worried. If the tickets don't arrive by the day before the event, they offered a replacement set to pick up from the box office. I can't afford to cover the cost for the buyer if the tickets are delayed. What steps should I take to ensure the tickets arrive on time?
Reported by GetHuman1003050 on Jumaat, 17 Ogos 2018 pukul 07.07
I encountered an issue with my ticket listings for the Inter vs Milan match on October 21, [redacted]. After successfully listing them and receiving confirmation email with listing number [redacted]96, the tickets disappeared from "My Listings" section. Despite trying to reach out to Viagogo via email and phone, I received no helpful response. I am stuck with 2 tickets I cannot relist. I am seeking Viagogo's assistance to resolve this matter promptly, regain visibility on my listing status, and confirm if my tickets have been sold. I appreciate a timely response via email to maintain a complete record of this case. Thank you, L. Baldacchino [redacted] Relisting reference: [redacted]96
Reported by GetHuman-lydonb on Sabtu, 18 Ogos 2018 pukul 14.09
Yesterday evening, I tried to buy tickets for the Beth Hart concert in Australia next year. The original price was $[redacted]. However, when I entered my details, including my credit card information, the total cost suddenly showed as $[redacted], which is way more than I intended to spend. I did not complete the purchase due to the unexpected high amount. Strangely, I received an email congratulating me on the purchase, but I have not finalized the transaction. The pending $[redacted] charge showed up on my credit card account. I need assistance in rectifying this before it's fully processed. Thank you, Philip.
Reported by GetHuman-astmassa on Isnin, 20 Ogos 2018 pukul 04.36

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