Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 86

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #86. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 28, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I've been receiving friend requests with fake names and pictures, many claiming to work on oil rigs or be from the UK. I started checking the names, deleting them, and marking as spam since some appear twice in a day. Some profiles have names in other languages and unsettling, violent images when scrolled down. Recently, my cell phone and Yahoo mail accounts were accessed from Egypt and the UK, so I've been frequently changing my passwords. Many of these fake accounts claim to be widowed and have pictures with children. If anyone has advice on how to handle this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)
Reported by GetHuman-sweetflo on Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:11 PM
Unfortunately, my email address, which contains my real name, was accessed without my permission by someone who harassed me online. The person mentioned my real name, which I never shared online. I found a troubling Facebook profile with my name, falsely stating that I am gay and featuring a gang with weapons in the picture. The profile name is "Mehdi Dinar Ana Zamel." I am from a unique Dinar family in Casablanca, Morocco, and the name Mehdi is rare in my family. The term Ana Zamel translates to "I am gay" in Moroccan. I am concerned about the safety implications, especially the gang-related imagery. I am reaching out to the authorities in Canada and Morocco for assistance. This situation could have endangered my life if I had not discovered and reported it. I appreciate your support in addressing this issue. Sincerely, MD
Reported by GetHuman-mehdidin on Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:30 PM
I recently got a new phone number and phone. I am facing issues logging into my Facebook account because it's asking for a login code which it's trying to send via SMS to my old number. I am unable to receive this SMS as I no longer have access to that number. I would appreciate it if the login code could be sent to my email at McClintockErica at gmail.com. I normally login with my email, so I'm unsure why I keep receiving SMS codes. I have also tried to verify my identity with three different photos but have not received any response. This is frustrating as I rely on my Facebook login for many apps and am feeling upset with the lack of resolution. I've lost my old phone and contacts, so I'm eager to post on Facebook to reconnect with friends. Kindly assist in resolving this promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman831087 on Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:38 PM
I am facing a serious issue with my girlfriend's old Facebook account. She has not logged into it for a long time, and all her pictures are public with her ex-boyfriend's comments still visible. Unfortunately, she has forgotten the password, email, and phone number associated with the account making it impossible to reset the password. We have been unable to find a solution to this problem and it's causing us distress. We kindly request Facebook to deactivate or delete the account. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman831121 on Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:48 PM
I am deeply troubled by the content shared on Facebook by a group based in Trinidad and Tobago. The group called The TV6 News seems to perpetuate racism between Africans and Indians through offensive posts and comments. This behavior is unacceptable, and I believe Facebook should intervene to address this issue promptly. I urge anyone reading this to visit the group's page and witness the disturbing content firsthand. It is crucial that action is taken to stop this harmful activity and promote tolerance and respect on social media platforms.
Reported by GetHuman-rnmungal on Thursday, June 28, 2018 11:38 PM
I had created an extra Facebook account a while back intending to switch to my new email. I continued using my old account with two-step authentication while forgetting about the unused one, only protected by a password. Recently, I started receiving numerous emails about changes made to the dormant account. I discovered someone had gained access, altering the account information. Acting swiftly, I secured the account by changing the password, but it now requires an ID or a previously used device for login, both of which I don't have access to. I attempted to contact Facebook for assistance with login issues via email but have not received any response in almost a week. I'm seeking a way to reach a Facebook employee to regain control of the account linked to my email address.
Reported by GetHuman-dmarkojr on Thursday, June 28, 2018 11:51 PM
Hello, I created a new Facebook account about 8 years ago under the name Cathy Frick from Shirley, NY. My profile picture featured a cat in a shirt. Unfortunately, I've been locked out for a month now as I can't recall my email or password, and I'm unable to retrieve it using my new phone number. Here's what happened: I received a message about my session expiring, followed the steps, and ended up having to choose between two Facebook names - Cathy Frick or Catherine Frick. I accidentally selected Catherine Frick, which was a Facebook profile I unintentionally created while trying to change my profile picture. Both accounts belong to me, but my genuine account is under Cathy Frick. I would appreciate any assistance in recovering my Facebook account. Thank you for your time, Cathy Frick.
Reported by GetHuman-cathybea on Friday, June 29, 2018 1:01 AM
Today, I received 32 notifications informing me that my posts in the "Criminal Case Friends Super Group - No Creeps Allowed" group were deleted. This group is dedicated to players of the Criminal Case game sharing rewards they have won. I have been an active member for months without any issues. Could these posts have been reported as spam? I made sure to mark each deleted post as "not spam" and warned other group members about the issue. I would appreciate some clarification on why this happened and if this will be an ongoing problem. I hope to hear from you soon regarding the resolution of this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-mpmnyca on Friday, June 29, 2018 1:15 AM
Hello, we recently received a notification from Facebook to 'review your name on Facebook'. We are a business that might have made an error by setting up an account and then linking a page under the name 'Flamin' Fireball'. I suspect this is the issue because when I attempt to review the name, it requests for identification. Could we maintain the account under the name 'Flamin Fireball'? If not, is it possible to change the account name to one of the organizers (we each have individual FB accounts) and retain the page as 'Flaming Fireball'? If not, could you delete the account without affecting the page? If this is required, kindly notify us beforehand, as we wish to inform our 'friends' about the situation and ask them to like our page for updates. We hope to avoid deleting both the account and the page to start afresh. Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated, especially since we have an upcoming event.
Reported by GetHuman831725 on Friday, June 29, 2018 2:48 AM
I urgently need assistance with a troubling situation at my health store. A woman, Stephanie Webb, who is autistic, visited my store with her autistic son for help. After a misunderstanding, she became hostile towards me, threatening to ruin my business. She has posted misleading videos online that have attracted hateful comments and threats towards me. Despite having witnesses to the original conversation and her subsequent abusive behavior, the situation is escalating. I am feeling overwhelmed and unsafe, as the online harassment is affecting my business, which I have run successfully for over 20 years without complaints. Stephanie Webb's actions are causing significant distress, and I am unsure how to handle this situation. I seek guidance and support to address this issue promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-gvmunno on Friday, June 29, 2018 5:25 AM
Email: [redacted] Subject: Account Deactivation I was employed by Healofy and had admin access on the company's Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/healofy) from my personal account. The content on the page was managed by me, although I am no longer affiliated with the company. I have requested removal from admin privileges. My personal account has a lengthy history with no suspicious activities. Since this account is solely mine and not linked to the company, I am appealing for its reactivation. I am committed to using it responsibly for personal connections and learning purposes. My account was disabled due to an error involving the company page. I kindly ask for your assistance in reactivating it. Thank you, ARJ +91- [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-anshiljo on Friday, June 29, 2018 8:16 AM
Hello, I am the admin for a business page called Ascenti Distribution managed by River Solutions Group. We have paid to boost our new business posts, resulting in over [redacted] likes on a specific post. We've been inviting users who liked the post to also like our page, and many have accepted. However, Facebook recently blocked us from inviting users with the message: "It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too quickly. You've been blocked from using it." We are only inviting users who have engaged with our posts and not spamming random people. How can we resolve this issue? It's crucial for us to continue growing our page through invitations. Your assistance is greatly appreciated as we want to make the most of our boosted posts without encountering this obstacle. Thank you, Deanah M.
Reported by GetHuman-deanah on Friday, June 29, 2018 8:37 AM
It has been almost 48 hours since I reported to Facebook the issue of companies advertising and selling electric bicycles on their platform, but I have not received a response yet. There are numerous companies doing this, all with identical pages for ordering and contact information, only changing the company name. This morning, I even saw a company selling Makita tools using the same template, which makes me hesitant to trust anything advertised on Facebook. I am disappointed that Facebook has not acknowledged my original email, and I wonder if the revenue they earn from these companies is more important than addressing my concerns. I have not shared these concerns on my Facebook page yet, but if action is not taken promptly, I plan to do so. I really hope that Facebook responds to me and takes steps to stop these scammers.
Reported by GetHuman-glantrae on Friday, June 29, 2018 8:51 AM
Dear Facebook Team, I am writing to inform you that my page, "True Story of Dracula," was hacked on January 13th. Since then, I have been attempting to recover it. On January 18th, I reached out to the appropriate channels and received some feedback. The Facebook support team in Ireland assured me that I would have my page back within 72 hours. Additionally, the Cyber Crime department of the police promised to investigate the matter. However, just before the 72-hour mark, I received an email from Facebook requesting further proof of the hacking, including a police report. Obtaining this report took me until the end of May. The Danish Cyber Crime department informed me that they do not handle cases like mine and suggested I seek assistance from Facebook or a legal representative. The incident involved someone named Elva Marlins who claimed to be a Facebook employee or marketer. Initially, I trusted her due to the timing and nature of our interaction. Sincerely, Martin
Reported by GetHuman-martinku on Friday, June 29, 2018 10:45 AM
I have received another 30-day ban for a post that linked to a modelling portfolio site event marked as NSFW due to a topless image on another site. The content was automatically posted to Facebook from the hosting site, leading to this ban. I feel like I am being targeted as many of the reported images were harmless. Being repeatedly reported, especially on my birthday, is severely affecting my mental well-being. This situation is distressing as my business relies on Facebook. I am unsure of what steps to take as I believe I did not violate any rules. The automatic linking of posts may have caused this issue. I am unable to provide the original post, and I hope for assistance in identifying the person reporting me. This experience is making me feel isolated, bullied, and anxious.
Reported by GetHuman-laurajdr on Friday, June 29, 2018 12:08 PM
I have experienced significant stress over the past two weeks regarding my Instagram account. Despite attempting all available options on the help center, I am still unable to receive the assistance needed to reset my password. I reached out to a purported Instagram support number, where they identified the issue but demanded payment in the form of Google Cards to resolve it. Regrettably, I complied with their request, depleting my funds. My primary concern is reclaiming access to my account, username qc13_. This ordeal has persisted for two weeks, during which I have provided various identifying materials, including images and my email linked to the account. I implore you to rectify this situation promptly and restore access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman-quintenc on Friday, June 29, 2018 12:27 PM
I recently noticed two unauthorized charges of $51.25 and $[redacted].75 on my business Facebook account. I have only boosted my for sale properties in the past for $10.00, so these new charges are definitely not from me. I have already taken steps to cancel my Discover Card linked to my account. Please remove these charges promptly and confirm via email once resolved. I am disappointed by the lack of response from the provided phone numbers for urgent issues. Thank you for your help. - T. Wheeler
Reported by GetHuman832584 on Friday, June 29, 2018 1:35 PM
I need assistance talking to a live person, please. I began setting up a GoFundMe page, but I got interrupted. Later, while on Facebook, the page resurfaced, allowing me to make some progress. Since I don't have a checking account, I linked my Social Security Disability direct deposit card. However, now I am unable to withdraw funds from the Facebook page. Could I use my direct deposit debit card instead? It is a card issued by the government. The GoFundMe page is titled "Overcoming the Obstacles of Ovarian Cancer," and I am Rhonda Kitchen residing at [redacted] Market Street Apt. #3, Millersburg, PA [redacted]. My contact email is [redacted] and my phone number is [redacted]. If more information is required, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your help. Rhonda
Reported by GetHuman-weaverrh on Friday, June 29, 2018 2:09 PM
I recently had my account banned for 30 days. This happened right after I had my account reinstated from a previous ban. I'm unsure about the reasons behind both bans as Facebook didn't provide any specific details besides the ban notification. I thoroughly reviewed all the post rules and guidelines and can't identify any violations on my part. Despite reporting several posts that do seem to break guidelines, Facebook responded that no rules were violated. I'm puzzled by the unjust and seemingly biased nature of my ban. My comments were informative and non-confrontational, yet I received a ban. Meanwhile, posts harassing me are allowed to remain on the platform. I don't understand the monitoring system for ban requests and why I'm being penalized. It's frustrating to be blocked from Facebook simply for expressing an opinion defending a police officer. I'm seeking assistance in reclaiming my account and addressing what appears to be an unfair use of authority.
Reported by GetHuman-lteve on Friday, June 29, 2018 3:30 PM
I set up this account for work purposes to manage the Cottonwood Parks & Recreation Page and the Old Town Music and the Market Facebook page, where I promote City of Cottonwood Parks & Recreation events. When sharing our events on local boards, my account is repeatedly blocked. I complied with the photo request when first blocked on June 20th but it remains under review. While trying to boost a movie event, the block prevented me from tracking the paid ad's performance. I have sought assistance through forms and contacting Facebook without success. I am unsure of the reason for this recurring block as I have adhered to all guidelines. This block impedes our outreach and ability to monitor paid promotions effectively. Please reinstate my account promptly and take measures to avoid future blocks, ensuring our promotional efforts are not further disrupted. Thank you, J.F. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-jfrewin on Friday, June 29, 2018 4:08 PM

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