Yahoo Customer Service Issues

Archive 18

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Yahoo customer service, archive #18. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported July 2, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello Yahoo, I have been facing issues with my Yahoo page repeatedly going blank or getting virus messages prompting me to contact them for a fix. After realizing it was a scam, I ran an experiment by removing Yahoo from my Apps and not using it for several days, resulting in no problems. Last year, I discovered that someone had tampered with my email settings on Yahoo by changing the destination of my emails. Despite changing my password and correcting the setting, I continued to face issues. Recently, my computer froze, and a technician confirmed a dangerous virus, which was resolved by installing a new version of Windows 10. However, upon reinstalling my programs, the problem persisted with Yahoo. I have been a loyal Yahoo user for many years and wish to address this. I am not blaming Yahoo but seeking assistance to resolve these ongoing issues. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-ownallre on Monday, July 2, 2018 2:31 PM
This morning, I encountered an issue with my Yahoo email on my iPhone. A message repeatedly appeared stating it couldn't connect to the server. I attempted to access my account on both an iPad and a laptop, but I was faced with a blank screen showing no emails. Trying to resolve this, I downloaded the Yahoo! Mail app. Although I could sign in through the app, it indicated either no messages or was unable to load them. To address this issue, I deleted and re-added my accounts on the iPhone and also tried the same with the Yahoo app - unfortunately, neither of these attempts were successful. Access to this account is crucial due to the presence of important emails that I cannot afford to lose.
Reported by GetHuman841780 on Monday, July 2, 2018 2:58 PM
I signed up for electronic billing statements from Macy's, but I received a notification from Transunion about a problem with my Macy's account. After investigating, I discovered my account was past due because I never received any billing emails for three cycles. Although Macy's waived my fees, a late payment is now on my credit report. Macy's requires verification from my email provider stating the emails were not sent to correct my credit report. I am reaching out for assistance as this is a new situation for me. You can contact me at my Yahoo email [redacted] Thank you for your help. - J.N.
Reported by GetHuman-jn_neal on Monday, July 2, 2018 5:39 PM
I accidentally changed my password, and now I can't remember what I changed it to. I need to access this account to recover other accounts that are similarly affected. I've had this account for years. All I need is to reset the password to what it was before the change. If that's too complicated, please take this account. I'm frustrated with the online process. I won't use Yahoo again and will discourage others if this isn't resolved. I anticipate a prompt response.
Reported by GetHuman-restoref on Monday, July 2, 2018 7:19 PM
For weeks, I've had trouble using my email account ([redacted]). Every time I try to click on something, I receive an error message prompting me to recover the webpage, but it doesn't resolve the issue. I switched to Firefox as Internet Explorer is no longer supported, but that didn't help. When attempting to contact customer support online, I couldn't find a way to report my specific problem. I could only access my email on my phone, but now even that prompts a message saying Yahoo is working on fixing an issue, preventing me from accessing my contacts.
Reported by GetHuman843112 on Monday, July 2, 2018 7:23 PM
I have been using my Yahoo account, [redacted], for many years. Recently, I forgot my password and attempted to reset it but realized I no longer have access to the phone number linked to my account. This is causing me to miss out on important job opportunities as crucial information is being sent to this email address. I need help restoring access to my account despite not having the phone number on file anymore.
Reported by GetHuman-carla_da on Monday, July 2, 2018 8:08 PM
I was asked to change my password on my account I've had since the mid-90s for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, I now can't recall the new password and am unable to recover it as my phone number has changed. Despite filling out security questions, they were not used to verify my identity. The only way I can access my account now is because it's linked to my phone. I'm frustrated by the lack of assistance from Yahoo regarding this issue. I hope to receive help getting back into my account, especially since this problem was caused by the forced password change they initiated.
Reported by GetHuman844085 on Monday, July 2, 2018 11:07 PM
I am unable to access my Yahoo account because I have forgotten my password. I recently switched from Android to iPhone and am experiencing difficulties with my Apple ID. My email used to be [redacted], but I have not known the password for over five years. This email was created when I was a teenager, and now as an adult transitioning back to Apple products, I need to retrieve the Yahoo password to update my Apple ID. I prefer using Yahoo and would like to regain access. I find Gmail to be unsatisfactory. I can verify my identity as Stacey Marie Hebert born on October 4, [redacted], with the last four digits of my social security being [redacted]. Despite being confident in knowing the answers to my security questions, they have not been prompted. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman844468 on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 1:08 AM
I came across an old email account I used during my college years approximately a decade ago. I recall accessing it about 2-3 years back. Regrettably, I am currently unable to recollect my password. The account was created when I was in high school, rendering the recovery email and phone number outdated. Despite numerous attempts, I have been unsuccessful in accessing the account. This email holds significant sentimental value as it contains old correspondence, family photos (including some of deceased relatives), high school and college documents, and various pictures. I am eager to regain access to these files and can verify any essential information related to the account setup. Kind regards, S. Kelley
Reported by GetHuman844638 on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 2:27 AM
I would like to request for my Yahoo email to return to the previous format where the top buttons are positioned over the contacts on the left-hand side of the page, rather than on the right-hand side. I am not referring to the inspect element feature on MSN Yahoo email. While I access Yahoo email through Google and Firefox, I prefer using it without the inspect element. The inspect element feature appears only on the email under MSN, which I find bothersome. I prefer the old format where the upper left buttons were over the contacts on the left-hand side for easier navigation, especially considering the recent changes made on July 3, [redacted], which I do not appreciate. The old format was easier to read and use on Google and Firefox. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-pattydic on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 5:54 AM
My telephone number *** ******* is no longer in service. I forgot my password, and Yahoo keeps sending codes to my old phone. My new phone number is (***) ***-* ***. Can you please update my phone number? I trust Yahoo will resolve this issue fairly.
Reported by GetHuman-daud_yyy on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 2:44 PM
My email account was hacked, and a message was sent from my daughter requesting money for her child's services. Upon changing my password, another demand for money appeared. My daughter, an IT professional, believes the hackers created a fake account in her name. I realized it was a scam since my daughter never asks for funds to be sent to a Wells Fargo account, and the email was poorly written. I want these emails to cease. The scammer requested funds to be transferred to Minnie Mitchell at Wells Fargo, which I find alarming. These hackers need to be caught to prevent further deceit where they alter email addresses slightly. It is crucial to stay vigilant, as I almost fell for the scam, and many others, especially seniors, might unknowingly comply.
Reported by GetHuman846679 on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 6:08 PM
On approximately June 21, [redacted], which was the last time my account synced, someone changed my email password without my knowledge. I have not changed my password in a while. When I tried to reset it by selecting "forgot password," the verification code was sent to the same email address I can't access. I need to regain access to my account and reset the password myself, but I can't receive the verification code. I attempted using my cell phone number for a text, but my number isn't recognized. Unfortunately, I didn't set up a recovery email or phone number. The email affected is [redacted] If possible, I'm hopeful customer support can manually reset my password and send it to an alternate email, [redacted] Thank you, Julie S.
Reported by GetHuman-juliebel on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 10:57 PM
I believe my email has been compromised. I received a call from someone claiming to be from email security and I followed their instructions to connect with them. Since then, I have been contacted multiple times by different phone numbers asking for money. I've also noticed that there are duplicate accounts created using my email address and I suspect my password has been changed recently. I attempted to change my password using my authorized Apple phone number to receive a verification code. However, every time I tried to input the code, the page timed out for security reasons. Now, I'm getting a message saying I've exceeded the SMS limit for the day.
Reported by GetHuman-gerfer on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 1:43 AM
After accidentally dropping my phone yesterday, it broke, so I purchased a new device. I'm now trying to access my Yahoo email account ([redacted]) from the new device. However, my email account has the account key feature enabled, which is linked to my old phone number [redacted]. Since I can't retrieve the account key from my broken phone, I am unable to access my email. I won't have access to a phone for months until I get a replacement from my carrier. I need assistance in bypassing the account key to access my Yahoo mail on my new device today. Could you please help me remove the account key sign-in method from my email account [redacted] or provide alternative solutions to access my account? Thank you, Wendy Irwin
Reported by GetHuman848300 on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 3:33 AM
I am having trouble accessing my email account, [redacted] I believe it may have been hacked as when I tried to log in, it showed someone else as the user. Changing the password did not work, and I forgot the password to my security questions linked to my AOL account. I need help to regain access to my account as I have important information stored there. I last accessed the account on 11/21/17. I have created a new account, [redacted], and my name is Steve Wolff (Steven B Wolff). I think I still remember the password for [redacted] and can provide it when contacted via my new email account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-wolffdev on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 9:47 AM
I am trying to regain access to an email account I created around 10 years ago. The email address is [redacted], and I urgently need to retrieve this account. The recovery email linked to it is inaccessible as I have forgotten the password. I can provide details about the emails sent from the account, as well as the music and old instrumentals stored in it. Additionally, there are photos of me in the email that establish my ownership. When attempting to reset the password, I am unable to proceed with answering security questions. I authorize Yahoo to review my emails and undertake any necessary steps. I am prepared to respond to any inquiries regarding my account, such as the names of individuals I have communicated with. Please assist me in recovering this account - it is crucial for me. Thank you for your help. My name is Jesse A., and I recall using "5thward" and "wardballer" as passwords for the account.
Reported by GetHuman-wardball on Thursday, July 5, 2018 12:14 AM
I have been unable to access my account [redacted] for about 3 weeks now. When I try to sign in, I receive an error message stating, "Sorry, we don't recognize this email." I attempted to resolve the issue with customer service through chat, but unfortunately, the problem could not be fixed. The representative redirected me to contact the mail team for further assistance. You can reach me through my mother's email at [redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-gtononko on Thursday, July 5, 2018 8:44 AM
Hello, I am Ajeesh S, a Rights and Permissions Executive at Aptara Learning Pvt. Ltd, handling rights clearances for Pearson Australia. We are tasked with obtaining permissions for Pearson Australia to use third-party material in their publications. We are currently working on securing permission from Yahoo to utilize specific data from Yahoo Finance in the upcoming 5th Australian edition of "Basic Business Statistics" by Berenson, O'Brien, and Watson. If you could provide guidance on the appropriate contact person for this matter, it would be greatly appreciated. Furthermore, I have already submitted a formal permission request to email addresses sourced from the Yahoo website. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-ajeeshs on Thursday, July 5, 2018 12:07 PM
I have forgotten my password and the listed email for a recovery key is my old Verizon email, which is no longer valid. I have no other way to access my account. The only recovery option is the Verizon email, and when I try to get help, I am directed to the help site which has been unhelpful. Yahoo does not provide a phone number for direct assistance. What can I do to regain access to my email?
Reported by GetHuman851449 on Thursday, July 5, 2018 5:29 PM

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