Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 90

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #90. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported July 2, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My Facebook account, Prints Nova Scotia, has been unexpectedly closed or deactivated by Facebook. I am a full-time nurse in Nova Scotia, Canada, and the owner of this small registered local business that supports our community, especially patients with cancer. We currently have orders pending and our Facebook page is our primary means of communication with clients. Our closure seems to be a mistake, and I am eager to regain access to my account. I am willing to update my profile with my real name and photo if necessary. Restoring our Facebook account is crucial as we have customers who have already paid for our products and are awaiting delivery. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Frances Ivy
Reported by GetHuman840716 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, सुबह ५:०७ बजे
Hello, my Facebook account named "Prints Nova Scotia" was unexpectedly closed or deactivated by Facebook. I work full-time as a nurse in Nova Scotia, Canada, and I operate the business "Prints Nova Scotia" on Facebook. This small, registered, and local business is crucial for my family and community, as some of our profits support cancer patients in Nova Scotia. We have pending orders for pickup, and Facebook is our primary contact point for clients. We believe our account was mistakenly reported. I am willing to update the profile name to my real name and add my photo as necessary. I urgently need assistance in recovering our Facebook account to fulfill orders from clients who have already made payments. Thank you. Best regards, Frances Ivy
Reported by GetHuman840716 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, सुबह ५:१८ बजे
I recently deactivated my Facebook account, and now I am unable to reactivate it as it says my email address is not recognized. I've had this account for a decade with a lot of personal content. I deactivated it about a month or two ago, and usually, I can reactivate it without issues. However, this time I am unable to log back in. My email is [redacted], and my Facebook name was Tegan Zoe Forster. I believe there should be a way for the servers to access my profile and reactivate it as my personal data should be stored for a period. I am disappointed that I cannot retrieve my information. Please assist me.
Reported by GetHuman-tzforste on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, सुबह ६:२३ बजे
Facebook restricted me from posting on July 1, [redacted], stating some of my posts were reported as SPAM. I have always posted genuine content on Facebook and I want them to send me the specific post they believe is spam. This way, we can sort out if the block is unjust or because of my political views. Please reach out to me promptly to address this. You can use my cell number, [redacted], to contact me. I'll provide my email later. Thank you for your urgent assistance in this matter. - Don K. Note: "Spam" is a term used for unsolicited commercial or bulk email and is comparable to physical junk mail.
Reported by GetHuman-sonotme on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, सुबह ७:०२ बजे
I am a business owner running a Facebook campaign spending between £[redacted] and £1,[redacted] per month. I've noticed an issue with my personal account where I'm being suggested mostly Chinese people living in the UK, even though I haven't connected with them deliberately. This is concerning as it seems to be generating irrelevant followers for my business page. This could be impacting our analytics, showing engagement from fake followers. I'm seeking an explanation from Facebook about why this is occurring. As someone in the media industry with connections to newspaper editors, I may consider sharing this experience if a satisfactory explanation is not provided promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-emmawoo on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, सुबह ७:४० बजे
Hello Facebook, My account was unexpectedly logged out on June 29th while I was at a party, which prompted me to set a new password via text. However, yesterday on July 1st, I found myself logged out again and unable to recall the password from the party. Unfortunately, I am not being offered the text option this time. The email associated with my account is from nearly a decade ago, and I am unable to access it. Losing access to my Facebook account is distressing as it disconnects me from my former work colleagues after our recent farewell party. I can provide details to verify my account, such as my profile picture and cover photo. Furthermore, I recently exchanged private messages with Love Letter Art to order a frame. I also uploaded photos from a wedding in Mayo and tagged Kieran Delaney, Niamh Kerr, Mark Delaney, Murt Kelly, and Emma O'Connor. Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman840899 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, सुबह ८:३० बजे
Dear Sir, I am unable to access my Facebook account "Grover's Gyanm" under the email [redacted], managed by me, Varinder Mohan Singh Grover. This account holds crucial business information, but due to issues with ID verification, it has been inaccessible for the past 4-5 days. Each time I attempt to log in, a message is displayed stating (We'll review the documents you submitted and reach out if further confirmation is needed). I have once again sent my Voter ID Card as original identification to appeals++[redacted] I kindly request your prompt attention to this issue and assistance with unblocking my account.
Reported by GetHuman-gyanmco on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर १०:१६ बजे
I am experiencing ongoing harassment from a Facebook user identified as Fiona Lynham over the last 3 years. She has been sharing sensitive information from a closed group called Sensational Kids Somerset, a group she is not part of, with authorities. She has even disclosed personal details about my family and me, affecting my family's well-being. Despite blocking her from my account, she continues to intrude on my life by revealing private information about my critically ill husband. To protect my privacy, I have had to distance myself from Facebook and no longer have the support of my international network of friends due to this breach of privacy. I have reported this issue to Somerset and Avon Police, providing an incident log number AS-[redacted]0-[redacted]. I urge for immediate action to be taken, as Mrs. Lynham's behavior is causing me distress and isolation at a time when I am dealing with significant personal challenges with minimal family support. The lack of a safe online space has left me feeling vulnerable and alone, impacting my ability to connect with my support networks and study groups. This situation urgently requires attention to ensure my safety and well-being.
Reported by GetHuman841008 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर १०:२९ बजे
My Facebook account was compromised last night, and my profile changed to Arabic. I managed to regain access, switched the language back to English, and reset my password. However, I noticed I had been added to an unknown Arabic group that I couldn't leave. After going to bed, I woke up unable to log in again. My password was changed without my knowledge. I can't reset it now because the verification code is sent to an old email I can't access. I need to recover my account because my business page and important photos are attached to it. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, T.P.
Reported by GetHuman-tawnyaso on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर ११:४२ बजे
Dear Sir, I have a Facebook account named "Grover's Gyanm" with the email [redacted], managed by me - Varinder Mohan Singh Grover. This account holds important business information. Unfortunately, we are facing issues operating this account for the past 4-5 days due to ID proof problems. Every time I attempt to log in, a message appears stating, "We'll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we need more help with confirming your name, we'll contact you for additional documentation." I have resent my original Voter ID Card to appeals++[redacted] for your review and necessary action. Kindly investigate the matter and help unblock my Facebook account.
Reported by GetHuman-gyanmco on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर ११:४८ बजे
Hello, I am experiencing a significant issue. I was playing the Dragon Nest mobile game while logged in through Facebook, and my account was suddenly replaced by another account that was previously deleted. Initially, my first ID was deleted when I reinstalled the game due to a failed update and lost all data. I reached out to the game developer for help, but they have not responded. Now, the deleted ID has reappeared and replaced my current one. I tried contacting the DN Mobile staff, but they directed me to contact Facebook for assistance. This situation is frustrating, as I have invested time and money into the game. If anyone can assist me with resolving this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman841133 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर ११:५९ बजे
Hello, I have two Facebook accounts, one under my name, Mikha'el Steyn, and the other under my ministry name, Prophets Preserve. The Prophets Preserve account was suspended as it is not a personal name but a ministry name. Facebook informed me that it should have been created as a page because Facebook accounts must be under a person's name. I requested to have it changed to a page, and they agreed but asked for a copy of my ID. I submitted it, but there is an issue now. I had altered the spelling of my name on Facebook, and it no longer matches the ID. I can only correct my name on Facebook after 60 days, so I have no way to provide matching info. I understand the rules but need help since my case is not typical. I would appreciate any assistance. Thank you. - Machiel
Reported by GetHuman841233 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर १२:४५ बजे
After having security issues, I purchased a new phone and temporarily deactivated my Facebook account. Following some email access troubles, I have now recovered my email access only to find that the connection to my Facebook account has been removed and deactivated. I missed a notification about potential deletion as I couldn't access my email at that time. I am eager to recover my account as it holds sentimental pictures and connects me with friends and family worldwide. I am concerned about not being able to regain access and have tried reaching out to Facebook through various means, including sending my ID via email, but have not received any response. Your urgent assistance in helping me regain access to my account would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman841318 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर १:१८ बजे
Dear Sir/Madam, I am reaching out regarding my disabled Facebook account. Despite attempting the security check, it claims my email is not linked to a disabled account. My friends and family are all connected through my account, and its unavailability for over a week is concerning. My associated email is [redacted], and I go by the name Sawsan Kanaan. I have not violated any rules, except logging in once from a friend's laptop while I am currently in Tunisia instead of my usual location in Amman, Jordan. The last action I recall was attempting to update payment information for Facebook ads, possibly raising suspicions. I look forward to resolving this matter promptly. Thank you. Sawsan Kanaan
Reported by GetHuman-sawsanka on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर ३:४४ बजे
After updating my operating system, I encountered issues accessing my Facebook account due to an incorrect password linked to the reported email address. The account was initially set up by a friend who used their phone number instead of mine. As my attempts to log in failed, I am seeking assistance to regain access to my account. The email associated with my account was [redacted] for Carl Steffen. Although I now have a new email address, I seem to have inadvertently created a new account with this updated email. I am uncertain how to transfer my data, including information, photos, and contacts, to the new email address. Any guidance on resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-csteffen on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर ४:०३ बजे
Our son had a Facebook page for years. Unfortunately, in [redacted], he passed away. Since then, we have used his page to commemorate special dates and connect with his memory. Recently, his account was hacked and then disappeared. His name was Joe Lavin, residing in Boca Raton, Florida. The profile picture featured both of us in red attire. I can be reached at [redacted], while my husband can be reached at [redacted] We are eager to have Joey's page reinstated.
Reported by GetHuman-marylavi on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, दोपहर ४:२३ बजे
UPDATE: Still unresolved as of 4:34 pm. I received another email requesting a different name from me, as the one I've been using for years is apparently not acceptable. Despite providing evidence of my actual name, the issue persists. I am frustrated with the handling of this situation. My account, "Lisamarie loves the Horse Ranch," is inaccessible and prompts me to verify my name and provide personal information. I submitted a clear copy of my USA passport with all details except my name visible. Even after sending a picture of my name from my Google Gmail account, Facebook claimed it was unclear. I have managed this Facebook account for approximately a decade without being asked for personal information. As the sole user with access to my business and group pages linked to this account, not being able to access my personal page hinders my business growth. I have integrated all my webpages with my Facebook business pages, and if this issue persists, I may need to remove the Facebook links from my websites. Kindly resolve this promptly or delete my account so I can recreate my business pages from scratch. I am hesitant to share personal information online, especially due to potential security concerns. Your urgent assistance in resolving this matter is requested. It is frustrating to have to extensively search for help with accessing an account for which I cannot log in.
Reported by GetHuman-horselan on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, शाम ५:४६ बजे
My account has been disabled, and I am unsure of why or how this occurred. When I contacted a Facebook [redacted] number, the representative informed me that my IP address had been compromised by three different IPs engaging in unlawful activities using my account. Additionally, he mentioned that my profile picture with my daughter is being misused on unauthorized dating and other websites. To rectify this, I was advised to purchase a Google Play card for a code to resolve the problem. I am puzzled as to why I need to spend money for a solution when I simply want access to my account. Is there an alternative method to resolve this issue and remove any false information the hackers have posted online? Please advise. Concerned Facebook User
Reported by GetHuman842695 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, शाम ५:५७ बजे
My account was hacked, and after negotiating with the hacker to give it back, he requested my ID. However, my phone isn't working, so I lost his contact details. The email linked to my account for twelve years was changed to [redacted] My original email was [redacted], briefly changed to [redacted] I contacted support, but the hacker changed the email again. This situation is unacceptable. I am considering legal action as I have not received assistance for two weeks despite feeling secure with your services.
Reported by GetHuman843577 on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, रात ८:५३ बजे
I noticed that all [redacted] of my friends have disappeared from my Facebook page. Even though my sister-in-law mentioned that over [redacted] people wished me a happy birthday recently, I am unable to see any posts or messages on my timeline. When I attempt to view my friends' posts, I am directed to a blank page and notified that I have two additional accounts with no content in them. I am puzzled by the sudden disappearance of my friends and the presence of these empty accounts. Where did all my data go, and why do I have these extra accounts with no activity?
Reported by GetHuman-blueagav on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, रात ९:२२ बजे

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